// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. //! Code for local node_modules resolution. use std::borrow::Cow; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::collections::hash_map::Entry; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::Arc; use async_trait::async_trait; use deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_cache_dir::npm::mixed_case_package_name_decode; use deno_core::anyhow::Context; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::futures::stream::FuturesUnordered; use deno_core::futures::StreamExt; use deno_core::parking_lot::Mutex; use deno_core::url::Url; use deno_npm::resolution::NpmResolutionSnapshot; use deno_npm::NpmPackageCacheFolderId; use deno_npm::NpmPackageId; use deno_npm::NpmResolutionPackage; use deno_npm::NpmSystemInfo; use deno_path_util::fs::atomic_write_file_with_retries; use deno_path_util::fs::canonicalize_path_maybe_not_exists; use deno_resolver::npm::normalize_pkg_name_for_node_modules_deno_folder; use deno_runtime::deno_node::NodePermissions; use deno_semver::package::PackageNv; use deno_semver::StackString; use node_resolver::errors::PackageFolderResolveError; use node_resolver::errors::PackageFolderResolveIoError; use node_resolver::errors::PackageNotFoundError; use node_resolver::errors::ReferrerNotFoundError; use serde::Deserialize; use serde::Serialize; use sys_traits::FsMetadata; use super::super::resolution::NpmResolution; use super::common::bin_entries; use super::common::NpmPackageFsResolver; use super::common::RegistryReadPermissionChecker; use crate::args::LifecycleScriptsConfig; use crate::args::NpmInstallDepsProvider; use crate::cache::CACHE_PERM; use crate::colors; use crate::npm::managed::PackageCaching; use crate::npm::CliNpmCache; use crate::npm::CliNpmTarballCache; use crate::sys::CliSys; use crate::util::fs::clone_dir_recursive; use crate::util::fs::symlink_dir; use crate::util::fs::LaxSingleProcessFsFlag; use crate::util::progress_bar::ProgressBar; use crate::util::progress_bar::ProgressMessagePrompt; /// Resolver that creates a local node_modules directory /// and resolves packages from it. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct LocalNpmPackageResolver { cache: Arc, npm_install_deps_provider: Arc, progress_bar: ProgressBar, resolution: Arc, sys: CliSys, tarball_cache: Arc, root_node_modules_path: PathBuf, root_node_modules_url: Url, system_info: NpmSystemInfo, registry_read_permission_checker: RegistryReadPermissionChecker, lifecycle_scripts: LifecycleScriptsConfig, } impl LocalNpmPackageResolver { #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn new( cache: Arc, npm_install_deps_provider: Arc, progress_bar: ProgressBar, resolution: Arc, sys: CliSys, tarball_cache: Arc, node_modules_folder: PathBuf, system_info: NpmSystemInfo, lifecycle_scripts: LifecycleScriptsConfig, ) -> Self { Self { cache, npm_install_deps_provider, progress_bar, resolution, tarball_cache, registry_read_permission_checker: RegistryReadPermissionChecker::new( sys.clone(), node_modules_folder.clone(), ), sys, root_node_modules_url: Url::from_directory_path(&node_modules_folder) .unwrap(), root_node_modules_path: node_modules_folder, system_info, lifecycle_scripts, } } fn resolve_package_root(&self, path: &Path) -> PathBuf { let mut last_found = path; loop { let parent = last_found.parent().unwrap(); if parent.file_name().unwrap() == "node_modules" { return last_found.to_path_buf(); } else { last_found = parent; } } } fn resolve_folder_for_specifier( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result, std::io::Error> { let Some(relative_url) = self.root_node_modules_url.make_relative(specifier) else { return Ok(None); }; if relative_url.starts_with("../") { return Ok(None); } // it's within the directory, so use it let Some(path) = specifier.to_file_path().ok() else { return Ok(None); }; // Canonicalize the path so it's not pointing to the symlinked directory // in `node_modules` directory of the referrer. canonicalize_path_maybe_not_exists(&self.sys, &path).map(Some) } fn