// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Adapted from https://github.com/jsdom/webidl-conversions. // Copyright Domenic Denicola. Licensed under BSD-2-Clause License. // Original license at https://github.com/jsdom/webidl-conversions/blob/master/LICENSE.md. /// <reference path="../../core/internal.d.ts" /> const core = globalThis.Deno.core; const primordials = globalThis.__bootstrap.primordials; const { ArrayBufferPrototype, ArrayBufferIsView, ArrayPrototypeForEach, ArrayPrototypePush, ArrayPrototypeSort, ArrayIteratorPrototype, BigInt, BigIntAsIntN, BigIntAsUintN, DataViewPrototypeGetBuffer, Float32Array, Float64Array, FunctionPrototypeBind, Int16Array, Int32Array, Int8Array, isNaN, MathFloor, MathFround, MathMax, MathMin, MathPow, MathRound, MathTrunc, Number, NumberIsFinite, NumberIsNaN, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase NumberMAX_SAFE_INTEGER, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase NumberMIN_SAFE_INTEGER, ObjectAssign, ObjectCreate, ObjectDefineProperties, ObjectDefineProperty, ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor, ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptors, ObjectGetPrototypeOf, ObjectHasOwn, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, ObjectIs, PromisePrototypeThen, PromiseReject, PromiseResolve, ReflectApply, ReflectDefineProperty, ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor, ReflectHas, ReflectOwnKeys, RegExpPrototypeTest, SafeRegExp, SafeSet, SetPrototypeEntries, SetPrototypeForEach, SetPrototypeKeys, SetPrototypeValues, SetPrototypeHas, SetPrototypeClear, SetPrototypeDelete, SetPrototypeAdd, // TODO(lucacasonato): add SharedArrayBuffer to primordials // SharedArrayBufferPrototype String, StringFromCodePoint, StringPrototypeCharCodeAt, Symbol, SymbolIterator, SymbolToStringTag, TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer, TypedArrayPrototypeGetSymbolToStringTag, TypeError, Uint16Array, Uint32Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, } = primordials; function makeException(ErrorType, message, prefix, context) { return new ErrorType( `${prefix ? prefix + ": " : ""}${context ? context : "Value"} ${message}`, ); } function toNumber(value) { if (typeof value === "bigint") { throw TypeError("Cannot convert a BigInt value to a number"); } return Number(value); } function type(V) { if (V === null) { return "Null"; } switch (typeof V) { case "undefined": return "Undefined"; case "boolean": return "Boolean"; case "number": return "Number"; case "string": return "String"; case "symbol": return "Symbol"; case "bigint": return "BigInt"; case "object": // Falls through case "function": // Falls through default: // Per ES spec, typeof returns an implementation-defined value that is not any of the existing ones for // uncallable non-standard exotic objects. Yet Type() which the Web IDL spec depends on returns Object for // such cases. So treat the default case as an object. return "Object"; } } // Round x to the nearest integer, choosing the even integer if it lies halfway between two. function evenRound(x) { // There are four cases for numbers with fractional part being .5: // // case | x | floor(x) | round(x) | expected | x <> 0 | x % 1 | x & 1 | example // 1 | 2n + 0.5 | 2n | 2n + 1 | 2n | > | 0.5 | 0 | 0.5 -> 0 // 2 | 2n + 1.5 | 2n + 1 | 2n + 2 | 2n + 2 | > | 0.5 | 1 | 1.5 -> 2 // 3 | -2n - 0.5 | -2n - 1 | -2n | -2n | < | -0.5 | 0 | -0.5 -> 0 // 4 | -2n - 1.5 | -2n - 2 | -2n - 1 | -2n - 2 | < | -0.5 | 1 | -1.5 -> -2 // (where n is a non-negative integer) // // Branch here for cases 1 and 4 if ( (x > 0 && x % 1 === +0.5 && (x & 1) === 0) || (x < 0 && x % 1 === -0.5 && (x & 1) === 1) ) { return censorNegativeZero(MathFloor(x)); } return censorNegativeZero(MathRound(x)); } function integerPart(n) { return censorNegativeZero(MathTrunc(n)); } function sign(x) { return x < 0 ? -1 : 1; } function modulo(x, y) { // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#eqn-modulo // Note that http://stackoverflow.com/a/4467559/3191 does NOT work for large modulos const signMightNotMatch = x % y; if (sign(y) !