// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // This module ports: // - https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/src/pipe_wrap.cc // - https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/src/pipe_wrap.h import { notImplemented } from "ext:deno_node/_utils.ts"; import { unreachable } from "ext:deno_node/_util/asserts.ts"; import { ConnectionWrap } from "ext:deno_node/internal_binding/connection_wrap.ts"; import { AsyncWrap, providerType, } from "ext:deno_node/internal_binding/async_wrap.ts"; import { LibuvStreamWrap } from "ext:deno_node/internal_binding/stream_wrap.ts"; import { codeMap } from "ext:deno_node/internal_binding/uv.ts"; import { delay } from "ext:deno_node/_util/async.ts"; import { kStreamBaseField } from "ext:deno_node/internal_binding/stream_wrap.ts"; import { ceilPowOf2, INITIAL_ACCEPT_BACKOFF_DELAY, MAX_ACCEPT_BACKOFF_DELAY, } from "ext:deno_node/internal_binding/_listen.ts"; import { isWindows } from "ext:deno_node/_util/os.ts"; import { fs } from "ext:deno_node/internal_binding/constants.ts"; export enum socketType { SOCKET, SERVER, IPC, } export class Pipe extends ConnectionWrap { override reading = false; ipc: boolean; // REF: https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/deps/uv/src/win/pipe.c#L48 #pendingInstances = 4; #address?: string; #backlog?: number; #listener!: Deno.Listener; #connections = 0; #closed = false; #acceptBackoffDelay?: number; constructor(type: number, conn?: Deno.UnixConn) { let provider: providerType; let ipc: boolean; switch (type) { case socketType.SOCKET: { provider = providerType.PIPEWRAP; ipc = false; break; } case socketType.SERVER: { provider = providerType.PIPESERVERWRAP; ipc = false; break; } case socketType.IPC: { provider = providerType.PIPEWRAP; ipc = true; break; } default: { unreachable(); } } super(provider, conn); this.ipc = ipc; if (conn && provider === providerType.PIPEWRAP) { const localAddr = conn.localAddr as Deno.UnixAddr; this.#address = localAddr.path; } } open(_fd: number): number { // REF: https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/6529 notImplemented("Pipe.prototype.open"); } /** * Bind to a Unix domain or Windows named pipe. * @param name Unix domain or Windows named pipe the server should listen to. * @return An error status code. */ bind(name: string) { // Deno doesn't currently separate bind from connect. For now we noop under // the assumption we will connect shortly. // REF: https://doc.deno.land/deno/unstable/~/Deno.connect this.#address = name; return 0; } /** * Connect to a Unix domain or Windows named pipe. * @param req A PipeConnectWrap instance. * @param address Unix domain or Windows named pipe the server should connect to. * @return An error status code. */ connect(req: PipeConnectWrap, address: string) { if (isWindows) { // REF: https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/10244 notImplemented("Pipe.prototype.connect - Windows"); } const connectOptions: Deno.UnixConnectOptions = { path: address, transport: "unix", }; Deno.connect(connectOptions).then( (conn: Deno.UnixConn) => { const localAddr = conn.localAddr as Deno.UnixAddr; this.#address = req.address = localAddr.path; this[kStreamBaseField] = conn; try { this.afterConnect(req, 0); } catch { // swallow callback errors. } }, (e) => { // TODO(cmorten): correct mapping of connection error to status code. let code: number; if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { code = codeMap.get("ENOENT")!; } else if (e instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied) { code = codeMap.get("EACCES")!; } else { code = codeMap.get("ECONNREFUSED")!; } try { this.afterConnect(req, code); } catch { // swallow callback errors. } }, ); return 0; } /** * Listen for new connections. * @param backlog The maximum length of the queue of pending connections. * @return An error status code. */ listen(backlog: number): number { if (isWindows) { // REF: https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/10244 notImplemented("Pipe.prototype.listen - Windows"); } this.#backlog = isWindows ? this.#pendingInstances : ceilPowOf2(backlog + 1); const listenOptions = { path: this.