resolve_package_folder_from_specifier( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let Some(local_path) = self.resolve_folder_for_specifier(specifier)? else { return Ok(None); }; let package_root_path = self.resolve_package_root(&local_path); Ok(Some(package_root_path)) } } #[async_trait(?Send)] impl NpmPackageFsResolver for LocalNpmPackageResolver { fn node_modules_path(&self) -> Option<&Path> { Some(self.root_node_modules_path.as_ref()) } fn maybe_package_folder(&self, id: &NpmPackageId) -> Option { let cache_folder_id = self .resolution .resolve_pkg_cache_folder_id_from_pkg_id(id)?; // package is stored at: // node_modules/.deno//node_modules/ Some( self .root_node_modules_path .join(".deno") .join(get_package_folder_id_folder_name(&cache_folder_id)) .join("node_modules") .join(&cache_folder_id.nv.name), ) } fn resolve_package_folder_from_package( &self, name: &str, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result { let maybe_local_path = self .resolve_folder_for_specifier(referrer) .map_err(|err| PackageFolderResolveIoError { package_name: name.to_string(), referrer: referrer.clone(), source: err, })?; let Some(local_path) = maybe_local_path else { return Err( ReferrerNotFoundError { referrer: referrer.clone(), referrer_extra: None, } .into(), ); }; let package_root_path = self.resolve_package_root(&local_path); let mut current_folder = package_root_path.as_path(); while let Some(parent_folder) = current_folder.parent() { current_folder = parent_folder; let node_modules_folder = if current_folder.ends_with("node_modules") { Cow::Borrowed(current_folder) } else { Cow::Owned(current_folder.join("node_modules")) }; let sub_dir = join_package_name(&node_modules_folder, name); if self.sys.fs_is_dir_no_err(&sub_dir) { return Ok(sub_dir); } if current_folder == self.root_node_modules_path { break; } } Err( PackageNotFoundError { package_name: name.to_string(), referrer: referrer.clone(), referrer_extra: None, } .into(), ) } fn resolve_package_cache_folder_id_from_specifier( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let Some(folder_path) = self.resolve_package_folder_from_specifier(specifier)? else { return Ok(None); }; // ex. project/node_modules/.deno/preact@10.24.3/node_modules/preact/ let Some(node_modules_ancestor) = folder_path .ancestors() .find(|ancestor| ancestor.ends_with("node_modules")) else { return Ok(None); }; let Some(folder_name) = node_modules_ancestor.parent().and_then(|p| p.file_name()) else { return Ok(None); }; Ok(get_package_folder_id_from_folder_name( &folder_name.to_string_lossy(), )) } async fn cache_packages<'a>( &self, caching: PackageCaching<'a>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let snapshot = match caching { PackageCaching::All => self.resolution.snapshot(), PackageCaching::Only(reqs) => self.resolution.subset(&reqs), }; sync_resolution_with_fs( &snapshot, &self.cache, &self.npm_install_deps_provider, &self.progress_bar, &self.tarball_cache, &self.root_node_modules_path, &self.system_info, &self.lifecycle_scripts, ) .await } fn ensure_read_permission<'a>( &self, permissions: &mut dyn NodePermissions, path: &'a Path, ) -> Result, AnyError> { self .registry_read_permission_checker .ensure_registry_read_permission(permissions, path) } } /// `node_modules/.deno//node_modules/` /// /// Where the actual package is stored. fn local_node_modules_package_contents_path( local_registry_dir: &Path, package: &NpmResolutionPackage, ) -> PathBuf { local_registry_dir .join(get_package_folder_id_folder_name( &package.get_package_cache_folder_id(), )) .join("node_modules") .join(&package.id.nv.name) } /// Creates a pnpm style folder structure. #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] async fn sync_resolution_with_fs( snapshot: &NpmResolutionSnapshot, cache: &Arc, npm_install_deps_provider: &NpmInstallDepsProvider, progress_bar: &ProgressBar, tarball_cache: &Arc, root_node_modules_dir_path: &Path, system_info: &NpmSystemInfo, lifecycle_scripts: &LifecycleScriptsConfig, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if snapshot.is_empty() && npm_install_deps_provider.workspace_pkgs().is_empty() { return Ok(()); // don't create the directory } // don't set up node_modules (and more importantly try to acquire the file lock) // if we're running as part of a lifecycle script if super::common::lifecycle_scripts::is_running_lifecycle_script() { return Ok(()); } let deno_local_registry_dir = root_node_modules_dir_path.join(".deno"); let deno_node_modules_dir = deno_local_registry_dir.join("node_modules"); fs::create_dir_all(&deno_node_modules_dir).with_context(|| { format!("Creating '{}'", deno_local_registry_dir.display()) })?; let bin_node_modules_dir_path = root_node_modules_dir_path.join(".bin"); fs::create_dir_all(&bin_node_modules_dir_path).with_context(|| { format!("Creating '{}'", bin_node_modules_dir_path.display()) })?; let single_process_lock = LaxSingleProcessFsFlag::lock( deno_local_registry_dir.join(".deno.lock"), // similar message used by cargo build "waiting for file lock on node_modules directory", ) .await; // load this after we get the directory lock let mut setup_cache = SetupCache::load(deno_local_registry_dir.join(".setup-cache.bin")); let pb_clear_guard = progress_bar.clear_guard(); // prevent flickering // 1. Write all the packages out the .deno directory. // // Copy (hardlink in future) // to // node_modules/.deno//node_modules/ let package_partitions = snapshot.all_system_packages_partitioned(system_info); let mut cache_futures = FuturesUnordered::new(); let mut newest_packages_by_name: HashMap< &StackString, &NpmResolutionPackage, > = HashMap::with_capacity(package_partitions.packages.len()); let bin_entries = Rc::new(RefCell::new(bin_entries::BinEntries::new())); let mut lifecycle_scripts = super::common::lifecycle_scripts::LifecycleScripts::new( lifecycle_scripts, LocalLifecycleScripts { deno_local_registry_dir: &deno_local_registry_dir, }, ); let packages_with_deprecation_warnings = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new())); let mut package_tags: HashMap<&PackageNv, Vec<&str>> = HashMap::new(); for (package_req, package_nv) in snapshot.package_reqs() { if let Some(tag) = package_req.version_req.tag() { package_tags.entry(package_nv).or_default().push(tag); } } for package in &package_partitions.packages { if let Some(current_pkg) = newest_packages_by_name.get_mut(&package.id.nv.name) { if current_pkg.id.nv.cmp(&package.id.nv) == Ordering::Less { *current_pkg = package; } } else { newest_packages_by_name.insert(&package.id.nv.name, package); }; let package_folder_name = get_package_folder_id_folder_name(&package.get_package_cache_folder_id()); let folder_path = deno_local_registry_dir.join(&package_folder_name); let tags = package_tags .get(&package.id.nv) .map(|tags| tags.join(",")) .unwrap_or_default(); enum PackageFolderState { UpToDate, Uninitialized, TagsOutdated, } let initialized_file = folder_path.join(".initialized"); let package_state = std::fs::read_to_string(&initialized_file) .map(|s| { if s != tags { PackageFolderState::TagsOutdated } else { PackageFolderState::UpToDate } }) .unwrap_or(PackageFolderState::Uninitialized); if !cache .cache_setting() .should_use_for_npm_package(&package.id.nv.name) || matches!(package_state, PackageFolderState::Uninitialized) { // cache bust the dep from the dep setup cache so the symlinks // are forced to be recreated setup_cache.remove_dep(&package_folder_name); let folder_path = folder_path.clone(); let bin_entries_to_setup = bin_entries.clone(); let packages_with_deprecation_warnings = packages_with_deprecation_warnings.clone(); cache_futures.push(async move { tarball_cache .ensure_package(&package.id.nv, &package.dist) .await?; let pb_guard = progress_bar.update_with_prompt( ProgressMessagePrompt::Initialize, &package.id.nv.to_string(), ); let sub_node_modules = folder_path.join("node_modules"); let package_path = join_package_name(&sub_node_modules, &package.id.nv.name); let cache_folder = cache.package_folder_for_nv(&package.id.nv); deno_core::unsync::spawn_blocking({ let package_path = package_path.clone(); move || { clone_dir_recursive(&cache_folder, &package_path)?; // write out a file that indicates this folder has been initialized fs::write(initialized_file, tags)?; Ok::<_, AnyError>(()) } }) .await??; if package.bin.is_some() { bin_entries_to_setup.borrow_mut().add(package, package_path); } if let Some(deprecated) = &package.deprecated { packages_with_deprecation_warnings .lock() .push((package.id.clone(), deprecated.clone())); } // finally stop showing the progress bar drop(pb_guard); // explicit for clarity Ok::<_, AnyError>(()) }); } else if matches!(package_state, PackageFolderState::TagsOutdated) { fs::write(initialized_file, tags)?; } let sub_node_modules = folder_path.join("node_modules"); let package_path = join_package_name(&sub_node_modules, &package.id.nv.name); lifecycle_scripts.add(package, package_path.into()); } while let Some(result) = cache_futures.next().await { result?; // surface the first error } // 2. Create any "copy" packages, which are used for peer dependencies for package in &package_partitions.copy_packages { let package_cache_folder_id = package.get_package_cache_folder_id(); let destination_path = deno_local_registry_dir .join(get_package_folder_id_folder_name(&package_cache_folder_id)); let initialized_file = destination_path.join(".initialized"); if !initialized_file.exists() { let sub_node_modules = destination_path.join("node_modules"); let package_path = join_package_name(&sub_node_modules, &package.id.nv.name); let source_path = join_package_name( &deno_local_registry_dir .join(get_package_folder_id_folder_name( &package_cache_folder_id.with_no_count(), )) .join("node_modules"), &package.id.nv.name, ); clone_dir_recursive(&source_path, &package_path)?; // write out a file that indicates this folder has been initialized fs::write(initialized_file, "")?; } } // 3. Symlink all the dependencies into the .deno directory. // // Symlink node_modules/.deno//node_modules/ to // node_modules/.deno//node_modules/ for package in package_partitions.iter_all() { let package_folder_name = get_package_folder_id_folder_name(&package.get_package_cache_folder_id()); let sub_node_modules = deno_local_registry_dir .join(&package_folder_name) .join("node_modules"); let mut dep_setup_cache = setup_cache.with_dep(&package_folder_name); for (name, dep_id) in &package.dependencies { let dep = snapshot.package_from_id(dep_id).unwrap(); if package.optional_dependencies.contains(name) && !dep.system.matches_system(system_info) { continue; // this isn't a dependency for the current system } let dep_cache_folder_id = dep.get_package_cache_folder_id(); let dep_folder_name = get_package_folder_id_folder_name(&dep_cache_folder_id); if dep_setup_cache.insert(name, &dep_folder_name) { let dep_folder_path = join_package_name( &deno_local_registry_dir .join(dep_folder_name) .join("node_modules"), &dep_id.nv.name, ); symlink_package_dir( &dep_folder_path, &join_package_name(&sub_node_modules, name), )?; } } } let mut found_names: HashMap<&StackString, &PackageNv> = HashMap::new(); // set of node_modules in workspace packages that we've already ensured exist let mut existing_child_node_modules_dirs: HashSet = HashSet::new(); // 4. Create symlinks for package json dependencies { for remote in npm_install_deps_provider.remote_pkgs() { let remote_pkg = if let Ok(remote_pkg) = snapshot.resolve_pkg_from_pkg_req(&remote.req) { remote_pkg } else if remote.req.version_req.tag().is_some() { // couldn't find a match, and `resolve_best_package_id` // panics if you give it a tag continue; } else if let Some(remote_id) = snapshot .resolve_best_package_id(&remote.req.name, &remote.req.version_req) { snapshot.package_from_id(&remote_id).unwrap() } else { continue; // skip, package not found }; let Some(remote_alias) = &remote.alias else { continue; }; let alias_clashes = remote.req.name != *remote_alias && newest_packages_by_name.contains_key(remote_alias); let install_in_child = { // we'll install in the child if the alias is taken by another package, or // if there's already a package with the same name but different version // linked into the root match found_names.entry(remote_alias) { Entry::Occupied(nv) => { // alias to a different package (in case of duplicate aliases) // or the version doesn't match the version in the root node_modules alias_clashes || &remote_pkg.id.nv != *nv.get() } Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(&remote_pkg.id.nv); alias_clashes } } }; let target_folder_name = get_package_folder_id_folder_name( &remote_pkg.get_package_cache_folder_id(), ); let local_registry_package_path = join_package_name( &deno_local_registry_dir .join(&target_folder_name) .join("node_modules"), &remote_pkg.id.nv.name, ); if install_in_child { // symlink the dep into the package's child node_modules folder let dest_node_modules = remote.base_dir.join("node_modules"); if !existing_child_node_modules_dirs.contains(&dest_node_modules) { fs::create_dir_all(&dest_node_modules).with_context(|| { format!("Creating '{}'", dest_node_modules.display()) })?; existing_child_node_modules_dirs.insert(dest_node_modules.clone()); } let mut dest_path = dest_node_modules; dest_path.push(remote_alias); symlink_package_dir(&local_registry_package_path, &dest_path)?; } else { // symlink the package into `node_modules/` if setup_cache .insert_root_symlink(&remote_pkg.id.nv.name, &target_folder_name) { symlink_package_dir( &local_registry_package_path, &join_package_name(root_node_modules_dir_path, remote_alias), )?; } } } } // 5. Create symlinks for the remaining top level packages in the node_modules folder. // (These may be present if they are not in the package.json dependencies) // Symlink node_modules/.deno//node_modules/ to // node_modules/ let mut ids = snapshot .top_level_packages() .filter(|f| !found_names.contains_key(&f.nv.name)) .collect::>(); ids.sort_by(|a, b| b.cmp(a)); // create determinism and only include the latest version for id in ids { match found_names.entry(&id.nv.name) { Entry::Occupied(_) => { continue; // skip, already handled } Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(&id.nv); } } let package = snapshot.package_from_id(id).unwrap(); let target_folder_name = get_package_folder_id_folder_name(&package.get_package_cache_folder_id()); if setup_cache.insert_root_symlink(&id.nv.name, &target_folder_name) { let local_registry_package_path = join_package_name( &deno_local_registry_dir .join(target_folder_name) .join("node_modules"), &id.nv.name, ); symlink_package_dir( &local_registry_package_path, &join_package_name(root_node_modules_dir_path, &id.nv.name), )?; } } // 6. Create a node_modules/.deno/node_modules/ directory with // the remaining packages for package in newest_packages_by_name.values() { match found_names.entry(&package.id.nv.name) { Entry::Occupied(_) => { continue; // skip, already handled } Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(&package.id.nv); } } let target_folder_name = get_package_folder_id_folder_name(&package.get_package_cache_folder_id()); if setup_cache.insert_deno_symlink(&package.id.nv.name, &target_folder_name) { let local_registry_package_path = join_package_name( &deno_local_registry_dir .join(target_folder_name) .join("node_modules"), &package.id.nv.name, ); symlink_package_dir( &local_registry_package_path, &join_package_name(&deno_node_modules_dir, &package.id.nv.name), )?; } } // 7. Set up `node_modules/.bin` entries for packages that need it. { let bin_entries = std::mem::take(&mut *bin_entries.borrow_mut()); bin_entries.finish( snapshot, &bin_node_modules_dir_path, |setup_outcome| { match setup_outcome { bin_entries::EntrySetupOutcome::MissingEntrypoint { package, package_path, .. } if super::common::lifecycle_scripts::has_lifecycle_scripts( package, package_path, ) && lifecycle_scripts.can_run_scripts(&package.id.nv) && !lifecycle_scripts.has_run_scripts(package) => { // ignore, it might get fixed when the lifecycle scripts run. // if