// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // This file contains the runtime APIs which will dispatch work to the internal // compiler within Deno. import { DiagnosticItem } from "../diagnostics.ts"; import * as util from "../util.ts"; import * as runtimeCompilerOps from "../ops/runtime_compiler.ts"; import { TranspileOnlyResult } from "../ops/runtime_compiler.ts"; export { TranspileOnlyResult } from "../ops/runtime_compiler.ts"; export interface CompilerOptions { allowJs?: boolean; allowSyntheticDefaultImports?: boolean; allowUmdGlobalAccess?: boolean; allowUnreachableCode?: boolean; allowUnusedLabels?: boolean; alwaysStrict?: boolean; baseUrl?: string; checkJs?: boolean; declaration?: boolean; declarationDir?: string; declarationMap?: boolean; downlevelIteration?: boolean; emitBOM?: boolean; emitDeclarationOnly?: boolean; emitDecoratorMetadata?: boolean; esModuleInterop?: boolean; experimentalDecorators?: boolean; inlineSourceMap?: boolean; inlineSources?: boolean; isolatedModules?: boolean; jsx?: "react" | "preserve" | "react-native"; jsxFactory?: string; keyofStringsOnly?: string; useDefineForClassFields?: boolean; lib?: string[]; locale?: string; mapRoot?: string; module?: | "none" | "commonjs" | "amd" | "system" | "umd" | "es6" | "es2015" | "esnext"; noEmitHelpers?: boolean; noFallthroughCasesInSwitch?: boolean; noImplicitAny?: boolean; noImplicitReturns?: boolean; noImplicitThis?: boolean; noImplicitUseStrict?: boolean; noResolve?: boolean; noStrictGenericChecks?: boolean; noUnusedLocals?: boolean; noUnusedParameters?: boolean; outDir?: string; paths?: Record; preserveConstEnums?: boolean; removeComments?: boolean; resolveJsonModule?: boolean; rootDir?: string; rootDirs?: string[]; sourceMap?: boolean; sourceRoot?: string; strict?: boolean; strictBindCallApply?: boolean; strictFunctionTypes?: boolean; strictPropertyInitialization?: boolean; strictNullChecks?: boolean; suppressExcessPropertyErrors?: boolean; suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors?: boolean; target?: | "es3" | "es5" | "es6" | "es2015" | "es2016" | "es2017" | "es2018" | "es2019" | "es2020" | "esnext"; types?: string[]; } function checkRelative(specifier: string): string { return specifier.match(/^([\.\/\\]|https?:\/{2}|file:\/{2})/) ? specifier : `./${specifier}`; } // TODO(bartlomieju): change return type to interface? export function transpileOnly( sources: Record, options: CompilerOptions = {} ): Promise> { util.log("Deno.transpileOnly", { sources: Object.keys(sources), options }); const payload = { sources, options: JSON.stringify(options), }; return runtimeCompilerOps.transpile(payload); } // TODO(bartlomieju): change return type to interface? export async function compile( rootName: string, sources?: Record, options: CompilerOptions = {} ): Promise<[DiagnosticItem[] | undefined, Record]> { const payload = { rootName: sources ? rootName : checkRelative(rootName), sources, options: JSON.stringify(options), bundle: false, }; util.log("Deno.compile", { rootName: payload.rootName, sources: !!sources, options, }); const result = await runtimeCompilerOps.compile(payload); util.assert(result.emitMap); const maybeDiagnostics = result.diagnostics.length === 0 ? undefined : result.diagnostics; const emitMap: Record = {}; for (const [key, emmitedSource] of Object.entries(result.emitMap)) { emitMap[key] = emmitedSource.contents; } return [maybeDiagnostics, emitMap]; } // TODO(bartlomieju): change return type to interface? export async function bundle( rootName: string, sources?: Record, options: CompilerOptions = {} ): Promise<[DiagnosticItem[] | undefined, string]> { const payload = { rootName: sources ? rootName : checkRelative(rootName), sources, options: JSON.stringify(options), bundle: true, }; util.log("Deno.bundle", { rootName: payload.rootName, sources: !!sources, options, }); const result = await runtimeCompilerOps.compile(payload); util.assert(result.output); const maybeDiagnostics = result.diagnostics.length === 0 ? undefined : result.diagnostics; return [maybeDiagnostics, result.output]; }