// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // TODO(ry) It'd be better to make Deferred a class that inherits from // Promise, rather than an interface. This is possible in ES2016, however // typescript produces broken code when targeting ES5 code. // See https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/15202 // At the time of writing, the github issue is closed but the problem remains. export interface Deferred<T> extends Promise<T> { resolve: (value?: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any reject: (reason?: any) => void; } /** Creates a Promise with the `reject` and `resolve` functions * placed as methods on the promise object itself. It allows you to do: * * const p = deferred<number>(); * // ... * p.resolve(42); */ export function deferred<T>(): Deferred<T> { let methods; const promise = new Promise<T>( (resolve, reject): void => { methods = { resolve, reject }; } ); return Object.assign(promise, methods)! as Deferred<T>; } interface TaggedYieldedValue<T> { iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<T>; value: T; } /** The MuxAsyncIterator class multiplexes multiple async iterators into a * single stream. It currently makes a few assumptions: * - The iterators do not throw. * - The final result (the value returned and not yielded from the iterator) * does not matter; if there is any, it is discarded. */ export class MuxAsyncIterator<T> implements AsyncIterable<T> { private iteratorCount = 0; private yields: Array<TaggedYieldedValue<T>> = []; private signal: Deferred<void> = deferred(); add(iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<T>): void { ++this.iteratorCount; this.callIteratorNext(iterator); } private async callIteratorNext( iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<T> ): Promise<void> { const { value, done } = await iterator.next(); if (done) { --this.iteratorCount; } else { this.yields.push({ iterator, value }); } this.signal.resolve(); } async *iterate(): AsyncIterableIterator<T> { while (this.iteratorCount > 0) { // Sleep until any of the wrapped iterators yields. await this.signal; // Note that while we're looping over `yields`, new items may be added. for (let i = 0; i < this.yields.length; i++) { const { iterator, value } = this.yields[i]; yield value; this.callIteratorNext(iterator); } // Clear the `yields` list and reset the `signal` promise. this.yields.length = 0; this.signal = deferred(); } } [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<T> { return this.iterate(); } } /** Collects all Uint8Arrays from an AsyncIterable and retuns a single * Uint8Array with the concatenated contents of all the collected arrays. */ export async function collectUint8Arrays( it: AsyncIterable<Uint8Array> ): Promise<Uint8Array> { const chunks = []; let length = 0; for await (const chunk of it) { chunks.push(chunk); length += chunk.length; } if (chunks.length === 1) { // No need to copy. return chunks[0]; } const collected = new Uint8Array(length); let offset = 0; for (let chunk of chunks) { collected.set(chunk, offset); offset += chunk.length; } return collected; } // Delays the given milliseconds and resolves. export function delay(ms: number): Promise<void> { return new Promise( (res): number => setTimeout((): void => { res(); }, ms) ); }