// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. /// <reference path="../../core/internal.d.ts" /> import { primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js"; import { op_utf8_to_byte_string } from "ext:core/ops"; const { ArrayPrototypeFind, Number, NumberIsFinite, NumberIsNaN, ObjectDefineProperties, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, StringPrototypeEndsWith, StringPrototypeIncludes, StringPrototypeIndexOf, StringPrototypeSlice, StringPrototypeStartsWith, StringPrototypeToLowerCase, SymbolFor, } = primordials; import * as webidl from "ext:deno_webidl/00_webidl.js"; import { createFilteredInspectProxy } from "ext:deno_console/01_console.js"; import { URL } from "ext:deno_url/00_url.js"; import { DOMException } from "ext:deno_web/01_dom_exception.js"; import { defineEventHandler, EventTarget, setIsTrusted, } from "ext:deno_web/02_event.js"; import { clearTimeout, setTimeout } from "ext:deno_web/02_timers.js"; import { TransformStream } from "ext:deno_web/06_streams.js"; import { TextDecoderStream } from "ext:deno_web/08_text_encoding.js"; import { getLocationHref } from "ext:deno_web/12_location.js"; import { newInnerRequest } from "ext:deno_fetch/23_request.js"; import { mainFetch } from "ext:deno_fetch/26_fetch.js"; // Copied from https://github.com/denoland/deno_std/blob/e0753abe0c8602552862a568348c046996709521/streams/text_line_stream.ts#L20-L74 export class TextLineStream extends TransformStream { #allowCR; #buf = ""; constructor(options) { super({ transform: (chunk, controller) => this.#handle(chunk, controller), flush: (controller) => { if (this.#buf.length > 0) { if ( this.#allowCR && this.#buf[this.#buf.length - 1] === "\r" ) controller.enqueue(StringPrototypeSlice(this.#buf, 0, -1)); else controller.enqueue(this.#buf); } }, }); this.#allowCR = options?.allowCR ?? false; } #handle(chunk, controller) { chunk = this.#buf + chunk; for (;;) { const lfIndex = StringPrototypeIndexOf(chunk, "\n"); if (this.#allowCR) { const crIndex = StringPrototypeIndexOf(chunk, "\r"); if ( crIndex !== -1 && crIndex !== (chunk.length - 1) && (lfIndex === -1 || (lfIndex - 1) > crIndex) ) { controller.enqueue(StringPrototypeSlice(chunk, 0, crIndex)); chunk = StringPrototypeSlice(chunk, crIndex + 1); continue; } } if (lfIndex !== -1) { let crOrLfIndex = lfIndex; if (chunk[lfIndex - 1] === "\r") { crOrLfIndex--; } controller.enqueue(StringPrototypeSlice(chunk, 0, crOrLfIndex)); chunk = StringPrototypeSlice(chunk, lfIndex + 1); continue; } break; } this.#buf = chunk; } } const CONNECTING = 0; const OPEN = 1; const CLOSED = 2; class EventSource extends EventTarget { /** @type {AbortController} */ #abortController = new AbortController(); /** @type {number | undefined} */ #reconnectionTimerId; /** @type {number} */ #reconnectionTime = 5000; /** @type {string} */ #lastEventId = ""; /** @type {number} */ #readyState = CONNECTING; get readyState() { webidl.assertBranded(this, EventSourcePrototype); return this.#readyState; } get CONNECTING() { webidl.assertBranded(this, EventSourcePrototype); return CONNECTING; } get OPEN() { webidl.assertBranded(this, EventSourcePrototype); return OPEN; } get CLOSED() { webidl.assertBranded(this, EventSourcePrototype); return CLOSED; } /** @type {string} */ #url; get url() { webidl.assertBranded(this, EventSourcePrototype); return this.#url; } /** @type {boolean} */ #withCredentials; get withCredentials() { webidl.assertBranded(this, EventSourcePrototype); return this.#withCredentials; } constructor(url, eventSourceInitDict = { __proto__: null }) { super(); this[webidl.brand] = webidl.brand; const prefix = "Failed to construct 'EventSource'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, prefix); url = webidl.converters.USVString(url, prefix, "Argument 1"); eventSourceInitDict = webidl.converters.EventSourceInit( eventSourceInitDict, prefix, "Argument 2", ); try { url = new URL(url, getLocationHref()).href; } catch (e) { throw new DOMException(e.message, "SyntaxError"); } this.#url = url; this.#withCredentials = eventSourceInitDict.withCredentials; this.