// Copyright 2018 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { test, assert, assertEqual } from "./test_util.ts"; import * as deno from "deno"; import * as ts from "typescript"; // We use a silly amount of `any` in these tests... // tslint:disable:no-any const { DenoCompiler } = (deno as any)._compiler; interface ModuleInfo { moduleName: string | null; filename: string | null; mediaType: MediaType | null; sourceCode: string | null; outputCode: string | null; } const compilerInstance = DenoCompiler.instance(); // References to orignal items we are going to mock const originals = { _globalEval: (compilerInstance as any)._globalEval, _log: (compilerInstance as any)._log, _os: (compilerInstance as any)._os, _ts: (compilerInstance as any)._ts, _service: (compilerInstance as any)._service, _window: (compilerInstance as any)._window }; enum MediaType { JavaScript = 0, TypeScript = 1, Json = 2, Unknown = 3 } function mockModuleInfo( moduleName: string | null, filename: string | null, mediaType: MediaType | null, sourceCode: string | null, outputCode: string | null ): ModuleInfo { return { moduleName, filename, mediaType, sourceCode, outputCode }; } // Some fixtures we will us in testing const fooBarTsSource = `import * as deno from "deno"; console.log(deno); export const foo = "bar"; `; const fooBazTsSource = `import { foo } from "./bar.ts"; console.log(foo); `; const modASource = `import { B } from "./modB.ts"; export class A { b = new B(); }; `; const modAModuleInfo = mockModuleInfo( "modA", "/root/project/modA.ts", MediaType.TypeScript, modASource, undefined ); const modBSource = `import { A } from "./modA.ts"; export class B { a = new A(); }; `; const modBModuleInfo = mockModuleInfo( "modB", "/root/project/modB.ts", MediaType.TypeScript, modBSource, undefined ); // TODO(#23) Remove source map strings from fooBarTsOutput. // tslint:disable:max-line-length const fooBarTsOutput = `define(["require", "exports", "deno"], function (require, exports, deno) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); console.log(deno); exports.foo = "bar"; }); //# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJmaWxlIjoiYmFyLmpzIiwic291cmNlUm9vdCI6IiIsInNvdXJjZXMiOlsiZmlsZTovLy9yb290L3Byb2plY3QvZm9vL2Jhci50cyJdLCJuYW1lcyI6W10sIm1hcHBpbmdzIjoiOzs7SUFDQSxPQUFPLENBQUMsR0FBRyxDQUFDLElBQUksQ0FBQyxDQUFDO0lBQ0wsUUFBQSxHQUFHLEdBQUcsS0FBSyxDQUFDIiwic291cmNlc0NvbnRlbnQiOlsiaW1wb3J0ICogYXMgZGVubyBmcm9tIFwiZGVub1wiO1xuY29uc29sZS5sb2coZGVubyk7XG5leHBvcnQgY29uc3QgZm9vID0gXCJiYXJcIjtcbiJdfQ== //# sourceURL=/root/project/foo/bar.ts`; // TODO(#23) Remove source map strings from fooBazTsOutput. const fooBazTsOutput = `define(["require", "exports", "./bar.ts"], function (require, exports, bar_ts_1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); console.log(bar_ts_1.foo); }); //# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJmaWxlIjoiYmF6LmpzIiwic291cmNlUm9vdCI6IiIsInNvdXJjZXMiOlsiZmlsZTovLy9yb290L3Byb2plY3QvZm9vL2Jhei50cyJdLCJuYW1lcyI6W10sIm1hcHBpbmdzIjoiOzs7SUFDQSxPQUFPLENBQUMsR0FBRyxDQUFDLFlBQUcsQ0FBQyxDQUFDIiwic291cmNlc0NvbnRlbnQiOlsiaW1wb3J0IHsgZm9vIH0gZnJvbSBcIi4vYmFyLnRzXCI7XG5jb25zb2xlLmxvZyhmb28pO1xuIl19 //# sourceURL=/root/project/foo/baz.ts`; // tslint:enable:max-line-length const moduleMap: { [containFile: string]: { [moduleSpecifier: string]: ModuleInfo }; } = { "/root/project": { "foo/bar.ts": mockModuleInfo( "/root/project/foo/bar.ts", "/root/project/foo/bar.ts", MediaType.TypeScript, fooBarTsSource, null ), "foo/baz.ts": mockModuleInfo( "/root/project/foo/baz.ts", "/root/project/foo/baz.ts", MediaType.TypeScript, fooBazTsSource, fooBazTsOutput ), "modA.ts": modAModuleInfo, "some.txt": mockModuleInfo( "/root/project/some.txt", "/root/project/some.text", MediaType.Unknown, "console.log();", null ) }, "/root/project/foo/baz.ts": { "./bar.ts": mockModuleInfo( "/root/project/foo/bar.ts", "/root/project/foo/bar.ts", MediaType.TypeScript, fooBarTsSource, fooBarTsOutput ) }, "/root/project/modA.ts": { "./modB.ts": modBModuleInfo }, "/root/project/modB.ts": { "./modA.ts": modAModuleInfo }, "/moduleKinds": { "foo.ts": mockModuleInfo( "foo", "/moduleKinds/foo.ts", MediaType.TypeScript, "console.log('foo');", undefined ), "foo.d.ts": mockModuleInfo( "foo", "/moduleKinds/foo.d.ts", MediaType.TypeScript, "console.log('foo');", undefined ), "foo.js": mockModuleInfo( "foo", "/moduleKinds/foo.js", MediaType.JavaScript, "console.log('foo');", undefined ), "foo.json": mockModuleInfo( "foo", "/moduleKinds/foo.json", MediaType.Json, "console.log('foo');", undefined ), "foo.txt": mockModuleInfo( "foo", "/moduleKinds/foo.txt", MediaType.JavaScript, "console.log('foo');", undefined ) } }; const moduleCache: { [fileName: string]: ModuleInfo; } = { "/root/project/modA.ts": modAModuleInfo, "/root/project/modB.ts": modBModuleInfo }; const emittedFiles = { "/root/project/foo/qat.ts": "console.log('foo');" }; let globalEvalStack: string[] = []; let getEmitOutputStack: string[] = []; let logStack: any[][] = []; let codeCacheStack: Array<{ fileName: string; sourceCode: string; outputCode: string; }> = []; let codeFetchStack: Array<{ moduleSpecifier: string; containingFile: string; }> = []; let mockDepsStack: string[][] = []; let mockFactoryStack: any[] = []; function globalEvalMock(x: string): void { globalEvalStack.push(x); if (windowMock.define && mockDepsStack.length && mockFactoryStack.length) { windowMock.define(mockDepsStack.pop(), mockFactoryStack.pop()); } } function logMock(...args: any[]): void { logStack.push(args); } const osMock = { codeCache(fileName: string, sourceCode: string, outputCode: string): void { codeCacheStack.push({ fileName, sourceCode, outputCode }); if (fileName in moduleCache) { moduleCache[fileName].sourceCode = sourceCode; moduleCache[fileName].outputCode = outputCode; } else { moduleCache[fileName] = mockModuleInfo( fileName, fileName, MediaType.TypeScript, sourceCode, outputCode ); } }, codeFetch(moduleSpecifier: string, containingFile: string): ModuleInfo { codeFetchStack.push({ moduleSpecifier, containingFile }); if (containingFile in moduleMap) { if (moduleSpecifier in moduleMap[containingFile]) { return moduleMap[containingFile][moduleSpecifier]; } } return mockModuleInfo(null, null, null, null, null); }, exit(code: number): never { throw new Error(`os.exit(${code})`); } }; const tsMock = { createLanguageService(host: ts.LanguageServiceHost): ts.LanguageService { return {} as ts.LanguageService; }, formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext( diagnostics: ReadonlyArray, host: ts.FormatDiagnosticsHost ): string { return ""; } }; const getEmitOutputPassThrough = true; const serviceMock = { getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics(): ts.Diagnostic[] { return originals._service.getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics.call( originals._service ); }, getEmitOutput(fileName: string): ts.EmitOutput { getEmitOutputStack.push(fileName); if (getEmitOutputPassThrough) { return originals._service.getEmitOutput.call( originals._service, fileName ); } if (fileName in emittedFiles) { return { outputFiles: [{ text: emittedFiles[fileName] }] as any, emitSkipped: false }; } return { outputFiles: [], emitSkipped: false }; }, getSemanticDiagnostics(fileName: string): ts.Diagnostic[] { return originals._service.getSemanticDiagnostics.call( originals._service, fileName ); }, getSyntacticDiagnostics(fileName: string): ts.Diagnostic[] { return originals._service.getSyntacticDiagnostics.call( originals._service, fileName ); } }; const windowMock: { define?: any } = {}; const mocks = { _globalEval: globalEvalMock, _log: logMock, _os: osMock, _ts: tsMock, _service: serviceMock, _window: windowMock }; /** * Setup the mocks for a test */ function setup() { // monkey patch mocks on instance Object.assign(compilerInstance, mocks); } /** * Teardown the mocks for a test */ function teardown() { // reset compiler internal state (compilerInstance as any)._moduleMetaDataMap.clear(); (compilerInstance as any)._fileNamesMap.clear(); // reset mock states codeFetchStack = []; codeCacheStack = []; logStack = []; getEmitOutputStack = []; globalEvalStack = []; assertEqual(mockDepsStack.length, 0); assertEqual(mockFactoryStack.length, 0); mockDepsStack = []; mockFactoryStack = []; // restore original properties and methods Object.assign(compilerInstance, originals); } test(function compilerInstance() { assert(DenoCompiler != null); assert(DenoCompiler.instance() != null); }); // Testing the internal APIs test(function compilerRun() { // equal to `deno foo/bar.ts` setup(); let factoryRun = false; mockDepsStack.push(["require", "exports", "deno"]); mockFactoryStack.push((_require, _exports, _deno) => { factoryRun = true; assertEqual(typeof _require, "function"); assertEqual(typeof _exports, "object"); assert(_deno === deno); _exports.foo = "bar"; }); const moduleMetaData = compilerInstance.run("foo/bar.ts", "/root/project"); assert(factoryRun); assert(moduleMetaData.hasRun); assertEqual(moduleMetaData.sourceCode, fooBarTsSource); assertEqual(moduleMetaData.outputCode, fooBarTsOutput); assertEqual(moduleMetaData.exports, { foo: "bar" }); assertEqual( codeFetchStack.length, 1, "Module should have only been fetched once." ); assertEqual( codeCacheStack.length, 1, "Compiled code should have only been cached once." ); teardown(); }); test(function compilerRunMultiModule() { // equal to `deno foo/baz.ts` setup(); const factoryStack: string[] = []; const bazDeps = ["require", "exports", "./bar.ts"]; const bazFactory = (_require, _exports, _bar) => { factoryStack.push("baz"); assertEqual(_bar.foo, "bar"); }; const barDeps = ["require", "exports", "deno"]; const barFactory = (_require, _exports, _deno) => { factoryStack.push("bar"); _exports.foo = "bar"; }; mockDepsStack.push(barDeps); mockFactoryStack.push(barFactory); mockDepsStack.push(bazDeps); mockFactoryStack.push(bazFactory); compilerInstance.run("foo/baz.ts", "/root/project"); assertEqual(factoryStack, ["bar", "baz"]); assertEqual( codeFetchStack.length, 2, "Modules should have only been fetched once." ); assertEqual(codeCacheStack.length, 0, "No code should have been cached."); teardown(); }); test(function compilerRunCircularDependency() { setup(); const factoryStack: string[] = []; const modADeps = ["require", "exports", "./modB.ts"]; const modAFactory = (_require, _exports, _modB) => { assertEqual(_modB.foo, "bar"); factoryStack.push("modA"); _exports.bar = "baz"; _modB.assertModA(); }; const modBDeps = ["require", "exports", "./modA.ts"]; const