// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // Logic and comments translated pretty much one-to-one from node's impl // (https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/ba06c5c509956dc413f91b755c1c93798bb700d4/src/string_decoder.cc) import { Buffer, constants } from "node:buffer"; import { normalizeEncoding as castEncoding } from "ext:deno_node/_utils.ts"; import { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_THIS, ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, NodeError, } from "ext:deno_node/internal/errors.ts"; import { core, primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js"; const { ArrayBufferIsView, ObjectDefineProperties, Symbol, MathMin, DataViewPrototypeGetBuffer, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, String, TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer, StringPrototypeToLowerCase, } = primordials; const { isTypedArray } = core; const { MAX_STRING_LENGTH } = constants; // to cast from string to `BufferEncoding`, which doesn't seem nameable from here // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any type Any = any; function normalizeEncoding(enc?: string): string { const encoding = castEncoding(enc ?? null); if (!encoding) { if (typeof enc !== "string" || StringPrototypeToLowerCase(enc) !== "raw") { throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING( enc as Any, ); } } return String(encoding); } /** * Check is `ArrayBuffer` and not `TypedArray`. Typescript allowed `TypedArray` to be passed as `ArrayBuffer` and does not do a deep check */ function isBufferType(buf: Buffer) { return ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Buffer.prototype, buf) && buf.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; } function normalizeBuffer(buf: Buffer) { if (!ArrayBufferIsView(buf)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( "buf", ["Buffer", "TypedArray", "DataView"], buf, ); } if (isBufferType(buf)) { return buf; } else { return Buffer.from( isTypedArray(buf) ? TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer(buf) : DataViewPrototypeGetBuffer(buf), ); } } function bufferToString( buf: Buffer, encoding?: string, start?: number, end?: number, ): string { const len = (end ?? buf.length) - (start ?? 0); if (len > MAX_STRING_LENGTH) { throw new NodeError("ERR_STRING_TOO_LONG", "string exceeds maximum length"); } // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials return buf.toString(encoding as Any, start, end); } // the heart of the logic, decodes a buffer, storing // incomplete characters in a buffer if applicable function decode(this: StringDecoder, buf: Buffer) { const enc = this.enc; let bufIdx = 0; let bufEnd = buf.length; let prepend = ""; let rest = ""; if ( enc === Encoding.Utf8 || enc === Encoding.Utf16 || enc === Encoding.Base64 ) { // check if we need to finish an incomplete char from the last chunk // written. If we do, we copy the bytes into our `lastChar` buffer // and prepend the completed char to the result of decoding the rest of the buffer if (this[kMissingBytes] > 0) { if (enc === Encoding.Utf8) { // Edge case for incomplete character at a chunk boundary // (see https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/73025c4dec042e344eeea7912ed39f7b7c4a3991/src/string_decoder.cc#L74) for ( let i = 0; i < buf.length - bufIdx && i < this[kMissingBytes]; i++ ) { if ((buf[i] & 0xC0) !== 0x80) { // We expected a continuation byte, but got something else. // Stop trying to decode the incomplete char, and assume // the byte we got starts a new char. this[kMissingBytes] = 0; buf.copy(this.lastChar, this[kBufferedBytes], bufIdx, bufIdx + i); this[kBufferedBytes] += i; bufIdx += i; break; } } } const bytesToCopy = MathMin(buf.length - bufIdx, this[kMissingBytes]); buf.copy( this.lastChar, this[kBufferedBytes], bufIdx, bufIdx + bytesToCopy, ); bufIdx += bytesToCopy; this[kBufferedBytes] += bytesToCopy; this[kMissingBytes] -= bytesToCopy; if (this[kMissingBytes] === 0) { // we have all the bytes, complete the char prepend = bufferToString( this.lastChar, this.encoding, 0, this[kBufferedBytes], ); // reset the char buffer this[kBufferedBytes] = 0; } } if (buf.length - bufIdx === 0) { // we advanced the bufIdx, so we may have completed the // incomplete char rest = prepend.length > 0 ? prepend : ""; prepend = ""; } else { // no characters left to finish // check if the end of the buffer has an incomplete // character, if so we write it into our `lastChar` buffer and // truncate buf if (enc === Encoding.Utf8 && (buf[buf.length - 1] & 0x80)) { for (let i = buf.length - 1;; i--) { this[kBufferedBytes] += 1; if ((buf[i] & 0xC0) === 0x80) { // Doesn't start a character (i.e. it's a trailing byte) if (this[kBufferedBytes] >= 4 || i === 0) { // invalid utf8, we'll just pass it to the underlying