// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { testPerm, assert, assertEquals } from "./test_util.ts"; testPerm({ read: true, write: true }, function writeFileSyncSuccess(): void { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const data = enc.encode("Hello"); const filename = Deno.makeTempDirSync() + "/test.txt"; Deno.writeFileSync(filename, data); const dataRead = Deno.readFileSync(filename); const dec = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); const actual = dec.decode(dataRead); assertEquals("Hello", actual); }); testPerm({ write: true }, function writeFileSyncFail(): void { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const data = enc.encode("Hello"); const filename = "/baddir/test.txt"; // The following should fail because /baddir doesn't exist (hopefully). let caughtError = false; try { Deno.writeFileSync(filename, data); } catch (e) { caughtError = true; assertEquals(e.kind, Deno.ErrorKind.NotFound); assertEquals(e.name, "NotFound"); } assert(caughtError); }); testPerm({ write: false }, function writeFileSyncPerm(): void { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const data = enc.encode("Hello"); const filename = "/baddir/test.txt"; // The following should fail due to no write permission let caughtError = false; try { Deno.writeFileSync(filename, data); } catch (e) { caughtError = true; assertEquals(e.kind, Deno.ErrorKind.PermissionDenied); assertEquals(e.name, "PermissionDenied"); } assert(caughtError); }); testPerm({ read: true, write: true }, function writeFileSyncUpdatePerm(): void { if (Deno.build.os !== "win") { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const data = enc.encode("Hello"); const filename = Deno.makeTempDirSync() + "/test.txt"; Deno.writeFileSync(filename, data, { perm: 0o755 }); assertEquals(Deno.statSync(filename).mode & 0o777, 0o755); Deno.writeFileSync(filename, data, { perm: 0o666 }); assertEquals(Deno.statSync(filename).mode & 0o777, 0o666); } }); testPerm({ read: true, write: true }, function writeFileSyncCreate(): void { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const data = enc.encode("Hello"); const filename = Deno.makeTempDirSync() + "/test.txt"; let caughtError = false; // if create turned off, the file won't be created try { Deno.writeFileSync(filename, data, { create: false }); } catch (e) { caughtError = true; assertEquals(e.kind, Deno.ErrorKind.NotFound); assertEquals(e.name, "NotFound"); } assert(caughtError); // Turn on create, should have no error Deno.writeFileSync(filename, data, { create: true }); Deno.writeFileSync(filename, data, { create: false }); const dataRead = Deno.readFileSync(filename); const dec = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); const actual = dec.decode(dataRead); assertEquals("Hello", actual); }); testPerm({ read: true, write: true }, function writeFileSyncAppend(): void { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const data = enc.encode("Hello"); const filename = Deno.makeTempDirSync() + "/test.txt"; Deno.writeFileSync(filename, data); Deno.writeFileSync(filename, data, { append: true }); let dataRead = Deno.readFileSync(filename); const dec = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); let actual = dec.decode(dataRead); assertEquals("HelloHello", actual); // Now attempt overwrite Deno.writeFileSync(filename, data, { append: false }); dataRead = Deno.readFileSync(filename); actual = dec.decode(dataRead); assertEquals("Hello", actual); // append not set should also overwrite Deno.writeFileSync(filename, data); dataRead = Deno.readFileSync(filename); actual = dec.decode(dataRead); assertEquals("Hello", actual); }); testPerm( { read: true, write: true }, async function writeFileSuccess(): Promise<void> { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const data = enc.encode("Hello"); const filename = Deno.makeTempDirSync() + "/test.txt"; await Deno.writeFile(filename, data); const dataRead = Deno.readFileSync(filename); const dec = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); const actual = dec.decode(dataRead); assertEquals("Hello", actual); } ); testPerm( { read: true, write: true }, async function writeFileNotFound(): Promise<void> { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const data = enc.encode("Hello"); const filename = "/baddir/test.txt"; // The following should fail because /baddir doesn't exist (hopefully). let caughtError = false; try { await Deno.writeFile(filename, data); } catch (e) { caughtError = true; assertEquals(e.kind, Deno.ErrorKind.NotFound); assertEquals(e.name, "NotFound"); } assert(caughtError); } ); testPerm({ read: true, write: false }, async function writeFilePerm(): Promise< void > { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const data = enc.encode("Hello"); const filename = "/baddir/test.txt"; // The following should fail due to no write permission let caughtError = false; try { await Deno.writeFile(filename, data); } catch (e) { caughtError = true; assertEquals(e.kind, Deno.ErrorKind.PermissionDenied); assertEquals(e.name, "PermissionDenied"); } assert(caughtError); }); testPerm( { read: true, write: true }, async function writeFileUpdatePerm(): Promise<void> { if (Deno.build.os !== "win") { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const data = enc.encode("Hello"); const filename = Deno.makeTempDirSync() + "/test.txt"; await Deno.writeFile(filename, data, { perm: 0o755 }); assertEquals(Deno.statSync(filename).mode & 0o777, 0o755); await Deno.writeFile(filename, data, { perm: 0o666 }); assertEquals(Deno.statSync(filename).mode & 0o777, 0o666); } } ); testPerm({ read: true, write: true }, async function writeFileCreate(): Promise< void > { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const data = enc.encode("Hello"); const filename = Deno.makeTempDirSync() + "/test.txt"; let caughtError = false; // if create turned off, the file won't be created try { await Deno.writeFile(filename, data, { create: false }); } catch (e) { caughtError = true; assertEquals(e.kind, Deno.ErrorKind.NotFound); assertEquals(e.name, "NotFound"); } assert(caughtError); // Turn on create, should have no error await Deno.writeFile(filename, data, { create: true }); await Deno.writeFile(filename, data, { create: false }); const dataRead = Deno.readFileSync(filename); const dec = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); const actual = dec.decode(dataRead); assertEquals("Hello", actual); }); testPerm({ read: true, write: true }, async function writeFileAppend(): Promise< void > { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const data = enc.encode("Hello"); const filename = Deno.makeTempDirSync() + "/test.txt"; await Deno.writeFile(filename, data); await Deno.writeFile(filename, data, { append: true }); let dataRead = Deno.readFileSync(filename); const dec = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); let actual = dec.decode(dataRead); assertEquals("HelloHello", actual); // Now attempt overwrite await Deno.writeFile(filename, data, { append: false }); dataRead = Deno.readFileSync(filename); actual = dec.decode(dataRead); assertEquals("Hello", actual); // append not set should also overwrite await Deno.writeFile(filename, data); dataRead = Deno.readFileSync(filename); actual = dec.decode(dataRead); assertEquals("Hello", actual); });