// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Ported from https://github.com/foundationdb-rs/foundationdb-rs/blob/main/foundationdb/src/tuple/pack.rs use crate::Key; use crate::KeyPart; //const NIL: u8 = 0x00; const BYTES: u8 = 0x01; const STRING: u8 = 0x02; //const NESTED: u8 = 0x05; const NEGINTSTART: u8 = 0x0b; const INTZERO: u8 = 0x14; const POSINTEND: u8 = 0x1d; //const FLOAT: u8 = 0x20; const DOUBLE: u8 = 0x21; const FALSE: u8 = 0x26; const TRUE: u8 = 0x27; const ESCAPE: u8 = 0xff; const CANONICAL_NAN_POS: u64 = 0x7ff8000000000000u64; const CANONICAL_NAN_NEG: u64 = 0xfff8000000000000u64; pub fn canonicalize_f64(n: f64) -> f64 { if n.is_nan() { if n.is_sign_negative() { f64::from_bits(CANONICAL_NAN_NEG) } else { f64::from_bits(CANONICAL_NAN_POS) } } else { n } } pub fn encode_key(key: &Key) -> std::io::Result<Vec<u8>> { let mut output: Vec<u8> = vec![]; for part in &key.0 { match part { KeyPart::String(key) => { output.push(STRING); escape_raw_bytes_into(&mut output, key.as_bytes()); output.push(0); } KeyPart::Int(key) => { bigint::encode_into(&mut output, key)?; } KeyPart::Float(key) => { double::encode_into(&mut output, *key); } KeyPart::Bytes(key) => { output.push(BYTES); escape_raw_bytes_into(&mut output, key); output.push(0); } KeyPart::False => { output.push(FALSE); } KeyPart::True => { output.push(TRUE); } } } Ok(output) } pub fn decode_key(mut bytes: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<Key> { let mut key = Key(vec![]); while !bytes.is_empty() { let tag = bytes[0]; bytes = &bytes[1..]; let next_bytes = match tag { self::STRING => { let (next_bytes, data) = parse_slice(bytes)?; let data = String::from_utf8(data).map_err(|_| { std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "invalid utf8") })?; key.0.push(KeyPart::String(data)); next_bytes } self::NEGINTSTART..=self::POSINTEND => { let (next_bytes, data) = bigint::decode_from(bytes, tag)?; key.0.push(KeyPart::Int(data)); next_bytes } self::DOUBLE => { let (next_bytes, data) = double::decode_from(bytes)?; key.0.push(KeyPart::Float(data)); next_bytes } self::BYTES => { let (next_bytes, data) = parse_slice(bytes)?; key.0.push(KeyPart::Bytes(data)); next_bytes } self::FALSE => { key.0.push(KeyPart::False); bytes } self::TRUE => { key.0.push(KeyPart::True); bytes } _ => { return Err(std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "invalid tag", )) } }; bytes = next_bytes; } Ok(key) } fn escape_raw_bytes_into(out: &mut Vec<u8>, x: &[u8]) { for &b in x { out.push(b); if b == 0 { out.push(ESCAPE); } } } mod bigint { use num_bigint::BigInt; use num_bigint::Sign; use super::parse_byte; use super::parse_bytes; const MAX_SZ: usize = 8; // Ported from https://github.com/foundationdb-rs/foundationdb-rs/blob/7415e116d5d96c2630976058de28e439eed7e809/foundationdb/src/tuple/pack.rs#L575 pub fn encode_into(out: &mut Vec<u8>, key: &BigInt) -> std::io::Result<()> { if key.sign() == Sign::NoSign { out.push(super::INTZERO); return Ok(()); } let (sign, mut bytes) = key.to_bytes_be(); let n = bytes.len(); match sign { Sign::Minus => { if n <= MAX_SZ { out.push(super::INTZERO - n as u8); } else { out.extend_from_slice(&[super::NEGINTSTART, bigint_n(n)? ^ 0xff]); } invert(&mut bytes); out.extend_from_slice(&bytes); } Sign::NoSign => unreachable!(), Sign::Plus => { if n <= MAX_SZ { out.push(super::INTZERO + n as u8); } else { out.extend_from_slice(&[super::POSINTEND, bigint_n(n)?]); } out.extend_from_slice(&bytes); } } Ok(()) } pub fn decode_from( input: &[u8], tag: u8, ) -> std::io::Result<(&[u8], BigInt)> { if super::INTZERO <= tag && tag <= super::INTZERO + MAX_SZ as u8 { let n = (tag - super::INTZERO) as usize; let (input, bytes) = parse_bytes(input, n)?; Ok((input, BigInt::from_bytes_be(Sign::Plus, bytes))) } else if super::INTZERO - MAX_SZ as u8 <= tag && tag < super::INTZERO { let n = (super::INTZERO - tag) as usize; let (input, bytes) = parse_bytes(input, n)?; Ok((input, BigInt::from_bytes_be(Sign::Minus, &inverted(bytes)))) } else if tag == super::NEGINTSTART { let (input, raw_length) = parse_byte(input)?; let n = usize::from(raw_length ^ 0xff); let (input, bytes) = parse_bytes(input, n)?; Ok((input, BigInt::from_bytes_be(Sign::Minus, &inverted(bytes)))) } else if tag == super::POSINTEND { let (input, raw_length) = parse_byte(input)?; let n: usize = usize::from(raw_length); let (input, bytes) = parse_bytes(input, n)?; Ok((input, BigInt::from_bytes_be(Sign::Plus, bytes))) } else { Err(std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, format!