// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::error::is_instance_of_error; use crate::modules::get_asserted_module_type_from_assertions; use crate::modules::parse_import_assertions; use crate::modules::validate_import_assertions; use crate::modules::ImportAssertionsKind; use crate::modules::ModuleMap; use crate::ops::OpCtx; use crate::runtime::SnapshotOptions; use crate::JsRuntime; use log::debug; use std::option::Option; use std::os::raw::c_void; use v8::fast_api::FastFunction; use v8::MapFnTo; pub fn external_references( ops: &[OpCtx], snapshot_loaded: bool, ) -> v8::ExternalReferences { let mut references = vec![ v8::ExternalReference { function: call_console.map_fn_to(), }, v8::ExternalReference { function: import_meta_resolve.map_fn_to(), }, v8::ExternalReference { function: catch_dynamic_import_promise_error.map_fn_to(), }, v8::ExternalReference { function: empty_fn.map_fn_to(), }, ]; for ctx in ops { let ctx_ptr = ctx as *const OpCtx as _; references.push(v8::ExternalReference { pointer: ctx_ptr }); references.push(v8::ExternalReference { function: ctx.decl.v8_fn_ptr, }); if snapshot_loaded { if let Some(fast_fn) = &ctx.decl.fast_fn { references.push(v8::ExternalReference { pointer: fast_fn.function() as _, }); } } } let refs = v8::ExternalReferences::new(&references); // Leak, V8 takes ownership of the references. std::mem::forget(references); refs } // TODO(nayeemrmn): Move to runtime and/or make `pub(crate)`. pub fn script_origin<'a>( s: &mut v8::HandleScope<'a>, resource_name: v8::Local<'a, v8::String>, ) -> v8::ScriptOrigin<'a> { let source_map_url = v8::String::new(s, "").unwrap(); v8::ScriptOrigin::new( s, resource_name.into(), 0, 0, false, 123, source_map_url.into(), true, false, false, ) } pub fn module_origin<'a>( s: &mut v8::HandleScope<'a>, resource_name: v8::Local<'a, v8::String>, ) -> v8::ScriptOrigin<'a> { let source_map_url = v8::String::new(s, "").unwrap(); v8::ScriptOrigin::new( s, resource_name.into(), 0, 0, false, 123, source_map_url.into(), true, false, true, ) } pub fn initialize_context<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s, ()>, op_ctxs: &[OpCtx], snapshot_options: SnapshotOptions, ) -> v8::Local<'s, v8::Context> { let scope = &mut v8::EscapableHandleScope::new(scope); let context = v8::Context::new(scope); let global = context.global(scope); let scope = &mut v8::ContextScope::new(scope, context); // Snapshot already registered `Deno.core.ops` but // extensions may provide ops that aren't part of the snapshot. if snapshot_options.loaded() { // Grab the Deno.core.ops object & init it let ops_obj = JsRuntime::eval::(scope, "Deno.core.ops") .expect("Deno.core.ops to exist"); initialize_ops(scope, ops_obj, op_ctxs, snapshot_options); if snapshot_options != SnapshotOptions::CreateFromExisting { initialize_async_ops_info(scope, ops_obj, op_ctxs); } return scope.escape(context); } // global.Deno = { core: { } }; let deno_obj = v8::Object::new(scope); let deno_str = v8::String::new(scope, "Deno").unwrap(); global.set(scope, deno_str.into(), deno_obj.into()); let core_obj = v8::Object::new(scope); let core_str = v8::String::new(scope, "core").unwrap(); deno_obj.set(scope, core_str.into(), core_obj.into()); // Bind functions to Deno.core.* set_func(scope, core_obj, "callConsole", call_console); // Bind functions to Deno.core.ops.