// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::auth_tokens::AuthTokens; use crate::colors; use crate::http_cache::HttpCache; use crate::http_util::fetch_once; use crate::http_util::FetchOnceArgs; use crate::http_util::FetchOnceResult; use crate::media_type::MediaType; use crate::text_encoding; use crate::version::get_user_agent; use data_url::DataUrl; use deno_core::error::custom_error; use deno_core::error::generic_error; use deno_core::error::uri_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::futures; use deno_core::futures::future::FutureExt; use deno_core::parking_lot::Mutex; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_runtime::deno_fetch::reqwest; use deno_runtime::deno_web::BlobStore; use deno_runtime::permissions::Permissions; use deno_tls::create_http_client; use deno_tls::rustls::RootCertStore; use log::debug; use log::info; use std::borrow::Borrow; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::future::Future; use std::io::Read; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::pin::Pin; use std::sync::Arc; static DENO_AUTH_TOKENS: &str = "DENO_AUTH_TOKENS"; pub const SUPPORTED_SCHEMES: [&str; 5] = ["data", "blob", "file", "http", "https"]; /// A structure representing a source file. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct File { /// The path to the local version of the source file. For local files this /// will be the direct path to that file. For remote files, it will be the /// path to the file in the HTTP cache. pub local: PathBuf, /// For remote files, if there was an `X-TypeScript-Type` header, the parsed /// out value of that header. pub maybe_types: Option<String>, /// The resolved media type for the file. pub media_type: MediaType, /// The source of the file as a string. pub source: String, /// The _final_ specifier for the file. The requested specifier and the final /// specifier maybe different for remote files that have been redirected. pub specifier: ModuleSpecifier, pub maybe_headers: Option<HashMap<String, String>>, } /// Simple struct implementing in-process caching to prevent multiple /// fs reads/net fetches for same file. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] struct FileCache(Arc<Mutex<HashMap<ModuleSpecifier, File>>>); impl FileCache { pub fn get(&self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) -> Option<File> { let cache = self.0.lock(); cache.get(specifier).cloned() } pub fn insert(&self, specifier: ModuleSpecifier, file: File) -> Option<File> { let mut cache = self.0.lock(); cache.insert(specifier, file) } } /// Indicates how cached source files should be handled. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum CacheSetting { /// Only the cached files should be used. Any files not in the cache will /// error. This is the equivalent of `--cached-only` in the CLI. Only, /// No cached source files should be used, and all files should be reloaded. /// This is the equivalent of `--reload` in the CLI. ReloadAll, /// Only some cached resources should be used. This is the equivalent of /// `--reload=https://deno.land/std` or /// `--reload=https://deno.land/std,https://deno.land/x/example`. ReloadSome(Vec<String>), /// The cached source files should be used for local modules. This is the /// default behavior of the CLI. Use, } impl CacheSetting { /// Returns if the cache should be used for a given specifier. pub fn should_use(&self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) -> bool { match self { CacheSetting::ReloadAll => false, CacheSetting::Use | CacheSetting::Only => true, CacheSetting::ReloadSome(list) => { let mut url = specifier.clone(); url.set_fragment(None); if list.contains(&url.as_str().to_string()) { return false; } url.set_query(None); let mut path = PathBuf::from(url.as_str()); loop { if list.contains(&path.to_str().unwrap().to_string()) { return false; } if !path.pop() { break; } } true } } } } /// Fetch a source file from the local file system. fn fetch_local(specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) -> Result<File, AnyError> { let local = specifier.to_file_path().map_err(|_| { uri_error(format!("Invalid file path.\n Specifier: {}", specifier)) })?; let bytes = fs::read(local.clone())?; let charset = text_encoding::detect_charset(&bytes).to_string(); let source = strip_shebang(get_source_from_bytes(bytes, Some(charset))?); let media_type = MediaType::from(specifier); Ok(File { local, maybe_types: None, media_type, source, specifier: specifier.clone(), maybe_headers: None, }) } /// Given a vector of bytes and optionally a charset, decode the bytes to a /// string. pub fn get_source_from_bytes( bytes: Vec<u8>, maybe_charset: Option<String>, ) -> Result<String, AnyError> { let source = if let Some(charset) = maybe_charset { text_encoding::convert_to_utf8(&bytes, &charset)?.to_string() } else { String::from_utf8(bytes)? }; Ok(source) } /// Return a validated scheme for a given module specifier. fn get_validated_scheme( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result<String, AnyError> { let scheme = specifier.scheme(); if !SUPPORTED_SCHEMES.contains(&scheme) { Err(generic_error(format!( "Unsupported scheme \"{}\" for module \"{}\". Supported schemes: {:#?