// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. "use strict"; /// <reference path="../../core/internal.d.ts" /> ((window) => { const core = window.Deno.core; const webidl = window.__bootstrap.webidl; const { writableStreamClose, Deferred } = window.__bootstrap.streams; const { DOMException } = window.__bootstrap.domException; const { add, remove } = window.__bootstrap.abortSignal; const { StringPrototypeEndsWith, StringPrototypeToLowerCase, Symbol, SymbolFor, Set, ArrayPrototypeMap, ArrayPrototypeJoin, PromisePrototypeThen, PromisePrototypeCatch, Uint8Array, TypeError, Error, } = window.__bootstrap.primordials; webidl.converters.WebSocketStreamOptions = webidl.createDictionaryConverter( "WebSocketStreamOptions", [ { key: "protocols", converter: webidl.converters["sequence<USVString>"], get defaultValue() { return []; }, }, { key: "signal", converter: webidl.converters.AbortSignal, }, ], ); webidl.converters.WebSocketCloseInfo = webidl.createDictionaryConverter( "WebSocketCloseInfo", [ { key: "code", converter: webidl.converters["unsigned short"], }, { key: "reason", converter: webidl.converters.USVString, defaultValue: "", }, ], ); const _rid = Symbol("[[rid]]"); const _url = Symbol("[[url]]"); const _connection = Symbol("[[connection]]"); const _closed = Symbol("[[closed]]"); const _closing = Symbol("[[closing]]"); const _earlyClose = Symbol("[[earlyClose]]"); class WebSocketStream { [_rid]; [_url]; get url() { webidl.assertBranded(this, WebSocketStream); return this[_url]; } constructor(url, options) { this[webidl.brand] = webidl.brand; const prefix = "Failed to construct 'WebSocketStream'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); url = webidl.converters.USVString(url, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); options = webidl.converters.WebSocketStreamOptions(options, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); const wsURL = new URL(url); if (wsURL.protocol !== "ws:" && wsURL.protocol !== "wss:") { throw new DOMException( "Only ws & wss schemes are allowed in a WebSocket URL.", "SyntaxError", ); } if (wsURL.hash !== "" || StringPrototypeEndsWith(wsURL.href, "#")) { throw new DOMException( "Fragments are not allowed in a WebSocket URL.", "SyntaxError", ); } this[_url] = wsURL.href; if ( options.protocols.length !== new Set( ArrayPrototypeMap( options.protocols, (p) => StringPrototypeToLowerCase(p), ), ).size ) { throw new DOMException( "Can't supply multiple times the same protocol.", "SyntaxError", ); } const cancelRid = core.opSync( "op_ws_check_permission_and_cancel_handle", this[_url], true, ); if (options.signal?.aborted) { core.close(cancelRid); const err = new DOMException( "This operation was aborted", "AbortError", ); this[_connection].reject(err); this[_closed].reject(err); } else { const abort = () => { core.close(cancelRid); }; options.signal?.[add](abort); PromisePrototypeThen( core.opAsync("op_ws_create", { url: this[_url], protocols: options.protocols ? ArrayPrototypeJoin(options.protocols, ", ") : "", cancelHandle: cancelRid, }), (create) => { options.signal?.[remove](abort); if (this[_earlyClose]) { PromisePrototypeThen( core.opAsync("op_ws_close", { rid: create.rid, }), () => { PromisePrototypeThen( (async () => { while (true) { const { kind } = await core.opAsync( "op_ws_next_event", create.rid, ); if (kind === "close") { break; } } })(), () => { const err = new DOMException( "Closed while connecting", "NetworkError", ); this[_connection].reject(err); this[_closed].reject(err); }, ); }, () => { const err = new DOMException( "Closed while connecting", "NetworkError", ); this[_connection].reject(err); this[_closed].reject(err); }, ); } else { this[_rid] = create.rid; const writable = new WritableStream({ write: async (chunk) => { if (typeof chunk === "string") { await core.opAsync("op_ws_send", { rid: this[_rid], kind: "text", text: chunk, }); } else if (chunk instanceof Uint8Array) { await core.opAsync("op_ws_send", { rid: this[_rid], kind: "binary", }, chunk); } else { throw new TypeError( "A chunk may only be either a string or an Uint8Array", ); } }, close: async (reason) => { try { this.close(reason?.code !