// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { assert, assertEquals, assertStringIncludes, assertThrowsAsync, } from "../../../test_util/std/testing/asserts.ts"; Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - sources provided", async fn() { const { diagnostics, files, ignoredOptions, stats } = await Deno.emit( "/foo.ts", { sources: { "/foo.ts": `import * as bar from "./bar.ts";\n\nconsole.log(bar);\n`, "/bar.ts": `export const bar = "bar";\n`, }, }, ); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 0); assert(!ignoredOptions); assertEquals(stats.length, 12); const keys = Object.keys(files).sort(); assert(keys[0].endsWith("/bar.ts.js")); assert(keys[1].endsWith("/bar.ts.js.map")); assert(keys[2].endsWith("/foo.ts.js")); assert(keys[3].endsWith("/foo.ts.js.map")); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - no sources provided", async fn() { const { diagnostics, files, ignoredOptions, stats } = await Deno.emit( "./subdir/mod1.ts", ); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 0); assert(!ignoredOptions); assertEquals(stats.length, 12); const keys = Object.keys(files).sort(); assertEquals(keys.length, 6); assert(keys[0].endsWith("subdir/mod1.ts.js")); assert(keys[1].endsWith("subdir/mod1.ts.js.map")); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - compiler options effects emit", async fn() { const { diagnostics, files, ignoredOptions, stats } = await Deno.emit( "/foo.ts", { compilerOptions: { module: "amd", sourceMap: false, }, sources: { "/foo.ts": `export const foo = "foo";` }, }, ); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 0); assert(!ignoredOptions); assertEquals(stats.length, 12); const keys = Object.keys(files); assertEquals(keys.length, 1); const key = keys[0]; assert(key.endsWith("/foo.ts.js")); assert(files[key].startsWith("define(")); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - pass lib in compiler options", async fn() { const { diagnostics, files, ignoredOptions, stats } = await Deno.emit( "file:///foo.ts", { compilerOptions: { lib: ["dom", "es2018", "deno.ns"], }, sources: { "file:///foo.ts": `console.log(document.getElementById("foo")); console.log(Deno.args);`, }, }, ); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 0); assert(!ignoredOptions); assertEquals(stats.length, 12); const keys = Object.keys(files).sort(); assertEquals(keys, ["file:///foo.ts.js", "file:///foo.ts.js.map"]); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - type references can be loaded", async fn() { const { diagnostics, files, ignoredOptions, stats } = await Deno.emit( "file:///a.ts", { sources: { "file:///a.ts": `/// <reference types="./b.d.ts" /> const b = new B(); console.log(b.b);`, "file:///b.d.ts": `declare class B { b: string; }`, }, }, ); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 0); assert(!ignoredOptions); assertEquals(stats.length, 12); const keys = Object.keys(files).sort(); assertEquals(keys, ["file:///a.ts.js", "file:///a.ts.js.map"]); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - compilerOptions.types", async fn() { const { diagnostics, files, ignoredOptions, stats } = await Deno.emit( "file:///a.ts", { compilerOptions: { types: ["file:///b.d.ts"], }, sources: { "file:///a.ts": `const b = new B(); console.log(b.b);`, "file:///b.d.ts": `declare class B { b: string; }`, }, }, ); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 0); assert(!ignoredOptions); assertEquals(stats.length, 12); const keys = Object.keys(files).sort(); assertEquals(keys, ["file:///a.ts.js", "file:///a.ts.js.map"]); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - import maps", async fn() { const { diagnostics, files, ignoredOptions, stats } = await Deno.emit( "file:///a.ts", { importMap: { imports: { "b": "./b.ts", }, }, importMapPath: "file:///import-map.json", sources: { "file:///a.ts": `import * as b from "b" console.log(b);`, "file:///b.ts": `export const b = "b";`, }, }, ); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 0); assert(!ignoredOptions); assertEquals(stats.length, 12); const keys = Object.keys(files).sort(); assertEquals( keys, [ "file:///a.ts.js", "file:///a.ts.js.map", "file:///b.ts.js", "file:///b.ts.js.map", ], ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - no check", async fn() { const { diagnostics, files, ignoredOptions, stats } = await Deno.emit( "/foo.ts", { check: false, sources: { "/foo.ts": `export enum Foo { Foo, Bar, Baz };\n`, }, }, ); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 0); assert(!ignoredOptions); assertEquals(stats.length, 3); const keys = Object.keys(files).sort(); assert(keys[0].endsWith("/foo.ts.js")); assert(keys[1].endsWith("/foo.ts.js.map")); assert(files[keys[0]].startsWith("export var Foo;")); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - no check - config effects emit", async fn() { const { diagnostics, files, ignoredOptions, stats } = await Deno.emit( "/foo.ts", { check: false, compilerOptions: { removeComments: true }, sources: { "/foo.ts": `/** This is JSDoc */\nexport enum Foo { Foo, Bar, Baz };\n`, }, }, ); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 0); assert(!ignoredOptions); assertEquals(stats.length, 3); const keys = Object.keys(files).sort(); assert(keys[0].endsWith("/foo.ts.js")); assert(keys[1].endsWith("/foo.ts.js.map")); assert(!files[keys[0]].includes("This is JSDoc")); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - bundle as module script - with sources", async fn() { const { diagnostics, files, ignoredOptions, stats } = await Deno.emit( "/foo.ts", { bundle: "module", sources: { "/foo.ts": `export * from "./bar.ts";\n`, "/bar.ts": `export const bar = "bar";\n`, }, }, ); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 0); assert(!ignoredOptions); assertEquals(stats.length, 12); assertEquals( Object.keys(files).sort(), ["deno:///bundle.js", "deno:///bundle.js.map"].sort(), ); assert(files["deno:///bundle.js"].includes(`const