// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_ast::TextChange; use deno_core::anyhow::bail; use deno_core::anyhow::Context; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::futures::FutureExt; use deno_core::resolve_url_or_path; use deno_graph::GraphKind; use deno_runtime::colors; use log::warn; use crate::args::CliOptions; use crate::args::ConfigFile; use crate::args::Flags; use crate::args::FmtOptionsConfig; use crate::args::VendorFlags; use crate::factory::CliFactory; use crate::tools::fmt::format_json; use crate::util::fs::canonicalize_path; use crate::util::fs::resolve_from_cwd; use crate::util::path::relative_specifier; use deno_runtime::fs_util::specifier_to_file_path; mod analyze; mod build; mod import_map; mod mappings; mod specifiers; #[cfg(test)] mod test; pub async fn vendor( flags: Arc, vendor_flags: VendorFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { log::info!( "{}", colors::yellow("⚠️ Warning: `deno vendor` is deprecated and will be removed in Deno 2.0.\nAdd `\"vendor\": true` to your `deno.json` or use the `--vendor` flag instead."), ); let mut cli_options = CliOptions::from_flags(flags)?; let raw_output_dir = match &vendor_flags.output_path { Some(output_path) => PathBuf::from(output_path).to_owned(), None => PathBuf::from("vendor/"), }; let output_dir = resolve_from_cwd(&raw_output_dir)?; validate_output_dir(&output_dir, &vendor_flags)?; validate_options(&mut cli_options, &output_dir)?; let factory = CliFactory::from_cli_options(Arc::new(cli_options)); let cli_options = factory.cli_options()?; if cli_options.workspace().config_folders().len() > 1 { bail!("deno vendor is not supported in a workspace. Set `\"vendor\": true` in the workspace deno.json file instead"); } let entry_points = resolve_entry_points(&vendor_flags, cli_options.initial_cwd())?; let jsx_import_source = cli_options .workspace() .to_maybe_jsx_import_source_config()?; let module_graph_creator = factory.module_graph_creator().await?.clone(); let workspace_resolver = factory.workspace_resolver().await?; let root_folder = cli_options.workspace().root_folder_configs(); let maybe_config_file = root_folder.deno_json.as_ref(); let output = build::build(build::BuildInput { entry_points, build_graph: move |entry_points| { async move { module_graph_creator .create_graph(GraphKind::All, entry_points) .await } .boxed_local() }, parsed_source_cache: factory.parsed_source_cache(), output_dir: &output_dir, maybe_original_import_map: workspace_resolver.maybe_import_map(), maybe_jsx_import_source: jsx_import_source.as_ref(), resolver: factory.resolver().await?.as_graph_resolver(), environment: &build::RealVendorEnvironment, }) .await?; let vendored_count = output.vendored_count; let graph = output.graph; let npm_package_count = graph.npm_packages.len(); let try_add_node_modules_dir = npm_package_count > 0 && cli_options .node_modules_mode()? .map(|m| m.uses_node_modules_dir()) .unwrap_or(true); log::info!( concat!("Vendored {} {} into {} directory.",), vendored_count, if vendored_count == 1 { "module" } else { "modules" }, raw_output_dir.display(), ); let try_add_import_map = vendored_count > 0; let modified_result = maybe_update_config_file( &output_dir, maybe_config_file, try_add_import_map, try_add_node_modules_dir, ); // cache the node_modules folder when it's been added to the config file if modified_result.added_node_modules_dir { let node_modules_path = cli_options.node_modules_dir_path().cloned().or_else(|| { maybe_config_file .as_ref() .map(|d| &d.specifier) .filter(|c| c.scheme() == "file") .and_then(|c| c.to_file_path().ok()) .map(|config_path| config_path.parent().unwrap().join("node_modules")) }); if let Some(node_modules_path) = node_modules_path { let cli_options = cli_options.with_node_modules_dir_path(node_modules_path); let factory = CliFactory::from_cli_options(Arc::new(cli_options)); if let Some(managed) = factory.npm_resolver().await?.as_managed() { managed.cache_packages().await?; } } log::info!( concat!( "Vendored {} npm {} into node_modules directory. Set `nodeModulesDir: false` ", "in the Deno configuration file to disable vendoring npm packages in the future.", ), npm_package_count, if npm_package_count == 1 { "package" } else { "packages" }, ); } if vendored_count > 0 { let import_map_path = raw_output_dir.join("import_map.json"); if modified_result.updated_import_map { log::info!( concat!( "\nUpdated your local Deno configuration file with a reference to the ", "new vendored import map at {}. Invoking Deno subcommands will now ", "automatically resolve using the vendored modules. You may override ", "this by providing the `--import-map ` flag or by ", "manually editing your Deno configuration file.", ), import_map_path.display(), ); } else { log::info!