== sign(signMightNotMatch)) { return signMightNotMatch + y; } return signMightNotMatch; } function censorNegativeZero(x) { return x === 0 ? 0 : x; } function createIntegerConversion(bitLength, typeOpts) { const isSigned = !typeOpts.unsigned; let lowerBound; let upperBound; if (bitLength === 64) { upperBound = NumberMAX_SAFE_INTEGER; lowerBound = !isSigned ? 0 : NumberMIN_SAFE_INTEGER; } else if (!isSigned) { lowerBound = 0; upperBound = MathPow(2, bitLength) - 1; } else { lowerBound = -MathPow(2, bitLength - 1); upperBound = MathPow(2, bitLength - 1) - 1; } const twoToTheBitLength = MathPow(2, bitLength); const twoToOneLessThanTheBitLength = MathPow(2, bitLength - 1); return (V, prefix = undefined, context = undefined, opts = {}) => { let x = toNumber(V); x = censorNegativeZero(x); if (opts.enforceRange) { if (!NumberIsFinite(x)) { throw makeException( TypeError, "is not a finite number", prefix, context, ); } x = integerPart(x); if (x < lowerBound || x > upperBound) { throw makeException( TypeError, `is outside the accepted range of ${lowerBound} to ${upperBound}, inclusive`, prefix, context, ); } return x; } if (!NumberIsNaN(x) && opts.clamp) { x = MathMin(MathMax(x, lowerBound), upperBound); x = evenRound(x); return x; } if (!NumberIsFinite(x) || x === 0) { return 0; } x = integerPart(x); // Math.pow(2, 64) is not accurately representable in JavaScript, so try to avoid these per-spec operations if // possible. Hopefully it's an optimization for the non-64-bitLength cases too. if (x >= lowerBound && x <= upperBound) { return x; } // These will not work great for bitLength of 64, but oh well. See the README for more details. x = modulo(x, twoToTheBitLength); if (isSigned && x >= twoToOneLessThanTheBitLength) { return x - twoToTheBitLength; } return x; }; } function createLongLongConversion(bitLength, { unsigned }) { const upperBound = NumberMAX_SAFE_INTEGER; const lowerBound = unsigned ? 0 : NumberMIN_SAFE_INTEGER; const asBigIntN = unsigned ? BigIntAsUintN : BigIntAsIntN; return (V, prefix = undefined, context = undefined, opts = {}) => { let x = toNumber(V); x = censorNegativeZero(x); if (opts.enforceRange) { if (!NumberIsFinite(x)) { throw makeException( TypeError, "is not a finite number", prefix, context, ); } x = integerPart(x); if (x < lowerBound || x > upperBound) { throw makeException( TypeError, `is outside the accepted range of ${lowerBound} to ${upperBound}, inclusive`, prefix, context, ); } return x; } if (!NumberIsNaN(x) && opts.clamp) { x = MathMin(MathMax(x, lowerBound), upperBound); x = evenRound(x); return x; } if (!NumberIsFinite(x) || x === 0) { return 0; } let xBigInt = BigInt(integerPart(x)); xBigInt = asBigIntN(bitLength, xBigInt); return Number(xBigInt); }; } const converters = []; converters.any = (V) => { return V; }; converters.boolean = function (val) { return !!val; }; converters.byte = createIntegerConversion(8, { unsigned: false }); converters.octet = createIntegerConversion(8, { unsigned: true }); converters.short = createIntegerConversion(16, { unsigned: false }); converters["unsigned short"] = createIntegerConversion(16, { unsigned: true, }); converters.long = createIntegerConversion(32, { unsigned: false }); converters["unsigned long"] = createIntegerConversion(32, { unsigned: true }); converters["long long"] = createLongLongConversion(64, { unsigned: false }); converters["unsigned long long"] = createLongLongConversion(64, { unsigned: true, }); converters.float = (V, prefix, context, _opts) => { const x = toNumber(V); if (!NumberIsFinite(x)) { throw makeException( TypeError, "is not a finite floating-point value", prefix, context, ); } if (ObjectIs(x, -0)) { return x; } const y = MathFround(x); if (!NumberIsFinite(y)) { throw makeException( TypeError, "is outside the range of a single-precision floating-point value", prefix, context, ); } return y; }; converters["unrestricted float"] = (V, _prefix, _context, _opts) => { const x = toNumber(V); if (isNaN(x)) { return x; } if (ObjectIs(x, -0)) { return x; } return MathFround(x); }; converters.double = (V, prefix, context, _opts) => { const x = toNumber(V); if (!NumberIsFinite(x)) { throw makeException( TypeError, "is not a finite floating-point value", prefix, context, ); } return x; }; converters["unrestricted double"] = (V, _prefix, _context, _opts) => { const x = toNumber(V); return x; }; converters.DOMString = function (V, prefix, context, opts = {}) { if (typeof V === "string") { return V; } else if (V === null && opts.treatNullAsEmptyString) { return ""; } else if (typeof V === "symbol") { throw makeException( TypeError, "is a symbol, which cannot be converted to a string", prefix, context, ); } return String(V); }; function isByteString(input) { for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { if (StringPrototypeCharCodeAt(input, i) > 255) { // If a character code is greater than 255, it means the string is not a byte string. return false; } } return true; } converters.ByteString = (V, prefix, context, opts) => { const x = converters.DOMString(V, prefix, context, opts); if (!isByteString(x)) { throw makeException( TypeError, "is not a valid ByteString", prefix, context, ); } return x; }; converters.USVString = (V, prefix, context, opts) => { const S = converters.DOMString(V, prefix, context, opts); const n = S.length; let U = ""; for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const c = StringPrototypeCharCodeAt(S, i); if (c < 0xd800 || c > 0xdfff) { U += StringFromCodePoint(c); } else if (0xdc00 <= c && c <= 0xdfff) { U += StringFromCodePoint(0xfffd); } else if (i === n - 1) { U += StringFromCodePoint(0xfffd); } else { const d = StringPrototypeCharCodeAt(S, i + 1); if (0xdc00 <= d && d <= 0xdfff) { const a = c & 0x3ff; const b = d & 0x3ff; U += StringFromCodePoint((2 << 15) + (2 << 9) * a + b); ++i; } else { U += StringFromCodePoint(0xfffd); } } } return U; }; converters.object = (V, prefix, context, _opts) => { if (type(V) !== "Object") { throw makeException( TypeError, "is not an object", prefix, context, ); } return V; }; // Not exported, but used in Function and VoidFunction. // Neither Function nor VoidFunction is defined with [TreatNonObjectAsNull], so // handling for that is omitted. function convertCallbackFunction(V, prefix, context, _opts) { if (typeof V !== "function") { throw makeException( TypeError, "is not a function", prefix, context, ); } return V; } function isDataView(V) { return ArrayBufferIsView(V) && TypedArrayPrototypeGetSymbolToStringTag(V) === undefined; } function isNonSharedArrayBuffer(V) { return ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(ArrayBufferPrototype, V); } function isSharedArrayBuffer(V) { // deno-lint-ignore prefer-primordials return ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(SharedArrayBuffer.prototype, V); } converters.ArrayBuffer = ( V, prefix = undefined, context = undefined, opts = {}, ) => { if (!isNonSharedArrayBuffer(V)) { if (opts.allowShared && !isSharedArrayBuffer(V)) { throw makeException( TypeError, "is not an ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer", prefix, context, ); } throw makeException( TypeError, "is not an ArrayBuffer", prefix, context, ); } return V; }; converters.DataView = ( V, prefix = undefined, context = undefined, opts = {}, ) => { if (!isDataView(V)) { throw makeException( TypeError, "is not a DataView", prefix, context, ); } if (!opts.allowShared && isSharedArrayBuffer(DataViewPrototypeGetBuffer(V))) { throw makeException( TypeError, "is backed by a SharedArrayBuffer, which is not allowed", prefix, context, ); } return V; }; ArrayPrototypeForEach( [ Int8Array, Int16Array, Int32Array, Uint8Array, Uint16Array, Uint32Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Float32Array, Float64Array, ], (func) => { const name = func.name; const article = RegExpPrototypeTest(new SafeRegExp(/^[AEIOU]/), name) ? "an" : "a"; converters[name] = ( V, prefix = undefined, context = undefined, opts = {}, ) => { if (TypedArrayPrototypeGetSymbolToStringTag(V) !