// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { ASSETS, MediaType, SourceFile } from "./sourcefile.ts"; import { OUT_DIR, WriteFileCallback, getAsset } from "./util.ts"; import { assert, notImplemented } from "../util.ts"; import * as util from "../util.ts"; export enum CompilerHostTarget { Main = "main", Runtime = "runtime", Worker = "worker", } export interface CompilerHostOptions { bundle?: boolean; target: CompilerHostTarget; unstable?: boolean; writeFile: WriteFileCallback; } export interface ConfigureResponse { ignoredOptions?: string[]; diagnostics?: ts.Diagnostic[]; } export const defaultBundlerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions = { allowJs: true, inlineSourceMap: false, module: ts.ModuleKind.System, outDir: undefined, outFile: `${OUT_DIR}/bundle.js`, // disabled until we have effective way to modify source maps sourceMap: false, }; export const defaultCompileOptions: ts.CompilerOptions = { allowJs: false, allowNonTsExtensions: true, checkJs: false, esModuleInterop: true, jsx: ts.JsxEmit.React, module: ts.ModuleKind.ESNext, outDir: OUT_DIR, resolveJsonModule: true, sourceMap: true, strict: true, stripComments: true, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext, }; export const defaultRuntimeCompileOptions: ts.CompilerOptions = { outDir: undefined, }; export const defaultTranspileOptions: ts.CompilerOptions = { esModuleInterop: true, module: ts.ModuleKind.ESNext, sourceMap: true, scriptComments: true, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext, }; const ignoredCompilerOptions: readonly string[] = [ "allowSyntheticDefaultImports", "baseUrl", "build", "composite", "declaration", "declarationDir", "declarationMap", "diagnostics", "downlevelIteration", "emitBOM", "emitDeclarationOnly", "esModuleInterop", "extendedDiagnostics", "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames", "help", "importHelpers", "incremental", "inlineSourceMap", "inlineSources", "init", "isolatedModules", "listEmittedFiles", "listFiles", "mapRoot", "maxNodeModuleJsDepth", "module", "moduleResolution", "newLine", "noEmit", "noEmitHelpers", "noEmitOnError", "noLib", "noResolve", "out", "outDir", "outFile", "paths", "preserveSymlinks", "preserveWatchOutput", "pretty", "rootDir", "rootDirs", "showConfig", "skipDefaultLibCheck", "skipLibCheck", "sourceMap", "sourceRoot", "stripInternal", "target", "traceResolution", "tsBuildInfoFile", "types", "typeRoots", "version", "watch", ]; function getAssetInternal(filename: string): SourceFile { const lastSegment = filename.split("/").pop()!; const url = ts.libMap.has(lastSegment) ? ts.libMap.get(lastSegment)! : lastSegment; const sourceFile = SourceFile.get(url); if (sourceFile) { return sourceFile; } const name = url.includes(".") ? url : `${url}.d.ts`; const sourceCode = getAsset(name); return new SourceFile({ url, filename: `${ASSETS}/${name}`, mediaType: MediaType.TypeScript, sourceCode, }); } export class Host implements ts.CompilerHost { readonly #options = defaultCompileOptions; #target: CompilerHostTarget; #writeFile: WriteFileCallback; /* Deno specific APIs */ constructor({ bundle = false, target, unstable, writeFile, }: CompilerHostOptions) { this.#target = target; this.#writeFile = writeFile; if (bundle) { // options we need to change when we are generating a bundle Object.assign(this.#options, defaultBundlerOptions); } if (unstable) { this.#options.lib = [ target === CompilerHostTarget.Worker ? "lib.deno.worker.d.ts" : "lib.deno.window.d.ts", "lib.deno.unstable.d.ts", ]; } } configure( cwd: string, path: string, configurationText: string ): ConfigureResponse { util.log("compiler::host.configure", path); assert(configurationText); const { config, error } = ts.parseConfigFileTextToJson( path, configurationText ); if (error) { return { diagnostics: [error] }; } const { options, errors } = ts.convertCompilerOptionsFromJson( config.compilerOptions, cwd ); const ignoredOptions: string[] = []; for (const key of Object.keys(options)) { if ( ignoredCompilerOptions.includes(key) && (!(key in this.#options) || options[key] !== this.#options[key]) ) { ignoredOptions.push(key); delete options[key]; } } Object.assign(this.#options, options); return { ignoredOptions: ignoredOptions.length ? ignoredOptions : undefined, diagnostics: errors.length ? errors : undefined, }; } mergeOptions(...options: ts.CompilerOptions[]): ts.CompilerOptions { Object.assign(this.#options, ...options); return Object.assign({}, this.#options); } /* TypeScript CompilerHost APIs */ fileExists(_fileName: string): boolean { return notImplemented(); } getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string { return fileName; } getCompilationSettings(): ts.CompilerOptions { util.log("compiler::host.getCompilationSettings()"); return this.#options; } getCurrentDirectory(): string { return ""; } getDefaultLibFileName(_options: ts.CompilerOptions): string { util.log("compiler::host.getDefaultLibFileName()"); switch (this.#target) { case CompilerHostTarget.Main: case CompilerHostTarget.Runtime: return `${ASSETS}/lib.deno.window.d.ts`; case CompilerHostTarget.Worker: return `${ASSETS}/lib.deno.worker.d.ts`; } } getNewLine(): string { return "\n"; } getSourceFile( fileName: string, languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void, shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean ): ts.SourceFile | undefined { util.log("compiler::host.getSourceFile", fileName); try { assert(!shouldCreateNewSourceFile); const sourceFile = fileName.startsWith(ASSETS) ? getAssetInternal(fileName) : SourceFile.get(fileName); assert(sourceFile != null); if (!sourceFile.tsSourceFile) { assert(sourceFile.sourceCode != null); const tsSourceFileName = fileName.startsWith(ASSETS) ? sourceFile.filename : fileName; sourceFile.tsSourceFile = ts.createSourceFile( tsSourceFileName, sourceFile.sourceCode, languageVersion ); delete sourceFile.sourceCode; } return sourceFile.tsSourceFile; } catch (e) { if (onError) { onError(String(e)); } else { throw e; } return undefined; } } readFile(_fileName: string): string | undefined { return notImplemented(); } resolveModuleNames( moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string ): Array { util.log("compiler::host.resolveModuleNames", { moduleNames, containingFile, }); return moduleNames.map((specifier) => { const maybeUrl = SourceFile.getUrl(specifier, containingFile); let sourceFile: SourceFile | undefined = undefined; if (specifier.startsWith(ASSETS)) { sourceFile = getAssetInternal(specifier); } else if (typeof maybeUrl !== "undefined") { sourceFile = SourceFile.get(maybeUrl); } if (!sourceFile) { return undefined; } return { resolvedFileName: sourceFile.url, isExternalLibraryImport: specifier.startsWith(ASSETS), extension: sourceFile.extension, }; }); } useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean { return true; } writeFile( fileName: string, data: string, _writeByteOrderMark: boolean, _onError?: (message: string) => void, sourceFiles?: readonly ts.SourceFile[] ): void { util.log("compiler::host.writeFile", fileName); this.#writeFile(fileName, data, sourceFiles); } }