#address!, transport: "unix" as const, }; let listener; try { listener = Deno.listen(listenOptions); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.AddrInUse) { return codeMap.get("EADDRINUSE")!; } else if (e instanceof Deno.errors.AddrNotAvailable) { return codeMap.get("EADDRNOTAVAIL")!; } else if (e instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied) { throw e; } // TODO(cmorten): map errors to appropriate error codes. return codeMap.get("UNKNOWN")!; } const address = listener.addr as Deno.UnixAddr; this.#address = address.path; this.#listener = listener; this.#accept(); return 0; } override ref() { if (this.#listener) { this.#listener.ref(); } } override unref() { if (this.#listener) { this.#listener.unref(); } } /** * Set the number of pending pipe instance handles when the pipe server is * waiting for connections. This setting applies to Windows only. * @param instances Number of pending pipe instances. */ setPendingInstances(instances: number) { this.#pendingInstances = instances; } /** * Alters pipe permissions, allowing it to be accessed from processes run by * different users. Makes the pipe writable or readable by all users. Mode * can be `UV_WRITABLE`, `UV_READABLE` or `UV_WRITABLE | UV_READABLE`. This * function is blocking. * @param mode Pipe permissions mode. * @return An error status code. */ fchmod(mode: number) { if ( mode != constants.UV_READABLE && mode != constants.UV_WRITABLE && mode != (constants.UV_WRITABLE | constants.UV_READABLE) ) { return codeMap.get("EINVAL"); } let desiredMode = 0; if (mode & constants.UV_READABLE) { desiredMode |= fs.S_IRUSR | fs.S_IRGRP | fs.S_IROTH; } if (mode & constants.UV_WRITABLE) { desiredMode |= fs.S_IWUSR | fs.S_IWGRP | fs.S_IWOTH; } // TODO(cmorten): this will incorrectly throw on Windows // REF: https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/4357 try { Deno.chmodSync(this.#address!, desiredMode); } catch { // TODO(cmorten): map errors to appropriate error codes. return codeMap.get("UNKNOWN")!; } return 0; } /** Handle backoff delays following an unsuccessful accept. */ async #acceptBackoff() { // Backoff after transient errors to allow time for the system to // recover, and avoid blocking up the event loop with a continuously // running loop. if (!this.#acceptBackoffDelay) { this.#acceptBackoffDelay = INITIAL_ACCEPT_BACKOFF_DELAY; } else { this.#acceptBackoffDelay *= 2; } if (this.#acceptBackoffDelay >= MAX_ACCEPT_BACKOFF_DELAY) { this.#acceptBackoffDelay = MAX_ACCEPT_BACKOFF_DELAY; } await delay(this.#acceptBackoffDelay); this.#accept(); } /** Accept new connections. */ async #accept(): Promise<void> { if (this.#closed) { return; } if (this.#connections > this.#backlog!) { this.#acceptBackoff(); return; } let connection: Deno.Conn; try { connection = await this.#listener.accept(); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.BadResource && this.#closed) { // Listener and server has closed. return; } try { // TODO(cmorten): map errors to appropriate error codes. this.onconnection!(codeMap.get("UNKNOWN")!, undefined); } catch { // swallow callback errors. } this.#acceptBackoff(); return; } // Reset the backoff delay upon successful accept. this.#acceptBackoffDelay = undefined; const connectionHandle = new Pipe(socketType.SOCKET, connection); this.#connections++; try { this.onconnection!(0, connectionHandle); } catch { // swallow callback errors. } return this.#accept(); } /** Handle server closure. */ override _onClose(): number { this.#closed = true; this.reading = false; this.#address = undefined; this.#backlog = undefined; this.#connections = 0; this.#acceptBackoffDelay = undefined; if (this.provider === providerType.PIPESERVERWRAP) { try { this.#listener.close(); } catch { // listener already closed } } return LibuvStreamWrap.prototype._onClose.call(this); } } export class PipeConnectWrap extends AsyncWrap { oncomplete!: ( status: number, handle: ConnectionWrap, req: PipeConnectWrap, readable: boolean, writeable: boolean, ) => void; address!: string; constructor() { super(providerType.PIPECONNECTWRAP); } } export enum constants { SOCKET = socketType.SOCKET, SERVER = socketType.SERVER, IPC = socketType.IPC, UV_READABLE = 1, UV_WRITABLE = 2, }