== name) { throw makeException( TypeError, `is not ${article} ${name} object`, prefix, context, ); } if ( !opts.allowShared && isSharedArrayBuffer(TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer(V)) ) { throw makeException( TypeError, "is a view on a SharedArrayBuffer, which is not allowed", prefix, context, ); } return V; }; }, ); // Common definitions converters.ArrayBufferView = ( V, prefix = undefined, context = undefined, opts = {}, ) => { if (!ArrayBufferIsView(V)) { throw makeException( TypeError, "is not a view on an ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer", prefix, context, ); } let buffer; if (TypedArrayPrototypeGetSymbolToStringTag(V) !== undefined) { buffer = TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer(V); } else { buffer = DataViewPrototypeGetBuffer(V); } if (!opts.allowShared && isSharedArrayBuffer(buffer)) { throw makeException( TypeError, "is a view on a SharedArrayBuffer, which is not allowed", prefix, context, ); } return V; }; converters.BufferSource = ( V, prefix = undefined, context = undefined, opts = {}, ) => { if (ArrayBufferIsView(V)) { let buffer; if (TypedArrayPrototypeGetSymbolToStringTag(V) !== undefined) { buffer = TypedArrayPrototypeGetBuffer(V); } else { buffer = DataViewPrototypeGetBuffer(V); } if (!opts.allowShared && isSharedArrayBuffer(buffer)) { throw makeException( TypeError, "is a view on a SharedArrayBuffer, which is not allowed", prefix, context, ); } return V; } if (!opts.allowShared && !isNonSharedArrayBuffer(V)) { throw makeException( TypeError, "is not an ArrayBuffer or a view on one", prefix, context, ); } if ( opts.allowShared && !isSharedArrayBuffer(V) && !isNonSharedArrayBuffer(V) ) { throw makeException( TypeError, "is not an ArrayBuffer, SharedArrayBuffer, or a view on one", prefix, context, ); } return V; }; converters.DOMTimeStamp = converters["unsigned long long"]; converters.DOMHighResTimeStamp = converters["double"]; converters.Function = convertCallbackFunction; converters.VoidFunction = convertCallbackFunction; converters["UVString?"] = createNullableConverter( converters.USVString, ); converters["sequence<double>"] = createSequenceConverter( converters.double, ); converters["sequence<object>"] = createSequenceConverter( converters.object, ); converters["Promise<undefined>"] = createPromiseConverter(() => undefined); converters["sequence<ByteString>"] = createSequenceConverter( converters.ByteString, ); converters["sequence<sequence<ByteString>>"] = createSequenceConverter( converters["sequence<ByteString>"], ); converters["record<ByteString, ByteString>"] = createRecordConverter( converters.ByteString, converters.ByteString, ); converters["sequence<USVString>"] = createSequenceConverter( converters.USVString, ); converters["sequence<sequence<USVString>>"] = createSequenceConverter( converters["sequence<USVString>"], ); converters["record<USVString, USVString>"] = createRecordConverter( converters.USVString, converters.USVString, ); converters["sequence<DOMString>"] = createSequenceConverter( converters.DOMString, ); function requiredArguments(length, required, prefix) { if (length < required) { const errMsg = `${prefix ? prefix + ": " : ""}${required} argument${ required === 1 ? "" : "s" } required, but only ${length} present.`; throw new TypeError(errMsg); } } function createDictionaryConverter(name, ...dictionaries) { let hasRequiredKey = false; const allMembers = []; for (let i = 0; i < dictionaries.length; ++i) { const members = dictionaries[i]; for (let j = 0; j < members.length; ++j) { const member = members[j]; if (member.required) { hasRequiredKey = true; } ArrayPrototypePush(allMembers, member); } } ArrayPrototypeSort(allMembers, (a, b) => { if (a.key == b.key) { return 0; } return a.key < b.key ? -1 : 1; }); const defaultValues = {}; for (let i = 0; i < allMembers.length; ++i) { const member = allMembers[i]; if (ReflectHas(member, "defaultValue")) { const idlMemberValue = member.defaultValue; const