// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::colors; use crate::inspector::InspectorSession; use crate::program_state::ProgramState; use crate::worker::MainWorker; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use deno_core::serde_json::Value; use regex::Captures; use regex::Regex; use rustyline::completion::Completer; use rustyline::error::ReadlineError; use rustyline::highlight::Highlighter; use rustyline::validate::ValidationContext; use rustyline::validate::ValidationResult; use rustyline::validate::Validator; use rustyline::Context; use rustyline::Editor; use rustyline_derive::{Helper, Hinter}; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::sync::mpsc::channel; use std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel; use std::sync::mpsc::Receiver; use std::sync::mpsc::Sender; use std::sync::mpsc::SyncSender; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::Mutex; // Provides helpers to the editor like validation for multi-line edits, completion candidates for // tab completion. #[derive(Helper, Hinter)] struct Helper { context_id: u64, message_tx: SyncSender<(String, Option<Value>)>, response_rx: Receiver<Result<Value, AnyError>>, highlighter: LineHighlighter, } impl Helper { fn post_message( &self, method: &str, params: Option<Value>, ) -> Result<Value, AnyError> { self.message_tx.send((method.to_string(), params))?; self.response_rx.recv()? } } fn is_word_boundary(c: char) -> bool { if c == '.' { false } else { char::is_ascii_whitespace(&c) || char::is_ascii_punctuation(&c) } } impl Completer for Helper { type Candidate = String; fn complete( &self, line: &str, pos: usize, _ctx: &Context<'_>, ) -> Result<(usize, Vec<String>), ReadlineError> { let start = line[..pos].rfind(is_word_boundary).map_or_else(|| 0, |i| i); let end = line[pos..] .rfind(is_word_boundary) .map_or_else(|| pos, |i| pos + i); let word = &line[start..end]; let word = word.strip_prefix(is_word_boundary).unwrap_or(word); let word = word.strip_suffix(is_word_boundary).unwrap_or(word); let fallback = format!(".{}", word); let (prefix, suffix) = match word.rfind('.') { Some(index) => word.split_at(index), None => ("globalThis", fallback.as_str()), }; let evaluate_response = self .post_message( "Runtime.evaluate", Some(json!({ "contextId": self.context_id, "expression": prefix, "throwOnSideEffect": true, "timeout": 200, })), ) .unwrap(); if evaluate_response.get("exceptionDetails").is_some() { let candidates = Vec::new(); return Ok((pos, candidates)); } if let Some(result) = evaluate_response.get("result") { if let Some(object_id) = result.get("objectId") { let get_properties_response = self .post_message( "Runtime.getProperties", Some(json!({ "objectId": object_id, })), ) .unwrap(); if let Some(result) = get_properties_response.get("result") { let candidates = result .as_array() .unwrap() .iter() .map(|r| r.get("name").unwrap().as_str().unwrap().to_string()) .filter(|r| r.starts_with(&suffix[1..])) .collect(); return Ok((pos - (suffix.len() - 1), candidates)); } } } Ok((pos, Vec::new())) } } impl Validator for Helper { fn validate( &self, ctx: &mut ValidationContext, ) -> Result<ValidationResult, ReadlineError> { let mut stack: Vec<char> = Vec::new(); let mut literal: Option<char> = None; let mut escape: bool = false; for c in ctx.input().chars() { if escape { escape = false; continue; } if c == '\\' { escape = true; continue; } if let Some(v) = literal { if c == v { literal = None } continue; } else { literal = match c { '`' | '"' | '/' | '\'' => Some(c), _ => None, }; } match c { '(' | '[' | '{' => stack.push(c), ')' | ']' | '}' => match (stack.pop(), c) { (Some('('), ')') | (Some('['), ']') | (Some('{'), '}') => {} (Some(left), _) => { return Ok(ValidationResult::Invalid(Some(format!( "Mismatched pairs: {:?} is not properly closed", left )))) } (None, _) => { // While technically invalid when unpaired, it should be V8's task to output error instead. // Thus marked as valid with no info. return Ok(ValidationResult::Valid(None)); } }, _ => {} } } if !stack.is_empty() || literal == Some('`') { return Ok(ValidationResult::Incomplete); } Ok(ValidationResult::Valid(None)) } } impl Highlighter for Helper { fn highlight_hint<'h>(&self, hint: &'h str) -> Cow<'h, str> { hint.into() } fn highlight<'l>(&self, line: &'l str, pos: usize) -> Cow<'l, str> { self.highlighter.highlight(line, pos) } fn highlight_candidate<'c>( &self, candidate: &'c str, _completion: rustyline::CompletionType, ) -> Cow<'c, str> { self.highlighter.highlight(candidate, 0) } fn highlight_char(&self, line: &str, _: usize) -> bool { !line.is_empty() } } struct LineHighlighter { regex: Regex, } impl LineHighlighter { fn new() -> Self { let regex = Regex::new( r#"(?x) (?P<comment>(?:/\*[\s\S]*?\*/|//[^\n]*)) | (?P<string>(?:"([^"\\]|\\.)*"|'([^'\\]|\\.)*'|`([^`\\]|\\.)*`)) | (?P<regexp>/(?:(?:\\/|[^\n/]))*?