// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // @ts-check /// <reference no-default-lib="true" /> /// <reference path="../../core/lib.deno_core.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="../../core/internal.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="../webidl/internal.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="../web/internal.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="../web/lib.deno_web.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="./internal.d.ts" /> /// <reference lib="esnext" /> "use strict"; ((window) => { const core = window.Deno.core; const webidl = window.__bootstrap.webidl; const { ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferPrototypeSlice, ArrayBufferIsView, ArrayPrototypePush, Date, DatePrototypeGetTime, MathMax, MathMin, RegExpPrototypeTest, StringPrototypeCharAt, StringPrototypeToLowerCase, StringPrototypeSlice, Symbol, SymbolFor, TypedArrayPrototypeSet, TypeError, Uint8Array, } = window.__bootstrap.primordials; const consoleInternal = window.__bootstrap.console; // TODO(lucacasonato): this needs to not be hardcoded and instead depend on // host os. const isWindows = false; /** * @param {string} input * @param {number} position * @returns {{result: string, position: number}} */ function collectCodepointsNotCRLF(input, position) { // See https://w3c.github.io/FileAPI/#convert-line-endings-to-native and // https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#collect-a-sequence-of-code-points const start = position; for ( let c = StringPrototypeCharAt(input, position); position < input.length && !(c === "\r" || c === "\n"); c = StringPrototypeCharAt(input, ++position) ); return { result: StringPrototypeSlice(input, start, position), position }; } /** * @param {string} s * @returns {string} */ function convertLineEndingsToNative(s) { const nativeLineEnding = isWindows ? "\r\n" : "\n"; let { result, position } = collectCodepointsNotCRLF(s, 0); while (position < s.length) { const codePoint = StringPrototypeCharAt(s, position); if (codePoint === "\r") { result += nativeLineEnding; position++; if ( position < s.length && StringPrototypeCharAt(s, position) === "\n" ) { position++; } } else if (codePoint === "\n") { position++; result += nativeLineEnding; } const { result: token, position: newPosition } = collectCodepointsNotCRLF( s, position, ); position = newPosition; result += token; } return result; } /** @param {(BlobReference | Blob)[]} parts */ async function* toIterator(parts) { for (const part of parts) { yield* part.stream(); } } /** @typedef {BufferSource | Blob | string} BlobPart */ /** * @param {BlobPart[]} parts * @param {string} endings * @returns {{ parts: (BlobReference|Blob)[], size: number }} */ function processBlobParts(parts, endings) { /** @type {(BlobReference|Blob)[]} */ const processedParts = []; let size = 0; for (const element of parts) { if (element instanceof ArrayBuffer) { const chunk = new Uint8Array(ArrayBufferPrototypeSlice(element, 0)); ArrayPrototypePush(processedParts, BlobReference.fromUint8Array(chunk)); size += element.byteLength; } else if (ArrayBufferIsView(element)) { const chunk = new Uint8Array( element.buffer, element.byteOffset, element.byteLength, ); size += element.byteLength; ArrayPrototypePush(processedParts, BlobReference.fromUint8Array(chunk)); } else if (element instanceof Blob) { ArrayPrototypePush(processedParts, element); size += element.size; } else if (typeof element === "string") { const chunk = core.encode( endings == "native" ? convertLineEndingsToNative(element) : element, ); size += chunk.byteLength; ArrayPrototypePush(processedParts, BlobReference.fromUint8Array(chunk)); } else { throw new TypeError("Unreachable code (invalid element type)"); } } return { parts: processedParts, size }; } /** * @param {string} str * @returns {string} */ function normalizeType(str) { let normalizedType = str; if (!RegExpPrototypeTest(/^[\x20-\x7E]*$/, str)) { normalizedType = ""; } return StringPrototypeToLowerCase(normalizedType); } /** * Get all Parts as a flat array containing all references * @param {Blob} blob * @param {string[]} bag * @returns {string[]} */ function getParts(blob, bag = []) { for (const part of blob[_parts]) { if (part instanceof Blob) { getParts(part, bag); } else { ArrayPrototypePush(bag, part._id); } } return bag; } const _type = Symbol("Type"); const _size = Symbol("Size"); const _parts = Symbol("Parts"); class Blob { [_type] = ""; [_size] = 0; [_parts]; /** * @param {BlobPart[]} blobParts * @param {BlobPropertyBag} options */ constructor(blobParts = [], options = {}) { const prefix = "Failed