// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { unitTest, assertEquals, assertThrows, assertThrowsAsync, } from "./test_util.ts"; function readFileString(filename: string | URL): string { const dataRead = Deno.readFileSync(filename); const dec = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); return dec.decode(dataRead); } function writeFileString(filename: string | URL, s: string): void { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const data = enc.encode(s); Deno.writeFileSync(filename, data, { mode: 0o666 }); } function assertSameContent( filename1: string | URL, filename2: string | URL, ): void { const data1 = Deno.readFileSync(filename1); const data2 = Deno.readFileSync(filename2); assertEquals(data1, data2); } unitTest( { perms: { read: true, write: true } }, function copyFileSyncSuccess(): void { const tempDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const fromFilename = tempDir + "/from.txt"; const toFilename = tempDir + "/to.txt"; writeFileString(fromFilename, "Hello world!"); Deno.copyFileSync(fromFilename, toFilename); // No change to original file assertEquals(readFileString(fromFilename), "Hello world!"); // Original == Dest assertSameContent(fromFilename, toFilename); Deno.removeSync(tempDir, { recursive: true }); }, ); unitTest( { perms: { read: true, write: true } }, function copyFileSyncByUrl(): void { const tempDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const fromUrl = new URL( `file://${Deno.build.os === "windows" ? "/" : ""}${tempDir}/from.txt`, ); const toUrl = new URL( `file://${Deno.build.os === "windows" ? "/" : ""}${tempDir}/to.txt`, ); writeFileString(fromUrl, "Hello world!"); Deno.copyFileSync(fromUrl, toUrl); // No change to original file assertEquals(readFileString(fromUrl), "Hello world!"); // Original == Dest assertSameContent(fromUrl, toUrl); Deno.removeSync(tempDir, { recursive: true }); }, ); unitTest( { perms: { write: true, read: true } }, function copyFileSyncFailure(): void { const tempDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const fromFilename = tempDir + "/from.txt"; const toFilename = tempDir + "/to.txt"; // We skip initial writing here, from.txt does not exist assertThrows(() => { Deno.copyFileSync(fromFilename, toFilename); }, Deno.errors.NotFound); Deno.removeSync(tempDir, { recursive: true }); }, ); unitTest( { perms: { write: true, read: false } }, function copyFileSyncPerm1(): void { assertThrows(() => { Deno.copyFileSync("/from.txt", "/to.txt"); }, Deno.errors.PermissionDenied); }, ); unitTest( { perms: { write: false, read: true } }, function copyFileSyncPerm2(): void { assertThrows(() => { Deno.copyFileSync("/from.txt", "/to.txt"); }, Deno.errors.PermissionDenied); }, ); unitTest( { perms: { read: true, write: true } }, function copyFileSyncOverwrite(): void { const tempDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const fromFilename = tempDir + "/from.txt"; const toFilename = tempDir + "/to.txt"; writeFileString(fromFilename, "Hello world!"); // Make Dest exist and have different content writeFileString(toFilename, "Goodbye!"); Deno.copyFileSync(fromFilename, toFilename); // No change to original file assertEquals(readFileString(fromFilename), "Hello world!"); // Original == Dest assertSameContent(fromFilename, toFilename); Deno.removeSync(tempDir, { recursive: true }); }, ); unitTest( { perms: { read: true, write: true } }, async function copyFileSuccess(): Promise<void> { const tempDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const fromFilename = tempDir + "/from.txt"; const toFilename = tempDir + "/to.txt"; writeFileString(fromFilename, "Hello world!"); await Deno.copyFile(fromFilename, toFilename); // No change to original file assertEquals(readFileString(fromFilename), "Hello world!"); // Original == Dest assertSameContent(fromFilename, toFilename); Deno.removeSync(tempDir, { recursive: true }); }, ); unitTest( { perms: { read: true, write: true } }, async function copyFileByUrl(): Promise<void> { const tempDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const fromUrl = new URL( `file://${Deno.build.os === "windows" ? "/" : ""}${tempDir}/from.txt`, ); const toUrl = new URL( `file://${Deno.build.os === "windows" ? "/" : ""}${tempDir}/to.txt`, ); writeFileString(fromUrl, "Hello world!"); await Deno.copyFile(fromUrl, toUrl); // No change to original file assertEquals(readFileString(fromUrl), "Hello world!"); // Original == Dest assertSameContent(fromUrl, toUrl); Deno.removeSync(tempDir, { recursive: true }); }, ); unitTest( { perms: { read: true, write: true } }, async function copyFileFailure(): Promise<void> { const tempDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const fromFilename = tempDir + "/from.txt"; const toFilename = tempDir + "/to.txt"; // We skip initial writing here, from.txt does not exist await assertThrowsAsync(async () => { await Deno.copyFile(fromFilename, toFilename); }, Deno.errors.NotFound); Deno.removeSync(tempDir, { recursive: true }); }, ); unitTest( { perms: { read: true, write: true } }, async function copyFileOverwrite(): Promise<void> { const tempDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const fromFilename = tempDir + "/from.txt"; const toFilename = tempDir + "/to.txt"; writeFileString(fromFilename, "Hello world!"); // Make Dest exist and have different content writeFileString(toFilename, "Goodbye!"); await Deno.copyFile(fromFilename, toFilename); // No change to original file assertEquals(readFileString(fromFilename), "Hello world!"); // Original == Dest assertSameContent(fromFilename, toFilename); Deno.removeSync(tempDir, { recursive: true }); }, ); unitTest( { perms: { read: false, write: true } }, async function copyFilePerm1(): Promise<void> { await assertThrowsAsync(async () => { await Deno.copyFile("/from.txt", "/to.txt"); }, Deno.errors.PermissionDenied); }, ); unitTest( { perms: { read: true, write: false } }, async function copyFilePerm2(): Promise<void> { await assertThrowsAsync(async () => { await Deno.copyFile("/from.txt", "/to.txt"); }, Deno.errors.PermissionDenied); }, );