// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use std::io::BufReader; use std::io::Cursor; use deno_core::error::type_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::op2; use deno_core::JsBuffer; use deno_core::ToJsBuffer; use deno_terminal::colors::cyan; use image::codecs::bmp::BmpDecoder; use image::codecs::gif::GifDecoder; use image::codecs::ico::IcoDecoder; use image::codecs::jpeg::JpegDecoder; use image::codecs::png::PngDecoder; use image::codecs::webp::WebPDecoder; use image::imageops::overlay; use image::imageops::FilterType; use image::ColorType; use image::DynamicImage; use image::ImageError; use image::RgbaImage; use serde::Deserialize; use serde::Serialize; use crate::error::image_error_message; use crate::error::DOMExceptionInvalidStateError; use crate::image_decoder::ImageDecoderFromReader; use crate::image_decoder::ImageDecoderFromReaderType; use crate::image_ops::premultiply_alpha as process_premultiply_alpha; use crate::image_ops::to_srgb_from_icc_profile; use crate::image_ops::unpremultiply_alpha; #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)] // Follow the cases defined in the spec enum ImageBitmapSource { Blob, ImageData, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] enum ImageOrientation { FlipY, #[serde(rename = "from-image")] FromImage, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] enum PremultiplyAlpha { Default, Premultiply, None, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] enum ColorSpaceConversion { Default, None, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] enum ResizeQuality { Pixelated, Low, Medium, High, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct OpCreateImageBitmapArgs { width: u32, height: u32, sx: Option, sy: Option, sw: Option, sh: Option, image_orientation: ImageOrientation, premultiply_alpha: PremultiplyAlpha, color_space_conversion: ColorSpaceConversion, resize_width: Option, resize_height: Option, resize_quality: ResizeQuality, image_bitmap_source: ImageBitmapSource, mime_type: String, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct OpCreateImageBitmapReturn { data: ToJsBuffer, width: u32, height: u32, } type DecodeBitmapDataReturn = (DynamicImage, u32, u32, Option>); fn decode_bitmap_data( buf: &[u8], width: u32, height: u32, image_bitmap_source: &ImageBitmapSource, mime_type: String, ) -> Result { let (image, width, height, icc_profile) = match image_bitmap_source { ImageBitmapSource::Blob => { fn image_decoding_error(error: ImageError) -> AnyError { DOMExceptionInvalidStateError::new(&image_error_message( "decoding", &error.to_string(), )) .into() } let (image, icc_profile) = match &*mime_type { // Should we support the "image/apng" MIME type here? "image/png" => { let mut decoder: PngDecoder = ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new( buf, )), image_decoding_error)?; let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile(); (decoder.to_intermediate_image(image_decoding_error)?, icc_profile) } "image/jpeg" => { let mut decoder: JpegDecoder = ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new( buf, )), image_decoding_error)?; let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile(); (decoder.to_intermediate_image(image_decoding_error)?, icc_profile) } "image/gif" => { let mut decoder: GifDecoder = ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new( buf, )), image_decoding_error)?; let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile(); (decoder.to_intermediate_image(image_decoding_error)?, icc_profile) } "image/bmp" => { let mut decoder: BmpDecoder = ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new( buf, )), image_decoding_error)?; let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile(); (decoder.to_intermediate_image(image_decoding_error)?, icc_profile) } "image/x-icon" => { let mut decoder: IcoDecoder = ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new( buf, )), image_decoding_error)?; let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile(); (decoder.to_intermediate_image(image_decoding_error)?, icc_profile) } "image/webp" => { let mut decoder: WebPDecoder = ImageDecoderFromReader::to_decoder(BufReader::new(Cursor::new( buf, )), image_decoding_error)?; let icc_profile = decoder.get_icc_profile(); (decoder.to_intermediate_image(image_decoding_error)?, icc_profile) } "" => { return Err( DOMExceptionInvalidStateError::new( &format!("The MIME type of source image is not specified. INFO: The behavior of the Blob constructor in browsers is different from the spec. It needs to specify the MIME type like {} that works well between Deno and browsers. See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Blob/type\n", cyan("new Blob([blobParts], { type: 'image/png' })") )).into(), ) } // return an error if the MIME type is not supported in the variable list of ImageTypePatternTable below // ext/web/01_mimesniff.js // // NOTE: Chromium supports AVIF // https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/ef3f4e4ed97079dc57861d1195fb2389483bc195:third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/image_decoder.cc;l=311 x => { return Err( DOMExceptionInvalidStateError::new( &format!