// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // deno-lint-ignore-file ban-types import { AssertionError, AssertionErrorConstructorOptions, } from "ext:deno_node/assertion_error.ts"; import * as asserts from "ext:deno_node/_util/std_asserts.ts"; import { inspect } from "ext:deno_node/util.ts"; import { ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE, ERR_MISSING_ARGS, } from "ext:deno_node/internal/errors.ts"; import { isDeepEqual } from "ext:deno_node/internal/util/comparisons.ts"; function innerFail(obj: { actual?: unknown; expected?: unknown; message?: string | Error; operator?: string; }) { if (obj.message instanceof Error) { throw obj.message; } throw new AssertionError({ actual: obj.actual, expected: obj.expected, message: obj.message, operator: obj.operator, }); } interface ExtendedAssertionErrorConstructorOptions extends AssertionErrorConstructorOptions { generatedMessage?: boolean; } // TODO(uki00a): This function is a workaround for setting the `generatedMessage` property flexibly. function createAssertionError( options: ExtendedAssertionErrorConstructorOptions, ): AssertionError { const error = new AssertionError(options); if (options.generatedMessage) { error.generatedMessage = true; } return error; } /** Converts the std assertion error to node.js assertion error */ function toNode( fn: () => void, opts?: { actual: unknown; expected: unknown; message?: string | Error; operator?: string; }, ) { const { operator, message, actual, expected } = opts || {}; try { fn(); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof asserts.AssertionError) { if (typeof message === "string") { throw new AssertionError({ operator, message, actual, expected, }); } else if (message instanceof Error) { throw message; } else { throw new AssertionError({ operator, message: e.message, actual, expected, }); } } throw e; } } function assert(actual: unknown, message?: string | Error): asserts actual { if (arguments.length === 0) { throw new AssertionError({ message: "No value argument passed to `assert.ok()`", }); } toNode( () => asserts.assert(actual), { message, actual, expected: true }, ); } const ok = assert; function throws( fn: () => void, error?: RegExp | Function | Error, message?: string, ) { // Check arg types if (typeof fn !== "function") { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("fn", "function", fn); } if ( typeof error === "object" && error !== null && Object.getPrototypeOf(error) === Object.prototype && Object.keys(error).length === 0 ) { // error is an empty object throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE( "error", error, "may not be an empty object", ); } if (typeof message === "string") { if ( !(error instanceof RegExp) && typeof error !== "function" && !(error instanceof Error) && typeof error !== "object" ) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("error", [ "Function", "Error", "RegExp", "Object", ], error); } } else { if ( typeof error !== "undefined" && typeof error !== "string" && !(error instanceof RegExp) && typeof error !== "function" && !(error instanceof Error) && typeof error !== "object" ) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("error", [ "Function", "Error", "RegExp", "Object", ], error); } } // Checks test function try { fn(); } catch (e) { if ( validateThrownError(e, error, message, { operator: throws, }) ) { return; } } if (message) { let msg = `Missing expected exception: ${message}`; if (typeof error === "function" && error?.name) { msg = `Missing expected exception (${error.name}): ${message}`; } throw new AssertionError({ message: msg, operator: "throws", actual: undefined, expected: error, }); } else if (typeof error === "string") { // Use case of throws(fn, message) throw new AssertionError({ message: `Missing expected exception: ${error}`, operator: "throws", actual: undefined, expected: undefined, }); } else if (typeof error === "function" && error?.prototype !== undefined) { throw new AssertionError({ message: `Missing expected exception (${error.name}).`, operator: "throws", actual: undefined, expected: error, }); } else { throw new AssertionError({ message: "Missing expected exception.", operator: "throws", actual: undefined, expected: error, }); } } function doesNotThrow( fn: () => void, message?: string, ): void; function doesNotThrow( fn: () => void, error?: Function, message?: string | Error, ): void; function doesNotThrow( fn: () => void, error?: RegExp, message?: string, ): void; function doesNotThrow( fn: () => void, expected?: Function | RegExp | string, message?: string | Error, ) { // Check arg type if (typeof fn !== "function") { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("fn", "function", fn); } else if ( !(expected instanceof RegExp) && typeof expected !== "function" && typeof expected !== "string" && typeof expected !