/[gimsuy]*) | (?P<number>\b\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[+-]?\d+)*n?\b) | (?P<infinity>\b(?:Infinity|NaN)\b) | (?P<hexnumber>\b0x[a-fA-F0-9]+\b) | (?P<octalnumber>\b0o[0-7]+\b) | (?P<binarynumber>\b0b[01]+\b) | (?P<boolean>\b(?:true|false)\b) | (?P<null>\b(?:null)\b) | (?P<undefined>\b(?:undefined)\b) | (?P<keyword>\b(?:await|async|var|let|for|if|else|in|of|class|const|function|yield|return|with|case|break|switch|import|export|new|while|do|throw|catch|this)\b) | "#, ) .unwrap(); Self { regex } } } impl Highlighter for LineHighlighter { fn highlight<'l>(&self, line: &'l str, _: usize) -> Cow<'l, str> { self .regex .replace_all(&line.to_string(), |caps: &Captures<'_>| { if let Some(cap) = caps.name("comment") { colors::gray(cap.as_str()).to_string() } else if let Some(cap) = caps.name("string") { colors::green(cap.as_str()).to_string() } else if let Some(cap) = caps.name("regexp") { colors::red(cap.as_str()).to_string() } else if let Some(cap) = caps.name("number") { colors::yellow(cap.as_str()).to_string() } else if let Some(cap) = caps.name("boolean") { colors::yellow(cap.as_str()).to_string() } else if let Some(cap) = caps.name("null") { colors::yellow(cap.as_str()).to_string() } else if let Some(cap) = caps.name("undefined") { colors::gray(cap.as_str()).to_string() } else if let Some(cap) = caps.name("keyword") { colors::cyan(cap.as_str()).to_string() } else if let Some(cap) = caps.name("infinity") { colors::yellow(cap.as_str()).to_string() } else if let Some(cap) = caps.name("classes") { colors::green_bold(cap.as_str()).to_string() } else if let Some(cap) = caps.name("hexnumber") { colors::yellow(cap.as_str()).to_string() } else if let Some(cap) = caps.name("octalnumber") { colors::yellow(cap.as_str()).to_string() } else if let Some(cap) = caps.name("binarynumber") { colors::yellow(cap.as_str()).to_string() } else { caps[0].to_string() } }) .to_string() .into() } } async fn post_message_and_poll( worker: &mut MainWorker, session: &mut InspectorSession, method: &str, params: Option<Value>, ) -> Result<Value, AnyError> { let response = session.post_message(method, params); tokio::pin!(response); loop { tokio::select! { result = &mut response => { return result } _ = worker.run_event_loop() => { // A zero delay is long enough to yield the thread in order to prevent the loop from // running hot for messages that are taking longer to resolve like for example an // evaluation of top level await. tokio::time::delay_for(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(0)).await; } } } } async fn read_line_and_poll( worker: &mut MainWorker, session: &mut InspectorSession, message_rx: &Receiver<(String, Option<Value>)>, response_tx: &Sender<Result<Value, AnyError>>, editor: Arc<Mutex<Editor<Helper>>>, ) -> Result<String, ReadlineError> { let mut line = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || editor.lock().unwrap().readline("> ")); let mut poll_worker = true; loop { for (method, params) in message_rx.try_iter() { response_tx .send(session.post_message(&method, params).await) .unwrap(); } // Because an inspector websocket client may choose to connect at anytime when we have an // inspector server we need to keep polling the worker to pick up new connections. let mut timeout = tokio::time::delay_for(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); tokio::select! { result = &mut line => { return result.unwrap(); } _ = worker.run_event_loop(), if poll_worker => { poll_worker = false; } _ = &mut timeout => { poll_worker = true } } } } static PRELUDE: &str = r#" Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "_", { configurable: true, get: () => Deno[Deno.internal].lastEvalResult, set: (value) => { Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "_", { value: value, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); console.log("Last evaluation result is no longer saved to _."); }, }); Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "_error", { configurable: true, get: () => Deno[Deno.internal].lastThrownError, set: (value) => { Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "_error", { value: value, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); console.log("Last thrown error is no longer saved to _error."); }, }); "#; async fn inject_prelude( worker: &mut MainWorker, session: &mut InspectorSession, context_id: u64, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { post_message_and_poll( worker, session, "Runtime.evaluate", Some(json!({ "expression": PRELUDE, "contextId": context_id, })), ) .await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn is_closing( worker: &mut MainWorker, session: &mut InspectorSession, context_id: u64, ) -> Result<bool, AnyError> { let closed = post_message_and_poll( worker, session, "Runtime.evaluate", Some(json!