use std::collections::HashSet; use std::path::PathBuf; // Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use glob::glob; /// Generate a unit test factory verified and backed by a glob. #[macro_export] macro_rules! unit_test_factory { ($test_fn:ident, $base:literal, $glob:literal, [ $( $test:ident $(= $($path:ident)/+)? ),+ $(,)? ]) => { #[test] fn check_test_glob() { $crate::factory::check_test_glob($base, $glob, [ $( ( stringify!($test), stringify!( $( $($path)/+ )? ) ) ),+ ].as_slice()); } $( #[allow(non_snake_case)] #[test] fn $test() { $test_fn($crate::factory::get_path(stringify!($test), stringify!( $( $($path)/+ )?))) } )+ }; (__test__ $($prefix:ident)* $test:ident) => { #[allow(non_snake_case)] #[test] fn $test() { $test_fn(stringify!($($prefix)/+ $test)) } }; } pub fn get_path(test: &'static str, path: &'static str) -> String { if path.is_empty() { test.to_owned() } else { path.replace(' ', "") } } /// Validate that the glob matches the list of tests specified. pub fn check_test_glob( base: &'static str, glob_pattern: &'static str, files: &[(&'static str, &'static str)], ) { let base_dir = PathBuf::from(base) .canonicalize() .unwrap() .to_string_lossy() // Strip Windows slashes .replace('\\', "/"); let mut found = HashSet::new(); let mut list = vec![]; for file in glob(&format!("{}/{}", base, glob_pattern)) .expect("Failed to read test path") { let mut file = file .expect("Invalid file from glob") .canonicalize() .unwrap(); file.set_extension(""); let name = file.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(); // Strip windows slashes let file = file.to_string_lossy().replace('\\', "/"); let file = file .strip_prefix(&base_dir) .expect("File {file} did not start with {base_dir} prefix"); let file = file.strip_prefix('/').unwrap().to_owned(); if file.contains('/') { list.push(format!("{}={}", name, file)) } else { list.push(file.clone()); } found.insert(file); } let mut error = false; for (test, path) in files { // Remove spaces from the macro let path = if path.is_empty() { (*test).to_owned() } else { path.replace(' ', "") }; if found.contains(&path) { found.remove(&path); } else { error = true; } } if error || !found.is_empty() { panic!( "Glob did not match provided list of files. Expected: \n[\n {}\n]", list.join(",\n ") ); } }