// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import * as tlsOps from "./ops/tls.ts";
import { Listener, Transport, Conn, ConnImpl, ListenerImpl } from "./net.ts";

// TODO(ry) There are many configuration options to add...
// https://docs.rs/rustls/0.16.0/rustls/struct.ClientConfig.html
interface ConnectTLSOptions {
  transport?: Transport;
  port: number;
  hostname?: string;
  certFile?: string;
const connectTLSDefaults = { hostname: "", transport: "tcp" };

 * Establishes a secure connection over TLS (transport layer security).
export async function connectTLS(options: ConnectTLSOptions): Promise<Conn> {
  options = Object.assign(connectTLSDefaults, options);
  const res = await tlsOps.connectTLS(options as tlsOps.ConnectTLSRequest);
  return new ConnImpl(res.rid, res.remoteAddr!, res.localAddr!);

class TLSListenerImpl extends ListenerImpl {
  async accept(): Promise<Conn> {
    const res = await tlsOps.acceptTLS(this.rid);
    return new ConnImpl(res.rid, res.remoteAddr, res.localAddr);

export interface ListenTLSOptions {
  port: number;
  hostname?: string;
  transport?: Transport;
  certFile: string;
  keyFile: string;

/** Listen announces on the local transport address over TLS (transport layer security).
 * @param options
 * @param options.port The port to connect to. (Required.)
 * @param options.hostname A literal IP address or host name that can be
 *   resolved to an IP address. If not specified, defaults to
 * @param options.certFile Server certificate file
 * @param options.keyFile Server public key file
 * Examples:
 *     Deno.listenTLS({ port: 443, certFile: "./my_server.crt", keyFile: "./my_server.key" })
export function listenTLS(options: ListenTLSOptions): Listener {
  const hostname = options.hostname || "";
  const transport = options.transport || "tcp";
  const res = tlsOps.listenTLS({
    port: options.port,
    certFile: options.certFile,
    keyFile: options.keyFile
  return new TLSListenerImpl(res.rid, res.localAddr);