== "undefined" ) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("expected", ["Function", "RegExp"], fn); } // Checks test function try { fn(); } catch (e) { gotUnwantedException(e, expected, message, doesNotThrow); } } function equal( actual: unknown, expected: unknown, message?: string | Error, ) { if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS("actual", "expected"); } if (actual == expected) { return; } if (Number.isNaN(actual) && Number.isNaN(expected)) { return; } if (typeof message === "string") { throw new AssertionError({ message, }); } else if (message instanceof Error) { throw message; } toNode( () => asserts.assertStrictEquals(actual, expected), { message: message || `${actual} == ${expected}`, operator: "==", actual, expected, }, ); } function notEqual( actual: unknown, expected: unknown, message?: string | Error, ) { if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS("actual", "expected"); } if (Number.isNaN(actual) && Number.isNaN(expected)) { throw new AssertionError({ message: `${actual} != ${expected}`, operator: "!=", actual, expected, }); } if (actual != expected) { return; } if (typeof message === "string") { throw new AssertionError({ message, }); } else if (message instanceof Error) { throw message; } toNode( () => asserts.assertNotStrictEquals(actual, expected), { message: message || `${actual} != ${expected}`, operator: "!=", actual, expected, }, ); } function strictEqual( actual: unknown, expected: unknown, message?: string | Error, ) { if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS("actual", "expected"); } toNode( () => asserts.assertStrictEquals(actual, expected), { message, operator: "strictEqual", actual, expected }, ); } function notStrictEqual( actual: unknown, expected: unknown, message?: string | Error, ) { if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS("actual", "expected"); } toNode( () => asserts.assertNotStrictEquals(actual, expected), { message, actual, expected, operator: "notStrictEqual" }, ); } function deepEqual( actual: unknown, expected: unknown, message?: string | Error, ) { if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS("actual", "expected"); } if (!isDeepEqual(actual, expected)) { innerFail({ actual, expected, message, operator: "deepEqual" }); } } function notDeepEqual( actual: unknown, expected: unknown, message?: string | Error, ) { if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS("actual", "expected"); } if (isDeepEqual(actual, expected)) { innerFail({ actual, expected, message, operator: "notDeepEqual" }); } } function deepStrictEqual( actual: unknown, expected: unknown, message?: string | Error, ) { if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS("actual", "expected"); } toNode( () => asserts.assertEquals(actual, expected), { message, actual, expected, operator: "deepStrictEqual" }, ); } function notDeepStrictEqual( actual: unknown, expected: unknown, message?: string | Error, ) { if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS("actual", "expected"); } toNode( () => asserts.assertNotEquals(actual, expected), { message, actual, expected, operator: "deepNotStrictEqual" }, ); } function fail(message?: string | Error): never { if (typeof message === "string" || message == null) { throw createAssertionError({ message: message ?? "Failed", operator: "fail", generatedMessage: message == null, }); } else { throw message; } } function match(actual: string, regexp: RegExp, message?: string | Error) { if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS("actual", "regexp"); } if (!(regexp instanceof RegExp)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("regexp", "RegExp", regexp); } toNode( () => asserts.assertMatch(actual, regexp), { message, actual, expected: regexp, operator: "match" }, ); } function doesNotMatch( string: string, regexp: RegExp, message?: string | Error, ) { if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS("string", "regexp"); } if (!(regexp instanceof RegExp)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("regexp", "RegExp", regexp); } if (typeof string !== "string") { if (message instanceof Error) { throw message; } throw new AssertionError({ message: message || `The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type ${typeof string} (${ inspect(string) })`, actual: string, expected: regexp, operator: "doesNotMatch", }); } toNode( () => asserts.assertNotMatch(string, regexp), { message, actual: string, expected: regexp, operator: "doesNotMatch" }, ); } function strict(actual: unknown, message?: string | Error): asserts actual { if (arguments.length === 0) { throw new AssertionError({ message: "No value argument passed to `assert.ok()`", }); } assert(actual, message); } function rejects( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any asyncFn: Promise<any> | (() => Promise<any>), error?: RegExp | Function | Error, ): Promise<void>; function rejects( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any asyncFn: Promise<any> | (() => Promise<any>), message?: string, ): Promise<void>; // Intentionally avoid using async/await because test-assert-async.js requires it function rejects( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any asyncFn: Promise<any> | (() => Promise<any>), error?: RegExp | Function | Error | string, message?: string, ) { let promise: Promise<void>; if (typeof asyncFn === "function") { try { promise = asyncFn(); } catch (err) { // If `asyncFn` throws an error synchronously, this function returns a rejected promise. return Promise.reject(err); } if (!isValidThenable(promise)) { return Promise.reject( new ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE( "instance of Promise", "promiseFn", promise, ), ); } } else if (!isValidThenable(asyncFn)) { return Promise.reject( new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("promiseFn", ["function", "Promise"], asyncFn), ); } else { promise = asyncFn; } function onFulfilled() { let message = "Missing expected rejection"; if (typeof error === "string") { message += `: ${error}`; } else if (typeof error === "function" && error.prototype !== undefined) { message += ` (${error.name}).`; } else { message += "."; } return Promise.reject(createAssertionError({ message, operator: "rejects", generatedMessage: true, })); } // deno-lint-ignore camelcase function rejects_onRejected(e: Error) { // TODO(uki00a): In order to `test-assert-async.js` pass, intentionally adds `rejects_` as a prefix. if ( validateThrownError(e, error, message, { operator: rejects, validationFunctionName: "validate", }) ) { return; } } return promise.then(onFulfilled, rejects_onRejected); } function doesNotReject( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any asyncFn: Promise<any> | (() => Promise<any>), error?: RegExp | Function, ): Promise<void>; function doesNotReject( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any asyncFn: Promise<any> | (() => Promise<any>), message?: string, ): Promise<void>; // Intentionally avoid using async/await because test-assert-async.js requires it function doesNotReject( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any asyncFn: Promise<any> | (() => Promise<any>), error?: RegExp | Function | string, message?: string, ) { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any let promise: Promise<any>; if (typeof asyncFn === "function") { try { const value = asyncFn(); if (!isValidThenable(value)) { return Promise.reject( new ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE( "instance of Promise", "promiseFn", value, ), ); } promise = value; } catch (e) { // If `asyncFn` throws an error synchronously, this function returns a rejected promise. return Promise.reject(e); } } else if (!isValidThenable(asyncFn)) { return Promise.reject( new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("promiseFn", ["function", "Promise"], asyncFn), ); } else { promise = asyncFn; } return promise.then( () => {}, (e) => gotUnwantedException(e, error, message, doesNotReject), ); } function gotUnwantedException( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any e: any, expected: RegExp | Function | string | null | undefined, message: string | Error | null | undefined, operator: Function, ): never { if (typeof expected === "string") { // The use case of doesNotThrow(fn, message); throw new AssertionError({ message: `Got unwanted exception: ${expected}\nActual message: "${e.message}"`, operator: operator.name, }); } else if ( typeof expected === "function" && expected.prototype !== undefined ) { // The use case of doesNotThrow(fn, Error, message); if (e instanceof expected) { let msg = `Got unwanted exception: ${e.constructor?.name}`; if (message) { msg += ` ${String(message)}`; } throw new AssertionError({ message: msg, operator: operator.name, }); } else if (expected.prototype instanceof Error) { throw e; } else { const result = expected(e); if (result === true) { let msg = `Got unwanted rejection.\nActual message: "${e.message}"`; if (message) { msg += ` ${String(message)}`; } throw new AssertionError({ message: msg, operator: operator.name, }); } } throw e; } else { if (message) { throw new AssertionError({ message: `Got unwanted exception: ${message}\nActual message: "${ e ? e.message : String(e) }"`, operator: operator.name, }); } throw new AssertionError({ message: `Got unwanted exception.\nActual message: "${ e ? e.message : String(e) }"`, operator: operator.name, }); } } /** * Throws `value` if the value is not `null` or `undefined`. * * @param err */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any function ifError(err: any) { if (err !== null && err !== undefined) { let message = "ifError got unwanted exception: "; if (typeof err === "object" && typeof err.message === "string") { if (err.message.length === 0 && err.constructor) { message += err.constructor.name; } else { message += err.message; } } else { message += inspect(err); } const newErr = new AssertionError({ actual: err, expected: null, operator: "ifError", message, stackStartFn: ifError, }); // Make sure we actually have a stack trace! const origStack = err.stack; if (typeof origStack === "string") { // This will remove any duplicated frames from the error frames taken // from within `ifError` and add the original error frames to the newly // created ones. const tmp2 = origStack.split("\n"); tmp2.shift(); // Filter all frames existing in err.stack. let tmp1 = newErr!.stack?.split("\n"); for (const errFrame of tmp2) { // Find the first occurrence of the frame. const pos = tmp1?.indexOf(errFrame); if (pos !