== undefined ? reason : {}); } catch (_) { this.close(); } await this.closed; }, abort: async (reason) => { try { this.close(reason?.code !== undefined ? reason : {}); } catch (_) { this.close(); } await this.closed; }, }); const readable = new ReadableStream({ start: (controller) => { PromisePrototypeThen(this.closed, () => { try { controller.close(); } catch (_) { // needed to ignore warnings & assertions } try { PromisePrototypeCatch( writableStreamClose(writable), () => {}, ); } catch (_) { // needed to ignore warnings & assertions } }); }, pull: async (controller) => { const { kind, value } = await core.opAsync( "op_ws_next_event", this[_rid], ); switch (kind) { case "string": { controller.enqueue(value); break; } case "binary": { controller.enqueue(value); break; } case "ping": { await core.opAsync("op_ws_send", { rid: this[_rid], kind: "pong", }); break; } case "close": { if (this[_closing]) { this[_closed].resolve(value); core.tryClose(this[_rid]); } else { PromisePrototypeThen( core.opAsync("op_ws_close", { rid: this[_rid], ...value, }), () => { this[_closed].resolve(value); core.tryClose(this[_rid]); }, (err) => { this[_closed].reject(err); controller.error(err); core.tryClose(this[_rid]); }, ); } break; } case "error": { const err = new Error(value); this[_closed].reject(err); controller.error(err); core.tryClose(this[_rid]); break; } } }, cancel: async (reason) => { try { this.close(reason?.code !== undefined ? reason : {}); } catch (_) { this.close(); } await this.closed; }, }); this[_connection].resolve({ readable, writable, extensions: create.extensions ?? "", protocol: create.protocol ?? "", }); } }, (err) => { core.tryClose(cancelRid); this[_connection].reject(err); this[_closed].reject(err); }, ); } } [_connection] = new Deferred(); get connection() { webidl.assertBranded(this, WebSocketStream); return this[_connection].promise; } [_earlyClose] = false; [_closing] = false; [_closed] = new Deferred(); get closed() { webidl.assertBranded(this, WebSocketStream); return this[_closed].promise; } close(closeInfo) { webidl.assertBranded(this, WebSocketStream); closeInfo = webidl.converters.WebSocketCloseInfo(closeInfo, { prefix: "Failed to execute 'close' on 'WebSocketStream'", context: "Argument 1", }); if ( closeInfo.code && !(closeInfo.code === 1000 || (3000 <= closeInfo.code && closeInfo.code < 5000)) ) { throw new DOMException( "The close code must be either 1000 or in the range of 3000 to 4999.", "InvalidAccessError", ); } const encoder = new TextEncoder(); if ( closeInfo.reason && encoder.encode(closeInfo.reason).byteLength > 123 ) { throw new DOMException( "The close reason may not be longer than 123 bytes.", "SyntaxError", ); } let code = closeInfo.code; if (closeInfo.reason && code === undefined) { code = 1000; } if (this[_connection].state === "pending") { this[_earlyClose] = true; } else if (this[_closed].state === "pending") { this[_closing] = true; PromisePrototypeCatch( core.opAsync("op_ws_close", { rid: this[_rid], code, reason: closeInfo.reason, }), (err) => { this[_rid] && core.tryClose(this[_rid]); this[_closed].reject(err); }, ); } } [SymbolFor("Deno.customInspect")](inspect) { return `${this.constructor.name} ${ inspect({ url: this.url, }) }`; } } window.__bootstrap.webSocket.WebSocketStream = WebSocketStream; })(this);