}", scheme, specifier, SUPPORTED_SCHEMES ))) } else { Ok(scheme.to_string()) } } /// Resolve a media type and optionally the charset from a module specifier and /// the value of a content type header. pub fn map_content_type( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, maybe_content_type: Option<String>, ) -> (MediaType, Option<String>) { if let Some(content_type) = maybe_content_type { let mut content_types = content_type.split(';'); let content_type = content_types.next().unwrap(); let media_type = MediaType::from_content_type(specifier, content_type); let charset = content_types .map(str::trim) .find_map(|s| s.strip_prefix("charset=")) .map(String::from); (media_type, charset) } else { (MediaType::from(specifier), None) } } /// Remove shebangs from the start of source code strings pub fn strip_shebang(mut value: String) -> String { if value.starts_with("#!") { if let Some(mid) = value.find('\n') { let (_, rest) = value.split_at(mid); value = rest.to_string() } else { value.clear() } } value } /// A structure for resolving, fetching and caching source files. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct FileFetcher { auth_tokens: AuthTokens, allow_remote: bool, cache: FileCache, cache_setting: CacheSetting, http_cache: HttpCache, http_client: reqwest::Client, blob_store: BlobStore, } impl FileFetcher { pub fn new( http_cache: HttpCache, cache_setting: CacheSetting, allow_remote: bool, root_cert_store: Option<RootCertStore>, blob_store: BlobStore, unsafely_ignore_certificate_errors: Option<Vec<String>>, ) -> Result<Self, AnyError> { Ok(Self { auth_tokens: AuthTokens::new(env::var(DENO_AUTH_TOKENS).ok()), allow_remote, cache: Default::default(), cache_setting, http_cache, http_client: create_http_client( get_user_agent(), root_cert_store, None, None, unsafely_ignore_certificate_errors, None, )?, blob_store, }) } /// Creates a `File` structure for a remote file. fn build_remote_file( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, bytes: Vec<u8>, headers: &HashMap<String, String>, ) -> Result<File, AnyError> { let local = self .http_cache .get_cache_filename(specifier) .ok_or_else(|| { generic_error("Cannot convert specifier to cached filename.") })?; let maybe_content_type = headers.get("content-type").cloned(); let (media_type, maybe_charset) = map_content_type(specifier, maybe_content_type); let source = strip_shebang(get_source_from_bytes(bytes, maybe_charset)?); let maybe_types = match media_type { MediaType::JavaScript | MediaType::Jsx => { headers.get("x-typescript-types").cloned() } _ => None, }; Ok(File { local, maybe_types, media_type, source, specifier: specifier.clone(), maybe_headers: Some(headers.clone()), }) } /// Fetch cached remote file. /// /// This is a recursive operation if source file has redirections. fn fetch_cached( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, redirect_limit: i64, ) -> Result<Option<File>, AnyError> { debug!("FileFetcher::fetch_cached - specifier: {}", specifier); if redirect_limit < 0 { return Err(custom_error("Http", "Too many redirects.")); } let (mut source_file, headers) = match self.http_cache.get(specifier) { Err(err) => { if let Some(err) = err.downcast_ref::<std::io::Error>() { if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound { return Ok(None); } } return Err(err); } Ok(cache) => cache, }; if let Some(redirect_to) = headers.get("location") { let redirect = deno_core::resolve_import(redirect_to, specifier.as_str())?; return self.fetch_cached(&redirect, redirect_limit - 1); } let mut bytes = Vec::new(); source_file.read_to_end(&mut bytes)?; let file = self.build_remote_file(specifier, bytes, &headers)?; Ok(Some(file)) } /// Convert a data URL into a file, resulting in an error if the URL is /// invalid. fn fetch_data_url( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result<File, AnyError> { debug!("FileFetcher::fetch_data_url() - specifier: {}", specifier); match self.fetch_cached(specifier, 0) { Ok(Some(file)) => return Ok(file), Ok(None) => {} Err(err) => return Err(err), } if self.cache_setting == CacheSetting::Only { return Err(custom_error( "NotFound", format!( "Specifier not found in cache: \"{}\", --cached-only is specified.", specifier ), )); } let data_url = DataUrl::process(specifier.as_str()) .map_err(|e| uri_error(format!("{:?}", e)))?; let mime = data_url.mime_type(); let charset = mime.get_parameter("charset").map(|v| v.to_string()); let (bytes, _) = data_url .decode_to_vec() .map_err(|e| uri_error(format!("{:?}", e)))?; let source = strip_shebang(get_source_from_bytes(bytes, charset)?); let content_type = format!("{}", mime); let (media_type, _) = map_content_type(specifier, Some(content_type.clone())); let local = self .http_cache .get_cache_filename(specifier) .ok_or_else(|| { generic_error("Cannot convert specifier to cached filename.") })?; let mut headers = HashMap::new(); headers.insert("content-type".to_string(), content_type); self.http_cache.set(specifier, headers, source.as_bytes())?; Ok(File { local, maybe_types: None, media_type, source, specifier: specifier.clone(), maybe_headers: None, }) } /// Get a blob URL. async fn fetch_blob_url( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result<File, AnyError> { debug!("FileFetcher::fetch_blob_url() - specifier: {}", specifier); match self.fetch_cached(specifier, 0) { Ok(Some(file)) => return Ok(file), Ok(None) => {} Err(err) => return Err(err), } if self.cache_setting == CacheSetting::Only { return Err(custom_error( "NotFound", format!