// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use std::borrow::Cow; use std::io::ErrorKind; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use std::time::SystemTime; use deno_runtime::deno_fs::AccessCheckCb; use deno_runtime::deno_fs::FileSystem; use deno_runtime::deno_fs::FsDirEntry; use deno_runtime::deno_fs::FsFileType; use deno_runtime::deno_fs::OpenOptions; use deno_runtime::deno_fs::RealFs; use deno_runtime::deno_io::fs::File; use deno_runtime::deno_io::fs::FsError; use deno_runtime::deno_io::fs::FsResult; use deno_runtime::deno_io::fs::FsStat; use sys_traits::boxed::BoxedFsDirEntry; use sys_traits::boxed::BoxedFsMetadataValue; use sys_traits::boxed::FsMetadataBoxed; use sys_traits::boxed::FsReadDirBoxed; use sys_traits::FsCopy; use sys_traits::FsMetadata; use super::virtual_fs::FileBackedVfs; use super::virtual_fs::FileBackedVfsDirEntry; use super::virtual_fs::FileBackedVfsFile; use super::virtual_fs::FileBackedVfsMetadata; use super::virtual_fs::VfsFileSubDataKind; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct DenoCompileFileSystem(Arc<FileBackedVfs>); impl DenoCompileFileSystem { pub fn new(vfs: Arc<FileBackedVfs>) -> Self { Self(vfs) } fn error_if_in_vfs(&self, path: &Path) -> FsResult<()> { if self.0.is_path_within(path) { Err(FsError::NotSupported) } else { Ok(()) } } fn copy_to_real_path( &self, oldpath: &Path, newpath: &Path, ) -> std::io::Result<u64> { let old_file = self.0.file_entry(oldpath)?; let old_file_bytes = self.0.read_file_all(old_file, VfsFileSubDataKind::Raw)?; let len = old_file_bytes.len() as u64; RealFs .write_file_sync( newpath, OpenOptions { read: false, write: true, create: true, truncate: true, append: false, create_new: false, mode: None, }, None, &old_file_bytes, ) .map_err(|err| err.into_io_error())?; Ok(len) } } #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl FileSystem for DenoCompileFileSystem { fn cwd(&self) -> FsResult<PathBuf> { RealFs.cwd() } fn tmp_dir(&self) -> FsResult<PathBuf> { RealFs.tmp_dir() } fn chdir(&self, path: &Path) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(path)?; RealFs.chdir(path) } fn umask(&self, mask: Option<u32>) -> FsResult<u32> { RealFs.umask(mask) } fn open_sync( &self, path: &Path, options: OpenOptions, access_check: Option<AccessCheckCb>, ) -> FsResult<Rc<dyn File>> { if self.0.is_path_within(path) { Ok(Rc::new(self.0.open_file(path)?)) } else { RealFs.open_sync(path, options, access_check) } } async fn open_async<'a>( &'a self, path: PathBuf, options: OpenOptions, access_check: Option<AccessCheckCb<'a>>, ) -> FsResult<Rc<dyn File>> { if self.0.is_path_within(&path) { Ok(Rc::new(self.0.open_file(&path)?)) } else { RealFs.open_async(path, options, access_check).await } } fn mkdir_sync( &self, path: &Path, recursive: bool, mode: Option<u32>, ) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(path)?; RealFs.mkdir_sync(path, recursive, mode) } async fn mkdir_async( &self, path: PathBuf, recursive: bool, mode: Option<u32>, ) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(&path)?; RealFs.mkdir_async(path, recursive, mode).await } fn chmod_sync(&self, path: &Path, mode: u32) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(path)?; RealFs.chmod_sync(path, mode) } async fn chmod_async(&self, path: PathBuf, mode: u32) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(&path)?; RealFs.chmod_async(path, mode).await } fn chown_sync( &self, path: &Path, uid: Option<u32>, gid: Option<u32>, ) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(path)?; RealFs.chown_sync(path, uid, gid) } async fn chown_async( &self, path: PathBuf, uid: Option<u32>, gid: Option<u32>, ) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(&path)?; RealFs.chown_async(path, uid, gid).await } fn lchown_sync( &self, path: &Path, uid: Option<u32>, gid: Option<u32>, ) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(path)?; RealFs.lchown_sync(path, uid, gid) } async fn lchown_async( &self, path: PathBuf, uid: Option<u32>, gid: Option<u32>, ) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(&path)?; RealFs.lchown_async(path, uid, gid).await } fn remove_sync(&self, path: &Path, recursive: bool) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(path)?; RealFs.remove_sync(path, recursive) } async fn remove_async(&self, path: PathBuf, recursive: bool) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(&path)?; RealFs.remove_async(path, recursive).await } fn copy_file_sync(&self, oldpath: &Path, newpath: &Path) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(newpath)?; if self.0.is_path_within(oldpath) { self .copy_to_real_path(oldpath, newpath) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(FsError::Io) } else { RealFs.copy_file_sync(oldpath, newpath) } } async fn copy_file_async( &self, oldpath: PathBuf, newpath: PathBuf, ) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(&newpath)?; if self.0.is_path_within(&oldpath) { let fs = self.clone(); tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { fs.copy_to_real_path(&oldpath, &newpath) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(FsError::Io) }) .await? } else { RealFs.copy_file_async(oldpath, newpath).await } } fn cp_sync(&self, from: &Path, to: &Path) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(to)?; RealFs.cp_sync(from, to) } async fn cp_async(&self, from: PathBuf, to: PathBuf) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(&to)?; RealFs.cp_async(from, to).await } fn stat_sync(&self, path: &Path) -> FsResult<FsStat> { if self.0.is_path_within(path) { Ok(self.0.stat(path)?.as_fs_stat()) } else { RealFs.stat_sync(path) } } async fn stat_async(&self, path: PathBuf) -> FsResult<FsStat> { if self.0.is_path_within(&path) { Ok(self.0.stat(&path)?.as_fs_stat()) } else { RealFs.stat_async(path).await } } fn lstat_sync(&self, path: &Path) -> FsResult<FsStat> { if self.0.is_path_within(path) { Ok(self.0.lstat(path)?.as_fs_stat()) } else { RealFs.lstat_sync(path) } } async fn lstat_async(&self, path: PathBuf) -> FsResult<FsStat> { if self.0.is_path_within(&path) { Ok(self.0.lstat(&path)?.as_fs_stat()) } else { RealFs.lstat_async(path).await } } fn realpath_sync(&self, path: &Path) -> FsResult<PathBuf> { if self.0.is_path_within(path) { Ok(self.0.canonicalize(path)?) } else { RealFs.realpath_sync(path) } } async fn realpath_async(&self, path: PathBuf) -> FsResult<PathBuf> { if self.0.is_path_within(&path) { Ok(self.0.canonicalize(&path)?) } else { RealFs.realpath_async(path).await } } fn read_dir_sync(&self, path: &Path) -> FsResult<Vec<FsDirEntry>> { if self.0.is_path_within(path) { Ok(self.0.read_dir(path)?) } else { RealFs.read_dir_sync(path) } } async fn read_dir_async(&self, path: PathBuf) -> FsResult<Vec<FsDirEntry>> { if self.0.is_path_within(&path) { Ok(self.0.read_dir(&path)?) } else { RealFs.read_dir_async(path).await } } fn rename_sync(&self, oldpath: &Path, newpath: &Path) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(oldpath)?; self.error_if_in_vfs(newpath)?; RealFs.rename_sync(oldpath, newpath) } async fn rename_async( &self, oldpath: PathBuf, newpath: PathBuf, ) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(&oldpath)?; self.error_if_in_vfs(&newpath)?; RealFs.rename_async(oldpath, newpath).await } fn link_sync(&self, oldpath: &Path, newpath: &Path) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(oldpath)?; self.error_if_in_vfs(newpath)?; RealFs.link_sync(oldpath, newpath) } async fn link_async( &self, oldpath: PathBuf, newpath: PathBuf, ) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(&oldpath)?; self.error_if_in_vfs(&newpath)?; RealFs.link_async(oldpath, newpath).await } fn symlink_sync( &self, oldpath: &Path, newpath: &Path, file_type: Option<FsFileType>, ) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(oldpath)?; self.error_if_in_vfs(newpath)?; RealFs.symlink_sync(oldpath, newpath, file_type) } async fn symlink_async( &self, oldpath: PathBuf, newpath: PathBuf, file_type: Option<FsFileType>, ) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(&oldpath)?; self.error_if_in_vfs(&newpath)?; RealFs.symlink_async(oldpath, newpath, file_type).await } fn read_link_sync(&self, path: &Path) -> FsResult<PathBuf> { if self.0.is_path_within(path) { Ok(self.0.read_link(path)?) } else { RealFs.read_link_sync(path) } } async fn read_link_async(&self, path: PathBuf) -> FsResult<PathBuf> { if self.0.is_path_within(&path) { Ok(self.0.read_link(&path)?) } else { RealFs.read_link_async(path).await } } fn truncate_sync(&self, path: &Path, len: u64) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(path)?; RealFs.truncate_sync(path, len) } async fn truncate_async(&self, path: PathBuf, len: u64) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(&path)?; RealFs.truncate_async(path, len).await } fn utime_sync( &self, path: &Path, atime_secs: i64, atime_nanos: u32, mtime_secs: i64, mtime_nanos: u32, ) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(path)?; RealFs.utime_sync(path, atime_secs, atime_nanos, mtime_secs, mtime_nanos) } async fn utime_async( &self, path: PathBuf, atime_secs: i64, atime_nanos: u32, mtime_secs: i64, mtime_nanos: u32, ) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(&path)?; RealFs .utime_async(path, atime_secs, atime_nanos, mtime_secs, mtime_nanos) .await } fn lutime_sync( &self, path: &Path, atime_secs: i64, atime_nanos: u32, mtime_secs: i64, mtime_nanos: u32, ) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(path)?; RealFs.lutime_sync(path, atime_secs, atime_nanos, mtime_secs, mtime_nanos) } async fn lutime_async( &self, path: PathBuf, atime_secs: i64, atime_nanos: u32, mtime_secs: i64, mtime_nanos: u32, ) -> FsResult<()> { self.error_if_in_vfs(&path)?; RealFs .lutime_async(path, atime_secs, atime_nanos, mtime_secs, mtime_nanos) .await } } impl sys_traits::BaseFsHardLink for DenoCompileFileSystem { #[inline] fn base_fs_hard_link(&self, src: &Path, dst: &Path) -> std::io::Result<()> { self.link_sync(src, dst).map_err(|err| err.into_io_error()) } } impl sys_traits::BaseFsRead for DenoCompileFileSystem { #[inline] fn base_fs_read(&self, path: &Path) -> std::io::Result<Cow<'static, [u8]>> { self .read_file_sync(path, None) .map_err(|err| err.into_io_error()) } } impl sys_traits::FsMetadataValue for FileBackedVfsMetadata { fn file_type(&self) -> sys_traits::FileType { self.file_type } fn len(&self) -> u64 { self.len } fn accessed(&self) -> std::io::Result<SystemTime> { Err(not_supported("accessed time")) } fn created(&self) -> std::io::Result<SystemTime> { Err(not_supported("created time")) } fn changed(&self) -> std::io::Result<SystemTime> { Err(not_supported("changed time")) } fn modified(&self) -> std::io::Result<SystemTime> { Err(not_supported("modified time")) } fn dev(&self) -> std::io::Result<u64> { Ok(0) } fn ino(&self) -> std::io::Result<u64> { Ok(0) } fn mode(&self) -> std::io::Result<u32> { Ok(0) } fn nlink(&self) -> std::io::Result<u64> { Ok(0) } fn uid(&self) -> std::io::Result<u32> { Ok(0) } fn gid(&self) -> std::io::Result<u32> { Ok(0) } fn rdev(&self) -> std::io::Result<u64> { Ok(0) } fn blksize(&self) -> std::io::Result<u64> { Ok(0) } fn blocks(&self) -> std::io::Result<u64> { Ok(0) } fn is_block_device(&self) -> std::io::Result<bool> { Ok(false) } fn is_char_device(&self) -> std::io::Result<bool> { Ok(false) } fn is_fifo(&self) -> std::io::Result<bool> { Ok(false) } fn is_socket(&self) -> std::io::Result<bool> { Ok(false) } fn file_attributes(&self) -> std::io::Result<u32> { Ok(0) } } fn not_supported(name: &str) -> std::io::Error { std::io::Error::new( ErrorKind::Unsupported, format!( "{} is not supported for an embedded deno compile file", name ), ) } impl sys_traits::FsDirEntry for FileBackedVfsDirEntry { type Metadata = BoxedFsMetadataValue; fn file_name(&self) -> Cow<std::ffi::OsStr> { Cow::Borrowed(self.metadata.name.as_ref()) } fn file_type(&self) -> std::io::Result<sys_traits::FileType> { Ok(self.metadata.file_type) } fn metadata(&self) -> std::io::Result<Self::Metadata> { Ok(BoxedFsMetadataValue(Box::new(self.metadata.clone()))) } fn path(&self) -> Cow<Path> { Cow::Owned(self.parent_path.join(&self.metadata.name)) } } impl sys_traits::BaseFsReadDir for DenoCompileFileSystem { type ReadDirEntry = BoxedFsDirEntry; fn