// Copyright 2018 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import * as msg from "gen/msg_generated"; import { flatbuffers } from "flatbuffers"; import { assert } from "./util"; import * as dispatch from "./dispatch"; /** * Returns the destination of the named symbolic link synchronously. * * import { readlinkSync } from "deno"; * const targetPath = readlinkSync("symlink/path"); */ export function readlinkSync(name: string): string { return res(dispatch.sendSync(...req(name))); } /** * Returns the destination of the named symbolic link. * * import { readlink } from "deno"; * const targetPath = await readlink("symlink/path"); */ export async function readlink(name: string): Promise<string> { return res(await dispatch.sendAsync(...req(name))); } function req(name: string): [flatbuffers.Builder, msg.Any, flatbuffers.Offset] { const builder = new flatbuffers.Builder(); const name_ = builder.createString(name); msg.Readlink.startReadlink(builder); msg.Readlink.addName(builder, name_); const inner = msg.Readlink.endReadlink(builder); return [builder, msg.Any.Readlink, inner]; } function res(baseRes: null | msg.Base): string { assert(baseRes !== null); assert(msg.Any.ReadlinkRes === baseRes!.innerType()); const res = new msg.ReadlinkRes(); assert(baseRes!.inner(res) !== null); const path = res.path(); assert(path !== null); return path!; }