( "Specifier not found in cache: \"{}\", --cached-only is specified.", specifier ), )); } let blob = { let blob_store = self.blob_store.borrow(); blob_store .get_object_url(specifier.clone())? .ok_or_else(|| { custom_error( "NotFound", format!("Blob URL not found: \"{}\".", specifier), ) })? }; let content_type = blob.media_type.clone(); let bytes = blob.read_all().await?; let (media_type, maybe_charset) = map_content_type(specifier, Some(content_type.clone())); let source = strip_shebang(get_source_from_bytes(bytes, maybe_charset)?); let local = self .http_cache .get_cache_filename(specifier) .ok_or_else(|| { generic_error("Cannot convert specifier to cached filename.") })?; let mut headers = HashMap::new(); headers.insert("content-type".to_string(), content_type); self.http_cache.set(specifier, headers, source.as_bytes())?; Ok(File { local, maybe_types: None, media_type, source, specifier: specifier.clone(), maybe_headers: None, }) } /// Asynchronously fetch remote source file specified by the URL following /// redirects. /// /// **Note** this is a recursive method so it can't be "async", but needs to /// return a `Pin<Box<..>>`. fn fetch_remote( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, permissions: &mut Permissions, redirect_limit: i64, ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<File, AnyError>> + Send>> { debug!("FileFetcher::fetch_remote() - specifier: {}", specifier); if redirect_limit < 0 { return futures::future::err(custom_error("Http", "Too many redirects.")) .boxed(); } if let Err(err) = permissions.check_specifier(specifier) { return futures::future::err(err).boxed(); } if self.cache_setting.should_use(specifier) { match self.fetch_cached(specifier, redirect_limit) { Ok(Some(file)) => { return futures::future::ok(file).boxed(); } Ok(None) => {} Err(err) => { return futures::future::err(err).boxed(); } } } if self.cache_setting == CacheSetting::Only { return futures::future::err(custom_error( "NotFound", format!( "Specifier not found in cache: \"{}\", --cached-only is specified.", specifier ), )) .boxed(); } info!("{} {}", colors::green("Download"), specifier); let maybe_etag = match self.http_cache.get(specifier) { Ok((_, headers)) => headers.get("etag").cloned(), _ => None, }; let maybe_auth_token = self.auth_tokens.get(specifier); let specifier = specifier.clone(); let mut permissions = permissions.clone(); let client = self.http_client.clone(); let file_fetcher = self.clone(); // A single pass of fetch either yields code or yields a redirect. async move { match fetch_once(FetchOnceArgs { client, url: specifier.clone(), maybe_etag, maybe_auth_token, }) .await? { FetchOnceResult::NotModified => { let file = file_fetcher.fetch_cached(&specifier, 10)?.unwrap(); Ok(file) } FetchOnceResult::Redirect(redirect_url, headers) => { file_fetcher.http_cache.set(&specifier, headers, &[])?; file_fetcher .fetch_remote(&redirect_url, &mut permissions, redirect_limit - 1) .await } FetchOnceResult::Code(bytes, headers) => { file_fetcher .http_cache .set(&specifier, headers.clone(), &bytes)?; let file = file_fetcher.build_remote_file(&specifier, bytes, &headers)?; Ok(file) } } } .boxed() } /// Fetch a source file and asynchronously return it. pub async fn fetch( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, permissions: &mut Permissions, ) -> Result<File, AnyError> { debug!("FileFetcher::fetch() - specifier: {}", specifier); let scheme = get_validated_scheme(specifier)?; permissions.check_specifier(specifier)?; if let Some(file) = self.cache.get(specifier) { Ok(file) } else if scheme == "file" { // we do not in memory cache files, as this would prevent files on the // disk changing effecting things like workers and dynamic imports. fetch_local(specifier) } else if scheme == "data" { let result = self.fetch_data_url(specifier); if let Ok(file) = &result { self.cache.insert(specifier.clone(), file.clone()); } result } else if scheme == "blob" { let result = self.fetch_blob_url(specifier).await; if let Ok(file) = &result { self.cache.insert(specifier.clone(), file.clone()); } result } else if !self.allow_remote { Err(custom_error( "NoRemote", format!("A remote specifier was requested: \"{}\", but --no-remote is specified.", specifier), )) } else { let result = self.fetch_remote(specifier, permissions, 10).await; if let Ok(file) = &result { self.cache.insert(specifier.clone(), file.clone()); } result } } /// Get the location of the current HTTP cache associated with the fetcher. pub fn get_http_cache_location(&self) -> PathBuf { self.http_cache.location.clone() } /// A synchronous way to retrieve a source file, where if the file has already /// been cached in memory it will be returned, otherwise for local files will /// be read from disk. pub fn get_source(&self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) -> Option<File> { let maybe_file = self.cache.get(specifier); if maybe_file.is_none() { let is_local = specifier.scheme() == "file"; if is_local { if let Ok(file) = fetch_local(specifier) { return Some(file); } } None } else { maybe_file } } /// Insert a temporary module into the in memory cache for the file fetcher. pub fn insert_cached(&self, file: File) -> Option<File> { self.cache.insert(file.specifier.clone(), file) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use deno_core::error::get_custom_error_class; use deno_core::resolve_url; use deno_core::resolve_url_or_path; use deno_runtime::deno_web::Blob; use deno_runtime::deno_web::InMemoryBlobPart; use std::rc::Rc; use