#loop(); } close() { webidl.assertBranded(this, EventSourcePrototype); this.#abortController.abort(); this.#readyState = CLOSED; clearTimeout(this.#reconnectionTimerId); } async #loop() { const lastEventIdValue = this.#lastEventId; const req = newInnerRequest( "GET", this.#url, () => lastEventIdValue === "" ? [ ["accept", "text/event-stream"], ] : [ ["accept", "text/event-stream"], ["Last-Event-Id", op_utf8_to_byte_string(lastEventIdValue)], ], null, false, ); /** @type {InnerResponse} */ let res; try { res = await mainFetch(req, true, this.#abortController.signal); } catch { this.#reestablishConnection(); return; } if (res.aborted) { this.#failConnection(); return; } if (res.type === "error") { this.#reestablishConnection(); return; } const contentType = ArrayPrototypeFind( res.headerList, (header) => StringPrototypeToLowerCase(header[0]) === "content-type", ); if ( res.status !== 200 || !contentType || !StringPrototypeIncludes( StringPrototypeToLowerCase(contentType[1]), "text/event-stream", ) ) { this.#failConnection(); return; } if (this.#readyState === CLOSED) { return; } this.#readyState = OPEN; this.dispatchEvent(new Event("open")); let data = ""; let eventType = ""; let lastEventId = this.#lastEventId; try { for await ( // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials const chunk of res.body.stream .pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()) .pipeThrough(new TextLineStream({ allowCR: true })) ) { if (chunk === "") { this.#lastEventId = lastEventId; if (data === "") { eventType = ""; continue; } if (StringPrototypeEndsWith(data, "\n")) { data = StringPrototypeSlice(data, 0, -1); } const event = new MessageEvent(eventType || "message", { data, origin: res.url(), lastEventId: this.#lastEventId, }); setIsTrusted(event, true); data = ""; eventType = ""; if (this.#readyState !== CLOSED) { this.dispatchEvent(event); } } else if (StringPrototypeStartsWith(chunk, ":")) { continue; } else { let field = chunk; let value = ""; const colonIndex = StringPrototypeIndexOf(chunk, ":"); if (colonIndex !== -1) { field = StringPrototypeSlice(chunk, 0, colonIndex); value = StringPrototypeSlice(chunk, colonIndex + 1); if (StringPrototypeStartsWith(value, " ")) { value = StringPrototypeSlice(value, 1); } } switch (field) { case "event": { eventType = value; break; } case "data": { data += value + "\n"; break; } case "id": { if (!StringPrototypeIncludes(value, "\0")) { lastEventId = value; } break; } case "retry": { const reconnectionTime = Number(value); if ( !NumberIsNaN(reconnectionTime) && NumberIsFinite(reconnectionTime) ) { this.#reconnectionTime = reconnectionTime; } break; } } } } } catch { // The connection is reestablished below } this.#reestablishConnection(); } #reestablishConnection() { if (this.#readyState === CLOSED) { return; } this.#readyState = CONNECTING; this.dispatchEvent(new Event("error")); this.#reconnectionTimerId = setTimeout(() => { if (this.#readyState !== CONNECTING) { return; } this.#loop(); }, this.#reconnectionTime); } #failConnection() { if (this.#readyState !== CLOSED) { this.#readyState = CLOSED; this.dispatchEvent(new Event("error")); } } [SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect, inspectOptions) { return inspect( createFilteredInspectProxy({ object: this, evaluate: ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(EventSourcePrototype, this), keys: [ "readyState", "url", "withCredentials", "onopen", "onmessage", "onerror", ], }), inspectOptions, ); } } const EventSourcePrototype = EventSource.prototype; ObjectDefineProperties(EventSource, { CONNECTING: { __proto__: null, value: 0, }, OPEN: { __proto__: null, value: 1, }, CLOSED: { __proto__: null, value: 2, }, }); defineEventHandler(EventSource.prototype, "open"); defineEventHandler(EventSource.prototype, "message"); defineEventHandler(EventSource.prototype, "error"); webidl.converters.EventSourceInit = webidl.createDictionaryConverter( "EventSourceInit", [ { key: "withCredentials", defaultValue: false, converter: webidl.converters.boolean, }, ], ); export { EventSource };