// deno-fmt-ignore-file
// deno-lint-ignore-file

// Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// Taken from Node 18.12.1
// This file is automatically generated by `tools/node_compat/setup.ts`. Do not modify this file manually.

'use strict';
const common = require('../common');
const stream = require('stream');

function test(throwCodeInbetween) {
  // Check that a pipe does not stall if .read() is called unexpectedly
  // (i.e. the stream is not resumed by the pipe).

  const n = 1000;
  let counter = n;
  const rs = stream.Readable({
    objectMode: true,
    read: common.mustCallAtLeast(() => {
      if (--counter >= 0)
        rs.push({ counter });
    }, n)

  const ws = stream.Writable({
    objectMode: true,
    write: common.mustCall((data, enc, cb) => {
    }, n)

  setImmediate(() => throwCodeInbetween(rs, ws));


test((rs) => rs.read());
test((rs) => rs.resume());
test(() => 0);