// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // TODO(petamoriken): enable prefer-primordials for node polyfills // deno-lint-ignore-file prefer-primordials import { Encodings } from "ext:deno_node/_utils.ts"; import { pathFromURL } from "ext:deno_web/00_infra.js"; import { Buffer } from "node:buffer"; import { CallbackWithError, checkEncoding, getEncoding, getOpenOptions, isFileOptions, WriteFileOptions, } from "ext:deno_node/_fs/_fs_common.ts"; import { isWindows } from "ext:deno_node/_util/os.ts"; import { AbortError, denoErrorToNodeError, } from "ext:deno_node/internal/errors.ts"; import { showStringCoercionDeprecation, validateStringAfterArrayBufferView, } from "ext:deno_node/internal/fs/utils.mjs"; import { promisify } from "ext:deno_node/internal/util.mjs"; interface Writer { write(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number>; } export function writeFile( pathOrRid: string | number | URL, // deno-lint-ignore ban-types data: string | Uint8Array | Object, optOrCallback: Encodings | CallbackWithError | WriteFileOptions | undefined, callback?: CallbackWithError, ) { const callbackFn: CallbackWithError | undefined = optOrCallback instanceof Function ? optOrCallback : callback; const options: Encodings | WriteFileOptions | undefined = optOrCallback instanceof Function ? undefined : optOrCallback; if (!callbackFn) { throw new TypeError("Callback must be a function."); } pathOrRid = pathOrRid instanceof URL ? pathFromURL(pathOrRid) : pathOrRid; const flag: string | undefined = isFileOptions(options) ? options.flag : undefined; const mode: number | undefined = isFileOptions(options) ? options.mode : undefined; const encoding = checkEncoding(getEncoding(options)) || "utf8"; const openOptions = getOpenOptions(flag || "w"); if (!ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { validateStringAfterArrayBufferView(data, "data"); if (typeof data !== "string") { showStringCoercionDeprecation(); } data = Buffer.from(String(data), encoding); } const isRid = typeof pathOrRid === "number"; let file; let error: Error | null = null; (async () => { try { file = isRid ? new Deno.FsFile(pathOrRid as number) : await Deno.open(pathOrRid as string, openOptions); // ignore mode because it's not supported on windows // TODO(@bartlomieju): remove `!isWindows` when `Deno.chmod` is supported if (!isRid && mode && !isWindows) { await Deno.chmod(pathOrRid as string, mode); } const signal: AbortSignal | undefined = isFileOptions(options) ? options.signal : undefined; await writeAll(file, data as Uint8Array, { signal }); } catch (e) { error = e instanceof Error ? denoErrorToNodeError(e, { syscall: "write" }) : new Error("[non-error thrown]"); } finally { // Make sure to close resource if (!isRid && file) file.close(); callbackFn(error); } })(); } export const writeFilePromise = promisify(writeFile) as ( pathOrRid: string | number | URL, // deno-lint-ignore ban-types data: string | Uint8Array | Object, options?: Encodings | WriteFileOptions, ) => Promise<void>; export function writeFileSync( pathOrRid: string | number | URL, // deno-lint-ignore ban-types data: string | Uint8Array | Object, options?: Encodings | WriteFileOptions, ) { pathOrRid = pathOrRid instanceof URL ? pathFromURL(pathOrRid) : pathOrRid; const flag: string | undefined = isFileOptions(options) ? options.flag : undefined; const mode: number | undefined = isFileOptions(options) ? options.mode : undefined; const encoding = checkEncoding(getEncoding(options)) || "utf8"; const openOptions = getOpenOptions(flag || "w"); if (!ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { validateStringAfterArrayBufferView(data, "data"); if (typeof data !== "string") { showStringCoercionDeprecation(); } data = Buffer.from(String(data), encoding); } const isRid = typeof pathOrRid === "number"; let file; let error: Error | null = null; try { file = isRid ? new Deno.FsFile(pathOrRid as number) : Deno.openSync(pathOrRid as string, openOptions); // ignore mode because it's not supported on windows // TODO(@bartlomieju): remove `!isWindows` when `Deno.chmod` is supported if (!isRid && mode && !isWindows) { Deno.chmodSync(pathOrRid as string, mode); } // TODO(crowlKats): duplicate from runtime/js/13_buffer.js let nwritten = 0; while (nwritten < (data as Uint8Array).length) { nwritten += file.writeSync((data as Uint8Array).subarray(nwritten)); } } catch (e) { error = e instanceof Error ? denoErrorToNodeError(e, { syscall: "write" }) : new Error("[non-error thrown]"); } finally { // Make sure to close resource if (!isRid && file) file.close(); } if (error) throw error; } interface WriteAllOptions { offset?: number; length?: number; signal?: AbortSignal; } async function writeAll( w: Writer, arr: Uint8Array, options: WriteAllOptions = {}, ) { const { offset = 0, length = arr.byteLength, signal } = options; checkAborted(signal); const written = await w.write(arr.subarray(offset, offset + length)); if (written === length) { return; } await writeAll(w, arr, { offset: offset + written, length: length - written, signal, }); } function checkAborted(signal?: AbortSignal) { if (signal?.aborted) { throw new AbortError(); } }