* let ops_obj = v8::Object::new(scope); let ops_str = v8::String::new(scope, "ops").unwrap(); core_obj.set(scope, ops_str.into(), ops_obj.into()); if !snapshot_options.will_snapshot() { initialize_async_ops_info(scope, ops_obj, op_ctxs); } initialize_ops(scope, ops_obj, op_ctxs, snapshot_options); scope.escape(context) } fn initialize_ops( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, ops_obj: v8::Local, op_ctxs: &[OpCtx], snapshot_options: SnapshotOptions, ) { for ctx in op_ctxs { let ctx_ptr = ctx as *const OpCtx as *const c_void; // If this is a fast op, we don't want it to be in the snapshot. // Only initialize once snapshot is loaded. if ctx.decl.fast_fn.is_some() && snapshot_options.loaded() { set_func_raw( scope, ops_obj, ctx.decl.name, ctx.decl.v8_fn_ptr, ctx_ptr, &ctx.decl.fast_fn, snapshot_options, ); } else { set_func_raw( scope, ops_obj, ctx.decl.name, ctx.decl.v8_fn_ptr, ctx_ptr, &None, snapshot_options, ); } } } pub fn set_func( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'_>, obj: v8::Local, name: &'static str, callback: impl v8::MapFnTo, ) { let key = v8::String::new(scope, name).unwrap(); let val = v8::Function::new(scope, callback).unwrap(); val.set_name(key); obj.set(scope, key.into(), val.into()); } // Register a raw v8::FunctionCallback // with some external data. pub fn set_func_raw( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'_>, obj: v8::Local, name: &'static str, callback: v8::FunctionCallback, external_data: *const c_void, fast_function: &Option>, snapshot_options: SnapshotOptions, ) { let key = v8::String::new(scope, name).unwrap(); let external = v8::External::new(scope, external_data as *mut c_void); let builder = v8::FunctionTemplate::builder_raw(callback).data(external.into()); let templ = if let Some(fast_function) = fast_function { // Don't initialize fast ops when snapshotting, the external references count mismatch. if matches!( snapshot_options, SnapshotOptions::Load | SnapshotOptions::None ) { // TODO(@littledivy): Support fast api overloads in ops. builder.build_fast(scope, &**fast_function, None) } else { builder.build(scope) } } else { builder.build(scope) }; let val = templ.get_function(scope).unwrap(); val.set_name(key); obj.set(scope, key.into(), val.into()); } pub extern "C" fn wasm_async_resolve_promise_callback( _isolate: *mut v8::Isolate, context: v8::Local, resolver: v8::Local, compilation_result: v8::Local, success: v8::WasmAsyncSuccess, ) { // SAFETY: `CallbackScope` can be safely constructed from `Local` let scope = &mut unsafe { v8::CallbackScope::new(context) }; if success == v8::WasmAsyncSuccess::Success { resolver.resolve(scope, compilation_result).unwrap(); } else { resolver.reject(scope, compilation_result).unwrap(); } } pub fn host_import_module_dynamically_callback<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, _host_defined_options: v8::Local<'s, v8::Data>, resource_name: v8::Local<'s, v8::Value>, specifier: v8::Local<'s, v8::String>, import_assertions: v8::Local<'s, v8::FixedArray>, ) -> Option> { // NOTE(bartlomieju): will crash for non-UTF-8 specifier let specifier_str = specifier .to_string(scope) .unwrap() .to_rust_string_lossy(scope); let referrer_name_str = resource_name .to_string(scope) .unwrap() .to_rust_string_lossy(scope); let resolver = v8::PromiseResolver::new(scope).unwrap(); let promise = resolver.get_promise(scope); let assertions = parse_import_assertions( scope, import_assertions, ImportAssertionsKind::DynamicImport, ); { let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope); validate_import_assertions(tc_scope, &assertions); if tc_scope.has_caught() { let e = tc_scope.exception().unwrap(); resolver.reject(tc_scope, e); } } let asserted_module_type = get_asserted_module_type_from_assertions(&assertions); let resolver_handle = v8::Global::new(scope, resolver); { let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(scope); let module_map_rc = JsRuntime::module_map(scope); debug!