// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::args::BenchOptions; use crate::args::CliOptions; use crate::args::TypeCheckMode; use crate::colors; use crate::graph_util::graph_valid; use crate::ops; use crate::proc_state::ProcState; use crate::tools::test::format_test_error; use crate::tools::test::TestFilter; use crate::util::file_watcher; use crate::util::file_watcher::ResolutionResult; use crate::util::fs::collect_specifiers; use crate::util::path::is_supported_ext; use crate::worker::create_main_worker_for_test_or_bench; use deno_core::error::generic_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::error::JsError; use deno_core::futures::future; use deno_core::futures::stream; use deno_core::futures::FutureExt; use deno_core::futures::StreamExt; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_runtime::permissions::Permissions; use deno_runtime::permissions::PermissionsContainer; use deno_runtime::tokio_util::run_local; use indexmap::IndexMap; use log::Level; use serde::Deserialize; use serde::Serialize; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel; use tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct BenchSpecifierOptions { filter: TestFilter, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct BenchPlan { pub total: usize, pub origin: String, pub used_only: bool, pub names: Vec<String>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub enum BenchEvent { Plan(BenchPlan), Output(String), Register(BenchDescription), Wait(usize), Result(usize, BenchResult), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub enum BenchResult { Ok(BenchStats), Failed(Box<JsError>), } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct BenchReport { pub total: usize, pub failed: usize, pub failures: Vec<(BenchDescription, Box<JsError>)>, pub measurements: Vec<(BenchDescription, BenchStats)>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize, Eq, Hash)] pub struct BenchDescription { pub id: usize, pub name: String, pub origin: String, pub baseline: bool, pub group: Option<String>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct BenchStats { pub n: u64, pub min: f64, pub max: f64, pub avg: f64, pub p75: f64, pub p99: f64, pub p995: f64, pub p999: f64, } impl BenchReport { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { total: 0, failed: 0, failures: Vec::new(), measurements: Vec::new(), } } } fn create_reporter(show_output: bool) -> Box<dyn BenchReporter + Send> { Box::new(ConsoleReporter::new(show_output)) } pub trait BenchReporter { fn report_group_summary(&mut self); fn report_plan(&mut self, plan: &BenchPlan); fn report_end(&mut self, report: &BenchReport); fn report_register(&mut self, desc: &BenchDescription); fn report_wait(&mut self, desc: &BenchDescription); fn report_output(&mut self, output: &str); fn report_result(&mut self, desc: &BenchDescription, result: &BenchResult); } struct ConsoleReporter { name: String, show_output: bool, has_ungrouped: bool, group: Option<String>, baseline: bool, group_measurements: Vec<(BenchDescription, BenchStats)>, options: Option<mitata::reporter::Options>, } impl ConsoleReporter { fn new(show_output: bool) -> Self { Self { show_output, group: None, options: None, baseline: false, name: String::new(), has_ungrouped: false, group_measurements: Vec::new(), } } } impl BenchReporter for ConsoleReporter { #[cold] fn report_plan(&mut self, plan: &BenchPlan) { use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; static FIRST_PLAN: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(true); self.report_group_summary(); self.group = None; self.baseline = false; self.name = String::new(); self.group_measurements.clear(); self.options = Some(mitata::reporter::Options::new( &plan.names.iter().map(|x| x.as_str()).collect::<Vec<&str>>(), )); let options = self.options.as_mut().unwrap(); options.percentiles = true; options.colors = colors::use_color(); if FIRST_PLAN .compare_exchange(true, false, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst) .is_ok() { println!("{}", colors::gray(format!("cpu: {}", mitata::cpu::name()))); println!( "{}\n", colors::gray(format!( "runtime: deno {} ({})", crate::version::deno(), env!("TARGET") )) ); } else { println!(); } println!( "{}\n{}\n{}", colors::gray(&plan.origin), mitata::reporter::header(options), mitata::reporter::br(options) ); } fn report_register(&mut self, _desc: &BenchDescription) {} fn report_wait(&mut self, desc: &BenchDescription) { self.name = desc.name.clone(); match &desc.group { None => { self.has_ungrouped = true; } Some(group) => { if self.group.is_none() && self.has_ungrouped && self.group_measurements.is_empty() { println!(); } if self.group.is_none() || group != self.group.as_ref().unwrap() { self.report_group_summary(); } if (self.group.is_none() && self.has_ungrouped) || (self.group.is_some() && self.group_measurements.is_empty()) { println!(); } self.group = Some(group.clone()); } } } fn report_output(&mut self, output: &str) { if self.show_output { print!