// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import * as tlsOps from "./ops/tls.ts"; import { Listener, Conn, ConnImpl, ListenerImpl } from "./net.ts"; // TODO(ry) There are many configuration options to add... // https://docs.rs/rustls/0.16.0/rustls/struct.ClientConfig.html interface ConnectTlsOptions { transport?: "tcp"; port: number; hostname?: string; certFile?: string; } export async function connectTls({ port, hostname = "", transport = "tcp", certFile = undefined, }: ConnectTlsOptions): Promise<Conn> { const res = await tlsOps.connectTls({ port, hostname, transport, certFile, }); return new ConnImpl(res.rid, res.remoteAddr!, res.localAddr!); } class TLSListenerImpl extends ListenerImpl { async accept(): Promise<Conn> { const res = await tlsOps.acceptTLS(this.rid); return new ConnImpl(res.rid, res.remoteAddr, res.localAddr); } } export interface ListenTlsOptions { port: number; hostname?: string; transport?: "tcp"; certFile: string; keyFile: string; } export function listenTls({ port, certFile, keyFile, hostname = "", transport = "tcp", }: ListenTlsOptions): Listener { const res = tlsOps.listenTls({ port, certFile, keyFile, hostname, transport, }); return new TLSListenerImpl(res.rid, res.localAddr); } interface StartTlsOptions { hostname?: string; certFile?: string; } export async function startTls( conn: Conn, { hostname = "", certFile = undefined }: StartTlsOptions = {} ): Promise<Conn> { const res = await tlsOps.startTls({ rid: conn.rid, hostname, certFile, }); return new ConnImpl(res.rid, res.remoteAddr!, res.localAddr!); }