imvType = typeof idlMemberValue; // Copy by value types can be directly assigned, copy by reference types // need to be re-created for each allocation. if ( imvType === "number" || imvType === "boolean" || imvType === "string" || imvType === "bigint" || imvType === "undefined" ) { defaultValues[member.key] = member.converter(idlMemberValue, {}); } else { ObjectDefineProperty(defaultValues, member.key, { get() { return member.converter(idlMemberValue, member.defaultValue); }, enumerable: true, }); } } } return function (V, prefix = undefined, context = undefined, opts = {}) { const typeV = type(V); switch (typeV) { case "Undefined": case "Null": case "Object": break; default: throw makeException( TypeError, "can not be converted to a dictionary", prefix, context, ); } const esDict = V; const idlDict = ObjectAssign({}, defaultValues); // NOTE: fast path Null and Undefined. if ((V === undefined || V === null) && !hasRequiredKey) { return idlDict; } for (let i = 0; i < allMembers.length; ++i) { const member = allMembers[i]; const key = member.key; let esMemberValue; if (typeV === "Undefined" || typeV === "Null") { esMemberValue = undefined; } else { esMemberValue = esDict[key]; } if (esMemberValue !== undefined) { const memberContext = `'${key}' of '${name}'${ context ? ` (${context})` : "" }`; const converter = member.converter; const idlMemberValue = converter( esMemberValue, prefix, memberContext, opts, ); idlDict[key] = idlMemberValue; } else if (member.required) { throw makeException( TypeError, `can not be converted to '${name}' because '${key}' is required in '${name}'.`, prefix, context, ); } } return idlDict; }; } // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-enumeration function createEnumConverter(name, values) { const E = new SafeSet(values); return function (V, prefix = undefined, _context = undefined, _opts = {}) { const S = String(V); if (!E.has(S)) { throw new TypeError( `${ prefix ? prefix + ": " : "" }The provided value '${S}' is not a valid enum value of type ${name}.`, ); } return S; }; } function createNullableConverter(converter) { return (V, prefix = undefined, context = undefined, opts = {}) => { // FIXME: If Type(V) is not Object, and the conversion to an IDL value is // being performed due to V being assigned to an attribute whose type is a // nullable callback function that is annotated with // [LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull], then return the IDL nullable type T? // value null. if (V === null || V === undefined) return null; return converter(V, prefix, context, opts); }; } // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-sequence function createSequenceConverter(converter) { return function (V, prefix = undefined, context = undefined, opts = {}) { if (type(V) !== "Object") { throw makeException( TypeError, "can not be converted to sequence.", prefix, context, ); } const iter = V?.[SymbolIterator]?.(); if (iter === undefined) { throw makeException( TypeError, "can not be converted to sequence.", prefix, context, ); } const array = []; while (true) { const res = iter?.next?.(); if (res === undefined) { throw makeException( TypeError, "can not be converted to sequence.", prefix, context, ); } if (res.done === true) break; const val = converter( res.value, prefix, `${context}, index ${array.length}`, opts, ); ArrayPrototypePush(array, val); } return array; }; } function createRecordConverter(keyConverter, valueConverter) { return (V, prefix, context, opts) => { if (type(V) !