("The the MIME type {} of source image is not a supported format. INFO: The following MIME types are supported: See: https://mimesniff.spec.whatwg.org/#image-type-pattern-matching-algorithm\n", x )).into() ) } }; let width = image.width(); let height = image.height(); (image, width, height, icc_profile) } ImageBitmapSource::ImageData => { // > Pixel manipulation // > imagedata.data // > Returns the one-dimensional array containing the data in RGBA order, as integers in the range 0 to 255. // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/canvas.html#pixel-manipulation let image = match RgbaImage::from_raw(width, height, buf.into()) { Some(image) => image.into(), None => { return Err(type_error(image_error_message( "decoding", "The Chunk Data is not big enough with the specified width and height.", ))) } }; (image, width, height, None) } }; Ok((image, width, height, icc_profile)) } /// According to the spec, it's not clear how to handle the color space conversion. /// /// Therefore, if you interpret the specification description from the implementation and wpt results, it will be as follows. /// /// Let val be the value of the colorSpaceConversion member of options, and then run these substeps: /// 1. If val is "default", to convert to the sRGB color space. /// 2. If val is "none", to use the decoded image data as is. /// /// related issue in whatwg /// https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10578 /// /// reference in wpt /// https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/blob/d575dc75ede770df322fbc5da3112dcf81f192ec/html/canvas/element/manual/imagebitmap/createImageBitmap-colorSpaceConversion.html#L18 /// https://wpt.live/html/canvas/element/manual/imagebitmap/createImageBitmap-colorSpaceConversion.html fn apply_color_space_conversion( image: DynamicImage, icc_profile: Option>, color_space_conversion: &ColorSpaceConversion, ) -> Result { match color_space_conversion { // return the decoded image as is. ColorSpaceConversion::None => Ok(image), ColorSpaceConversion::Default => { fn unmatch_color_handler( x: ColorType, _: DynamicImage, ) -> Result { Err(type_error(image_error_message( "apply colorspaceConversion: default", &format!("The color type {:?} is not supported.", x), ))) } to_srgb_from_icc_profile(image, icc_profile, unmatch_color_handler) } } } fn apply_premultiply_alpha( image: DynamicImage, image_bitmap_source: &ImageBitmapSource, premultiply_alpha: &PremultiplyAlpha, ) -> Result { let color = image.color(); if !color.has_alpha() { Ok(image) } else { fn unmatch_color_handler( _: ColorType, image: DynamicImage, ) -> Result { Ok(image) } match premultiply_alpha { // 1. PremultiplyAlpha::Default => Ok(image), // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/canvas.html#convert-from-premultiplied // 2. PremultiplyAlpha::Premultiply => { process_premultiply_alpha(image, unmatch_color_handler) } // 3. PremultiplyAlpha::None => { // NOTE: It's not clear how to handle the case of ImageData. // https://issues.chromium.org/issues/339759426 // https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/5365 if *image_bitmap_source == ImageBitmapSource::ImageData { return Ok(image); } unpremultiply_alpha(image, unmatch_color_handler) } } } } #[op2] #[serde] pub(super) fn op_create_image_bitmap( #[buffer] zero_copy: JsBuffer, #[serde] args: OpCreateImageBitmapArgs, ) -> Result { let buf = &*zero_copy; let OpCreateImageBitmapArgs { width, height, sh, sw, sx, sy, image_orientation, premultiply_alpha, color_space_conversion, resize_width, resize_height, resize_quality, image_bitmap_source, mime_type, } = OpCreateImageBitmapArgs { width: args.width, height: args.height, sx: args.sx, sy: args.sy, sw: args.sw, sh: args.sh, image_orientation: args.image_orientation, premultiply_alpha: args.premultiply_alpha, color_space_conversion: args.color_space_conversion, resize_width: args.resize_width, resize_height: args.resize_height, resize_quality: args.resize_quality, image_bitmap_source: args.image_bitmap_source, mime_type: args.mime_type, }; // 6. Switch on image: let (image, width, height, icc_profile) = decode_bitmap_data(buf, width, height, &image_bitmap_source, mime_type)?; // crop bitmap data // 2. #[rustfmt::skip] let source_rectangle: [[i32; 2]; 4] = if let (Some(sx), Some(sy), Some(sw), Some(sh)) = (sx, sy, sw, sh) { [ [sx, sy], [sx + sw, sy], [sx + sw, sy + sh], [sx, sy + sh] ] } else { [ [0, 0], [width as i32, 0], [width as i32, height as i32], [0, height as i32], ] }; /* * The cropping works differently than the spec specifies: * The spec states to create an infinite surface and place the top-left corner * of the image a 0,0 and crop based on sourceRectangle. * * We instead create a surface the size of sourceRectangle, and position * the image at the correct location, which is the inverse of the x & y of * sourceRectangle's top-left corner. */ let input_x = -(source_rectangle[0][0] as i64); let input_y = -(source_rectangle[0][1] as i64); let surface_width = (source_rectangle[1][0] - source_rectangle[0][0]) as u32; let surface_height = (source_rectangle[3][1] - source_rectangle[0][1]) as u32; // 3. let output_width = if let Some(resize_width) = resize_width { resize_width } else if let Some(resize_height) = resize_height { (surface_width * resize_height).div_ceil(surface_height) } else { surface_width }; // 4. let output_height = if let Some(resize_height) = resize_height { resize_height } else if let Some(resize_width) = resize_width { (surface_height * resize_width).div_ceil(surface_width) } else { surface_height }; // 5. let image = if !(width == surface_width && height == surface_height && input_x == 0 && input_y == 0) { let mut surface = DynamicImage::new(surface_width, surface_height, image.color()); overlay(&mut surface, &image, input_x, input_y); surface } else { image }; // 7. let filter_type = match resize_quality { ResizeQuality::Pixelated => FilterType::Nearest, ResizeQuality::Low => FilterType::Triangle, ResizeQuality::Medium => FilterType::CatmullRom, ResizeQuality::High => FilterType::Lanczos3, }; // should use resize_exact // https://github.com/image-rs/image/issues/1220#issuecomment-632060015 let image = image.resize_exact(output_width, output_height, filter_type); // 8. let image = if image_orientation == ImageOrientation::FlipY { image.flipv() } else { image }; // 9. let image = apply_color_space_conversion(image, icc_profile, &color_space_conversion)?; // 10. let image = apply_premultiply_alpha(image, &image_bitmap_source, &premultiply_alpha)?; Ok(OpCreateImageBitmapReturn { data: image.into_bytes().into(), width: output_width, height: output_height, }) }