== -1) { // Only keep new frames. tmp1 = tmp1?.slice(0, pos); break; } } newErr.stack = `${tmp1?.join("\n")}\n${tmp2.join("\n")}`; } throw newErr; } } interface ValidateThrownErrorOptions { operator: Function; validationFunctionName?: string; } function validateThrownError( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any e: any, error: RegExp | Function | Error | string | null | undefined, message: string | undefined | null, options: ValidateThrownErrorOptions, ): boolean { if (typeof error === "string") { if (message != null) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( "error", ["Object", "Error", "Function", "RegExp"], error, ); } else if (typeof e === "object" && e !== null) { if (e.message === error) { throw new ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT( "error/message", `The error message "${e.message}" is identical to the message.`, ); } } else if (e === error) { throw new ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT( "error/message", `The error "${e}" is identical to the message.`, ); } message = error; error = undefined; } if ( error instanceof Function && error.prototype !== undefined && error.prototype instanceof Error ) { // error is a constructor if (e instanceof error) { return true; } throw createAssertionError({ message: `The error is expected to be an instance of "${error.name}". Received "${e?.constructor?.name}"\n\nError message:\n\n${e?.message}`, actual: e, expected: error, operator: options.operator.name, generatedMessage: true, }); } if (error instanceof Function) { const received = error(e); if (received === true) { return true; } throw createAssertionError({ message: `The ${ options.validationFunctionName ? `"${options.validationFunctionName}" validation` : "validation" } function is expected to return "true". Received ${ inspect(received) }\n\nCaught error:\n\n${e}`, actual: e, expected: error, operator: options.operator.name, generatedMessage: true, }); } if (error instanceof RegExp) { if (error.test(String(e))) { return true; } throw createAssertionError({ message: `The input did not match the regular expression ${error.toString()}. Input:\n\n'${ String(e) }'\n`, actual: e, expected: error, operator: options.operator.name, generatedMessage: true, }); } if (typeof error === "object" && error !== null) { const keys = Object.keys(error); if (error instanceof Error) { keys.push("name", "message"); } for (const k of keys) { if (e == null) { throw createAssertionError({ message: message || "object is expected to thrown, but got null", actual: e, expected: error, operator: options.operator.name, generatedMessage: message == null, }); } if (typeof e === "string") { throw createAssertionError({ message: message || `object is expected to thrown, but got string: ${e}`, actual: e, expected: error, operator: options.operator.name, generatedMessage: message == null, }); } if (typeof e === "number") { throw createAssertionError({ message: message || `object is expected to thrown, but got number: ${e}`, actual: e, expected: error, operator: options.operator.name, generatedMessage: message == null, }); } if (!(k in e)) { throw createAssertionError({ message: message || `A key in the expected object is missing: ${k}`, actual: e, expected: error, operator: options.operator.name, generatedMessage: message == null, }); } const actual = e[k]; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const expected = (error as any)[k]; if (typeof actual === "string" && expected instanceof RegExp) { match(actual, expected); } else { deepStrictEqual(actual, expected); } } return true; } if (typeof error === "undefined") { return true; } throw createAssertionError({ message: `Invalid expectation: ${error}`, operator: options.operator.name, generatedMessage: true, }); } // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any function isValidThenable(maybeThennable: any): boolean { if (!maybeThennable) { return false; } if (maybeThennable instanceof Promise) { return true; } const isThenable = typeof maybeThennable.then === "function" && typeof maybeThennable.catch === "function"; return isThenable && typeof maybeThennable !== "function"; } Object.assign(strict, { AssertionError, deepEqual: deepStrictEqual, deepStrictEqual, doesNotMatch, doesNotReject, doesNotThrow, equal: strictEqual, fail, ifError, match, notDeepEqual: notDeepStrictEqual, notDeepStrictEqual, notEqual: notStrictEqual, notStrictEqual, ok, rejects, strict, strictEqual, throws, }); export default Object.assign(assert, { AssertionError, deepEqual, deepStrictEqual, doesNotMatch, doesNotReject, doesNotThrow, equal, fail, ifError, match, notDeepEqual, notDeepStrictEqual, notEqual, notStrictEqual, ok, rejects, strict, strictEqual, throws, }); export { AssertionError, deepEqual, deepStrictEqual, doesNotMatch, doesNotReject, doesNotThrow, equal, fail, ifError, match, notDeepEqual, notDeepStrictEqual, notEqual, notStrictEqual, ok, rejects, strict, strictEqual, throws, };