modBFactory = (_require, _exports, _modA) => { assertEqual(_modA, {}); factoryStack.push("modB"); _exports.foo = "bar"; _exports.assertModA = () => { assertEqual(_modA, { bar: "baz" }); }; }; mockDepsStack.push(modBDeps); mockFactoryStack.push(modBFactory); mockDepsStack.push(modADeps); mockFactoryStack.push(modAFactory); compilerInstance.run("modA.ts", "/root/project"); assertEqual(factoryStack, ["modB", "modA"]); teardown(); }); test(function compilerResolveModule() { setup(); const moduleMetaData = compilerInstance.resolveModule( "foo/baz.ts", "/root/project" ); assertEqual(moduleMetaData.sourceCode, fooBazTsSource); assertEqual(moduleMetaData.outputCode, fooBazTsOutput); assert(!moduleMetaData.hasRun); assert(!moduleMetaData.deps); assertEqual(moduleMetaData.exports, {}); assertEqual(moduleMetaData.scriptVersion, "1"); assertEqual(codeFetchStack.length, 1, "Only initial module is resolved."); teardown(); }); test(function compilerResolveModuleUnknownMediaType() { setup(); let didThrow = false; try { compilerInstance.resolveModule("some.txt", "/root/project"); } catch (e) { assert(e instanceof Error); assertEqual( e.message, `Unknown media type for: "some.txt" from "/root/project".` ); didThrow = true; } assert(didThrow); teardown(); }); test(function compilerGetModuleDependencies() { setup(); const bazDeps = ["require", "exports", "./bar.ts"]; const bazFactory = () => { throw new Error("Unexpected factory call"); }; const barDeps = ["require", "exports", "deno"]; const barFactory = () => { throw new Error("Unexpected factory call"); }; mockDepsStack.push(barDeps); mockFactoryStack.push(barFactory); mockDepsStack.push(bazDeps); mockFactoryStack.push(bazFactory); const deps = compilerInstance.getModuleDependencies( "foo/baz.ts", "/root/project" ); assertEqual(deps, ["/root/project/foo/bar.ts", "/root/project/foo/baz.ts"]); teardown(); }); // TypeScript LanguageServiceHost APIs test(function compilerGetCompilationSettings() { const result = compilerInstance.getCompilationSettings(); for (const key of [ "allowJs", "module", "outDir", "inlineSourceMap", "inlineSources", "stripComments", "target" ]) { assert(key in result, `Expected "${key}" in compiler options.`); } }); test(function compilerGetNewLine() { const result = compilerInstance.getNewLine(); assertEqual(result, "\n", "Expected newline value of '\\n'."); }); test(function compilerGetScriptFileNames() { setup(); compilerInstance.run("foo/bar.ts", "/root/project"); const result = compilerInstance.getScriptFileNames(); assertEqual(result.length, 1, "Expected only a single filename."); assertEqual(result[0], "/root/project/foo/bar.ts"); teardown(); }); test(function compilerRecompileFlag() { setup(); compilerInstance.run("foo/bar.ts", "/root/project"); assertEqual( getEmitOutputStack.length, 1, "Expected only a single emitted file." ); // running compiler against same file should use cached code compilerInstance.run("foo/bar.ts", "/root/project"); assertEqual( getEmitOutputStack.length, 1, "Expected only a single emitted file." ); compilerInstance.recompile = true; compilerInstance.run("foo/bar.ts", "/root/project"); assertEqual(getEmitOutputStack.length, 2, "Expected two emitted file."); assert( getEmitOutputStack[0] === getEmitOutputStack[1], "Expected same file to be emitted twice." ); teardown(); }); test(function