tempfile::TempDir; fn setup( cache_setting: CacheSetting, maybe_temp_dir: Option<Rc<TempDir>>, ) -> (FileFetcher, Rc<TempDir>) { let (file_fetcher, temp_dir, _) = setup_with_blob_store(cache_setting, maybe_temp_dir); (file_fetcher, temp_dir) } fn setup_with_blob_store( cache_setting: CacheSetting, maybe_temp_dir: Option<Rc<TempDir>>, ) -> (FileFetcher, Rc<TempDir>, BlobStore) { let temp_dir = maybe_temp_dir.unwrap_or_else(|| { Rc::new(TempDir::new().expect("failed to create temp directory")) }); let location = temp_dir.path().join("deps"); let blob_store = BlobStore::default(); let file_fetcher = FileFetcher::new( HttpCache::new(&location), cache_setting, true, None, blob_store.clone(), None, ) .expect("setup failed"); (file_fetcher, temp_dir, blob_store) } macro_rules! file_url { ($path:expr) => { if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { concat!("file:///C:", $path) } else { concat!("file://", $path) } }; } async fn test_fetch(specifier: &ModuleSpecifier) -> (File, FileFetcher) { let (file_fetcher, _) = setup(CacheSetting::ReloadAll, None); let result = file_fetcher .fetch(specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); (result.unwrap(), file_fetcher) } async fn test_fetch_remote( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> (File, HashMap<String, String>) { let _http_server_guard = test_util::http_server(); let (file_fetcher, _) = setup(CacheSetting::ReloadAll, None); let result: Result<File, AnyError> = file_fetcher .fetch_remote(specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all(), 1) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let (_, headers) = file_fetcher.http_cache.get(specifier).unwrap(); (result.unwrap(), headers) } async fn test_fetch_remote_encoded( fixture: &str, charset: &str, expected: &str, ) { let url_str = format!("{}", fixture); let specifier = resolve_url(&url_str).unwrap(); let (file, headers) = test_fetch_remote(&specifier).await; assert_eq!(file.source, expected); assert_eq!(file.media_type, MediaType::TypeScript); assert_eq!( headers.get("content-type").unwrap(), &format!("application/typescript;charset={}", charset) ); } async fn test_fetch_local_encoded(charset: &str, expected: String) { let p = test_util::testdata_path().join(format!("encoding/{}.ts", charset)); let specifier = resolve_url_or_path(p.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap(); let (file, _) = test_fetch(&specifier).await; assert_eq!(file.source, expected); } #[test] fn test_get_validated_scheme() { let fixtures = vec![ ("https://deno.land/x/mod.ts", true, "https"), ("http://deno.land/x/mod.ts", true, "http"), ("file:///a/b/c.ts", true, "file"), ("file:///C:/a/b/c.ts", true, "file"), ("data:,some%20text", true, "data"), ("ftp://a/b/c.ts", false, ""), ("mailto:dino@deno.land", false, ""), ]; for (specifier, is_ok, expected) in fixtures { let specifier = resolve_url_or_path(specifier).unwrap(); let actual = get_validated_scheme(&specifier); assert_eq!(actual.is_ok(), is_ok); if is_ok { assert_eq!(actual.unwrap(), expected); } } } #[test] fn test_strip_shebang() { let value = "#!/usr/bin/env deno\n\nconsole.log(\"hello deno!\");\n".to_string(); assert_eq!(strip_shebang(value), "\n\nconsole.log(\"hello deno!\");\n"); } #[test] fn test_map_content_type() { let fixtures = vec![ // Extension only (file_url!("/foo/bar.ts"), None, MediaType::TypeScript, None), (file_url!("/foo/bar.tsx"), None, MediaType::Tsx, None), (file_url!("/foo/bar.d.ts"), None, MediaType::Dts, None), (file_url!("/foo/bar.js"), None, MediaType::JavaScript, None), (file_url!("/foo/bar.jsx"), None, MediaType::Jsx, None), (file_url!("/foo/bar.json"), None, MediaType::Json, None), (file_url!("/foo/bar.wasm"), None, MediaType::Wasm, None), (file_url!("/foo/bar.cjs"), None, MediaType::JavaScript, None), (file_url!("/foo/bar.mjs"), None, MediaType::JavaScript, None), (file_url!("/foo/bar"), None, MediaType::Unknown, None), // Media type no extension ( "https://deno.land/x/mod", Some("application/typescript".to_string()), MediaType::TypeScript, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod", Some("text/typescript".to_string()), MediaType::TypeScript, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod", Some("video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts".to_string()), MediaType::TypeScript, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod", Some("video/mp2t".to_string()), MediaType::TypeScript, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod", Some("application/x-typescript".to_string()), MediaType::TypeScript, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod", Some("application/javascript".to_string()), MediaType::JavaScript, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod", Some("text/javascript".to_string()), MediaType::JavaScript, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod", Some("application/ecmascript".to_string()), MediaType::JavaScript, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod", Some("text/ecmascript".to_string()), MediaType::JavaScript, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod", Some("application/x-javascript".to_string()), MediaType::JavaScript, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod", Some("application/node".to_string()), MediaType::JavaScript, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod", Some("text/jsx".to_string()), MediaType::Jsx, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod", Some("text/tsx".to_string()), MediaType::Tsx, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod", Some("text/json".to_string()), MediaType::Json, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod", Some("text/json; charset=utf-8".to_string()), MediaType::Json, Some("utf-8".to_string()), ), // Extension