("unknown bigint tag: {}", tag), )) } } fn invert(bytes: &mut [u8]) { // The ones' complement of a binary number is defined as the value // obtained by inverting all the bits in the binary representation // of the number (swapping 0s for 1s and vice versa). for byte in bytes.iter_mut() { *byte = !*byte; } } fn inverted(bytes: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> { // The ones' complement of a binary number is defined as the value // obtained by inverting all the bits in the binary representation // of the number (swapping 0s for 1s and vice versa). bytes.iter().map(|byte| !*byte).collect() } fn bigint_n(n: usize) -> std::io::Result<u8> { u8::try_from(n).map_err(|_| { std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "BigUint requires more than 255 bytes to be represented", ) }) } } mod double { macro_rules! sign_bit { ($type:ident) => { (1 << (std::mem::size_of::<$type>() * 8 - 1)) }; } fn f64_to_ux_be_bytes(f: f64) -> [u8; 8] { let u = if f.is_sign_negative() { f.to_bits() ^ ::std::u64::MAX } else { f.to_bits() ^ sign_bit!(u64) }; u.to_be_bytes() } pub fn encode_into(out: &mut Vec<u8>, x: f64) { out.push(super::DOUBLE); out.extend_from_slice(&f64_to_ux_be_bytes(super::canonicalize_f64(x))); } pub fn decode_from(input: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<(&[u8], f64)> { let (input, bytes) = super::parse_bytes(input, 8)?; let mut arr = [0u8; 8]; arr.copy_from_slice(bytes); let u = u64::from_be_bytes(arr); Ok(( input, f64::from_bits(if (u & sign_bit!(u64)) == 0 { u ^ ::std::u64::MAX } else { u ^ sign_bit!(u64) }), )) } } #[inline] fn parse_bytes(input: &[u8], num: usize) -> std::io::Result<(&[u8], &[u8])> { if input.len() < num { Err(std::io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof.into()) } else { Ok((&input[num..], &input[..num])) } } #[inline] fn parse_byte(input: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<(&[u8], u8)> { if input.is_empty() { Err(std::io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof.into()) } else { Ok((&input[1..], input[0])) } } fn parse_slice(input: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<(&[u8], Vec<u8>)> { let mut output: Vec<u8> = Vec::new(); let mut i = 0usize; while i < input.len() { let byte = input[i]; i += 1; if byte == 0 { if input.get(i).copied() == Some(ESCAPE) { output.push(0); i += 1; continue; } else { return Ok((&input[i..], output)); } } output.push(byte); } Err(std::io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof.into()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use num_bigint::BigInt; use std::cmp::Ordering; use crate::Key; use crate::KeyPart; use super::decode_key; use super::encode_key; fn roundtrip(key: Key) { let bytes = encode_key(&key).unwrap(); let decoded = decode_key(&bytes).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&key, &decoded); assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", key), format!("{:?}", decoded)); } fn check_order(a: Key, b: Key, expected: Ordering) { let a_bytes = encode_key(&a).unwrap(); let b_bytes = encode_key(&b).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.cmp(&b), expected); assert_eq!(a_bytes.cmp(&b_bytes), expected); } fn check_bijection(key: Key, serialized: &[u8]) { let bytes = encode_key(&key).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&bytes[..], serialized); let decoded = decode_key(serialized).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&key, &decoded); } #[test] fn simple_roundtrip() { roundtrip(Key(vec![ KeyPart::Bytes(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00]), KeyPart::String("foo".to_string()), KeyPart::Float(-f64::NAN), KeyPart::Float(-f64::INFINITY), KeyPart::Float(-42.1), KeyPart::Float(-0.0), KeyPart::Float(0.0), KeyPart::Float(42.1), KeyPart::Float(f64::INFINITY), KeyPart::Float(f64::NAN), KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(-10000)), KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(-1)), KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(0)), KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(1)), KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(10000)), KeyPart::False, KeyPart::True, ])); } #[test] #[rustfmt::skip] fn