// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use deno_core::error::generic_error;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
use deno_core::error::type_error;
use deno_core::error::AnyError;
use deno_core::op_async;
use deno_core::op_sync;
use deno_core::Extension;
use deno_core::OpState;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;

use deno_core::AsyncRefCell;
use deno_core::CancelFuture;
use deno_core::CancelHandle;
use deno_core::RcRef;
use deno_core::Resource;
use deno_core::ResourceId;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use tokio::signal::unix::{signal, Signal, SignalKind};

pub fn init() -> Extension {
      ("op_signal_bind", op_sync(op_signal_bind)),
      ("op_signal_unbind", op_sync(op_signal_unbind)),
      ("op_signal_poll", op_async(op_signal_poll)),

/// The resource for signal stream.
/// The second element is the waker of polling future.
struct SignalStreamResource {
  signal: AsyncRefCell<Signal>,
  cancel: CancelHandle,

impl Resource for SignalStreamResource {
  fn name(&self) -> Cow<str> {

  fn close(self: Rc<Self>) {

#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
pub fn signal_str_to_int(s: &str) -> Result<libc::c_int, AnyError> {
  match s {
    "SIGHUP" => Ok(1),
    "SIGINT" => Ok(2),
    "SIGQUIT" => Ok(3),
    "SIGILL" => Ok(4),
    "SIGTRAP" => Ok(5),
    "SIGABRT" => Ok(6),
    "SIGEMT" => Ok(7),
    "SIGFPE" => Ok(8),
    "SIGKILL" => Ok(9),
    "SIGBUS" => Ok(10),
    "SIGSEGV" => Ok(11),
    "SIGSYS" => Ok(12),
    "SIGPIPE" => Ok(13),
    "SIGALRM" => Ok(14),
    "SIGTERM" => Ok(15),
    "SIGURG" => Ok(16),
    "SIGSTOP" => Ok(17),
    "SIGTSTP" => Ok(18),
    "SIGCONT" => Ok(19),
    "SIGCHLD" => Ok(20),
    "SIGTTIN" => Ok(21),
    "SIGTTOU" => Ok(22),
    "SIGIO" => Ok(23),
    "SIGXCPU" => Ok(24),
    "SIGXFSZ" => Ok(25),
    "SIGVTALRM" => Ok(26),
    "SIGPROF" => Ok(27),
    "SIGWINCH" => Ok(28),
    "SIGINFO" => Ok(29),
    "SIGUSR1" => Ok(30),
    "SIGUSR2" => Ok(31),
    "SIGTHR" => Ok(32),
    "SIGLIBRT" => Ok(33),
    _ => Err(type_error(format!("Invalid signal : {}", s))),

#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
pub fn signal_str_to_int(s: &str) -> Result<libc::c_int, AnyError> {
  match s {
    "SIGHUP" => Ok(1),
    "SIGINT" => Ok(2),
    "SIGQUIT" => Ok(3),
    "SIGILL" => Ok(4),
    "SIGTRAP" => Ok(5),
    "SIGABRT" => Ok(6),
    "SIGBUS" => Ok(7),
    "SIGFPE" => Ok(8),
    "SIGKILL" => Ok(9),
    "SIGUSR1" => Ok(10),
    "SIGSEGV" => Ok(11),
    "SIGUSR2" => Ok(12),
    "SIGPIPE" => Ok(13),
    "SIGALRM" => Ok(14),
    "SIGTERM" => Ok(15),
    "SIGSTKFLT" => Ok(16),
    "SIGCHLD" => Ok(17),
    "SIGCONT" => Ok(18),
    "SIGSTOP" => Ok(19),
    "SIGTSTP" => Ok(20),
    "SIGTTIN" => Ok(21),
    "SIGTTOU" => Ok(22),
    "SIGURG" => Ok(23),
    "SIGXCPU" => Ok(24),
    "SIGXFSZ" => Ok(25),
    "SIGVTALRM" => Ok(26),
    "SIGPROF" => Ok(27),
    "SIGWINCH" => Ok(28),
    "SIGIO" => Ok(29),
    "SIGPWR" => Ok(30),
    "SIGSYS" => Ok(31),
    _ => Err(type_error(format!("Invalid signal : {}", s))),

#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
pub fn signal_str_to_int(s: &str) -> Result<libc::c_int, AnyError> {
  match s {
    "SIGHUP" => Ok(1),
    "SIGINT" => Ok(2),
    "SIGQUIT" => Ok(3),
    "SIGILL" => Ok(4),
    "SIGTRAP" => Ok(5),
    "SIGABRT" => Ok(6),
    "SIGEMT" => Ok(7),
    "SIGFPE" => Ok(8),
    "SIGKILL" => Ok(9),
    "SIGBUS" => Ok(10),
    "SIGSEGV" => Ok(11),
    "SIGSYS" => Ok(12),
    "SIGPIPE" => Ok(13),
    "SIGALRM" => Ok(14),
    "SIGTERM" => Ok(15),
    "SIGURG" => Ok(16),
    "SIGSTOP" => Ok(17),
    "SIGTSTP" => Ok(18),
    "SIGCONT" => Ok(19),
    "SIGCHLD" => Ok(20),
    "SIGTTIN" => Ok(21),
    "SIGTTOU" => Ok(22),
    "SIGIO" => Ok(23),
    "SIGXCPU" => Ok(24),
    "SIGXFSZ" => Ok(25),
    "SIGVTALRM" => Ok(26),
    "SIGPROF" => Ok(27),
    "SIGWINCH" => Ok(28),
    "SIGINFO" => Ok(29),
    "SIGUSR1" => Ok(30),
    "SIGUSR2" => Ok(31),
    _ => Err(type_error(format!("Invalid signal: {}", s))),

fn op_signal_bind(
  state: &mut OpState,
  sig: String,
  _: (),
) -> Result<ResourceId, AnyError> {
  super::check_unstable(state, "Deno.signal");
  let signo = signal_str_to_int(&sig)?;
  let resource = SignalStreamResource {
    signal: AsyncRefCell::new(signal(SignalKind::from_raw(signo)).unwrap()),
    cancel: Default::default(),
  let rid = state.resource_table.add(resource);

async fn op_signal_poll(
  state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>,
  rid: ResourceId,
  _: (),
) -> Result<bool, AnyError> {
  super::check_unstable2(&state, "Deno.signal");

  let resource = state
  let cancel = RcRef::map(&resource, |r| &r.cancel);
  let mut signal = RcRef::map(&resource, |r| &r.signal).borrow_mut().await;

  match signal.recv().or_cancel(cancel).await {
    Ok(result) => Ok(result.is_none()),
    Err(_) => Ok(true),

pub fn op_signal_unbind(
  state: &mut OpState,
  rid: ResourceId,
  _: (),
) -> Result<(), AnyError> {
  super::check_unstable(state, "Deno.signal");

pub fn op_signal_bind(
  _state: &mut OpState,
  _: (),
  _: (),
) -> Result<(), AnyError> {
  Err(generic_error("not implemented"))

fn op_signal_unbind(
  _state: &mut OpState,
  _: (),
  _: (),
) -> Result<(), AnyError> {
  Err(generic_error("not implemented"))

async fn op_signal_poll(
  _state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>,
  _: (),
  _: (),
) -> Result<(), AnyError> {
  Err(generic_error("not implemented"))