// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use std; use std::fs::{create_dir, DirBuilder, File, OpenOptions}; use std::io::ErrorKind; use std::io::Write; use std::path::{Component, Path, PathBuf}; use deno_core::ErrBox; use rand; use rand::Rng; use walkdir::WalkDir; #[cfg(unix)] use std::os::unix::fs::{DirBuilderExt, PermissionsExt}; #[cfg(unix)] use nix::unistd::{chown as unix_chown, Gid, Uid}; pub fn write_file<T: AsRef<[u8]>>( filename: &Path, data: T, perm: u32, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { write_file_2(filename, data, true, perm, true, false) } pub fn write_file_2<T: AsRef<[u8]>>( filename: &Path, data: T, update_perm: bool, perm: u32, is_create: bool, is_append: bool, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { let mut file = OpenOptions::new() .read(false) .write(true) .append(is_append) .truncate(!is_append) .create(is_create) .open(filename)?; if update_perm { set_permissions(&mut file, perm)?; } file.write_all(data.as_ref()) } #[cfg(unix)] fn set_permissions(file: &mut File, perm: u32) -> std::io::Result<()> { debug!("set file perm to {}", perm); file.set_permissions(PermissionsExt::from_mode(perm & 0o777)) } #[cfg(not(unix))] fn set_permissions(_file: &mut File, _perm: u32) -> std::io::Result<()> { // NOOP on windows Ok(()) } pub fn make_temp( dir: Option<&Path>, prefix: Option<&str>, suffix: Option<&str>, is_dir: bool, ) -> std::io::Result<PathBuf> { let prefix_ = prefix.unwrap_or(""); let suffix_ = suffix.unwrap_or(""); let mut buf: PathBuf = match dir { Some(ref p) => p.to_path_buf(), None => std::env::temp_dir(), } .join("_"); let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); loop { let unique = rng.gen::<u32>(); buf.set_file_name(format!("{}{:08x}{}", prefix_, unique, suffix_)); // TODO: on posix, set mode flags to 0o700. let r = if is_dir { create_dir(buf.as_path()) } else { OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create_new(true) .open(buf.as_path()) .map(|_| ()) }; match r { Err(ref e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => continue, Ok(_) => return Ok(buf), Err(e) => return Err(e), } } } pub fn mkdir(path: &Path, perm: u32, recursive: bool) -> std::io::Result<()> { debug!("mkdir -p {}", path.display()); let mut builder = DirBuilder::new(); builder.recursive(recursive); set_dir_permission(&mut builder, perm); builder.create(path) } #[cfg(unix)] fn set_dir_permission(builder: &mut DirBuilder, perm: u32) { debug!("set dir perm to {}", perm); builder.mode(perm & 0o777); } #[cfg(not(unix))] fn set_dir_permission(_builder: &mut DirBuilder, _perm: u32) { // NOOP on windows } #[cfg(unix)] pub fn chown(path: &str, uid: u32, gid: u32) -> Result<(), ErrBox> { let nix_uid = Uid::from_raw(uid); let nix_gid = Gid::from_raw(gid); unix_chown(path, Option::Some(nix_uid), Option::Some(nix_gid)) .map_err(ErrBox::from) } #[cfg(not(unix))] pub fn chown(_path: &str, _uid: u32, _gid: u32) -> Result<(), ErrBox> { // FAIL on Windows // TODO: implement chown for Windows let e = std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::Other, "Not implemented".to_string(), ); Err(ErrBox::from(e)) } /// Normalize all itermediate components of the path (ie. remove "./" and "../" components). /// Similar to `fs::canonicalize()` but doesn't resolve symlinks. /// /// Taken from Cargo /// https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/blob/af307a38c20a753ec60f0ad18be5abed3db3c9ac/src/cargo/util/paths.rs#L60-L85 pub fn normalize_path(path: &Path) -> PathBuf { let mut components = path.components().peekable(); let mut ret = if let Some(c @ Component::Prefix(..)) = components.peek().cloned() { components.next(); PathBuf::from(c.as_os_str()) } else { PathBuf::new() }; for component in components { match component { Component::Prefix(..) => unreachable!(), Component::RootDir => { ret.push(component.as_os_str()); } Component::CurDir => {} Component::ParentDir => { ret.pop(); } Component::Normal(c) => { ret.push(c); } } } ret } pub fn resolve_from_cwd(path: &Path) -> Result<PathBuf, ErrBox> { let resolved_path = if path.is_absolute() { path.to_owned() } else { let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); cwd.join(path) }; Ok(normalize_path(&resolved_path)) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn resolve_from_cwd_child() { let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); assert_eq!(resolve_from_cwd(Path::new("a")).unwrap(), cwd.join("a")); } #[test] fn resolve_from_cwd_dot() { let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); assert_eq!(resolve_from_cwd(Path::new(".")).unwrap(), cwd); } #[test] fn resolve_from_cwd_parent() { let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); assert_eq!(resolve_from_cwd(Path::new("a/..")).unwrap(), cwd); } #[test] fn test_normalize_path() { assert_eq!(normalize_path(Path::new("a/../b")), PathBuf::from("b")); assert_eq!(normalize_path(Path::new("a/./b/")), PathBuf::from("a/b/")); assert_eq!( normalize_path(Path::new("a/./b/../c")), PathBuf::from("a/c") ); if cfg!(windows) { assert_eq!( normalize_path(Path::new("C:\\a\\.\\b\\..\\c")), PathBuf::from("C:\\a\\c") ); } } // TODO: Get a good expected value here for Windows. #[cfg(not(windows))] #[test] fn resolve_from_cwd_absolute() { let expected = Path::new("/a"); assert_eq!(resolve_from_cwd(expected).unwrap(), expected); } } pub fn files_in_subtree<F>(root: PathBuf, filter: F) -> Vec<PathBuf> where F: Fn(&Path) -> bool, { assert!(root.is_dir()); WalkDir::new(root) .into_iter() .filter_map(|e| e.ok()) .map(|e| e.path().to_owned()) .filter(|p| if p.is_dir() { false } else { filter(&p) }) .collect() }