base_fs_read_dir( &self, path: &Path, ) -> std::io::Result< Box<dyn Iterator<Item = std::io::Result<Self::ReadDirEntry>> + '_>, > { if self.0.is_path_within(path) { let entries = self.0.read_dir_with_metadata(path)?; Ok(Box::new( entries.map(|entry| Ok(BoxedFsDirEntry::new(entry))), )) } else { #[allow(clippy::disallowed_types)] // ok because we're implementing the fs sys_traits::impls::RealSys.fs_read_dir_boxed(path) } } } impl sys_traits::BaseFsCanonicalize for DenoCompileFileSystem { #[inline] fn base_fs_canonicalize(&self, path: &Path) -> std::io::Result<PathBuf> { self.realpath_sync(path).map_err(|err| err.into_io_error()) } } impl sys_traits::BaseFsMetadata for DenoCompileFileSystem { type Metadata = BoxedFsMetadataValue; #[inline] fn base_fs_metadata(&self, path: &Path) -> std::io::Result<Self::Metadata> { if self.0.is_path_within(path) { Ok(BoxedFsMetadataValue::new(self.0.stat(path)?)) } else { #[allow(clippy::disallowed_types)] // ok because we're implementing the fs sys_traits::impls::RealSys.fs_metadata_boxed(path) } } #[inline] fn base_fs_symlink_metadata( &self, path: &Path, ) -> std::io::Result<Self::Metadata> { if self.0.is_path_within(path) { Ok(BoxedFsMetadataValue::new(self.0.lstat(path)?)) } else { #[allow(clippy::disallowed_types)] // ok because we're implementing the fs sys_traits::impls::RealSys.fs_symlink_metadata_boxed(path) } } } impl sys_traits::BaseFsCopy for DenoCompileFileSystem { #[inline] fn base_fs_copy(&self, from: &Path, to: &Path) -> std::io::Result<u64> { self .error_if_in_vfs(to) .map_err(|err| err.into_io_error())?; if self.0.is_path_within(from) { self.copy_to_real_path(from, to) } else { #[allow(clippy::disallowed_types)] // ok because we're implementing the fs sys_traits::impls::RealSys.fs_copy(from, to) } } } impl sys_traits::BaseFsCloneFile for DenoCompileFileSystem { fn base_fs_clone_file( &self, _from: &Path, _to: &Path, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { // will cause a fallback in the code that uses this Err(not_supported("cloning files")) } } impl sys_traits::BaseFsCreateDir for DenoCompileFileSystem { #[inline] fn base_fs_create_dir( &self, path: &Path, options: &sys_traits::CreateDirOptions, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { self .mkdir_sync(path, options.recursive, options.mode) .map_err(|err| err.into_io_error()) } } impl sys_traits::BaseFsRemoveFile for DenoCompileFileSystem { #[inline] fn base_fs_remove_file(&self, path: &Path) -> std::io::Result<()> { self .remove_sync(path, false) .map_err(|err| err.into_io_error()) } } impl sys_traits::BaseFsRename for DenoCompileFileSystem { #[inline] fn base_fs_rename(&self, from: &Path, to: &Path) -> std::io::Result<()> { self .rename_sync(from, to) .map_err(|err| err.into_io_error()) } } pub enum FsFileAdapter { Real(sys_traits::impls::RealFsFile), Vfs(FileBackedVfsFile), } impl sys_traits::FsFile for FsFileAdapter {} impl sys_traits::FsFileAsRaw for FsFileAdapter { #[cfg(windows)] fn fs_file_as_raw_handle(&self) -> Option<std::os::windows::io::RawHandle> { match self { Self::Real(file) => file.fs_file_as_raw_handle(), Self::Vfs(_) => None, } } #[cfg(unix)] fn fs_file_as_raw_fd(&self) -> Option<std::os::fd::RawFd> { match self { Self::Real(file) => file.fs_file_as_raw_fd(), Self::Vfs(_) => None, } } } impl sys_traits::FsFileSyncData for FsFileAdapter { fn fs_file_sync_data(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> { match self { Self::Real(file) => file.fs_file_sync_data(), Self::Vfs(_) => Ok(()), } } } impl sys_traits::FsFileSyncAll for FsFileAdapter { fn fs_file_sync_all(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> { match self { Self::Real(file) => file.fs_file_sync_all(), Self::Vfs(_) => Ok(()), } } } impl sys_traits::FsFileSetPermissions for FsFileAdapter { #[inline] fn fs_file_set_permissions(&mut self, mode: u32) -> std::io::Result<()> { match self { Self::Real(file) => file.fs_file_set_permissions(mode), Self::Vfs(_) => Ok(()), } } } impl std::io::Read for FsFileAdapter { #[inline] fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> { match