order_bytes() { check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Bytes(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00])]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Bytes(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00])]), Ordering::Equal, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Bytes(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00])]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Bytes(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x01])]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Bytes(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x01])]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Bytes(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00])]), Ordering::Greater, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Bytes(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00])]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Bytes(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00])]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Bytes(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00])]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Bytes(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00])]), Ordering::Greater, ); } #[test] #[rustfmt::skip] fn order_tags() { check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Bytes(vec![])]), Key(vec![KeyPart::String("".into())]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::String("".into())]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(0))]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(0))]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(0.0)]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(0.0)]), Key(vec![KeyPart::False]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::False]), Key(vec![KeyPart::True]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::True]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Bytes(vec![])]), Ordering::Greater, ); } #[test] #[rustfmt::skip] fn order_floats() { check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(-f64::NAN)]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(-f64::INFINITY)]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(-f64::INFINITY)]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(-10.0)]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(-10.0)]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(-0.0)]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(-0.0)]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(0.0)]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(0.0)]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(10.0)]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(10.0)]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(f64::INFINITY)]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(f64::INFINITY)]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(f64::NAN)]), Ordering::Less, ); } #[test] #[rustfmt::skip] fn order_ints() { check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(-10000))]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(-100))]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(-100))]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(-1))]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(-1))]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(0))]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(0))]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(1))]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(1))]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(100))]), Ordering::Less, ); check_order( Key(vec![KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(100))]), Key(vec![KeyPart::Int(BigInt::from(10000))]), Ordering::Less, ); } #[test] #[rustfmt::skip] fn float_canonicalization() { let key1 = Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(f64::from_bits(0x7ff8000000000001))]); let key2 = Key(vec![KeyPart::Float(f64::from_bits(0x7ff8000000000002))]); assert_eq!(key1, key2); assert_eq!(encode_key(&key1).unwrap(), encode_key(&key2).unwrap()); } #[test] #[rustfmt::skip] fn explicit_bijection() { // string check_bijection( Key(vec![KeyPart::String("hello".into())]), &[0x02, 0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x00], ); // zero byte escape check_bijection( Key(vec![KeyPart::Bytes(vec![0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x07, 0x08])]), &[0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0xff, 0x07, 0x08, 0x00], ); // array check_bijection( Key(vec![ KeyPart::String("hello".into()), KeyPart::Bytes(vec![0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x07, 0x08]), ]), &[ 0x02, 0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x00, /* string */ 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0xff, 0x07, 0x08, 0x00, /* bytes */ ], ); } }