with media type ( "https://deno.land/x/mod.ts", Some("text/plain".to_string()), MediaType::TypeScript, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod.ts", Some("foo/bar".to_string()), MediaType::Unknown, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod.tsx", Some("application/typescript".to_string()), MediaType::Tsx, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod.tsx", Some("application/javascript".to_string()), MediaType::Tsx, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod.jsx", Some("application/javascript".to_string()), MediaType::Jsx, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod.jsx", Some("application/x-typescript".to_string()), MediaType::Jsx, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod.d.ts", Some("application/javascript".to_string()), MediaType::JavaScript, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod.d.ts", Some("text/plain".to_string()), MediaType::Dts, None, ), ( "https://deno.land/x/mod.d.ts", Some("application/x-typescript".to_string()), MediaType::Dts, None, ), ]; for (specifier, maybe_content_type, media_type, maybe_charset) in fixtures { let specifier = resolve_url_or_path(specifier).unwrap(); assert_eq!( map_content_type(&specifier, maybe_content_type), (media_type, maybe_charset) ); } } #[tokio::test] async fn test_insert_cached() { let (file_fetcher, temp_dir) = setup(CacheSetting::Use, None); let local = temp_dir.path().join("a.ts"); let specifier = resolve_url_or_path(local.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap()).unwrap(); let file = File { local, maybe_types: None, media_type: MediaType::TypeScript, source: "some source code".to_string(), specifier: specifier.clone(), maybe_headers: None, }; file_fetcher.insert_cached(file.clone()); let result = file_fetcher .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let result_file = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(result_file, file); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_get_source() { let _http_server_guard = test_util::http_server(); let (file_fetcher, _) = setup(CacheSetting::Use, None); let specifier = resolve_url("http://localhost:4548/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); let result = file_fetcher .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let maybe_file = file_fetcher.get_source(&specifier); assert!(maybe_file.is_some()); let file = maybe_file.unwrap(); assert_eq!(file.source, "export const redirect = 1;\n"); assert_eq!( file.specifier, resolve_url("http://localhost:4545/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap() ); } #[test] fn test_get_http_cache_location() { let (file_fetcher, temp_dir) = setup(CacheSetting::Use, None); let expected = temp_dir.path().join("deps"); let actual = file_fetcher.get_http_cache_location(); assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_data_url() { let (file_fetcher, _) = setup(CacheSetting::Use, None); let specifier = resolve_url("data:application/typescript;base64,ZXhwb3J0IGNvbnN0IGEgPSAiYSI7CgpleHBvcnQgZW51bSBBIHsKICBBLAogIEIsCiAgQywKfQo=").unwrap(); let result = file_fetcher .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let file = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!( file.source, "export const a = \"a\";\n\nexport enum A {\n A,\n B,\n C,\n}\n" ); assert_eq!(file.media_type, MediaType::TypeScript); assert_eq!(file.maybe_types, None); assert_eq!(file.specifier, specifier); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_blob_url() { let (file_fetcher, _, blob_store) = setup_with_blob_store(CacheSetting::Use, None); let bytes = "export const a = \"a\";\n\nexport enum A {\n A,\n B,\n C,\n}\n" .as_bytes() .to_vec(); let specifier = blob_store.insert_object_url( Blob { media_type: "application/typescript".to_string(), parts: vec![Arc::new(InMemoryBlobPart::from(bytes))], }, None, ); let result = file_fetcher .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let file = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!( file.source, "export const a = \"a\";\n\nexport enum A {\n A,\n B,\n C,\n}\n" ); assert_eq!(file.media_type, MediaType::TypeScript); assert_eq!(file.maybe_types, None); assert_eq!(file.specifier, specifier); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_complex() { let _http_server_guard = test_util::http_server(); let (file_fetcher, temp_dir) = setup(CacheSetting::Use, None); let (file_fetcher_01, _) = setup(CacheSetting::Use, Some(temp_dir.clone())); let (file_fetcher_02, _) = setup(CacheSetting::Use, Some(temp_dir.clone())); let specifier = resolve_url_or_path("http://localhost:4545/subdir/mod2.ts").unwrap(); let result = file_fetcher .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let file = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!( file.source, "export { printHello } from \"./print_hello.ts\";\n" ); assert_eq!(file.media_type, MediaType::TypeScript); let cache_filename = file_fetcher .http_cache .get_cache_filename(&specifier) .unwrap(); let mut metadata = crate::http_cache::Metadata::read(&cache_filename).unwrap(); metadata.headers = HashMap::new(); metadata .headers .insert("content-type".to_string(), "text/javascript".to_string()); metadata.write(&cache_filename).unwrap(); let result = file_fetcher_01 .