use super::dispatch_minimal::MinimalOp;
use crate::http_util::HttpBody;
use crate::state::State;
use deno_core::CoreIsolate;
use deno_core::CoreIsolateState;
use deno_core::ErrBox;
use deno_core::ResourceTable;
use deno_core::ZeroCopyBuf;
use futures::future::poll_fn;
use futures::future::FutureExt;
use futures::ready;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::task::Context;
use std::task::Poll;
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio_rustls::client::TlsStream as ClientTlsStream;
use tokio_rustls::server::TlsStream as ServerTlsStream;

use std::os::unix::io::FromRawFd;

use std::os::windows::io::FromRawHandle;

extern crate winapi;

lazy_static! {
  /// Due to portability issues on Windows handle to stdout is created from raw
  /// file descriptor.  The caveat of that approach is fact that when this
  /// handle is dropped underlying file descriptor is closed - that is highly
  /// not desirable in case of stdout.  That's why we store this global handle
  /// that is then cloned when obtaining stdio for process. In turn when
  /// resource table is dropped storing reference to that handle, the handle
  /// itself won't be closed (so Deno.core.print) will still work.
  // TODO(ry) It should be possible to close stdout.
  static ref STDIN_HANDLE: Option<std::fs::File> = {
    let stdin = unsafe { Some(std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(0)) };
    let stdin = unsafe {
      let handle = winapi::um::processenv::GetStdHandle(
      if handle.is_null() {
        return None;
  static ref STDOUT_HANDLE: Option<std::fs::File> = {
    let stdout = unsafe { Some(std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(1)) };
    let stdout = unsafe {
      let handle = winapi::um::processenv::GetStdHandle(
      if handle.is_null() {
        return None;
  static ref STDERR_HANDLE: Option<std::fs::File> = {
    let stderr = unsafe { Some(std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(2)) };
    let stderr = unsafe {
      let handle = winapi::um::processenv::GetStdHandle(
      if handle.is_null() {
        return None;

pub fn init(i: &mut CoreIsolate, s: &Rc<State>) {
  i.register_op("op_read", s.stateful_minimal_op2(op_read));
  i.register_op("op_write", s.stateful_minimal_op2(op_write));

pub fn get_stdio() -> (
) {
  let stdin = get_stdio_stream(&STDIN_HANDLE);
  let stdout = get_stdio_stream(&STDOUT_HANDLE);
  let stderr = get_stdio_stream(&STDERR_HANDLE);

  (stdin, stdout, stderr)

fn get_stdio_stream(
  handle: &Option<std::fs::File>,
) -> Option<StreamResourceHolder> {
  match handle {
    None => None,
    Some(file_handle) => match file_handle.try_clone() {
      Ok(clone) => Some(StreamResourceHolder::new(StreamResource::FsFile(
        Some((tokio::fs::File::from_std(clone), FileMetadata::default())),
      Err(_e) => None,

fn no_buffer_specified() -> ErrBox {
  ErrBox::type_error("no buffer specified".to_string())

use nix::sys::termios;

pub struct TTYMetadata {
  pub mode: Option<termios::Termios>,

pub struct FileMetadata {
  pub tty: TTYMetadata,

pub struct StreamResourceHolder {
  pub resource: StreamResource,
  waker: HashMap<usize, futures::task::AtomicWaker>,
  waker_counter: AtomicUsize,

impl StreamResourceHolder {
  pub fn new(resource: StreamResource) -> StreamResourceHolder {
    StreamResourceHolder {
      // Atleast one task is expecter for the resource
      waker: HashMap::with_capacity(1),
      // Tracks wakers Ids
      waker_counter: AtomicUsize::new(0),

impl Drop for StreamResourceHolder {
  fn drop(&mut self) {

impl StreamResourceHolder {
  pub fn track_task(&mut self, cx: &Context) -> Result<usize, ErrBox> {
    let waker = futures::task::AtomicWaker::new();
    // Its OK if it overflows
    let task_waker_id = self.waker_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
    self.waker.insert(task_waker_id, waker);

  pub fn wake_tasks(&mut self) {
    for waker in self.waker.values() {

  pub fn untrack_task(&mut self, task_waker_id: usize) {

pub enum StreamResource {
  Stdin(tokio::io::Stdin, TTYMetadata),
  FsFile(Option<(tokio::fs::File, FileMetadata)>),

trait UnpinAsyncRead: AsyncRead + Unpin {}
trait UnpinAsyncWrite: AsyncWrite + Unpin {}

impl<T: AsyncRead + Unpin> UnpinAsyncRead for T {}
impl<T: AsyncWrite + Unpin> UnpinAsyncWrite for T {}