not, we'll warn then } outcome => outcome.warn_if_failed(), } }, )?; } // 8. Create symlinks for the workspace packages { // todo(dsherret): this is not exactly correct because it should // install correctly for a workspace (potentially in sub directories), // but this is good enough for a first pass for workspace in npm_install_deps_provider.workspace_pkgs() { let Some(workspace_alias) = &workspace.alias else { continue; }; symlink_package_dir( &workspace.target_dir, &root_node_modules_dir_path.join(workspace_alias), )?; } } { let packages_with_deprecation_warnings = packages_with_deprecation_warnings.lock(); if !packages_with_deprecation_warnings.is_empty() { log::warn!( "{} The following packages are deprecated:", colors::yellow("Warning") ); let len = packages_with_deprecation_warnings.len(); for (idx, (package_id, msg)) in packages_with_deprecation_warnings.iter().enumerate() { if idx != len - 1 { log::warn!( "┠─ {}", colors::gray(format!("npm:{:?} ({})", package_id, msg)) ); } else { log::warn!( "┖─ {}", colors::gray(format!("npm:{:?} ({})", package_id, msg)) ); } } } } lifecycle_scripts .finish( snapshot, &package_partitions.packages, root_node_modules_dir_path, progress_bar, ) .await?; setup_cache.save(); drop(single_process_lock); drop(pb_clear_guard); Ok(()) } /// `node_modules/.deno//` fn local_node_modules_package_folder( local_registry_dir: &Path, package: &NpmResolutionPackage, ) -> PathBuf { local_registry_dir.join(get_package_folder_id_folder_name( &package.get_package_cache_folder_id(), )) } struct LocalLifecycleScripts<'a> { deno_local_registry_dir: &'a Path, } impl<'a> LocalLifecycleScripts<'a> { /// `node_modules/.deno//.scripts-run` fn ran_scripts_file(&self, package: &NpmResolutionPackage) -> PathBuf { local_node_modules_package_folder(self.deno_local_registry_dir, package) .join(".scripts-run") } /// `node_modules/.deno//.scripts-warned` fn warned_scripts_file(&self, package: &NpmResolutionPackage) -> PathBuf { local_node_modules_package_folder(self.deno_local_registry_dir, package) .join(".scripts-warned") } } impl<'a> super::common::lifecycle_scripts::LifecycleScriptsStrategy for LocalLifecycleScripts<'a> { fn package_path(&self, package: &NpmResolutionPackage) -> PathBuf { local_node_modules_package_contents_path( self.deno_local_registry_dir, package, ) } fn did_run_scripts( &self, package: &NpmResolutionPackage, ) -> std::result::Result<(), deno_core::anyhow::Error> { std::fs::write(self.ran_scripts_file(package), "")?; Ok(()) } fn warn_on_scripts_not_run( &self, packages: &[(&NpmResolutionPackage, std::path::PathBuf)], ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if !packages.is_empty() { log::warn!("{} The following packages contained npm lifecycle scripts ({}) that were not executed:", colors::yellow("Warning"), colors::gray("preinstall/install/postinstall")); for (package, _) in packages { log::warn!("┠─ {}", colors::gray(format!("npm:{}", package.id.nv))); } log::warn!("┃"); log::warn!( "┠─ {}", colors::italic("This may cause the packages to not work correctly.") ); log::warn!("┖─ {}", colors::italic("To run lifecycle scripts, use the `--allow-scripts` flag with `deno install`:")); let packages_comma_separated = packages .iter() .map(|(p, _)| format!("npm:{}", p.id.nv)) .collect::>() .join(","); log::warn!( " {}", colors::bold(format!( "deno install --allow-scripts={}", packages_comma_separated )) ); for (package, _) in packages { let _ignore_err = fs::write(self.warned_scripts_file(package), ""); } } Ok(()) } fn has_warned(&self, package: &NpmResolutionPackage) -> bool { self.warned_scripts_file(package).exists() } fn has_run(&self, package: &NpmResolutionPackage) -> bool { self.ran_scripts_file(package).exists() } } // Uses BTreeMap to preserve the ordering of the elements in memory, to ensure // the file generated from this datastructure is deterministic. // See: https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/24479 /// Represents a dependency at `node_modules/.deno//` struct SetupCacheDep<'a> { previous: Option<&'a BTreeMap>, current: &'a mut BTreeMap, } impl<'a> SetupCacheDep<'a> { pub fn insert(&mut self, name: &str, target_folder_name: &str) -> bool { self .current .insert(name.to_string(), target_folder_name.to_string()); if let Some(previous_target) = self.previous.and_then(|p| p.get(name)) { previous_target != target_folder_name } else { true } } } // Uses BTreeMap to preserve the ordering of the elements in memory, to ensure // the file generated from this datastructure is deterministic. // See: https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/24479 #[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)] struct SetupCacheData { root_symlinks: BTreeMap, deno_symlinks: BTreeMap, dep_symlinks: BTreeMap>, } /// It is very slow to try to re-setup the symlinks each time, so this will /// cache what we've setup on the last run and only update what is necessary. /// Obviously this could lead to issues if the cache gets out of date with the /// file system, such as if the user manually deletes a symlink. struct SetupCache { file_path: PathBuf, previous: Option, current: SetupCacheData, } impl SetupCache { pub fn load(file_path: PathBuf) -> Self { let previous = std::fs::read(&file_path) .ok() .and_then(|data| bincode::deserialize(&data).ok()); Self { file_path, previous, current: Default::default(), } } pub fn save(&self) -> bool { if let Some(previous) = &self.previous { if previous == &self.current { return false; // nothing to save } } bincode::serialize(&self.current).ok().and_then(|data| { atomic_write_file_with_retries( &CliSys::default(), &self.file_path, &data, CACHE_PERM, ) .ok() }); true } /// Inserts and checks for the existence of a root symlink /// at `node_modules/` pointing to /// `node_modules/.deno//` pub fn insert_root_symlink( &mut self, name: &str, target_folder_name: &str, ) -> bool { self .current .root_symlinks .insert(name.to_string(), target_folder_name.to_string()); if let Some(previous_target) = self .previous .as_ref() .and_then(|p| p.root_symlinks.get(name)) { previous_target != target_folder_name } else { true } } /// Inserts and checks for the existence of a symlink at /// `node_modules/.deno/node_modules/` pointing to /// `node_modules/.deno//` pub fn insert_deno_symlink( &mut self, name: &str, target_folder_name: &str, ) -> bool { self .current .deno_symlinks .insert(name.to_string(), target_folder_name.to_string()); if let Some(previous_target) = self .previous .as_ref() .and_then(|p| p.deno_symlinks.get(name)) { previous_target != target_folder_name } else { true } } pub fn remove_dep(&mut self, parent_name: &str) { if let Some(previous) = &mut self.previous { previous.dep_symlinks.remove(parent_name); } } pub fn with_dep(&mut self, parent_name: &str) -> SetupCacheDep<'_> { SetupCacheDep { previous: self .previous .as_ref() .and_then(|p| p.dep_symlinks.get(parent_name)), current: self .current .dep_symlinks .entry(parent_name.to_string()) .or_default(), } } } fn get_package_folder_id_folder_name( folder_id: &NpmPackageCacheFolderId, ) -> String { let copy_str = if folder_id.copy_index == 0 { Cow::Borrowed("") } else { Cow::Owned(format!("_{}", folder_id.copy_index)) }; let nv = &folder_id.nv; let name = normalize_pkg_name_for_node_modules_deno_folder(&nv.name); format!("{}@{}{}", name, nv.version, copy_str) } fn get_package_folder_id_from_folder_name( folder_name: &str, ) -> Option { let folder_name = folder_name.replace('+', "/"); let (name, ending) = folder_name.rsplit_once('@')?; let name: StackString = if let Some(encoded_name) = name.strip_prefix('_') { StackString::from_string(mixed_case_package_name_decode(encoded_name)?) } else { name.into() }; let (raw_version, copy_index) = match ending.split_once('_') { Some((raw_version, copy_index)) => { let copy_index = copy_index.parse::().ok()?; (raw_version, copy_index) } None => (ending, 0), }; let version = deno_semver::Version::parse_from_npm(raw_version).ok()?; Some(NpmPackageCacheFolderId { nv: PackageNv { name, version }, copy_index, }) } fn symlink_package_dir( old_path: &Path, new_path: &Path, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let new_parent = new_path.parent().unwrap(); if new_parent.file_name().unwrap() != "node_modules" { // create the parent folder that will contain the symlink fs::create_dir_all(new_parent) .with_context(|| format!