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let file = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!( file.source, "export { printHello } from \"./print_hello.ts\";\n" ); // This validates that when using the cached value, because we modified // the value above. assert_eq!(file.media_type, MediaType::JavaScript); let (_, headers) = file_fetcher_02.http_cache.get(&specifier).unwrap(); assert_eq!(headers.get("content-type").unwrap(), "text/javascript"); metadata.headers = HashMap::new(); metadata .headers .insert("content-type".to_string(), "application/json".to_string()); metadata.write(&cache_filename).unwrap(); let result = file_fetcher_02 .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let file = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!( file.source, "export { printHello } from \"./print_hello.ts\";\n" ); assert_eq!(file.media_type, MediaType::Json); // This creates a totally new instance, simulating another Deno process // invocation and indicates to "cache bust". let location = temp_dir.path().join("deps"); let file_fetcher = FileFetcher::new( HttpCache::new(&location), CacheSetting::ReloadAll, true, None, BlobStore::default(), None, ) .expect("setup failed"); let result = file_fetcher .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let file = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!( file.source, "export { printHello } from \"./print_hello.ts\";\n" ); assert_eq!(file.media_type, MediaType::TypeScript); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_uses_cache() { let _http_server_guard = test_util::http_server(); let temp_dir = TempDir::new() .expect("could not create temp dir") .into_path(); let location = temp_dir.join("deps"); let file_fetcher_01 = FileFetcher::new( HttpCache::new(&location), CacheSetting::Use, true, None, BlobStore::default(), None, ) .expect("could not create file fetcher"); let specifier = resolve_url("http://localhost:4545/subdir/mismatch_ext.ts").unwrap(); let cache_filename = file_fetcher_01 .http_cache .get_cache_filename(&specifier) .unwrap(); let result = file_fetcher_01 .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let metadata_filename = crate::http_cache::Metadata::filename(&cache_filename); let metadata_file = fs::File::open(metadata_filename).expect("could not open metadata file"); let metadata_file_metadata = metadata_file.metadata().unwrap(); let metadata_file_modified_01 = metadata_file_metadata.modified().unwrap(); let file_fetcher_02 = FileFetcher::new( HttpCache::new(&location), CacheSetting::Use, true, None, BlobStore::default(), None, ) .expect("could not create file fetcher"); let result = file_fetcher_02 .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let metadata_filename = crate::http_cache::Metadata::filename(&cache_filename); let metadata_file = fs::File::open(metadata_filename).expect("could not open metadata file"); let metadata_file_metadata = metadata_file.metadata().unwrap(); let metadata_file_modified_02 = metadata_file_metadata.modified().unwrap(); assert_eq!(metadata_file_modified_01, metadata_file_modified_02); // because we converted to a "fixed" directory, we need to cleanup after // ourselves. let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(temp_dir); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_redirected() { let _http_server_guard = test_util::http_server(); let (file_fetcher, _) = setup(CacheSetting::Use, None); let specifier = resolve_url("http://localhost:4546/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); let cached_filename = file_fetcher .http_cache .get_cache_filename(&specifier) .unwrap(); let redirected_specifier = resolve_url("http://localhost:4545/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); let redirected_cached_filename = file_fetcher .http_cache .get_cache_filename(&redirected_specifier) .unwrap(); let result = file_fetcher .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let file = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(file.specifier, redirected_specifier); assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(cached_filename).unwrap(), "", "redirected files should have empty cached contents" ); let (_, headers) = file_fetcher .http_cache .get(&specifier) .expect("could not get file"); assert_eq!( headers.get("location").unwrap(), "http://localhost:4545/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js" ); assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(redirected_cached_filename).unwrap(), "export const redirect = 1;\n" ); let (_, headers) = file_fetcher .http_cache .get(&redirected_specifier) .expect("could not get file"); assert!(headers.get("location").is_none()); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_multiple_redirects() { let _http_server_guard = test_util::http_server(); let (file_fetcher, _) = setup(CacheSetting::Use, None); let specifier = resolve_url("http://localhost:4548/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); let cached_filename = file_fetcher .http_cache .get_cache_filename(&specifier) .unwrap(); let redirected_01_specifier = resolve_url("http://localhost:4546/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); let redirected_01_cached_filename = file_fetcher .http_cache .get_cache_filename(&redirected_01_specifier) .unwrap(); let redirected_02_specifier = resolve_url("http://localhost:4545/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); let redirected_02_cached_filename = file_fetcher .http_cache .get_cache_filename(&redirected_02_specifier) .unwrap(); let result = file_fetcher .