("{} {}", colors::gray(format!("{}:", self.name)), output) } } fn report_result(&mut self, desc: &BenchDescription, result: &BenchResult) { let options = self.options.as_ref().unwrap(); match result { BenchResult::Ok(stats) => { let mut desc = desc.clone(); if desc.baseline && !self.baseline { self.baseline = true; } else { desc.baseline = false; } println!( "{}", mitata::reporter::benchmark( &desc.name, &mitata::reporter::BenchmarkStats { avg: stats.avg, min: stats.min, max: stats.max, p75: stats.p75, p99: stats.p99, p995: stats.p995, }, options ) ); self.group_measurements.push((desc, stats.clone())); } BenchResult::Failed(js_error) => { println!( "{}", mitata::reporter::benchmark_error( &desc.name, &mitata::reporter::Error { stack: None, message: format_test_error(js_error), }, options ) ) } }; } fn report_group_summary(&mut self) { let options = match self.options.as_ref() { None => return, Some(options) => options, }; if 2 <= self.group_measurements.len() && (self.group.is_some() || (self.group.is_none() && self.baseline)) { println!( "\n{}", mitata::reporter::summary( &self .group_measurements .iter() .map(|(d, s)| mitata::reporter::GroupBenchmark { name: d.name.clone(), baseline: d.baseline, group: d.group.as_deref().unwrap_or("").to_owned(), stats: mitata::reporter::BenchmarkStats { avg: s.avg, min: s.min, max: s.max, p75: s.p75, p99: s.p99, p995: s.p995, }, }) .collect::<Vec<mitata::reporter::GroupBenchmark>>(), options ) ); } self.baseline = false; self.group_measurements.clear(); } fn report_end(&mut self, _: &BenchReport) { self.report_group_summary(); } } /// Type check a collection of module and document specifiers. async fn check_specifiers( ps: &ProcState, permissions: Permissions, specifiers: Vec<ModuleSpecifier>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let lib = ps.options.ts_type_lib_window(); ps.prepare_module_load( specifiers, false, lib, PermissionsContainer::allow_all(), PermissionsContainer::new(permissions), ) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Run a single specifier as an executable bench module. async fn bench_specifier( ps: ProcState, permissions: Permissions, specifier: ModuleSpecifier, channel: UnboundedSender<BenchEvent>, options: BenchSpecifierOptions, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let filter = options.filter; let mut worker = create_main_worker_for_test_or_bench( &ps, specifier, PermissionsContainer::new(permissions), vec![ops::bench::init(channel, filter)], Default::default(), ) .await?; worker.run_bench_specifier().await } /// Test a collection of specifiers with test modes concurrently. async fn bench_specifiers( ps: &ProcState, permissions: &Permissions, specifiers: Vec<ModuleSpecifier>, options: BenchSpecifierOptions, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let log_level = ps.options.log_level(); let (sender, mut receiver) = unbounded_channel::<BenchEvent>(); let join_handles = specifiers.into_iter().map(move |specifier| { let ps = ps.clone(); let permissions = permissions.clone(); let specifier = specifier; let sender = sender.clone(); let options = options.clone(); tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { let future = bench_specifier(ps, permissions, specifier, sender, options); run_local(future) }) }); let join_stream = stream::iter(join_handles) .buffer_unordered(1) .collect::<Vec<Result<Result<(), AnyError>, tokio::task::JoinError>>>(); let handler = { tokio::task::spawn(async move { let mut used_only = false; let mut report = BenchReport::new(); let mut reporter = create_reporter(log_level != Some(Level::Error)); let mut benches = IndexMap::new(); while let Some(event) = receiver.recv().await { match event { BenchEvent::Plan(plan) => { report.total += plan.total; if plan.used_only { used_only = true; } reporter.report_plan(&plan); } BenchEvent::Register(desc) => { reporter.report_register(&desc); benches.insert(desc.id, desc); } BenchEvent::Wait(id) => { reporter.report_wait(benches.get(&id).unwrap()); } BenchEvent::Output(output) => { reporter.report_output(&output); } BenchEvent::Result(id, result) => { let desc = benches.get(&id).unwrap(); reporter.report_result(desc, &result); match result { BenchResult::Ok(stats) => { report.measurements.push((desc.clone(), stats)); } BenchResult::Failed(failure) => { report.failed += 1; report.failures.push((desc.clone(), failure)); } }; } } } reporter.report_end(&report); if used_only { return Err(generic_error( "Bench failed because the \"only\" option was used", )); } if report.failed > 0 { return Err(generic_error("Bench failed")); } Ok(()) }) }; let (join_results, result) = future::join(join_stream, handler).await; // propagate any errors for join_result in join_results { join_result??; } result??; Ok(()) } /// Checks if the path has a basename and extension Deno supports for benches. fn is_supported_bench_path(path: &Path) -> bool { if let Some(name) = path.file_stem() { let