// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use std::mem::MaybeUninit; use std::ptr::addr_of_mut; use deno_core::parking_lot::Mutex; use crate::*; fn assert_ok(res: c_int) -> c_int { if res != 0 { log::error!("bad result in uv polyfill: {res}"); // don't panic because that might unwind into // c/c++ std::process::abort(); } res } use std::ffi::c_int; use js_native_api::napi_create_string_utf8; use node_api::napi_create_async_work; use node_api::napi_delete_async_work; use node_api::napi_queue_async_work; const UV_MUTEX_SIZE: usize = { #[cfg(unix)] { std::mem::size_of::<libc::pthread_mutex_t>() } #[cfg(windows)] { std::mem::size_of::<windows_sys::Win32::System::Threading::CRITICAL_SECTION>( ) } }; #[repr(C)] struct uv_mutex_t { mutex: Mutex<()>, _padding: [MaybeUninit<usize>; const { (UV_MUTEX_SIZE - size_of::<Mutex<()>>()) / size_of::<usize>() }], } #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn uv_mutex_init(lock: *mut uv_mutex_t) -> c_int { unsafe { addr_of_mut!((*lock).mutex).write(Mutex::new(())); 0 } } #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn uv_mutex_lock(lock: *mut uv_mutex_t) { unsafe { let guard = (*lock).mutex.lock(); // forget the guard so it doesn't unlock when it goes out of scope. // we're going to unlock it manually std::mem::forget(guard); } } #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn uv_mutex_unlock(lock: *mut uv_mutex_t) { unsafe { (*lock).mutex.force_unlock(); } } #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn uv_mutex_destroy(_lock: *mut uv_mutex_t) { // no cleanup required } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] #[allow(dead_code)] enum uv_handle_type { UV_UNKNOWN_HANDLE = 0, UV_ASYNC, UV_CHECK, UV_FS_EVENT, UV_FS_POLL, UV_HANDLE, UV_IDLE, UV_NAMED_PIPE, UV_POLL, UV_PREPARE, UV_PROCESS, UV_STREAM, UV_TCP, UV_TIMER, UV_TTY, UV_UDP, UV_SIGNAL, UV_FILE, UV_HANDLE_TYPE_MAX, } const UV_HANDLE_SIZE: usize = 96; #[repr(C)] struct uv_handle_t { // public members pub data: *mut c_void, pub r#loop: *mut uv_loop_t, pub r#type: uv_handle_type, _padding: [MaybeUninit<usize>; const { (UV_HANDLE_SIZE - size_of::<*mut c_void>() - size_of::<*mut uv_loop_t>() - size_of::<uv_handle_type>()) / size_of::<usize>() }], } #[cfg(unix)] const UV_ASYNC_SIZE: usize = 128; #[cfg(windows)] const UV_ASYNC_SIZE: usize = 224; #[repr(C)] struct uv_async_t { // public members pub data: *mut c_void, pub r#loop: *mut uv_loop_t, pub r#type: uv_handle_type, // private async_cb: uv_async_cb, work: napi_async_work, _padding: [MaybeUninit<usize>; const { (UV_ASYNC_SIZE - size_of::<*mut c_void>() - size_of::<*mut uv_loop_t>() - size_of::<uv_handle_type>() - size_of::<uv_async_cb>() - size_of::<napi_async_work>()) / size_of::<usize>() }], } type uv_loop_t = Env; type uv_async_cb = extern "C" fn(handle: *mut uv_async_t); #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn uv_async_init( r#loop: *mut uv_loop_t, // probably uninitialized r#async: *mut uv_async_t, async_cb: uv_async_cb, ) -> c_int { unsafe { addr_of_mut!((*r#async).r#loop).write(r#loop); addr_of_mut!((*r#async).r#type).write(uv_handle_type::UV_ASYNC); addr_of_mut!((*r#async).async_cb).write(async_cb); let mut resource_name: MaybeUninit<napi_value> = MaybeUninit::uninit(); assert_ok(napi_create_string_utf8( r#loop, c"uv_async".as_ptr(), usize::MAX, resource_name.as_mut_ptr(), )); let resource_name = resource_name.assume_init(); let res = napi_create_async_work( r#loop, None::<v8::Local<'static, v8::Value>>.into(), resource_name, Some(async_exec_wrap), None, r#async.cast(), addr_of_mut!((*r#async).work), ); -res } } #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn uv_async_send(handle: *mut uv_async_t) -> c_int { unsafe { -napi_queue_async_work((*handle).r#loop, (*handle).work) } } type uv_close_cb = unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut uv_handle_t); #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn uv_close(handle: *mut uv_handle_t, close: uv_close_cb) { unsafe { if handle.is_null() { close(handle); return; } if let uv_handle_type::UV_ASYNC = (*handle).r#type { let handle: *mut uv_async_t = handle.cast(); napi_delete_async_work((*handle).r#loop, (*handle).work); } close(handle); } } unsafe extern "C" fn async_exec_wrap(_env: napi_env, data: *mut c_void) { let data: *mut uv_async_t = data.cast(); unsafe { ((*data).async_cb)(data); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn sizes() { assert_eq!( std::mem::size_of::<libuv_sys_lite::uv_mutex_t>(), UV_MUTEX_SIZE ); assert_eq!( std::mem::size_of::<libuv_sys_lite::uv_handle_t>(), UV_HANDLE_SIZE ); assert_eq!( std::mem::size_of::<libuv_sys_lite::uv_async_t>(), UV_ASYNC_SIZE ); assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<uv_mutex_t>(), UV_MUTEX_SIZE); assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<uv_handle_t>(), UV_HANDLE_SIZE); assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<uv_async_t>(), UV_ASYNC_SIZE); } }