decoder this[kBufferedBytes] = 0; break; } } else { // First byte of a UTF-8 char, check // to see how long it should be if ((buf[i] & 0xE0) === 0xC0) { this[kMissingBytes] = 2; } else if ((buf[i] & 0xF0) === 0xE0) { this[kMissingBytes] = 3; } else if ((buf[i] & 0xF8) === 0xF0) { this[kMissingBytes] = 4; } else { // invalid this[kBufferedBytes] = 0; break; } if (this[kBufferedBytes] >= this[kMissingBytes]) { // We have enough trailing bytes to complete // the char this[kMissingBytes] = 0; this[kBufferedBytes] = 0; } this[kMissingBytes] -= this[kBufferedBytes]; break; } } } else if (enc === Encoding.Utf16) { if ((buf.length - bufIdx) % 2 === 1) { // Have half of a code unit this[kBufferedBytes] = 1; this[kMissingBytes] = 1; } else if ((buf[buf.length - 1] & 0xFC) === 0xD8) { // 2 bytes out of a 4 byte UTF-16 char this[kBufferedBytes] = 2; this[kMissingBytes] = 2; } } else if (enc === Encoding.Base64) { this[kBufferedBytes] = (buf.length - bufIdx) % 3; if (this[kBufferedBytes] > 0) { this[kMissingBytes] = 3 - this[kBufferedBytes]; } } if (this[kBufferedBytes] > 0) { // Copy the bytes that make up the incomplete char // from the end of the buffer into our `lastChar` buffer buf.copy( this.lastChar, 0, buf.length - this[kBufferedBytes], ); bufEnd -= this[kBufferedBytes]; } rest = bufferToString(buf, this.encoding, bufIdx, bufEnd); } if (prepend.length === 0) { return rest; } else { return prepend + rest; } } else { return bufferToString(buf, this.encoding, bufIdx, bufEnd); } } function flush(this: StringDecoder) { const enc = this.enc; if (enc === Encoding.Utf16 && this[kBufferedBytes] % 2 === 1) { // ignore trailing byte if it isn't a complete code unit (2 bytes) this[kBufferedBytes] -= 1; this[kMissingBytes] -= 1; } if (this[kBufferedBytes] === 0) { return ""; } const ret = bufferToString( this.lastChar, this.encoding, 0, this[kBufferedBytes], ); this[kBufferedBytes] = 0; this[kMissingBytes] = 0; return ret; } enum Encoding { Utf8, Base64, Utf16, Ascii, Latin1, Hex, } const kBufferedBytes = Symbol("bufferedBytes"); const kMissingBytes = Symbol("missingBytes"); type StringDecoder = { encoding: string; end: (buf: Buffer) => string; write: (buf: Buffer) => string; lastChar: Buffer; lastNeed: number; lastTotal: number; text: (buf: Buffer, idx: number) => string; enc: Encoding; decode: (buf: Buffer) => string; [kBufferedBytes]: number; [kMissingBytes]: number; flush: () => string; }; /* * StringDecoder provides an interface for efficiently splitting a series of * buffers into a series of JS strings without breaking apart multi-byte * characters. */ export function StringDecoder(this: Partial<StringDecoder>, encoding?: string) { const normalizedEncoding = normalizeEncoding(encoding); let enc: Encoding = Encoding.Utf8; let bufLen = 0; switch (normalizedEncoding) { case "utf8": enc = Encoding.Utf8; bufLen = 4; break; case "base64": enc = Encoding.Base64; bufLen = 3; break; case "utf16le": enc = Encoding.Utf16; bufLen = 4; break; case "hex": enc = Encoding.Hex; bufLen = 0; break; case "latin1": enc = Encoding.Latin1; bufLen = 0; break; case "ascii": enc = Encoding.Ascii; bufLen = 0; break; } this.encoding = normalizedEncoding; this.lastChar = Buffer.allocUnsafe(bufLen); this.enc = enc; this[kBufferedBytes] = 0; this[kMissingBytes] = 0; this.flush = flush; this.decode = decode; } /** * Returns a decoded string, omitting any incomplete multi-bytes * characters at the end of the Buffer, or TypedArray, or DataView */ StringDecoder.prototype.write = function write(buf: Buffer): string { if (typeof buf === "string") { return buf; } const normalizedBuf = normalizeBuffer(buf); if (this[kBufferedBytes] === undefined) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS("StringDecoder"); } return this.decode(normalizedBuf); }; /** * Returns any remaining input stored in the internal buffer as a string. * After end() is called, the stringDecoder object can be reused for new * input. */ StringDecoder.prototype.end = function end(buf: Buffer): string { let ret = ""; if (buf !== undefined) { ret = this.write(buf); } if (this[kBufferedBytes] > 0) { ret += this.flush(); } return ret; }; // Below is undocumented but accessible stuff from node's old impl // (node's tests assert on these, so we need to support them) StringDecoder.prototype.text = function text( buf: Buffer, offset: number, ): string { this[kBufferedBytes] = 0; this[kMissingBytes] = 0; return this.write(buf.subarray(offset)); }; ObjectDefineProperties(StringDecoder.prototype, { lastNeed: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get(this: StringDecoder): number { return this[kMissingBytes]; }, }, lastTotal: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get(this: StringDecoder): number { return this[kBufferedBytes] + this[kMissingBytes]; }, }, }); export default { StringDecoder };