import { bench, runBenchmarks, BenchmarkRunError, clearBenchmarks, BenchmarkRunProgress, ProgressState, } from "./bench.ts"; import { assertEquals, assert, assertThrows, assertThrowsAsync, } from "./asserts.ts"; Deno.test({ name: "benching", fn: async function (): Promise { bench(function forIncrementX1e9(b): void { b.start(); for (let i = 0; i < 1e9; i++); b.stop(); }); bench(function forDecrementX1e9(b): void { b.start(); for (let i = 1e9; i > 0; i--); b.stop(); }); bench(async function forAwaitFetchDenolandX10(b): Promise { b.start(); for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const r = await fetch(""); await r.text(); } b.stop(); }); bench(async function promiseAllFetchDenolandX10(b): Promise { const urls = new Array(10).fill(""); b.start(); await Promise.all( async (denoland: string): Promise => { const r = await fetch(denoland); await r.text(); }, ), ); b.stop(); }); bench({ name: "runs100ForIncrementX1e6", runs: 100, func(b): void { b.start(); for (let i = 0; i < 1e6; i++); b.stop(); }, }); bench(function throwing(b): void { b.start(); // Throws bc the timer's stop method is never called }); const benchResult = await runBenchmarks({ skip: /throw/ }); assertEquals(benchResult.filtered, 1); assertEquals(benchResult.results.length, 5); const resultWithSingleRunsFiltered = benchResult.results.filter( ({ name }) => name === "forDecrementX1e9", ); assertEquals(resultWithSingleRunsFiltered.length, 1); const resultWithSingleRuns = resultWithSingleRunsFiltered[0]; assert(!!resultWithSingleRuns.runsCount); assert(!!resultWithSingleRuns.measuredRunsAvgMs); assert(!!resultWithSingleRuns.measuredRunsMs); assertEquals(resultWithSingleRuns.runsCount, 1); assertEquals(resultWithSingleRuns.measuredRunsMs.length, 1); const resultWithMultipleRunsFiltered = benchResult.results.filter( ({ name }) => name === "runs100ForIncrementX1e6", ); assertEquals(resultWithMultipleRunsFiltered.length, 1); const resultWithMultipleRuns = resultWithMultipleRunsFiltered[0]; assert(!!resultWithMultipleRuns.runsCount); assert(!!resultWithMultipleRuns.measuredRunsAvgMs); assert(!!resultWithMultipleRuns.measuredRunsMs); assertEquals(resultWithMultipleRuns.runsCount, 100); assertEquals(resultWithMultipleRuns.measuredRunsMs.length, 100); clearBenchmarks(); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Bench without name should throw", fn() { assertThrows( (): void => { bench(() => {}); }, Error, "The benchmark function must not be anonymous", ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Bench without stop should throw", fn: async function (): Promise { await assertThrowsAsync( async (): Promise => { bench(function benchWithoutStop(b): void { b.start(); // Throws bc the timer's stop method is never called }); await runBenchmarks({ only: /benchWithoutStop/, silent: true }); }, BenchmarkRunError, "The benchmark timer's stop method must be called", ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Bench without start should throw", fn: async function (): Promise { await assertThrowsAsync( async (): Promise => { bench(function benchWithoutStart(b): void { b.stop(); // Throws bc the timer's start method is never called }); await runBenchmarks({ only: /benchWithoutStart/, silent: true }); }, BenchmarkRunError, "The benchmark timer's start method must be called", ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "Bench with stop before start should throw", fn: async function (): Promise { await assertThrowsAsync( async (): Promise => { bench(function benchStopBeforeStart(b): void { b.stop(); b.start(); // Throws bc the timer's stop is called before start }); await runBenchmarks({ only: /benchStopBeforeStart/, silent: true }); }, BenchmarkRunError, "The benchmark timer's start method must be called before its stop method", ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "clearBenchmarks should clear all candidates", fn: async function (): Promise { dummyBench("test"); clearBenchmarks(); const benchingResults = await runBenchmarks({ silent: true }); assertEquals(benchingResults.filtered, 0); assertEquals(benchingResults.results.length, 0); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "clearBenchmarks with only as option", fn: async function (): Promise { // to reset candidates clearBenchmarks(); dummyBench("test"); dummyBench("onlyclear"); clearBenchmarks({ only: /only/ }); const benchingResults = await runBenchmarks({ silent: true }); assertEquals(benchingResults.filtered, 0); assertEquals(benchingResults.results.length, 1); assertEquals(benchingResults.results[0].name, "test"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "clearBenchmarks with skip as option", fn: async function (): Promise { // to reset candidates clearBenchmarks(); dummyBench("test"); dummyBench("skipclear"); clearBenchmarks({ skip: /skip/ }); const benchingResults = await runBenchmarks({ silent: true }); assertEquals(benchingResults.filtered, 