/// `DenoAsyncRead` is the same as the `tokio_io::AsyncRead` trait
/// but uses an `ErrBox` error instead of `std::io:Error`
pub trait DenoAsyncRead {
  fn poll_read(
    &mut self,
    cx: &mut Context,
    buf: &mut [u8],
  ) -> Poll<Result<usize, ErrBox>>;

impl DenoAsyncRead for StreamResource {
  fn poll_read(
    &mut self,
    cx: &mut Context,
    buf: &mut [u8],
  ) -> Poll<Result<usize, ErrBox>> {
    use StreamResource::*;
    let f: &mut dyn UnpinAsyncRead = match self {
      FsFile(Some((f, _))) => f,
      FsFile(None) => return Poll::Ready(Err(ErrBox::resource_unavailable())),
      Stdin(f, _) => f,
      TcpStream(Some(f)) => f,
      UnixStream(f) => f,
      ClientTlsStream(f) => f,
      ServerTlsStream(f) => f,
      ChildStdout(f) => f,
      ChildStderr(f) => f,
      HttpBody(f) => f,
      _ => return Err(ErrBox::bad_resource_id()).into(),
    let v = ready!(Pin::new(f).poll_read(cx, buf))?;

pub fn op_read(
  isolate_state: &mut CoreIsolateState,
  _state: &Rc<State>,
  is_sync: bool,
  rid: i32,
  zero_copy: &mut [ZeroCopyBuf],
) -> MinimalOp {
  debug!("read rid={}", rid);
  match zero_copy.len() {
    0 => return MinimalOp::Sync(Err(no_buffer_specified())),
    1 => {}
    _ => panic!("Invalid number of arguments"),
  let resource_table = isolate_state.resource_table.clone();

  if is_sync {
      // First we look up the rid in the resource table.
      let mut resource_table = resource_table.borrow_mut();
      std_file_resource(&mut resource_table, rid as u32, move |r| match r {
        Ok(std_file) => {
          use std::io::Read;
            .read(&mut zero_copy[0])
            .map(|n: usize| n as i32)
        Err(_) => Err(ErrBox::type_error(
          "sync read not allowed on this resource".to_string(),
  } else {
    let mut zero_copy = zero_copy[0].clone();
      poll_fn(move |cx| {
        let mut resource_table = resource_table.borrow_mut();
        let resource_holder = resource_table
          .get_mut::<StreamResourceHolder>(rid as u32)

        let mut task_tracker_id: Option<usize> = None;
        let nread = match resource_holder.resource.poll_read(cx, &mut zero_copy)
          Poll::Ready(t) => {
            if let Some(id) = task_tracker_id {
          Poll::Pending => {
            return Poll::Pending;
        Poll::Ready(Ok(nread as i32))

/// `DenoAsyncWrite` is the same as the `tokio_io::AsyncWrite` trait
/// but uses an `ErrBox` error instead of `std::io:Error`
pub trait DenoAsyncWrite {
  fn poll_write(
    &mut self,
    cx: &mut Context,
    buf: &[u8],
  ) -> Poll<Result<usize, ErrBox>>;

  fn poll_close(&mut self, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Result<(), ErrBox>>;

  fn poll_flush(&mut self, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Result<(), ErrBox>>;

impl DenoAsyncWrite for StreamResource {
  fn poll_write(
    &mut self,
    cx: &mut Context,
    buf: &[u8],
  ) -> Poll<Result<usize, ErrBox>> {
    use StreamResource::*;
    let f: &mut dyn UnpinAsyncWrite = match self {
      FsFile(Some((f, _))) => f,
      FsFile(None) => return Poll::Pending,
      TcpStream(Some(f)) => f,
      UnixStream(f) => f,
      ClientTlsStream(f) => f,
      ServerTlsStream(f) => f,
      ChildStdin(f) => f,
      _ => return Err(ErrBox::bad_resource_id()).into(),