( concat!( "\nTo use vendored modules, specify the `--import-map {}` flag when ", r#"invoking Deno subcommands or add an `"importMap": ""` "#, "entry to a deno.json file.", ), import_map_path.display(), ); } } Ok(()) } fn validate_output_dir( output_dir: &Path, flags: &VendorFlags, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if !flags.force && !is_dir_empty(output_dir)? { bail!(concat!( "Output directory was not empty. Please specify an empty directory or use ", "--force to ignore this error and potentially overwrite its contents.", )); } Ok(()) } fn validate_options( options: &mut CliOptions, output_dir: &Path, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let import_map_specifier = options .resolve_specified_import_map_specifier()? .or_else(|| { let config_file = options.workspace().root_deno_json()?; config_file .to_import_map_specifier() .ok() .flatten() .or_else(|| { if config_file.is_an_import_map() { Some(config_file.specifier.clone()) } else { None } }) }); // check the import map if let Some(import_map_path) = import_map_specifier .and_then(|p| specifier_to_file_path(&p).ok()) .and_then(|p| canonicalize_path(&p).ok()) { // make the output directory in order to canonicalize it for the check below std::fs::create_dir_all(output_dir)?; let output_dir = canonicalize_path(output_dir).with_context(|| { format!("Failed to canonicalize: {}", output_dir.display()) })?; if import_map_path.starts_with(output_dir) { // canonicalize to make the test for this pass on the CI let cwd = canonicalize_path(&std::env::current_dir()?)?; // We don't allow using the output directory to help generate the // new state because this may lead to cryptic error messages. log::warn!( concat!( "Ignoring import map. Specifying an import map file ({}) in the ", "deno vendor output directory is not supported. If you wish to use ", "an import map while vendoring, please specify one located outside ", "this directory." ), import_map_path .strip_prefix(&cwd) .unwrap_or(&import_map_path) .display() .to_string(), ); // don't use an import map in the config options.set_import_map_specifier(None); } } Ok(()) } fn maybe_update_config_file( output_dir: &Path, maybe_config_file: Option<&Arc>, try_add_import_map: bool, try_add_node_modules_dir: bool, ) -> ModifiedResult { assert!(output_dir.is_absolute()); let config_file = match maybe_config_file { Some(config_file) => config_file, None => return ModifiedResult::default(), }; if config_file.specifier.scheme() != "file" { return ModifiedResult::default(); } let fmt_config_options = config_file .to_fmt_config() .ok() .map(|config| config.options) .unwrap_or_default(); let result = update_config_file( config_file, &fmt_config_options, if try_add_import_map { Some( ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(output_dir.join("import_map.json")) .unwrap(), ) } else { None }, try_add_node_modules_dir, ); match result { Ok(modified_result) => modified_result, Err(err) => { warn!("Error updating config file. {:#}", err); ModifiedResult::default() } } } fn update_config_file( config_file: &ConfigFile, fmt_options: &FmtOptionsConfig, import_map_specifier: Option, try_add_node_modules_dir: bool, ) -> Result { let config_path = specifier_to_file_path(&config_file.specifier)?; let config_text = std::fs::read_to_string(&config_path)?; let import_map_specifier = import_map_specifier.and_then(|import_map_specifier| { relative_specifier(&config_file.specifier, &import_map_specifier) }); let modified_result = update_config_text( &config_text, fmt_options, import_map_specifier.as_deref(), try_add_node_modules_dir, )?; if let Some(new_text) = &modified_result.new_text { std::fs::write(config_path, new_text)?; } Ok(modified_result) } #[derive(Default)] struct ModifiedResult { updated_import_map: bool, added_node_modules_dir: bool, new_text: Option, } fn update_config_text( text: &str, fmt_options: &FmtOptionsConfig, import_map_specifier: Option<&str>, try_add_node_modules_dir: bool, ) -> Result { use jsonc_parser::ast::ObjectProp; use jsonc_parser::ast::Value; let text = if text.trim().is_empty() { "{}\n" } else { text }; let ast = jsonc_parser::parse_to_ast(text, &Default::default(), &Default::default())?; let obj = match ast.value { Some(Value::Object(obj)) => obj, _ => bail!