basename = name.to_string_lossy(); (basename.ends_with("_bench") || basename.ends_with(".bench") || basename == "bench") && is_supported_ext(path) } else { false } } pub async fn run_benchmarks( cli_options: CliOptions, bench_options: BenchOptions, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let ps = ProcState::from_options(Arc::new(cli_options)).await?; // Various bench files should not share the same permissions in terms of // `PermissionsContainer` - otherwise granting/revoking permissions in one // file would have impact on other files, which is undesirable. let permissions = Permissions::from_options(&ps.options.permissions_options())?; let specifiers = collect_specifiers(&bench_options.files, is_supported_bench_path)?; if specifiers.is_empty() { return Err(generic_error("No bench modules found")); } check_specifiers(&ps, permissions.clone(), specifiers.clone()).await?; bench_specifiers( &ps, &permissions, specifiers, BenchSpecifierOptions { filter: TestFilter::from_flag(&bench_options.filter), }, ) .await?; Ok(()) } // TODO(bartlomieju): heavy duplication of code with `cli/tools/test.rs` pub async fn run_benchmarks_with_watch( cli_options: CliOptions, bench_options: BenchOptions, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let ps = ProcState::from_options(Arc::new(cli_options)).await?; // Various bench files should not share the same permissions in terms of // `PermissionsContainer` - otherwise granting/revoking permissions in one // file would have impact on other files, which is undesirable. let permissions = Permissions::from_options(&ps.options.permissions_options())?; let no_check = ps.options.type_check_mode() == TypeCheckMode::None; let ps = RefCell::new(ps); let resolver = |changed: Option<Vec<PathBuf>>| { let paths_to_watch = bench_options.files.include.clone(); let paths_to_watch_clone = paths_to_watch.clone(); let files_changed = changed.is_some(); let bench_options = &bench_options; let ps = ps.borrow().clone(); async move { let bench_modules = collect_specifiers(&bench_options.files, is_supported_bench_path)?; let mut paths_to_watch = paths_to_watch_clone; let mut modules_to_reload = if files_changed { Vec::new() } else { bench_modules.clone() }; let graph = ps.create_graph(bench_modules.clone()).await?; graph_valid(&graph, !no_check, ps.options.check_js())?; // TODO(@kitsonk) - This should be totally derivable from the graph. for specifier in bench_modules { fn get_dependencies<'a>( graph: &'a deno_graph::ModuleGraph, maybe_module: Option<&'a deno_graph::Module>, // This needs to be accessible to skip getting dependencies if they're already there, // otherwise this will cause a stack overflow with circular dependencies output: &mut HashSet<&'a ModuleSpecifier>, no_check: bool, ) { if let Some(module) = maybe_module { for dep in module.dependencies.values() { if let Some(specifier) = &dep.get_code() { if !output.contains(specifier) { output.insert(specifier); get_dependencies( graph, graph.get(specifier), output, no_check, ); } } if !no_check { if let Some(specifier) = &dep.get_type() { if !output.contains(specifier) { output.insert(specifier); get_dependencies( graph, graph.get(specifier), output, no_check, ); } } } } } } // This bench module and all it's dependencies let mut modules = HashSet::new(); modules.insert(&specifier); get_dependencies(&graph, graph.get(&specifier), &mut modules, no_check); paths_to_watch.extend( modules .iter() .filter_map(|specifier| specifier.to_file_path().ok()), ); if let Some(changed) = &changed { for path in changed.iter().filter_map(|path| { deno_core::resolve_url_or_path(&path.to_string_lossy()).ok() }) { if modules.contains(&path) { modules_to_reload.push(specifier); break; } } } } Ok((paths_to_watch, modules_to_reload)) } .map(move |result| { if files_changed && matches!(result, Ok((_, ref modules)) if modules.is_empty()) { ResolutionResult::Ignore } else { match result { Ok((paths_to_watch, modules_to_reload)) => { ResolutionResult::Restart { paths_to_watch, result: Ok(modules_to_reload), } } Err(e) => ResolutionResult::Restart { paths_to_watch, result: Err(e), }, } } }) }; let operation = |modules_to_reload: Vec<ModuleSpecifier>| { let permissions = &permissions; let bench_options = &bench_options; ps.borrow_mut().reset_for_file_watcher(); let ps = ps.borrow().clone(); async move { let specifiers = collect_specifiers(&bench_options.files, is_supported_bench_path)? .into_iter() .filter(|specifier| modules_to_reload.contains(specifier)) .collect::<Vec<ModuleSpecifier>>(); check_specifiers(&ps, permissions.clone(), specifiers.clone()).await?; bench_specifiers( &ps, permissions, specifiers, BenchSpecifierOptions { filter: TestFilter::from_flag(&bench_options.filter), }, ) .await?; Ok(()) } }; let clear_screen = !ps.borrow().options.no_clear_screen(); file_watcher::watch_func( resolver, operation, file_watcher::PrintConfig { job_name: "Bench".to_string(), clear_screen, }, ) .await?; Ok(()) }