// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::colors; use self::draw_thread::DrawThread; use self::draw_thread::ProgressBarEntry; use super::console::console_size; mod draw_thread; mod renderer; // Inspired by Indicatif, but this custom implementation allows // for more control over what's going on under the hood. pub struct UpdateGuard { maybe_entry: Option<ProgressBarEntry>, } impl Drop for UpdateGuard { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(entry) = &self.maybe_entry { entry.finish(); } } } impl UpdateGuard { pub fn set_position(&self, value: u64) { if let Some(entry) = &self.maybe_entry { entry.set_position(value); } } pub fn set_total_size(&self, value: u64) { if let Some(entry) = &self.maybe_entry { entry.set_total_size(value); } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ProgressBarStyle { DownloadBars, TextOnly, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct ProgressBar { draw_thread: Option<DrawThread>, } impl ProgressBar { /// Checks if progress bars are supported pub fn are_supported() -> bool { atty::is(atty::Stream::Stderr) && log::log_enabled!(log::Level::Info) && console_size() .map(|s| s.cols > 0 && s.rows > 0) .unwrap_or(false) } pub fn new(style: ProgressBarStyle) -> Self { Self { draw_thread: match Self::are_supported() { true => Some(DrawThread::new(match style { ProgressBarStyle::DownloadBars => { Box::new(renderer::BarProgressBarRenderer) } ProgressBarStyle::TextOnly => { Box::new(renderer::TextOnlyProgressBarRenderer) } })), false => None, }, } } pub fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.draw_thread.is_some() } pub fn update(&self, msg: &str) -> UpdateGuard { match &self.draw_thread { Some(draw_thread) => { let entry = draw_thread.add_entry(msg.to_string()); UpdateGuard { maybe_entry: Some(entry), } } None => { // if we're not running in TTY, fallback to using logger crate if !msg.is_empty() { log::log!(log::Level::Info, "{} {}", colors::green("Download"), msg); } UpdateGuard { maybe_entry: None } } } } pub fn clear_guard(&self) -> ClearGuard { if let Some(draw_thread) = &self.draw_thread { draw_thread.increment_clear(); } ClearGuard { pb: self.clone() } } fn decrement_clear(&self) { if let Some(draw_thread) = &self.draw_thread { draw_thread.decrement_clear(); } } } pub struct ClearGuard { pb: ProgressBar, } impl Drop for ClearGuard { fn drop(&mut self) { self.pb.decrement_clear(); } }