// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. // deno-lint-ignore-file no-console import { deadline } from "@std/async/deadline"; import { ensureDir } from "@std/fs/ensure-dir"; import { copy } from "@std/fs/copy"; import { withoutAll } from "@std/collections/without-all"; import { getDenoTests, getNodeTests, NODE_COMPAT_TEST_DEST_URL, runNodeCompatTestCase, VENDORED_NODE_TEST, } from "../common.ts"; import { fromFileUrl } from "@std/path/from-file-url"; /** The timeout ms for single test execution. If a single test didn't finish in this timeout milliseconds, the test is considered as failure */ const TIMEOUT = 2000; async function main() { const remainingTests = withoutAll(await getNodeTests(), await getDenoTests()); console.log(`Remaining tests: ${remainingTests.length}`); const success = [] as string[]; let i = 0; Deno.addSignalListener("SIGINT", () => { console.log(`Success: ${success.length}`); for (const testPath of success) { console.log(testPath); } Deno.exit(1); }); for (const testPath of remainingTests) { i++; const source = new URL(testPath, VENDORED_NODE_TEST); const dest = new URL(testPath, NODE_COMPAT_TEST_DEST_URL); await ensureDir(new URL(".", dest)); await copy(source, dest); const num = String(i).padStart(4, " "); try { const cp = await runNodeCompatTestCase( fromFileUrl(dest), AbortSignal.timeout(TIMEOUT), ); const result = await deadline(cp.output(), TIMEOUT + 1000); if (result.code === 0) { console.log(`${num} %cPASS`, "color: green", testPath); success.push(testPath); } else { console.log(`${num} %cFAIL`, "color: red", testPath); } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof DOMException && e.name === "TimeoutError") { console.log(`${num} %cFAIL`, "color: red", testPath); } else { console.log(`Unexpected Error`, e); } } finally { await Deno.remove(dest); } } console.log(`Success: ${success.length}`); for (const testPath of success) { console.log(testPath); } Deno.exit(0); } await main();