compilerGetScriptKind() { setup(); compilerInstance.resolveModule("foo.ts", "/moduleKinds"); compilerInstance.resolveModule("foo.d.ts", "/moduleKinds"); compilerInstance.resolveModule("foo.js", "/moduleKinds"); compilerInstance.resolveModule("foo.json", "/moduleKinds"); compilerInstance.resolveModule("foo.txt", "/moduleKinds"); assertEqual( compilerInstance.getScriptKind("/moduleKinds/foo.ts"), ts.ScriptKind.TS ); assertEqual( compilerInstance.getScriptKind("/moduleKinds/foo.d.ts"), ts.ScriptKind.TS ); assertEqual( compilerInstance.getScriptKind("/moduleKinds/foo.js"), ts.ScriptKind.JS ); assertEqual( compilerInstance.getScriptKind("/moduleKinds/foo.json"), ts.ScriptKind.JSON ); assertEqual( compilerInstance.getScriptKind("/moduleKinds/foo.txt"), ts.ScriptKind.JS ); teardown(); }); test(function compilerGetScriptVersion() { setup(); const moduleMetaData = compilerInstance.resolveModule( "foo/bar.ts", "/root/project" ); compilerInstance.compile(moduleMetaData); assertEqual( compilerInstance.getScriptVersion(moduleMetaData.fileName), "1", "Expected known module to have script version of 1" ); teardown(); }); test(function compilerGetScriptVersionUnknown() { assertEqual( compilerInstance.getScriptVersion("/root/project/unknown_module.ts"), "", "Expected unknown module to have an empty script version" ); }); test(function compilerGetScriptSnapshot() { setup(); const moduleMetaData = compilerInstance.resolveModule( "foo/bar.ts", "/root/project" ); const result = compilerInstance.getScriptSnapshot(moduleMetaData.fileName); assert(result != null, "Expected snapshot to be defined."); assertEqual(result.getLength(), fooBarTsSource.length); assertEqual( result.getText(0, 6), "import", "Expected .getText() to equal 'import'" ); assertEqual(result.getChangeRange(result), undefined); // This is and optional part of the `IScriptSnapshot` API which we don't // define, os checking for the lack of this property. assert(!("dispose" in result)); assert( result === moduleMetaData, "result should strictly equal moduleMetaData" ); teardown(); }); test(function compilerGetCurrentDirectory() { assertEqual(compilerInstance.getCurrentDirectory(), ""); }); test(function compilerGetDefaultLibFileName() { setup(); assertEqual( compilerInstance.getDefaultLibFileName(), "$asset$/lib.deno_runtime.d.ts" ); teardown(); }); test(function compilerUseCaseSensitiveFileNames() { assertEqual(compilerInstance.useCaseSensitiveFileNames(), true); }); test(function compilerReadFile() { let doesThrow = false; try { compilerInstance.readFile("foobar.ts"); } catch (e) { doesThrow = true; assert(e.message.includes("Not implemented") === true); } assert(doesThrow); }); test(function compilerFileExists() { setup(); const moduleMetaData = compilerInstance.resolveModule( "foo/bar.ts", "/root/project" ); assert(compilerInstance.fileExists(moduleMetaData.fileName)); assert(compilerInstance.fileExists("$asset$/lib.deno_runtime.d.ts")); assertEqual( compilerInstance.fileExists("/root/project/unknown-module.ts"), false ); teardown(); }); test(function compilerResolveModuleNames() { setup(); const results = compilerInstance.resolveModuleNames( ["foo/bar.ts", "foo/baz.ts", "deno"], "/root/project" ); assertEqual(results.length, 3); const fixtures: Array<[string, boolean]> = [ ["/root/project/foo/bar.ts", false], ["/root/project/foo/baz.ts", false], ["$asset$/lib.deno_runtime.d.ts", true] ]; for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { const result = results[i]; const [resolvedFileName, isExternalLibraryImport] = fixtures[i]; assertEqual(result.resolvedFileName, resolvedFileName); assertEqual(result.isExternalLibraryImport, isExternalLibraryImport); } teardown(); });