// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. import crypto from "node:crypto"; import { Buffer } from "node:buffer"; import testVectors128 from "./gcmEncryptExtIV128.json" with { type: "json" }; import testVectors256 from "./gcmEncryptExtIV256.json" with { type: "json" }; import { assertEquals, assertThrows } from "@std/assert"; const aesGcm = (bits: string, key: Uint8Array) => { const ALGO = bits == "128" ? `aes-128-gcm` : `aes-256-gcm`; // encrypt returns base64-encoded ciphertext const encrypt = ( iv: Uint8Array, str: string, aad: Uint8Array, ): [string, Buffer] => { const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(ALGO, key, iv); cipher.setAAD(aad); let enc = cipher.update(str, "base64", "base64"); enc += cipher.final("base64"); return [enc, cipher.getAuthTag()]; }; const decrypt = ( enc: string, iv: Uint8Array, aad: Uint8Array, authTag: Uint8Array, ) => { const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(ALGO, key, iv); decipher.setAuthTag(authTag); decipher.setAAD(aad); let str = decipher.update(enc, "base64", "base64"); str += decipher.final("base64"); return str; }; return { encrypt, decrypt, }; }; type TestVector = { key: Uint8Array; nonce: Uint8Array; aad: Uint8Array; plaintext: string; ciphertext: string; tag: Uint8Array; }; for ( // NIST CAVS vectors const [bits, vectors] of Object.entries({ // // // From: `gcmEncryptExtIV128.rsp` 128: testVectors128, // // // From: `gcmEncryptExtIV256.rsp` 256: testVectors256, }) ) { for (let i = 0; i < vectors.length; i++) { const rawTest = vectors[i]; const test: TestVector = { key: new Uint8Array(rawTest.key), nonce: new Uint8Array(rawTest.nonce), aad: new Uint8Array(rawTest.aad), plaintext: Buffer.from(rawTest.plaintext).toString("base64"), ciphertext: Buffer.from(rawTest.ciphertext).toString("base64"), tag: new Uint8Array(rawTest.tag), }; Deno.test({ name: `aes-${bits}-gcm encrypt ${i + 1}/${vectors.length}`, fn() { const cipher = aesGcm(bits, test.key); const [enc, tag] = cipher.encrypt(test.nonce, test.plaintext, test.aad); assertEquals(enc, test.ciphertext); assertEquals(new Uint8Array(tag), test.tag); }, }); Deno.test({ name: `aes-${bits}-gcm decrypt ${i + 1}/${vectors.length}`, fn() { const cipher = aesGcm(bits, test.key); const plaintext = cipher.decrypt( test.ciphertext, test.nonce, test.aad, test.tag, ); assertEquals(plaintext, test.plaintext); }, }); } } Deno.test({ name: "aes-128-gcm encrypt multiple", fn() { const key = Buffer.alloc(16); const nonce = Buffer.alloc(12); const gcm = crypto.createCipheriv("aes-128-gcm", key, nonce); assertEquals(gcm.update("hello", "utf8", "hex"), "6bedb6a20f"); assertEquals(gcm.update("world", "utf8", "hex"), "c1cce09f4c"); gcm.final(); assertEquals( gcm.getAuthTag().toString("hex"), "bf6d20a38e0c828bea3de63b7ff1dfbd", ); }, }); // Issue #27441 // https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/27441 Deno.test({ name: "aes-256-gcm supports IV of non standard length and auth tag check", fn() { const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv( "aes-256-gcm", Buffer.from("eYLEiLFQnpjYksWTiKpwv2sKhw+WJb5Fo/aY2YqXswc=", "base64"), Buffer.from("k5oP3kb8tTbZaL3PxbFWN8ToOb8vfv2b1EuPz1LbmYU=", "base64"), // 256 bits IV ); const decrypted = decipher.update( "s0/KBsFec29XLrGbAnLiNA==", "base64", "utf-8", ); assertEquals(decrypted, "this is a secret"); assertThrows( () => decipher.final(), TypeError, "Failed to authenticate data", ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "aes gcm with invalid key length", fn() { assertThrows( () => { crypto.createCipheriv( "aes-128-gcm", Buffer.alloc(15), Buffer.alloc(12), ); }, Error, "Invalid key length", ); assertThrows( () => { crypto.createCipheriv( "aes-256-gcm", Buffer.alloc(31), Buffer.alloc(12), ); }, Error, "Invalid key length", ); }, });