#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run -A --lock=tools/deno.lock.json // Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. // NOTICE: This deployment/npm folder was lifted from https://github.com/dprint/dprint/blob/0ba79811cc96d2dee8e0cf766a8c8c0fc44879c2/deployment/npm/ // with permission (Copyright 2019-2023 David Sherret) import $ from "jsr:@david/dax@^0.42.0"; // @ts-types="npm:@types/decompress@4.2.7" import decompress from "npm:decompress@4.2.1"; import { parseArgs } from "@std/cli/parse-args"; interface Package { zipFileName: string; os: "win32" | "darwin" | "linux"; cpu: "x64" | "arm64"; libc?: "glibc" | "musl"; } const args = parseArgs(Deno.args, { boolean: ["publish"], }); const packages: Package[] = [{ zipFileName: "deno-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip", os: "win32", cpu: "x64", }, { // use x64_64 until there's an arm64 build zipFileName: "deno-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip", os: "win32", cpu: "arm64", }, { zipFileName: "deno-x86_64-apple-darwin.zip", os: "darwin", cpu: "x64", }, { zipFileName: "deno-aarch64-apple-darwin.zip", os: "darwin", cpu: "arm64", }, { zipFileName: "deno-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.zip", os: "linux", cpu: "x64", libc: "glibc", }, { zipFileName: "deno-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.zip", os: "linux", cpu: "arm64", libc: "glibc", }]; const markdownText = `# Deno [Deno](https://deno.com) ([/ˈdiːnoʊ/](https://ipa-reader.com/?text=%CB%88di%CB%90no%CA%8A), pronounced \`dee-no\`) is a JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly runtime with secure defaults and a great developer experience. It's built on [V8](https://v8.dev/), [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/), and [Tokio](https://tokio.rs/). Learn more about the Deno runtime [in the documentation](https://docs.deno.com/runtime/manual). `; const currentDir = $.path(import.meta.url).parentOrThrow(); const rootDir = currentDir.parentOrThrow().parentOrThrow().parentOrThrow(); const outputDir = currentDir.join("./dist"); const scopeDir = outputDir.join("@deno"); const denoDir = outputDir.join("deno"); const version = resolveVersion(); $.logStep(`Publishing ${version}...`); await $`rm -rf ${outputDir}`; await $`mkdir -p ${denoDir} ${scopeDir}`; // setup Deno packages { $.logStep(`Setting up deno ${version}...`); const pkgJson = { "name": "deno", "version": version, "description": "A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.", "bin": "bin.cjs", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+https://github.com/denoland/deno.git", }, "keywords": [ "runtime", "typescript", ], "author": "the Deno authors", "license": "MIT", "bugs": { "url": "https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues", }, "homepage": "https://deno.com", // for yarn berry (https://github.com/dprint/dprint/issues/686) "preferUnplugged": true, "scripts": { "postinstall": "node ./install.cjs", }, optionalDependencies: packages .map((pkg) => `@deno/${getPackageNameNoScope(pkg)}`) .reduce((obj, pkgName) => ({ ...obj, [pkgName]: version }), {}), }; currentDir.join("bin.cjs").copyFileToDirSync(denoDir); currentDir.join("install_api.cjs").copyFileToDirSync(denoDir); currentDir.join("install.cjs").copyFileToDirSync(denoDir); denoDir.join("package.json").writeJsonPrettySync(pkgJson); rootDir.join("LICENSE.md").copyFileSync(denoDir.join("LICENSE")); denoDir.join("README.md").writeTextSync(markdownText); // ensure the test files don't get published denoDir.join(".npmignore").writeTextSync("deno\ndeno.exe\n"); // setup each binary package for (const pkg of packages) { const pkgName = getPackageNameNoScope(pkg); $.logStep(`Setting up @deno/${pkgName}...`); const pkgDir = scopeDir.join(pkgName); const zipPath = pkgDir.join("output.zip"); await $`mkdir -p ${pkgDir}`; // download and extract the zip file const zipUrl = `https://github.com/denoland/deno/releases/download/v${version}/${pkg.zipFileName}`; await $.request(zipUrl).showProgress().pipeToPath(zipPath); await decompress(zipPath.toString(), pkgDir.toString()); zipPath.removeSync(); // create the package.json and readme pkgDir.join("README.md").writeTextSync( `# @denoland/${pkgName}\n\n${pkgName} distribution of [Deno](https://deno.land).\n`, ); pkgDir.join("package.json").writeJsonPrettySync({ "name": `@deno/${pkgName}`, "version": version, "description": `${pkgName} distribution of Deno`, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+https://github.com/denoland/deno.git", }, // force yarn to unpack "preferUnplugged": true, "author": "David Sherret", "license": "MIT", "bugs": { "url": "https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues", }, "homepage": "https://deno.land", "os": [pkg.os], "cpu": [pkg.cpu], libc: pkg.libc == null ? undefined : [pkg.libc], }); } } // verify that the package is created correctly { $.logStep("Verifying packages..."); const testPlatform = Deno.build.os == "windows" ? (Deno.build.arch === "x86_64" ? "@deno/win32-x64" : "@deno/win32-arm64") : Deno.build.os === "darwin" ? (Deno.build.arch === "x86_64" ? "@deno/darwin-x64" : "@deno/darwin-arm64") : "@deno/linux-x64-glibc"; outputDir.join("package.json").writeJsonPrettySync({ workspaces: [ "deno", // There seems to be a bug with npm workspaces where this doesn't // work, so for now make some assumptions and only include the package // that works on the CI for the current operating system // ...packages.map(p => `@deno/${getPackageNameNoScope(p)}`), testPlatform, ], }); const denoExe = Deno.build.os === "windows" ? "deno.exe" : "deno"; await $`npm install`.cwd(denoDir); // ensure the post-install script adds the executable to the deno package, // which is necessary for faster caching and to ensure the vscode extension // picks it up if (!denoDir.join(denoExe).existsSync()) { throw new Error("Deno executable did not exist after post install"); } // run once after post install created deno, once with a simulated readonly file system, once creating the cache and once with await $`node bin.cjs -v && rm ${denoExe} && DENO_SIMULATED_READONLY_FILE_SYSTEM=1 node bin.cjs -v && node bin.cjs -v && node bin.cjs -v` .cwd(denoDir); if (!denoDir.join(denoExe).existsSync()) { throw new Error("Deno executable did not exist when lazily initialized"); } } // publish if necessary if (args.publish) { for (const pkg of packages) { const pkgName = getPackageNameNoScope(pkg); $.logStep(`Publishing @deno/${pkgName}...`); if (await checkPackagePublished(`@deno/${pkgName}`)) { $.logLight(" Already published."); continue; } const pkgDir = scopeDir.join(pkgName); await $`cd ${pkgDir} && npm publish --provenance --access public`; } $.logStep(`Publishing deno...`); await $`cd ${denoDir} && npm publish --provenance --access public`; } function getPackageNameNoScope(name: Package) { const libc = name.libc == null ? "" : `-${name.libc}`; return `${name.os}-${name.cpu}${libc}`; } function resolveVersion() { const firstArg = args._[0]; if ( firstArg != null && typeof firstArg === "string" && firstArg.trim().length > 0 ) { return firstArg; } const version = (rootDir.join("cli/Cargo.toml").readTextSync().match( /version = "(.*?)"/, ))?.[1]; if (version == null) { throw new Error("Could not resolve version."); } return version; } async function checkPackagePublished(pkgName: string) { const result = await $`npm info ${pkgName}@${version}`.quiet().noThrow(); return result.code === 0; }