== "Object") { throw makeException( TypeError, "can not be converted to dictionary.", prefix, context, ); } const result = {}; // Fast path for common case (not a Proxy) if (!core.isProxy(V)) { for (const key in V) { if (!ObjectHasOwn(V, key)) { continue; } const typedKey = keyConverter(key, prefix, context, opts); const value = V[key]; const typedValue = valueConverter(value, prefix, context, opts); result[typedKey] = typedValue; } return result; } // Slow path if Proxy (e.g: in WPT tests) const keys = ReflectOwnKeys(V); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { const key = keys[i]; const desc = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(V, key); if (desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable === true) { const typedKey = keyConverter(key, prefix, context, opts); const value = V[key]; const typedValue = valueConverter(value, prefix, context, opts); result[typedKey] = typedValue; } } return result; }; } function createPromiseConverter(converter) { return (V, prefix, context, opts) => // should be able to handle thenables // see: https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/blob/a31d3ba53a79412793642366f3816c9a63f0cf57/streams/writable-streams/close.any.js#L207 typeof V?.then === "function" ? PromisePrototypeThen(PromiseResolve(V), (V) => converter(V, prefix, context, opts)) : PromiseResolve(converter(V, prefix, context, opts)); } function invokeCallbackFunction( callable, args, thisArg, returnValueConverter, prefix, returnsPromise, ) { try { const rv = ReflectApply(callable, thisArg, args); return returnValueConverter(rv, prefix, "return value"); } catch (err) { if (returnsPromise === true) { return PromiseReject(err); } throw err; } } const brand = Symbol("[[webidl.brand]]"); function createInterfaceConverter(name, prototype) { return (V, prefix, context, _opts) => { if (!ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(prototype, V) || V[brand] !== brand) { throw makeException( TypeError, `is not of type ${name}.`, prefix, context, ); } return V; }; } // TODO(lucacasonato): have the user pass in the prototype, and not the type. function createBranded(Type) { const t = ObjectCreate(Type.prototype); t[brand] = brand; return t; } function assertBranded(self, prototype) { if ( !ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(prototype, self) || self[brand] !== brand ) { throw new TypeError("Illegal invocation"); } } function illegalConstructor() { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor"); } function define(target, source) { const keys = ReflectOwnKeys(source); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { const key = keys[i]; const descriptor = ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key); if (descriptor && !ReflectDefineProperty(target, key, descriptor)) { throw new TypeError(`Cannot redefine property: ${String(key)}`); } } } const _iteratorInternal = Symbol("iterator internal"); const globalIteratorPrototype = ObjectGetPrototypeOf(ArrayIteratorPrototype); function mixinPairIterable(name, prototype, dataSymbol, keyKey, valueKey) { const iteratorPrototype = ObjectCreate(globalIteratorPrototype, { [SymbolToStringTag]: { configurable: true, value: `${name} Iterator` }, }); define(iteratorPrototype, { next() { const internal = this && this[_iteratorInternal]; if (!internal) { throw new TypeError( `next() called on a value that is not a ${name} iterator object`, ); } const { target, kind, index } = internal; const values = target[dataSymbol]; const len = values.length; if (index >= len) { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } const pair = values[index]; internal.index = index + 1; let result; switch (kind) { case "key": result = pair[keyKey]; break; case "value": result = pair[valueKey]; break; case "key+value": result = [pair[keyKey], pair[valueKey]]; break; } return { value: result, done: false }; }, }); function createDefaultIterator(target, kind) { const iterator = ObjectCreate(iteratorPrototype); ObjectDefineProperty(iterator, _iteratorInternal, { value: { target, kind, index: 0 }, configurable: true, }); return iterator; } function entries() { assertBranded(this, prototype.prototype); return createDefaultIterator(this, "key+value"); } const properties = { entries: { value: entries, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }, [SymbolIterator]: { value: entries, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, }, keys: { value: function keys() { assertBranded(this, prototype.prototype); return