("Failed updating config file due to no object."), }; let mut modified_result = ModifiedResult::default(); let mut text_changes = Vec::new(); let mut should_format = false; if try_add_node_modules_dir { // Only modify the nodeModulesDir property if it's not set // as this allows people to opt-out of this when vendoring // by specifying `nodeModulesDir: false` if obj.get("nodeModulesDir").is_none() { let insert_position = obj.range.end - 1; text_changes.push(TextChange { range: insert_position..insert_position, new_text: r#""nodeModulesDir": true"#.to_string(), }); should_format = true; modified_result.added_node_modules_dir = true; } } if let Some(import_map_specifier) = import_map_specifier { let import_map_specifier = import_map_specifier.replace('\"', "\\\""); match obj.get("importMap") { Some(ObjectProp { value: Value::StringLit(lit), .. }) => { text_changes.push(TextChange { range: lit.range.start..lit.range.end, new_text: format!("\"{}\"", import_map_specifier), }); modified_result.updated_import_map = true; } None => { // insert it crudely at a position that won't cause any issues // with comments and format after to make it look nice let insert_position = obj.range.end - 1; text_changes.push(TextChange { range: insert_position..insert_position, new_text: format!(r#""importMap": "{}""#, import_map_specifier), }); should_format = true; modified_result.updated_import_map = true; } // shouldn't happen Some(_) => { bail!("Failed updating importMap in config file due to invalid type.") } } } if text_changes.is_empty() { return Ok(modified_result); } let new_text = deno_ast::apply_text_changes(text, text_changes); modified_result.new_text = if should_format { format_json(&PathBuf::from("deno.json"), &new_text, fmt_options) .ok() .map(|formatted_text| formatted_text.unwrap_or(new_text)) } else { Some(new_text) }; Ok(modified_result) } fn is_dir_empty(dir_path: &Path) -> Result { match std::fs::read_dir(dir_path) { Ok(mut dir) => Ok(dir.next().is_none()), Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => Ok(true), Err(err) => { bail!("Error reading directory {}: {}", dir_path.display(), err) } } } fn resolve_entry_points( flags: &VendorFlags, initial_cwd: &Path, ) -> Result, AnyError> { flags .specifiers .iter() .map(|p| resolve_url_or_path(p, initial_cwd).map_err(|e| e.into())) .collect::, _>>() } #[cfg(test)] mod internal_test { use super::*; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; #[test] fn update_config_text_no_existing_props_add_prop() { let result = update_config_text( "{\n}", &Default::default(), Some("./vendor/import_map.json"), false, ) .unwrap(); assert!(result.updated_import_map); assert!(!result.added_node_modules_dir); assert_eq!( result.new_text.unwrap(), r#"{ "importMap": "./vendor/import_map.json" } "# ); let result = update_config_text( "{\n}", &Default::default(), Some("./vendor/import_map.json"), true, ) .unwrap(); assert!(result.updated_import_map); assert!(result.added_node_modules_dir); assert_eq!( result.new_text.unwrap(), r#"{ "nodeModulesDir": true, "importMap": "./vendor/import_map.json" } "# ); let result = update_config_text("{\n}", &Default::default(), None, true).unwrap(); assert!(!result.updated_import_map); assert!(result.added_node_modules_dir); assert_eq!( result.new_text.unwrap(), r#"{ "nodeModulesDir": true } "# ); } #[test] fn update_config_text_existing_props_add_prop() { let result = update_config_text( r#"{ "tasks": { "task1": "other" } } "#, &Default::default(), Some("./vendor/import_map.json"), false, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( result.new_text.unwrap(), r#"{ "tasks": { "task1": "other" }, "importMap": "./vendor/import_map.json" } "# ); // trailing comma let result = update_config_text( r#"{ "tasks": { "task1": "other" }, } "#, &Default::default(), Some("./vendor/import_map.json"), false, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( result.new_text.unwrap(), r#"{ "tasks": { "task1": "other" }, "importMap": "./vendor/import_map.json" } "# ); } #[test] fn update_config_text_update_prop() { let result = update_config_text( r#"{ "importMap": "./local.json" } "#, &Default::default(), Some("./vendor/import_map.json"), false, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( result.new_text.unwrap(), r#"{ "importMap": "./vendor/import_map.json" } "# ); } #[test] fn no_update_node_modules_dir() { // will not update if this is already set (even if it's false) let result = update_config_text( r#"{ "nodeModulesDir": false } "#, &Default::default(), None, true, ) .unwrap(); assert!(!result.added_node_modules_dir); assert!(!result.updated_import_map); assert_eq!(result.new_text, None); let result = update_config_text( r#"{ "nodeModulesDir": true } "#, &Default::default(), None, true, ) .unwrap(); assert!(!result.added_node_modules_dir); assert!(!result.updated_import_map); assert_eq!(result.new_text, None); } }