bar1 = "bar"`)); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - bundle as module script - no sources", async fn() { const { diagnostics, files, ignoredOptions, stats } = await Deno.emit( "./subdir/mod1.ts", { bundle: "module", }, ); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 0); assert(!ignoredOptions); assertEquals(stats.length, 12); assertEquals( Object.keys(files).sort(), ["deno:///bundle.js", "deno:///bundle.js.map"].sort(), ); assert(files["deno:///bundle.js"].length); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - bundle as module script - include js modules", async fn() { const { diagnostics, files, ignoredOptions, stats } = await Deno.emit( "/foo.js", { bundle: "module", sources: { "/foo.js": `export * from "./bar.js";\n`, "/bar.js": `export const bar = "bar";\n`, }, }, ); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 0); assert(!ignoredOptions); assertEquals(stats.length, 12); assertEquals( Object.keys(files).sort(), ["deno:///bundle.js.map", "deno:///bundle.js"].sort(), ); assert(files["deno:///bundle.js"].includes(`const bar1 = "bar"`)); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - generates diagnostics", async fn() { const { diagnostics, files } = await Deno.emit( "/foo.ts", { sources: { "/foo.ts": `document.getElementById("foo");`, }, }, ); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 1); const keys = Object.keys(files).sort(); assert(keys[0].endsWith("/foo.ts.js")); assert(keys[1].endsWith("/foo.ts.js.map")); }, }); // See https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/6908 Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - invalid syntax does not panic", async fn() { await assertThrowsAsync(async () => { await Deno.emit("/main.js", { sources: { "/main.js": ` export class Foo { constructor() { console.log("foo"); } export get() { console.log("bar"); } }`, }, }); }); }, }); Deno.test({ name: 'Deno.emit() - allows setting of "importsNotUsedAsValues"', async fn() { const { diagnostics } = await Deno.emit("/a.ts", { sources: { "/a.ts": `import { B } from "./b.ts"; const b: B = { b: "b" };`, "/b.ts": `export interface B { b:string; };`, }, compilerOptions: { importsNotUsedAsValues: "error", }, }); assert(diagnostics); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 1); assert(diagnostics[0].messageText); assert(diagnostics[0].messageText.includes("This import is never used")); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - Unknown media type does not panic", async fn() { await assertThrowsAsync(async () => { await Deno.emit("https://example.com/foo", { sources: { "https://example.com/foo": `let foo: string = "foo";`, }, }); }); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Deno.emit() - non-normalized specifier and source can compile", async fn() { const specifier = "https://example.com/foo//bar.ts"; const { files } = await Deno.emit(specifier, { sources: { [specifier]: `export let foo: string = "foo";`, }, }); assertEquals(files[`${specifier}.js`], 'export let foo = "foo";\n'); assert(typeof files[`${specifier}.js.map`] === "string"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: `Deno.emit() - bundle as classic script iife`, async fn() { const { diagnostics, files } = await Deno.emit("/a.ts", { bundle: "classic", sources: { "/a.ts": `import { b } from "./b.ts"; console.log(b);`, "/b.ts": `export const b = "b";`, }, }); assert(diagnostics); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 0); assertEquals(Object.keys(files).length, 2); assert(files["deno:///bundle.js"].startsWith("(function() {\n")); assert(files["deno:///bundle.js"].endsWith("})();\n")); assert(files["deno:///bundle.js.map"]); }, }); Deno.test({ name: `Deno.emit() - throws descriptive error when unable to load import map`, async fn() { await assertThrowsAsync( async () => { await Deno.emit("/a.ts", { bundle: "classic", sources: { "/a.ts": `console.log("hello");`, }, importMapPath: "file:///import_map_does_not_exist.json", }); }, Error, "Unable to load 'file:///import_map_does_not_exist.json' import map", ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: `Deno.emit() - support source maps with bundle option`, async fn() { { const { diagnostics, files } = await Deno.emit("/a.ts", { bundle: "classic", sources: { "/a.ts": `import { b } from "./b.ts"; console.log(b);`, "/b.ts": `export const b = "b";`, }, compilerOptions: { inlineSourceMap: true, sourceMap: false, }, }); assert(diagnostics); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 0); assertEquals(Object.keys(files).length, 1); assertStringIncludes(files["deno:///bundle.js"], "sourceMappingURL"); } const { diagnostics, files } = await Deno.emit("/a.ts", { bundle: "classic", sources: { "/a.ts": `import { b } from "./b.ts"; console.log(b);`, "/b.ts": `export const b = "b";`, }, }); assert(diagnostics); assertEquals(diagnostics.length, 0); assertEquals(Object.keys(files).length, 2); assert(files["deno:///bundle.js"]); assert(files["deno:///bundle.js.map"]); }, }); Deno.test({ name: `Deno.emit() - graph errors as diagnostics`, ignore: Deno.build.os === "windows", async fn() { const { diagnostics } = await Deno.emit("/a.ts", { sources: { "/a.ts": `import { b } from "./b.ts"; console.log(b);`, }, }); assert(diagnostics); assertEquals(diagnostics, [ { category: 1, code: 2305, start: { line: 0, character: 9 }, end: { line: 0, character: 10 }, messageText: `Module '"deno:///missing_dependency.d.ts"' has no exported member 'b'.`, messageChain: null, source: null, sourceLine: 'import { b } from "./b.ts";', fileName: "file:///a.ts", relatedInformation: null, }, { category: 1, code: 900001, start: null, end: null, messageText: "Unable to find specifier in sources: file:///b.ts", messageChain: null, source: null, sourceLine: null, fileName: "file:///b.ts", relatedInformation: null, }, ]); assert( Deno.formatDiagnostics(diagnostics).includes( "Unable to find specifier in sources: file:///b.ts", ), ); }, });