0); assertEquals(benchingResults.results.length, 1); assertEquals(benchingResults.results[0].name, "skipclear"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "clearBenchmarks with only and skip as option", fn: async function (): Promise { // to reset candidates clearBenchmarks(); dummyBench("test"); dummyBench("clearonly"); dummyBench("clearskip"); dummyBench("clearonly"); clearBenchmarks({ only: /clear/, skip: /skip/ }); const benchingResults = await runBenchmarks({ silent: true }); assertEquals(benchingResults.filtered, 0); assertEquals(benchingResults.results.length, 2); assert(!!benchingResults.results.find(({ name }) => name === "test")); assert(!!benchingResults.results.find(({ name }) => name === "clearskip")); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "progressCallback of runBenchmarks", fn: async function (): Promise { clearBenchmarks(); dummyBench("skip"); dummyBench("single"); dummyBench("multiple", 2); const progressCallbacks: BenchmarkRunProgress[] = []; const benchingResults = await runBenchmarks( { skip: /skip/, silent: true }, (progress) => { progressCallbacks.push(progress); }, ); let pc = 0; // Assert initial progress before running let progress = progressCallbacks[pc++]; assert(progress.queued); assertEquals(progress.state, ProgressState.BenchmarkingStart); assertEquals(progress.filtered, 1); assertEquals(progress.queued.length, 2); assertEquals(progress.running, undefined); assertEquals(progress.results, []); // Assert start of bench "single" progress = progressCallbacks[pc++]; assertEquals(progress.state, ProgressState.BenchStart); assertEquals(progress.filtered, 1); assert(progress.queued); assertEquals(progress.queued.length, 1); assert(!!progress.queued.find(({ name }) => name == "multiple")); assertEquals(progress.running, { name: "single", runsCount: 1, measuredRunsMs: [], }); assertEquals(progress.results, []); // Assert running result of bench "single" progress = progressCallbacks[pc++]; assertEquals(progress.state, ProgressState.BenchPartialResult); assert(progress.queued); assertEquals(progress.queued.length, 1); assertEquals(progress.running!.measuredRunsMs.length, 1); assertEquals(progress.results.length, 0); // Assert result of bench "single" progress = progressCallbacks[pc++]; assertEquals(progress.state, ProgressState.BenchResult); assert(progress.queued); assertEquals(progress.queued.length, 1); assertEquals(progress.running, undefined); assertEquals(progress.results.length, 1); assert(!!progress.results.find(({ name }) => name == "single")); // Assert start of bench "multiple" progress = progressCallbacks[pc++]; assertEquals(progress.state, ProgressState.BenchStart); assert(progress.queued); assertEquals(progress.queued.length, 0); assertEquals(progress.running, { name: "multiple", runsCount: 2, measuredRunsMs: [], }); assertEquals(progress.results.length, 1); // Assert first result of bench "multiple" progress = progressCallbacks[pc++]; assertEquals(progress.state, ProgressState.BenchPartialResult); assert(progress.queued); assertEquals(progress.queued.length, 0); assertEquals(progress.running!.measuredRunsMs.length, 1); assertEquals(progress.results.length, 1); // Assert second result of bench "multiple" progress = progressCallbacks[pc++]; assertEquals(progress.state, ProgressState.BenchPartialResult); assert(progress.queued); assertEquals(progress.queued.length, 0); assertEquals(progress.running!.measuredRunsMs.length, 2); assertEquals(progress.results.length, 1); // Assert finish of bench "multiple" progress = progressCallbacks[pc++]; assertEquals(progress.state, ProgressState.BenchResult); assert(progress.queued); assertEquals(progress.queued.length, 0); assertEquals(progress.running, undefined); assertEquals(progress.results.length, 2); assert(!!progress.results.find(({ name }) => name == "single")); const resultOfMultiple = progress.results.filter( ({ name }) => name == "multiple", ); assertEquals(resultOfMultiple.length, 1); assert(!!resultOfMultiple[0].measuredRunsMs); assert(!isNaN(resultOfMultiple[0].measuredRunsAvgMs)); assertEquals(resultOfMultiple[0].measuredRunsMs.length, 2); // The last progress should equal the final result from promise except the state property progress = progressCallbacks[pc++]; assertEquals(progress.state, ProgressState.BenchmarkingEnd); delete progress.state; assertEquals(progress, benchingResults); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "async progressCallback", fn: async function (): Promise { clearBenchmarks(); dummyBench("single"); const asyncCallbacks = []; await runBenchmarks({ silent: true }, (progress) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { queueMicrotask(() => { asyncCallbacks.push(progress); resolve(); }); }); }); assertEquals(asyncCallbacks.length, 5); }, }); function dummyBench(name: string, runs = 1): void { bench({ name, runs, func(b) { b.start(); b.stop(); }, }); }