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let file = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(file.specifier, redirected_02_specifier); assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(cached_filename).unwrap(), "", "redirected files should have empty cached contents" ); let (_, headers) = file_fetcher .http_cache .get(&specifier) .expect("could not get file"); assert_eq!( headers.get("location").unwrap(), "http://localhost:4546/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js" ); assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(redirected_01_cached_filename).unwrap(), "", "redirected files should have empty cached contents" ); let (_, headers) = file_fetcher .http_cache .get(&redirected_01_specifier) .expect("could not get file"); assert_eq!( headers.get("location").unwrap(), "http://localhost:4545/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js" ); assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(redirected_02_cached_filename).unwrap(), "export const redirect = 1;\n" ); let (_, headers) = file_fetcher .http_cache .get(&redirected_02_specifier) .expect("could not get file"); assert!(headers.get("location").is_none()); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_uses_cache_with_redirects() { let _http_server_guard = test_util::http_server(); let temp_dir = TempDir::new() .expect("could not create temp dir") .into_path(); let location = temp_dir.join("deps"); let file_fetcher_01 = FileFetcher::new( HttpCache::new(&location), CacheSetting::Use, true, None, BlobStore::default(), None, ) .expect("could not create file fetcher"); let specifier = resolve_url("http://localhost:4548/subdir/mismatch_ext.ts").unwrap(); let redirected_specifier = resolve_url("http://localhost:4546/subdir/mismatch_ext.ts").unwrap(); let redirected_cache_filename = file_fetcher_01 .http_cache .get_cache_filename(&redirected_specifier) .unwrap(); let result = file_fetcher_01 .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let metadata_filename = crate::http_cache::Metadata::filename(&redirected_cache_filename); let metadata_file = fs::File::open(metadata_filename).expect("could not open metadata file"); let metadata_file_metadata = metadata_file.metadata().unwrap(); let metadata_file_modified_01 = metadata_file_metadata.modified().unwrap(); let file_fetcher_02 = FileFetcher::new( HttpCache::new(&location), CacheSetting::Use, true, None, BlobStore::default(), None, ) .expect("could not create file fetcher"); let result = file_fetcher_02 .fetch(&redirected_specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let metadata_filename = crate::http_cache::Metadata::filename(&redirected_cache_filename); let metadata_file = fs::File::open(metadata_filename).expect("could not open metadata file"); let metadata_file_metadata = metadata_file.metadata().unwrap(); let metadata_file_modified_02 = metadata_file_metadata.modified().unwrap(); assert_eq!(metadata_file_modified_01, metadata_file_modified_02); // because we converted to a "fixed" directory, we need to cleanup after // ourselves. let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(temp_dir); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetcher_limits_redirects() { let _http_server_guard = test_util::http_server(); let (file_fetcher, _) = setup(CacheSetting::Use, None); let specifier = resolve_url("http://localhost:4548/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); let result = file_fetcher .fetch_remote(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all(), 2) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let result = file_fetcher .fetch_remote(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all(), 1) .await; assert!(result.is_err()); let result = file_fetcher.fetch_cached(&specifier, 2); assert!(result.is_ok()); let result = file_fetcher.fetch_cached(&specifier, 1); assert!(result.is_err()); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_same_host_redirect() { let _http_server_guard = test_util::http_server(); let (file_fetcher, _) = setup(CacheSetting::Use, None); let specifier = resolve_url( "http://localhost:4550/REDIRECT/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js", ) .unwrap(); let cached_filename = file_fetcher .http_cache .get_cache_filename(&specifier) .unwrap(); let redirected_specifier = resolve_url("http://localhost:4550/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js") .unwrap(); let redirected_cached_filename = file_fetcher .http_cache .get_cache_filename(&redirected_specifier) .unwrap(); let result = file_fetcher .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let file = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(file.specifier, redirected_specifier); assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(cached_filename).unwrap(), "", "redirected files should have empty cached contents" ); let (_, headers) = file_fetcher .http_cache .get(&specifier) .expect("could not get file"); assert_eq!