({ "expression": "(globalThis.closed)", "contextId": context_id, })), ) .await? .get("result") .unwrap() .get("value") .unwrap() .as_bool() .unwrap(); Ok(closed) } pub async fn run( program_state: &ProgramState, mut worker: MainWorker, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let mut session = worker.create_inspector_session(); let history_file = program_state.dir.root.join("deno_history.txt"); post_message_and_poll(&mut worker, &mut session, "Runtime.enable", None) .await?; // Enabling the runtime domain will always send trigger one executionContextCreated for each // context the inspector knows about so we grab the execution context from that since // our inspector does not support a default context (0 is an invalid context id). let mut context_id: u64 = 0; for notification in session.notifications() { let method = notification.get("method").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(); let params = notification.get("params").unwrap(); if method == "Runtime.executionContextCreated" { context_id = params .get("context") .unwrap() .get("id") .unwrap() .as_u64() .unwrap(); } } let (message_tx, message_rx) = sync_channel(1); let (response_tx, response_rx) = channel(); let helper = Helper { context_id, message_tx, response_rx, highlighter: LineHighlighter::new(), }; let editor = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Editor::new())); editor.lock().unwrap().set_helper(Some(helper)); editor .lock() .unwrap() .load_history(history_file.to_str().unwrap()) .unwrap_or(()); println!("Deno {}", crate::version::deno()); println!("exit using ctrl+d or close()"); inject_prelude(&mut worker, &mut session, context_id).await?; while !is_closing(&mut worker, &mut session, context_id).await? { let line = read_line_and_poll( &mut worker, &mut session, &message_rx, &response_tx, editor.clone(), ) .await; match line { Ok(line) => { // It is a bit unexpected that { "foo": "bar" } is interpreted as a block // statement rather than an object literal so we interpret it as an expression statement // to match the behavior found in a typical prompt including browser developer tools. let wrapped_line = if line.trim_start().starts_with('{') && !line.trim_end().ends_with(';') { format!("({})", &line) } else { line.clone() }; let evaluate_response = post_message_and_poll( &mut worker, &mut session, "Runtime.evaluate", Some(json!({ "expression": format!("'use strict'; void 0;\n{}", &wrapped_line), "contextId": context_id, "replMode": true, })), ) .await?; // If that fails, we retry it without wrapping in parens letting the error bubble up to the // user if it is still an error. let evaluate_response = if evaluate_response.get("exceptionDetails").is_some() && wrapped_line != line { post_message_and_poll( &mut worker, &mut session, "Runtime.evaluate", Some(json!({ "expression": format!("'use strict'; void 0;\n{}", &line), "contextId": context_id, "replMode": true, })), ) .await? } else { evaluate_response }; let evaluate_result = evaluate_response.get("result").unwrap(); let evaluate_exception_details = evaluate_response.get("exceptionDetails"); if evaluate_exception_details.is_some() { post_message_and_poll( &mut worker, &mut session, "Runtime.callFunctionOn", Some(json!({ "executionContextId": context_id, "functionDeclaration": "function (object) { Deno[Deno.internal].lastThrownError = object; }", "arguments": [ evaluate_result, ], })), ).await?; } else { post_message_and_poll( &mut worker, &mut session, "Runtime.callFunctionOn", Some(json!({ "executionContextId": context_id, "functionDeclaration": "function (object) { Deno[Deno.internal].lastEvalResult = object; }", "arguments": [ evaluate_result, ], })), ).await?; } // TODO(caspervonb) we should investigate using previews here but to keep things // consistent with the previous implementation we just get the preview result from // Deno.inspectArgs. let inspect_response = post_message_and_poll( &mut worker, &mut session, "Runtime.callFunctionOn", Some(json!({ "executionContextId": context_id, "functionDeclaration": "function (object) { return Deno[Deno.internal].inspectArgs(['%o', object], { colors: !Deno.noColor }); }", "arguments": [ evaluate_result, ], })), ).await?; let inspect_result = inspect_response.get("result").unwrap(); let value = inspect_result.get("value").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(); let output = match evaluate_exception_details { Some(_) => format!("Uncaught {}", value), None => value.to_string(), }; println!("{}", output); editor.lock().unwrap().add_history_entry(line.as_str()); } Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) => { println!("exit using ctrl+d or close()"); continue; } Err(ReadlineError::Eof) => { break; } Err(err) => { println!("Error: {:?}", err); break; } } } std::fs::create_dir_all(history_file.parent().unwrap())?; editor .lock() .unwrap() .save_history(history_file.to_str().unwrap())?; Ok(()) }