to construct 'Blob'"; blobParts = webidl.converters["sequence<BlobPart>"](blobParts, { context: "Argument 1", prefix, }); options = webidl.converters["BlobPropertyBag"](options, { context: "Argument 2", prefix, }); this[webidl.brand] = webidl.brand; const { parts, size } = processBlobParts( blobParts, options.endings, ); this[_parts] = parts; this[_size] = size; this[_type] = normalizeType(options.type); } /** @returns {number} */ get size() { webidl.assertBranded(this, Blob); return this[_size]; } /** @returns {string} */ get type() { webidl.assertBranded(this, Blob); return this[_type]; } /** * @param {number} [start] * @param {number} [end] * @param {string} [contentType] * @returns {Blob} */ slice(start = undefined, end = undefined, contentType = undefined) { webidl.assertBranded(this, Blob); const prefix = "Failed to execute 'slice' on 'Blob'"; if (start !== undefined) { start = webidl.converters["long long"](start, { clamp: true, context: "Argument 1", prefix, }); } if (end !== undefined) { end = webidl.converters["long long"](end, { clamp: true, context: "Argument 2", prefix, }); } if (contentType !== undefined) { contentType = webidl.converters["DOMString"](contentType, { context: "Argument 3", prefix, }); } // deno-lint-ignore no-this-alias const O = this; /** @type {number} */ let relativeStart; if (start === undefined) { relativeStart = 0; } else { if (start < 0) { relativeStart = MathMax(O.size + start, 0); } else { relativeStart = MathMin(start, O.size); } } /** @type {number} */ let relativeEnd; if (end === undefined) { relativeEnd = O.size; } else { if (end < 0) { relativeEnd = MathMax(O.size + end, 0); } else { relativeEnd = MathMin(end, O.size); } } const span = MathMax(relativeEnd - relativeStart, 0); const blobParts = []; let added = 0; for (const part of this[_parts]) { // don't add the overflow to new blobParts if (added >= span) { // Could maybe be possible to remove variable `added` // and only use relativeEnd? break; } const size = part.size; if (relativeStart && size <= relativeStart) { // Skip the beginning and change the relative // start & end position as we skip the unwanted parts relativeStart -= size; relativeEnd -= size; } else { const chunk = part.slice( relativeStart, MathMin(part.size, relativeEnd), ); added += chunk.size; relativeEnd -= part.size; ArrayPrototypePush(blobParts, chunk); relativeStart = 0; // All next sequential parts should start at 0 } } /** @type {string} */ let relativeContentType; if (contentType === undefined) { relativeContentType = ""; } else { relativeContentType = normalizeType(contentType); } const blob = new Blob([], { type: relativeContentType }); blob[_parts] = blobParts; blob[_size] = span; return blob; } /** * @returns {ReadableStream<Uint8Array>} */ stream() { webidl.assertBranded(this, Blob); const partIterator = toIterator(this[_parts]); const stream = new ReadableStream({ type: "bytes", /** @param {ReadableByteStreamController} controller */ async pull(controller) { while (true) { const { value, done } = await partIterator.next(); if (done) return controller.close(); if (value.byteLength > 0) { return controller.enqueue(value); } } }, }); return stream; } /** * @returns {Promise<string>} */ async text() { webidl.assertBranded(this, Blob); const buffer = await this.arrayBuffer(); return core.decode(new Uint8Array(buffer)); } /** * @returns {Promise<ArrayBuffer>} */ async arrayBuffer() { webidl.assertBranded(this, Blob); const stream = this.stream(); const bytes = new Uint8Array(this.size); let offset = 0; for await (const chunk of stream) { TypedArrayPrototypeSet(bytes, chunk, offset); offset += chunk.byteLength; } return bytes.buffer; } [SymbolFor("Deno.customInspect")](inspect) { return inspect(consoleInternal.createFilteredInspectProxy({ object: this, evaluate: this instanceof Blob, keys: [ "size", "type", ], })); } } webidl.configurePrototype(Blob); webidl.converters["Blob"] = webidl.createInterfaceConverter("Blob", Blob); webidl.converters["BlobPart"] = (V, opts) => { // Union for ((ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView) or Blob or USVString) if (typeof V == "object") { if (V instanceof Blob) { return webidl.converters["Blob"](V, opts); } if (V instanceof ArrayBuffer || V instanceof SharedArrayBuffer) { return webidl.converters["ArrayBuffer"](V, opts); } if (ArrayBufferIsView(V)) { return webidl.converters["ArrayBufferView"](V, opts); } } return webidl.converters["USVString"](V, opts); }; webidl.converters["sequence<BlobPart>"] = webidl.createSequenceConverter( webidl.converters["BlobPart"], ); webidl.converters["EndingType"] = webidl.createEnumConverter("EndingType", [ "transparent", "native", ]); const blobPropertyBagDictionary = [ { key: "type", converter: webidl.converters["DOMString"], defaultValue: "", }, { key: "endings", converter: webidl.converters["EndingType"], defaultValue: "transparent", }, ]; webidl.converters["BlobPropertyBag"] = webidl.createDictionaryConverter( "BlobPropertyBag", blobPropertyBagDictionary, ); const _Name = Symbol("[[Name]]"); const _LastModified = Symbol("[[LastModified]]"); class File extends Blob { /** @type {string} */ [_Name]; /** @type {number} */ [_LastModified]; /** * @param {BlobPart[]} fileBits * @param {string} fileName * @param {FilePropertyBag} options */ constructor(fileBits, fileName, options = {}) { const prefix = "Failed to construct 'File'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 2, { prefix }); fileBits = webidl.converters["sequence<BlobPart>"](fileBits, { context: "Argument 1", prefix, }); fileName = webidl.converters["USVString"](fileName, { context: "Argument 2", prefix, }); options = webidl.converters["FilePropertyBag"](options, { context: "Argument 3", prefix, }); super(fileBits, options); /** @type {string} */ this[_Name] = fileName; if (options.lastModified === undefined) { /** @type {number} */ this[_LastModified] = DatePrototypeGetTime(new Date()); } else { /** @type {number} */ this[_LastModified] = options.lastModified; } } /** @returns {string} */ get name() { webidl.assertBranded(this, File); return this[_Name]; } /** @returns {number} */ get lastModified() { webidl.assertBranded(this, File); return this[_LastModified]; } } webidl.configurePrototype(File); webidl.converters["FilePropertyBag"] = webidl.createDictionaryConverter( "FilePropertyBag", blobPropertyBagDictionary, [ { key: "lastModified", converter: webidl.converters["long long"], }, ], ); // A finalization registry to deallocate a blob part when its JS reference is // garbage collected. const registry = new FinalizationRegistry((uuid) => { core.opSync("op_blob_remove_part", uuid); }); // TODO(lucacasonato): get a better stream from Rust in BlobReference#stream /** * An opaque reference to a blob part in Rust. This could be backed by a file, * in memory storage, or something else. */ class BlobReference { /** * Don't use directly. Use `BlobReference.fromUint8Array`. * @param {string} id * @param {number} size */ constructor(id, size) { this._id = id; this.size = size; registry.register(this, id); } /** * Create a new blob part from a Uint8Array. * * @param {Uint8Array} data * @returns {BlobReference} */ static fromUint8Array(data) { const id = core.opSync("op_blob_create_part", data); return new BlobReference(id, data.byteLength); } /** * Create a new BlobReference by slicing this BlobReference. This is a copy * free operation - the sliced reference will still reference the original * underlying bytes. * * @param {number} start * @param {number} end * @returns {BlobReference} */ slice(start, end) { const size = end - start; const id = core.opSync("op_blob_slice_part", this._id, { start, len: size, }); return new BlobReference(id, size); } /** * Read the entire contents of the reference blob. * @returns {AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array>} */ async *stream() { yield core.opAsync("op_blob_read_part", this._id); // let position = 0; // const end = this.size; // while (position !== end) { // const size = MathMin(end - position, 65536); // const chunk = this.slice(position, position + size); // position += chunk.size; // yield core.opAsync("op_blob_read_part", chunk._id); // } } } /** * Construct a new Blob object from an object URL. * * This new object will not duplicate data in memory with the original Blob * object from which this URL was created or with other Blob objects created * from the same URL, but they will be different objects. * * The object returned from this function will not be a File object, even if * the original object from which the object URL was constructed was one. This * means that the `name` and `lastModified` properties are lost. * * @param {string} url * @returns {Blob | null} */ function blobFromObjectUrl(url) { const blobData = core.opSync("op_blob_from_object_url", url); if (blobData === null) { return null; } /** @type {BlobReference[]} */ const parts = []; let totalSize = 0; for (const { uuid, size } of blobData.parts) { ArrayPrototypePush(parts, new BlobReference(uuid, size)); totalSize += size; } const blob = webidl.createBranded(Blob); blob[_type] = blobData.media_type; blob[_size] = totalSize; blob[_parts] = parts; return blob; } window.__bootstrap.file = { blobFromObjectUrl, getParts, Blob, File, }; })(this);