("Creating '{}'", new_parent.display()))?; } // need to delete the previous symlink before creating a new one let _ignore = fs::remove_dir_all(new_path); let old_path_relative = crate::util::path::relative_path(new_parent, old_path) .unwrap_or_else(|| old_path.to_path_buf()); #[cfg(windows)] { junction_or_symlink_dir(&old_path_relative, old_path, new_path) } #[cfg(not(windows))] { symlink_dir(&old_path_relative, new_path).map_err(Into::into) } } #[cfg(windows)] fn junction_or_symlink_dir( old_path_relative: &Path, old_path: &Path, new_path: &Path, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { static USE_JUNCTIONS: std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool = std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool::new(false); if USE_JUNCTIONS.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) { // Use junctions because they're supported on ntfs file systems without // needing to elevate privileges on Windows. // Note: junctions don't support relative paths, so we need to use the // absolute path here. return junction::create(old_path, new_path) .context("Failed creating junction in node_modules folder"); } match symlink_dir(old_path_relative, new_path) { Ok(()) => Ok(()), Err(symlink_err) if symlink_err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => { USE_JUNCTIONS.store(true, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); junction::create(old_path, new_path) .context("Failed creating junction in node_modules folder") } Err(symlink_err) => { log::warn!( "{} Unexpected error symlinking node_modules: {symlink_err}", colors::yellow("Warning") ); USE_JUNCTIONS.store(true, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); junction::create(old_path, new_path) .context("Failed creating junction in node_modules folder") } } } fn join_package_name(path: &Path, package_name: &str) -> PathBuf { let mut path = path.to_path_buf(); // ensure backslashes are used on windows for part in package_name.split('/') { path = path.join(part); } path } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use deno_npm::NpmPackageCacheFolderId; use deno_semver::package::PackageNv; use test_util::TempDir; use super::*; #[test] fn test_get_package_folder_id_folder_name() { let cases = vec![ ( NpmPackageCacheFolderId { nv: PackageNv::from_str("@types/foo@1.2.3").unwrap(), copy_index: 1, }, "@types+foo@1.2.3_1".to_string(), ), ( NpmPackageCacheFolderId { nv: PackageNv::from_str("JSON@3.2.1").unwrap(), copy_index: 0, }, "_jjju6tq@3.2.1".to_string(), ), ]; for (input, output) in cases { assert_eq!(get_package_folder_id_folder_name(&input), output); let folder_id = get_package_folder_id_from_folder_name(&output).unwrap(); assert_eq!(folder_id, input); } } #[test] fn test_setup_cache() { let temp_dir = TempDir::new(); let cache_bin_path = temp_dir.path().join("cache.bin").to_path_buf(); let mut cache = SetupCache::load(cache_bin_path.clone()); assert!(cache.insert_deno_symlink("package-a", "package-a@1.0.0")); assert!(cache.insert_root_symlink("package-a", "package-a@1.0.0")); assert!(cache .with_dep("package-a") .insert("package-b", "package-b@1.0.0")); assert!(cache.save()); let mut cache = SetupCache::load(cache_bin_path.clone()); assert!(!cache.insert_deno_symlink("package-a", "package-a@1.0.0")); assert!(!cache.insert_root_symlink("package-a", "package-a@1.0.0")); assert!(!cache .with_dep("package-a") .insert("package-b", "package-b@1.0.0")); assert!(!cache.save()); assert!(cache.insert_root_symlink("package-b", "package-b@0.2.0")); assert!(cache.save()); let mut cache = SetupCache::load(cache_bin_path); cache.remove_dep("package-a"); assert!(cache .with_dep("package-a") .insert("package-b", "package-b@1.0.0")); } }