self { Self::Real(file) => file.read(buf), Self::Vfs(file) => file.read_to_buf(buf), } } } impl std::io::Seek for FsFileAdapter { fn seek(&mut self, pos: std::io::SeekFrom) -> std::io::Result<u64> { match self { Self::Real(file) => file.seek(pos), Self::Vfs(file) => file.seek(pos), } } } impl std::io::Write for FsFileAdapter { #[inline] fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> { match self { Self::Real(file) => file.write(buf), Self::Vfs(_) => Err(not_supported("writing files")), } } #[inline] fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> { match self { Self::Real(file) => file.flush(), Self::Vfs(_) => Err(not_supported("writing files")), } } } impl sys_traits::FsFileSetLen for FsFileAdapter { #[inline] fn fs_file_set_len(&mut self, len: u64) -> std::io::Result<()> { match self { Self::Real(file) => file.fs_file_set_len(len), Self::Vfs(_) => Err(not_supported("setting file length")), } } } impl sys_traits::FsFileSetTimes for FsFileAdapter { fn fs_file_set_times( &mut self, times: sys_traits::FsFileTimes, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { match self { Self::Real(file) => file.fs_file_set_times(times), Self::Vfs(_) => Err(not_supported("setting file times")), } } } impl sys_traits::FsFileLock for FsFileAdapter { fn fs_file_lock( &mut self, mode: sys_traits::FsFileLockMode, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { match self { Self::Real(file) => file.fs_file_lock(mode), Self::Vfs(_) => Err(not_supported("locking files")), } } fn fs_file_try_lock( &mut self, mode: sys_traits::FsFileLockMode, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { match self { Self::Real(file) => file.fs_file_try_lock(mode), Self::Vfs(_) => Err(not_supported("locking files")), } } fn fs_file_unlock(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> { match self { Self::Real(file) => file.fs_file_unlock(), Self::Vfs(_) => Err(not_supported("unlocking files")), } } } impl sys_traits::FsFileIsTerminal for FsFileAdapter { #[inline] fn fs_file_is_terminal(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::Real(file) => file.fs_file_is_terminal(), Self::Vfs(_) => false, } } } impl sys_traits::BaseFsOpen for DenoCompileFileSystem { type File = FsFileAdapter; fn base_fs_open( &self, path: &Path, options: &sys_traits::OpenOptions, ) -> std::io::Result<Self::File> { if self.0.is_path_within(path) { Ok(FsFileAdapter::Vfs(self.0.open_file(path)?)) } else { #[allow(clippy::disallowed_types)] // ok because we're implementing the fs Ok(FsFileAdapter::Real( sys_traits::impls::RealSys.base_fs_open(path, options)?, )) } } } impl sys_traits::BaseFsSymlinkDir for DenoCompileFileSystem { fn base_fs_symlink_dir(&self, src: &Path, dst: &Path) -> std::io::Result<()> { self .symlink_sync(src, dst, Some(FsFileType::Directory)) .map_err(|err| err.into_io_error()) } } impl sys_traits::SystemRandom for DenoCompileFileSystem { #[inline] fn sys_random(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<()> { #[allow(clippy::disallowed_types)] // ok because we're implementing the fs sys_traits::impls::RealSys.sys_random(buf) } } impl sys_traits::SystemTimeNow for DenoCompileFileSystem { #[inline] fn sys_time_now(&self) -> SystemTime { #[allow(clippy::disallowed_types)] // ok because we're implementing the fs sys_traits::impls::RealSys.sys_time_now() } } impl sys_traits::ThreadSleep for DenoCompileFileSystem { #[inline] fn thread_sleep(&self, dur: Duration) { #[allow(clippy::disallowed_types)] // ok because we're implementing the fs sys_traits::impls::RealSys.thread_sleep(dur) } } impl sys_traits::EnvCurrentDir for DenoCompileFileSystem { fn env_current_dir(&self) -> std::io::Result<PathBuf> { #[allow(clippy::disallowed_types)] // ok because we're implementing the fs sys_traits::impls::RealSys.env_current_dir() } } impl sys_traits::BaseEnvVar for DenoCompileFileSystem { fn base_env_var_os( &self, key: &std::ffi::OsStr, ) -> Option<std::ffi::OsString> { #[allow(clippy::disallowed_types)] // ok because we're implementing the fs sys_traits::impls::RealSys.base_env_var_os(key) } }