( "dyn_import specifier {} referrer {} ", specifier_str, referrer_name_str ); ModuleMap::load_dynamic_import( module_map_rc, &specifier_str, &referrer_name_str, asserted_module_type, resolver_handle, ); state_rc.borrow_mut().notify_new_dynamic_import(); } // Map errors from module resolution (not JS errors from module execution) to // ones rethrown from this scope, so they include the call stack of the // dynamic import site. Error objects without any stack frames are assumed to // be module resolution errors, other exception values are left as they are. let builder = v8::FunctionBuilder::new(catch_dynamic_import_promise_error); let map_err = v8::FunctionBuilder::::build(builder, scope).unwrap(); let promise = promise.catch(scope, map_err).unwrap(); Some(promise) } pub extern "C" fn host_initialize_import_meta_object_callback( context: v8::Local, module: v8::Local, meta: v8::Local, ) { // SAFETY: `CallbackScope` can be safely constructed from `Local` let scope = &mut unsafe { v8::CallbackScope::new(context) }; let module_map_rc = JsRuntime::module_map(scope); let module_map = module_map_rc.borrow(); let module_global = v8::Global::new(scope, module); let info = module_map .get_info(&module_global) .expect("Module not found"); let url_key = v8::String::new(scope, "url").unwrap(); let url_val = v8::String::new(scope, &info.name).unwrap(); meta.create_data_property(scope, url_key.into(), url_val.into()); let main_key = v8::String::new(scope, "main").unwrap(); let main_val = v8::Boolean::new(scope, info.main); meta.create_data_property(scope, main_key.into(), main_val.into()); let builder = v8::FunctionBuilder::new(import_meta_resolve).data(url_val.into()); let val = v8::FunctionBuilder::::build(builder, scope).unwrap(); let resolve_key = v8::String::new(scope, "resolve").unwrap(); meta.set(scope, resolve_key.into(), val.into()); } fn import_meta_resolve( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { if args.length() > 1 { return throw_type_error(scope, "Invalid arguments"); } let maybe_arg_str = args.get(0).to_string(scope); if maybe_arg_str.is_none() { return throw_type_error(scope, "Invalid arguments"); } let specifier = maybe_arg_str.unwrap(); let referrer = { let url_prop = args.data(); url_prop.to_rust_string_lossy(scope) }; let module_map_rc = JsRuntime::module_map(scope); let loader = { let module_map = module_map_rc.borrow(); module_map.loader.clone() }; match loader.resolve(&specifier.to_rust_string_lossy(scope), &referrer, false) { Ok(resolved) => { let resolved_val = serde_v8::to_v8(scope, resolved.as_str()).unwrap(); rv.set(resolved_val); } Err(err) => { throw_type_error(scope, &err.to_string()); } }; } fn empty_fn( _scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, _args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, _rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { //Do Nothing } //It creates a reference to an empty function which can be mantained after the snapshots pub fn create_empty_fn<'s>( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s>, ) -> Option> { let empty_fn = v8::FunctionTemplate::new(scope, empty_fn); empty_fn.get_function(scope) } fn catch_dynamic_import_promise_error( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, _rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { let arg = args.get(0); if is_instance_of_error(scope, arg) { let e: crate::error::NativeJsError = serde_v8::from_v8(scope, arg).unwrap(); let name = e.name.unwrap_or_else(|| "Error".to_string()); let message = v8::Exception::create_message(scope, arg); if message.get_stack_trace(scope).unwrap().get_frame_count() == 0 { let arg: v8::Local = arg.try_into().unwrap(); let message_key = v8::String::new(scope, "message").unwrap(); let message = arg.get(scope, message_key.into()).unwrap(); let exception = match name.as_str() { "RangeError" => { v8::Exception::range_error(scope, message.try_into().unwrap()) } "TypeError" => { v8::Exception::type_error(scope, message.try_into().unwrap()) } "SyntaxError" => { v8::Exception::syntax_error(scope, message.try_into().unwrap()) } "ReferenceError" => { v8::Exception::reference_error(scope, message.try_into().unwrap()) } _ => v8::Exception::error(scope, message.try_into().unwrap()), }; let code_key = v8::String::new(scope, "code").unwrap(); let code_value = v8::String::new(scope, "ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND").unwrap(); let exception_obj = exception.to_object(scope).unwrap(); exception_obj.set(scope, code_key.into(), code_value.into()); scope.throw_exception(exception); return; } } scope.throw_exception(arg); } pub extern "C" fn promise_reject_callback(message: v8::PromiseRejectMessage) { use v8::PromiseRejectEvent::*; // SAFETY: `CallbackScope` can be safely constructed from `&PromiseRejectMessage` let scope = &mut unsafe { v8::CallbackScope::new(&message) }; let state_rc = JsRuntime::state(scope); let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut(); if let Some(js_promise_reject_cb) = state.js_promise_reject_cb.clone() { let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope); let undefined: v8::Local = v8::undefined(tc_scope).into(); let type_ = v8::Integer::new(tc_scope, message.get_event() as i32); let promise = message.get_promise(); drop(state); // Drop borrow, callbacks can call back into runtime. let reason = match message.get_event() { PromiseRejectWithNoHandler | PromiseRejectAfterResolved | PromiseResolveAfterResolved => message.get_value().unwrap_or(undefined), PromiseHandlerAddedAfterReject => undefined, }; let promise_global = v8::Global::new(tc_scope, promise); let args = &[type_.into(), promise.into(), reason]; let maybe_has_unhandled_rejection_handler = js_promise_reject_cb .open(tc_scope) .call(tc_scope, undefined, args); let has_unhandled_rejection_handler = if let Some(value) = maybe_has_unhandled_rejection_handler { value.is_true() } else { false }; if has_unhandled_rejection_handler { let mut state = state_rc.borrow_mut(); if let Some(pending_mod_evaluate) = state.pending_mod_evaluate.as_mut() { if !pending_mod_evaluate.has_evaluated { pending_mod_evaluate .handled_promise_rejections .push(promise_global); } } } } else { let promise = message.get_promise(); let promise_global = v8::Global::new(scope, promise); match message.get_event() { PromiseRejectWithNoHandler => { let error = message.get_value().unwrap(); let error_global = v8::Global::new(scope, error); state .pending_promise_exceptions .insert(promise_global, error_global); } PromiseHandlerAddedAfterReject => { state.pending_promise_exceptions.remove(&promise_global); } PromiseRejectAfterResolved => {} PromiseResolveAfterResolved => { // Should not warn. See #1272 } } } } /// This binding should be used if there's a custom console implementation /// available. Using it will make sure that proper stack frames are displayed /// in the inspector console. /// /// Each method on console object should be bound to this function, eg: /// ```ignore /// function wrapConsole(consoleFromDeno, consoleFromV8) { /// const callConsole = core.callConsole; /// /// for (const key of Object.keys(consoleFromV8)) { /// if (consoleFromDeno.hasOwnProperty(key)) { /// consoleFromDeno[key] = callConsole.bind( /// consoleFromDeno, /// consoleFromV8[key], /// consoleFromDeno[key], /// ); /// } /// } /// } /// ``` /// /// Inspired by: /// https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/1317252dfe8824fd9cfee125d2aaa94004db2f3b/src/inspector_js_api.cc#L194-L222 fn call_console( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, _rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { if args.length() < 2 || !args.get(0).is_function() || !args.get(1).is_function() { return throw_type_error(scope, "Invalid arguments"); } let mut call_args = vec![]; for i in 2..args.length() { call_args.push(args.get(i)); } let