#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run -A --lock=tools/deno.lock.json // Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. import { DenoWorkspace } from "./deno_workspace.ts"; import { $, createOctoKit, getGitHubRepository } from "./deps.ts"; const workspace = await DenoWorkspace.load(); const repo = workspace.repo; const cliCrate = workspace.getCliCrate(); $.logStep("Creating release tag..."); await createReleaseTag(); $.logStep("Forwarding release commit to main..."); try { await forwardReleaseCommitToMain(); } catch (err) { $.logError("Failed. Please manually open a PR.", err); } async function createReleaseTag() { await repo.gitFetchTags("origin"); const tags = await repo.getGitTags(); const tagName = `v${cliCrate.version}`; if (tags.has(tagName)) { $.log(`Tag ${tagName} already exists.`); } else { await repo.gitTag(tagName); await repo.gitPush("origin", tagName); } } async function forwardReleaseCommitToMain() { // if this is a patch release, open a PR to forward the most recent commit back to main const currentBranch = await repo.gitCurrentBranch(); const isPatchRelease = currentBranch !== "main"; if (!isPatchRelease) { $.log("Not doing a patch release. Skipping."); return; } await repo.command("git fetch origin main"); const releaseCommitHash = await repo.command("git rev-parse HEAD").text(); const newBranchName = `forward_v${cliCrate.version}`; $.logStep(`Creating branch ${newBranchName}...`); await repo.command([ "git", "checkout", "-b", newBranchName, "origin/main", ]); const cherryPickResult = await repo.command([ "git", "cherry-pick", releaseCommitHash, ]).noThrow(); if (cherryPickResult.code !== 0) { // commit with conflicts that can be resolved in the PR await repo.command("git add ."); await repo.command( 'git commit --no-verify -m "Cherry-pick version bump commit with conflicts"', ).noThrow(); } await repo.gitPush("origin", newBranchName); $.logStep(`Opening PR...`); try { const openedPr = await createOctoKit().request( "POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls", { ...getGitHubRepository(), base: "main", head: newBranchName, draft: true, title: `chore: forward v${cliCrate.version} release commit to main`, body: getPrBody(), }, ); $.log(`Opened PR at ${openedPr.data.url}`); } catch (err) { $.logError( `Failed to open PR. Please open one manually: https://github.com/denoland/deno/pull/new/${newBranchName}`, err, ); } function getPrBody() { let text = ""; if (cherryPickResult.code !== 0) { text += `**THIS PR HAS GIT CONFLICTS THAT MUST BE RESOLVED**\n\n`; } text += `This is the release commit being forwarded back to main for ${cliCrate.version}\n\n` + `Please ensure:\n` + `- [ ] Everything looks ok in the PR\n` + `- [ ] The release has been published\n\n` + `To make edits to this PR:\n` + "```shell\n" + `git fetch upstream ${newBranchName} && git checkout -b ${newBranchName} upstream/${newBranchName}\n` + "```\n\n" + "Don't need this PR? Close it.\n"; const actor = Deno.env.get("GH_WORKFLOW_ACTOR"); if (actor != null) { text += `\ncc @${actor}`; } return text; } }