createDefaultIterator(this, "key"); }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }, values: { value: function values() { assertBranded(this, prototype.prototype); return createDefaultIterator(this, "value"); }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }, forEach: { value: function forEach(idlCallback, thisArg = undefined) { assertBranded(this, prototype.prototype); const prefix = `Failed to execute 'forEach' on '${name}'`; requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); idlCallback = converters["Function"](idlCallback, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); idlCallback = FunctionPrototypeBind( idlCallback, thisArg ?? globalThis, ); const pairs = this[dataSymbol]; for (let i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { const entry = pairs[i]; idlCallback(entry[valueKey], entry[keyKey], this); } }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }, }; return ObjectDefineProperties(prototype.prototype, properties); } function configurePrototype(prototype) { const descriptors = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptors(prototype.prototype); for (const key in descriptors) { if (!ObjectHasOwn(descriptors, key)) { continue; } if (key === "constructor") continue; const descriptor = descriptors[key]; if ( ReflectHas(descriptor, "value") && typeof descriptor.value === "function" ) { ObjectDefineProperty(prototype.prototype, key, { enumerable: true, writable: true, configurable: true, }); } else if (ReflectHas(descriptor, "get")) { ObjectDefineProperty(prototype.prototype, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); } } ObjectDefineProperty(prototype.prototype, SymbolToStringTag, { value: prototype.name, enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: false, }); } const setlikeInner = Symbol("[[set]]"); // Ref: https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#es-setlike function setlike(obj, objPrototype, readonly) { ObjectDefineProperties(obj, { size: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get() { assertBranded(this, objPrototype); return obj[setlikeInner].size; }, }, [SymbolIterator]: { configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: true, value() { assertBranded(this, objPrototype); return obj[setlikeInner][SymbolIterator](); }, }, entries: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value() { assertBranded(this, objPrototype); return SetPrototypeEntries(obj[setlikeInner]); }, }, keys: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value() { assertBranded(this, objPrototype); return SetPrototypeKeys(obj[setlikeInner]); }, }, values: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value() { assertBranded(this, objPrototype); return SetPrototypeValues(obj[setlikeInner]); }, }, forEach: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value(callbackfn, thisArg) { assertBranded(this, objPrototype); return SetPrototypeForEach(obj[setlikeInner], callbackfn, thisArg); }, }, has: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value(value) { assertBranded(this, objPrototype); return SetPrototypeHas(obj[setlikeInner], value); }, }, }); if (!readonly) { ObjectDefineProperties(obj, { add: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value(value) { assertBranded(this, objPrototype); return SetPrototypeAdd(obj[setlikeInner], value); }, }, delete: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value(value) { assertBranded(this, objPrototype); return SetPrototypeDelete(obj[setlikeInner], value); }, }, clear: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value() { assertBranded(this, objPrototype); return SetPrototypeClear(obj[setlikeInner]); }, }, }); } } export { assertBranded, brand, configurePrototype, converters, createBranded, createDictionaryConverter, createEnumConverter, createInterfaceConverter, createNullableConverter, createPromiseConverter, createRecordConverter, createSequenceConverter, illegalConstructor, invokeCallbackFunction, makeException, mixinPairIterable, requiredArguments, setlike, setlikeInner, type, };