receiver = args.this(); let inspector_console_method = v8::Local::::try_from(args.get(0)).unwrap(); let deno_console_method = v8::Local::::try_from(args.get(1)).unwrap(); inspector_console_method.call(scope, receiver.into(), &call_args); deno_console_method.call(scope, receiver.into(), &call_args); } /// Called by V8 during `JsRuntime::instantiate_module`. /// /// This function borrows `ModuleMap` from the isolate slot, /// so it is crucial to ensure there are no existing borrows /// of `ModuleMap` when `JsRuntime::instantiate_module` is called. pub fn module_resolve_callback<'s>( context: v8::Local<'s, v8::Context>, specifier: v8::Local<'s, v8::String>, import_assertions: v8::Local<'s, v8::FixedArray>, referrer: v8::Local<'s, v8::Module>, ) -> Option> { // SAFETY: `CallbackScope` can be safely constructed from `Local` let scope = &mut unsafe { v8::CallbackScope::new(context) }; let module_map_rc = JsRuntime::module_map(scope); let module_map = module_map_rc.borrow(); let referrer_global = v8::Global::new(scope, referrer); let referrer_info = module_map .get_info(&referrer_global) .expect("ModuleInfo not found"); let referrer_name = referrer_info.name.to_string(); let specifier_str = specifier.to_rust_string_lossy(scope); let assertions = parse_import_assertions( scope, import_assertions, ImportAssertionsKind::StaticImport, ); let maybe_module = module_map.resolve_callback( scope, &specifier_str, &referrer_name, assertions, ); if let Some(module) = maybe_module { return Some(module); } let msg = format!( r#"Cannot resolve module "{}" from "{}""#, specifier_str, referrer_name ); throw_type_error(scope, msg); None } pub fn throw_type_error(scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, message: impl AsRef) { let message = v8::String::new(scope, message.as_ref()).unwrap(); let exception = v8::Exception::type_error(scope, message); scope.throw_exception(exception); } struct AsyncOpsInfo { ptr: *const OpCtx, len: usize, } impl<'s> IntoIterator for &'s AsyncOpsInfo { type Item = &'s OpCtx; type IntoIter = AsyncOpsInfoIterator<'s>; fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { AsyncOpsInfoIterator { // SAFETY: OpCtx slice is valid for the lifetime of the Isolate info: unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(self.ptr, self.len) }, index: 0, } } } struct AsyncOpsInfoIterator<'s> { info: &'s [OpCtx], index: usize, } impl<'s> Iterator for AsyncOpsInfoIterator<'s> { type Item = &'s OpCtx; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { loop { match self.info.get(self.index) { Some(ctx) if ctx.decl.is_async => { self.index += 1; return Some(ctx); } Some(_) => { self.index += 1; } None => return None, } } } } fn async_ops_info( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments, mut rv: v8::ReturnValue, ) { let async_op_names = v8::Object::new(scope); let external: v8::Local = args.data().try_into().unwrap(); let info: &AsyncOpsInfo = // SAFETY: external is guaranteed to be a valid pointer to AsyncOpsInfo unsafe { &*(external.value() as *const AsyncOpsInfo) }; for ctx in info { let name = v8::String::new(scope, ctx.decl.name).unwrap(); let argc = v8::Integer::new(scope, ctx.decl.argc as i32); async_op_names.set(scope, name.into(), argc.into()); } rv.set(async_op_names.into()); } fn initialize_async_ops_info( scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, ops_obj: v8::Local, op_ctxs: &[OpCtx], ) { let key = v8::String::new(scope, "asyncOpsInfo").unwrap(); let external = v8::External::new( scope, Box::into_raw(Box::new(AsyncOpsInfo { ptr: op_ctxs as *const [OpCtx] as _, len: op_ctxs.len(), })) as *mut c_void, ); let val = v8::Function::builder(async_ops_info) .data(external.into()) .build(scope) .unwrap(); val.set_name(key); ops_obj.set(scope, key.into(), val.into()); }