    let v = ready!(Pin::new(f).poll_write(cx, buf))?;

  fn poll_flush(&mut self, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Result<(), ErrBox>> {
    use StreamResource::*;
    let f: &mut dyn UnpinAsyncWrite = match self {
      FsFile(Some((f, _))) => f,
      FsFile(None) => return Poll::Pending,
      TcpStream(Some(f)) => f,
      UnixStream(f) => f,
      ClientTlsStream(f) => f,
      ServerTlsStream(f) => f,
      ChildStdin(f) => f,
      _ => return Err(ErrBox::bad_resource_id()).into(),


  fn poll_close(&mut self, _cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Result<(), ErrBox>> {

pub fn op_write(
  isolate_state: &mut CoreIsolateState,
  _state: &Rc<State>,
  is_sync: bool,
  rid: i32,
  zero_copy: &mut [ZeroCopyBuf],
) -> MinimalOp {
  debug!("write rid={}", rid);
  match zero_copy.len() {
    0 => return MinimalOp::Sync(Err(no_buffer_specified())),
    1 => {}
    _ => panic!("Invalid number of arguments"),

  if is_sync {
      // First we look up the rid in the resource table.
      let mut resource_table = isolate_state.resource_table.borrow_mut();
      std_file_resource(&mut resource_table, rid as u32, move |r| match r {
        Ok(std_file) => {
          use std::io::Write;
            .map(|nwritten: usize| nwritten as i32)
        Err(_) => Err(ErrBox::type_error(
          "sync read not allowed on this resource".to_string(),
  } else {
    let zero_copy = zero_copy[0].clone();
    let resource_table = isolate_state.resource_table.clone();
      async move {
        let nwritten = poll_fn(|cx| {
          let mut resource_table = resource_table.borrow_mut();
          let resource_holder = resource_table
            .get_mut::<StreamResourceHolder>(rid as u32)
          resource_holder.resource.poll_write(cx, &zero_copy)

        // TODO(bartlomieju): this step was added during upgrade to Tokio 0.2
        // and the reasons for the need to explicitly flush are not fully known.
        // Figure out why it's needed and preferably remove it.
        poll_fn(|cx| {
          let mut resource_table = resource_table.borrow_mut();
          let resource_holder = resource_table
            .get_mut::<StreamResourceHolder>(rid as u32)

        Ok(nwritten as i32)

/// Helper function for operating on a std::fs::File stored in the resource table.
/// We store file system file resources as tokio::fs::File, so this is a little
/// utility function that gets a std::fs:File when you need to do blocking
/// operations.
/// Returns ErrorKind::Busy if the resource is being used by another op.
pub fn std_file_resource<F, T>(
  resource_table: &mut ResourceTable,
  rid: u32,
  mut f: F,
) -> Result<T, ErrBox>
    FnMut(Result<&mut std::fs::File, &mut StreamResource>) -> Result<T, ErrBox>,
  // First we look up the rid in the resource table.
  let mut r = resource_table.get_mut::<StreamResourceHolder>(rid);
  if let Some(ref mut resource_holder) = r {
    // Sync write only works for FsFile. It doesn't make sense to do this
    // for non-blocking sockets. So we error out if not FsFile.
    match &mut resource_holder.resource {
      StreamResource::FsFile(option_file_metadata) => {
        // The object in the resource table is a tokio::fs::File - but in
        // order to do a blocking write on it, we must turn it into a
        // std::fs::File. Hopefully this code compiles down to nothing.
        if let Some((tokio_file, metadata)) = option_file_metadata.take() {
          match tokio_file.try_into_std() {
            Ok(mut std_file) => {
              let result = f(Ok(&mut std_file));
              // Turn the std_file handle back into a tokio file, put it back
              // in the resource table.
              let tokio_file = tokio::fs::File::from_std(std_file);
              resource_holder.resource =
                StreamResource::FsFile(Some((tokio_file, metadata)));
              // return the result.
            Err(tokio_file) => {
              // This function will return an error containing the file if
              // some operation is in-flight.
              resource_holder.resource =
                StreamResource::FsFile(Some((tokio_file, metadata)));
        } else {
      _ => f(Err(&mut resource_holder.resource)),
  } else {