( headers.get("location").unwrap(), "/subdir/redirects/redirect1.js" ); assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(redirected_cached_filename).unwrap(), "export const redirect = 1;\n" ); let (_, headers) = file_fetcher .http_cache .get(&redirected_specifier) .expect("could not get file"); assert!(headers.get("location").is_none()); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_no_remote() { let _http_server_guard = test_util::http_server(); let temp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("could not create temp dir"); let location = temp_dir.path().join("deps"); let file_fetcher = FileFetcher::new( HttpCache::new(&location), CacheSetting::Use, false, None, BlobStore::default(), None, ) .expect("could not create file fetcher"); let specifier = resolve_url("http://localhost:4545/002_hello.ts").unwrap(); let result = file_fetcher .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(get_custom_error_class(&err), Some("NoRemote")); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "A remote specifier was requested: \"http://localhost:4545/002_hello.ts\", but --no-remote is specified."); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_cache_only() { let _http_server_guard = test_util::http_server(); let temp_dir = TempDir::new() .expect("could not create temp dir") .into_path(); let location = temp_dir.join("deps"); let file_fetcher_01 = FileFetcher::new( HttpCache::new(&location), CacheSetting::Only, true, None, BlobStore::default(), None, ) .expect("could not create file fetcher"); let file_fetcher_02 = FileFetcher::new( HttpCache::new(&location), CacheSetting::Use, true, None, BlobStore::default(), None, ) .expect("could not create file fetcher"); let specifier = resolve_url("http://localhost:4545/002_hello.ts").unwrap(); let result = file_fetcher_01 .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(get_custom_error_class(&err), Some("NotFound")); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "Specifier not found in cache: \"http://localhost:4545/002_hello.ts\", --cached-only is specified."); let result = file_fetcher_02 .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let result = file_fetcher_01 .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); // because we converted to a "fixed" directory, we need to cleanup after // ourselves. let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(temp_dir); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_local_bypasses_file_cache() { let (file_fetcher, temp_dir) = setup(CacheSetting::Use, None); let fixture_path = temp_dir.path().join("mod.ts"); let specifier = resolve_url_or_path(&fixture_path.to_string_lossy()).unwrap(); fs::write(fixture_path.clone(), r#"console.log("hello deno");"#) .expect("could not write file"); let result = file_fetcher .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let file = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(file.source, r#"console.log("hello deno");"#); fs::write(fixture_path, r#"console.log("goodbye deno");"#) .expect("could not write file"); let result = file_fetcher .fetch(&specifier, &mut Permissions::allow_all()) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); let file = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(file.source, r#"console.log("goodbye deno");"#); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_local_utf_16be() { let expected = String::from_utf8( b"\xEF\xBB\xBFconsole.log(\"Hello World\");\x0A".to_vec(), ) .unwrap(); test_fetch_local_encoded("utf-16be", expected).await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_local_utf_16le() { let expected = String::from_utf8( b"\xEF\xBB\xBFconsole.log(\"Hello World\");\x0A".to_vec(), ) .unwrap(); test_fetch_local_encoded("utf-16le", expected).await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_local_utf8_with_bom() { let expected = String::from_utf8( b"\xEF\xBB\xBFconsole.log(\"Hello World\");\x0A".to_vec(), ) .unwrap(); test_fetch_local_encoded("utf-8", expected).await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_remote_javascript_with_types() { let specifier = resolve_url_or_path("").unwrap(); let (file, _) = test_fetch_remote(&specifier).await; assert_eq!( file.maybe_types, Some("./xTypeScriptTypes.d.ts".to_string()) ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_remote_jsx_with_types() { let specifier = resolve_url_or_path("") .unwrap(); let (file, _) = test_fetch_remote(&specifier).await; assert_eq!(file.media_type, MediaType::Jsx,); assert_eq!( file.maybe_types, Some("./xTypeScriptTypes.d.ts".to_string()) ); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_remote_typescript_with_types() { let specifier = resolve_url_or_path("").unwrap(); let (file, _) = test_fetch_remote(&specifier).await; assert_eq!(file.maybe_types, None); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_remote_utf16_le() { let expected = std::str::from_utf8(b"\xEF\xBB\xBFconsole.log(\"Hello World\");\x0A") .unwrap(); test_fetch_remote_encoded("utf-16le.ts", "utf-16le", expected).await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_remote_utf16_be() { let expected = std::str::from_utf8(b"\xEF\xBB\xBFconsole.log(\"Hello World\");\x0A") .unwrap(); test_fetch_remote_encoded("utf-16be.ts", "utf-16be", expected).await; } #[tokio::test] async fn test_fetch_remote_window_1255() { let expected = "console.log(\"\u{5E9}\u{5DC}\u{5D5}\u{5DD} \ \u{5E2}\u{5D5}\u{5DC}\u{5DD}\");\u{A}"; test_fetch_remote_encoded("windows-1255", "windows-1255", expected).await; } }