// Copyright 2018 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use binding; use libc::c_int; use std::ffi::CStr; use std::ffi::CString; use std::mem; // Creates vector of strings, Vec #[cfg(test)] macro_rules! svec { ($($x:expr),*) => (vec![$($x.to_string()),*]); } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct DenoFlags { pub help: bool, pub log_debug: bool, pub version: bool, pub reload: bool, pub allow_write: bool, pub allow_net: bool, } pub fn print_usage() { println!( "Usage: deno script.js --allow-write Allow file system write access. --allow-net Allow network access. -v or --version Print the version. -r or --reload Reload cached remote resources. -D or --log-debug Log debug output. --help Print this message. --v8-options Print V8 command line options." ); } // Parses flags for deno. This does not do v8_set_flags() - call that separately. pub fn set_flags(args: Vec) -> (DenoFlags, Vec) { let mut flags = DenoFlags { help: false, version: false, reload: false, log_debug: false, allow_write: false, allow_net: false, }; let mut rest = Vec::new(); for a in &args { match a.as_str() { "-h" | "--help" => flags.help = true, "-D" | "--log-debug" => flags.log_debug = true, "-v" | "--version" => flags.version = true, "-r" | "--reload" => flags.reload = true, "--allow-write" => flags.allow_write = true, "--allow-net" => flags.allow_net = true, _ => rest.push(a.clone()), } } return (flags, rest); } #[test] fn test_set_flags_1() { let (flags, rest) = set_flags(svec!["deno", "--version"]); assert!(rest == svec!["deno"]); assert!( flags == DenoFlags { help: false, log_debug: false, version: true, reload: false, allow_write: false, allow_net: false, } ); } #[test] fn test_set_flags_2() { let (flags, rest) = set_flags(svec!["deno", "-r", "-D", "script.ts"]); assert!(rest == svec!["deno", "script.ts"]); assert!( flags == DenoFlags { help: false, log_debug: true, version: false, reload: true, allow_write: false, allow_net: false, } ); } #[test] fn test_set_flags_3() { let (flags, rest) = set_flags(svec!["deno", "-r", "script.ts", "--allow-write"]); assert!(rest == svec!["deno", "script.ts"]); assert!( flags == DenoFlags { help: false, log_debug: false, version: false, reload: true, allow_write: true, allow_net: false, } ); } // Returns args passed to V8, followed by args passed to JS // TODO Rename to v8_set_flags_preprocess fn parse_core_args(args: Vec) -> (Vec, Vec) { let mut rest = vec![]; // Filter out args that shouldn't be passed to V8 let mut args: Vec = args .into_iter() .filter(|arg| { if arg.as_str() == "--help" { rest.push(arg.clone()); return false; } true }) .collect(); // Replace args being sent to V8 for idx in 0..args.len() { if args[idx] == "--v8-options" { mem::swap(args.get_mut(idx).unwrap(), &mut String::from("--help")); } } (args, rest) } #[test] fn test_parse_core_args_1() { let js_args = parse_core_args(vec!["deno".to_string(), "--v8-options".to_string()]); assert!(js_args == (vec!["deno".to_string(), "--help".to_string()], vec![])); } #[test] fn test_parse_core_args_2() { let js_args = parse_core_args(vec!["deno".to_string(), "--help".to_string()]); assert!(js_args == (vec!["deno".to_string()], vec!["--help".to_string()])); } // Pass the command line arguments to v8. // Returns a vector of command line arguments that v8 did not understand. pub fn v8_set_flags(args: Vec) -> Vec { // deno_set_flags(int* argc, char** argv) mutates argc and argv to remove // flags that v8 understands. // First parse core args, then converto to a vector of C strings. let (argv, rest) = parse_core_args(args); let mut argv = argv .iter() .map(|arg| CString::new(arg.as_str()).unwrap().into_bytes_with_nul()) .collect::>(); // Make a new array, that can be modified by V8::SetFlagsFromCommandLine(), // containing mutable raw pointers to the individual command line args. let mut c_argv = argv .iter_mut() .map(|arg| arg.as_mut_ptr() as *mut i8) .collect::>(); // Store the length of the argv array in a local variable. We'll pass a // pointer to this local variable to deno_set_flags(), which then // updates its value. let mut c_argc = c_argv.len() as c_int; // Let v8 parse the arguments it recognizes and remove them from c_argv. unsafe { // TODO(ry) Rename deno_set_flags to deno_set_v8_flags(). binding::deno_set_flags(&mut c_argc, c_argv.as_mut_ptr()); }; // If c_argc was updated we have to change the length of c_argv to match. c_argv.truncate(c_argc as usize); // Copy the modified arguments list into a proper rust vec and return it. c_argv .iter() .map(|ptr| unsafe { let cstr = CStr::from_ptr(*ptr as *const i8); let slice = cstr.to_str().unwrap(); slice.to_string() }) .chain(rest.into_iter()) .collect() }