#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-read=. --allow-write=. --allow-net=nodejs.org // Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. /** This script downloads Node.js source tarball, extracts it and copies the * test files according to the config file `cli/tests/node_compat/config.json` */ import { Foras, gunzip } from "https://deno.land/x/denoflate@2.0.2/deno/mod.ts"; import { Untar } from "../../test_util/std/archive/untar.ts"; import { walk } from "../../test_util/std/fs/walk.ts"; import { dirname, fromFileUrl, join, sep, } from "../../test_util/std/path/mod.ts"; import { ensureFile } from "../../test_util/std/fs/ensure_file.ts"; import { Buffer } from "../../test_util/std/io/buffer.ts"; import { copy } from "../../test_util/std/streams/copy.ts"; import { readAll } from "../../test_util/std/streams/read_all.ts"; import { writeAll } from "../../test_util/std/streams/write_all.ts"; import { withoutAll } from "../../test_util/std/collections/without_all.ts"; import { relative } from "../../test_util/std/path/posix.ts"; import { config, ignoreList } from "../../cli/tests/node_compat/common.ts"; const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const NODE_VERSION = config.nodeVersion; const NODE_NAME = "node-v" + NODE_VERSION; const NODE_ARCHIVE_NAME = `${NODE_NAME}.tar.gz`; const NODE_IGNORED_TEST_DIRS = [ "addons", "async-hooks", "cctest", "common", "doctool", "embedding", "fixtures", "fuzzers", "js-native-api", "node-api", "overlapped-checker", "report", "testpy", "tick-processor", "tools", "v8-updates", "wasi", "wpt", ]; const NODE_TARBALL_URL = `https://nodejs.org/dist/v${NODE_VERSION}/${NODE_ARCHIVE_NAME}`; const NODE_VERSIONS_ROOT = new URL("versions/", import.meta.url); const NODE_TARBALL_LOCAL_URL = new URL(NODE_ARCHIVE_NAME, NODE_VERSIONS_ROOT); // local dir url where we copy the node tests const NODE_LOCAL_ROOT_URL = new URL(NODE_NAME, NODE_VERSIONS_ROOT); const NODE_LOCAL_TEST_URL = new URL(NODE_NAME + "/test/", NODE_VERSIONS_ROOT); const NODE_COMPAT_TEST_DEST_URL = new URL( "../../cli/tests/node_compat/test/", import.meta.url, ); Foras.initSyncBundledOnce(); async function getNodeTests(): Promise<string[]> { const paths: string[] = []; const rootPath = NODE_LOCAL_TEST_URL.href.slice(7); for await ( const item of walk(NODE_LOCAL_TEST_URL, { exts: [".js"] }) ) { const path = relative(rootPath, item.path); if (NODE_IGNORED_TEST_DIRS.every((dir) => !path.startsWith(dir))) { paths.push(path); } } return paths.sort(); } function getDenoTests() { return Object.entries(config.tests) .filter(([testDir]) => !NODE_IGNORED_TEST_DIRS.includes(testDir)) .flatMap(([testDir, tests]) => tests.map((test) => testDir + "/" + test)); } async function updateToDo() { const file = await Deno.open(new URL("./TODO.md", import.meta.url), { write: true, create: true, truncate: true, }); const missingTests = withoutAll(await getNodeTests(), await getDenoTests()); await file.write(encoder.encode(`<!-- deno-fmt-ignore-file --> # Remaining Node Tests NOTE: This file should not be manually edited. Please edit 'cli/tests/node_compat/config.json' and run 'tools/node_compat/setup.ts' instead. Total: ${missingTests.length} `)); for (const test of missingTests) { await file.write( encoder.encode( `- [${test}](https://github.com/nodejs/node/tree/v${NODE_VERSION}/test/${test})\n`, ), ); } file.close(); } async function clearTests() { console.log("Cleaning up previous tests"); for await ( const file of walk(NODE_COMPAT_TEST_DEST_URL, { includeDirs: false, skip: ignoreList, }) ) { await Deno.remove(file.path); } } async function decompressTests() { console.log(`Decompressing ${NODE_ARCHIVE_NAME}...`); const compressedFile = await Deno.open(NODE_TARBALL_LOCAL_URL); const buffer = new Buffer(gunzip(await readAll(compressedFile))); compressedFile.close(); const tar = new Untar(buffer); const outFolder = dirname(fromFileUrl(NODE_TARBALL_LOCAL_URL)); const testsFolder = `${NODE_NAME}/test`; for await (const entry of tar) { if (entry.type !== "file") continue; if (!entry.fileName.startsWith(testsFolder)) continue; const path = join(outFolder, entry.fileName); await ensureFile(path); const file = await Deno.open(path, { create: true, truncate: true, write: true, }); await copy(entry, file); file.close(); } } /** Checks if file has entry in config.json */ function hasEntry(file: string, suite: string) { return Array.isArray(config.tests[suite]) && config.tests[suite].includes(file); } async function copyTests() { console.log("Copying test files..."); for await (const entry of walk(NODE_LOCAL_TEST_URL, { skip: ignoreList })) { const fragments = entry.path.split(sep); // suite is the directory name after test/. For example, if the file is // "node-v18.12.1/test/fixtures/policy/main.mjs" // then suite is "fixtures/policy" const suite = fragments.slice(fragments.indexOf(NODE_NAME) + 2, -1) .join("/"); if (!hasEntry(entry.name, suite)) { continue; } const dest = new URL(`${suite}/${entry.name}`, NODE_COMPAT_TEST_DEST_URL); await ensureFile(dest); const destFile = await Deno.open(dest, { create: true, truncate: true, write: true, }); const srcFile = await Deno.open( new URL(`${suite}/${entry.name}`, NODE_LOCAL_TEST_URL), ); await writeAll( destFile, encoder.encode(`// deno-fmt-ignore-file // deno-lint-ignore-file // Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Taken from Node ${NODE_VERSION} // This file is automatically generated by "node/_tools/setup.ts". Do not modify this file manually `), ); await srcFile.readable.pipeTo(destFile.writable); } } /** Downloads Node tarball */ async function downloadFile() { console.log( `Downloading ${NODE_TARBALL_URL} in "${NODE_TARBALL_LOCAL_URL}" ...`, ); const response = await fetch(NODE_TARBALL_URL); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Request failed with status ${response.status}`); } await ensureFile(NODE_TARBALL_LOCAL_URL); const file = await Deno.open(NODE_TARBALL_LOCAL_URL, { truncate: true, write: true, create: true, }); await response.body.pipeTo(file.writable); } // main try { Deno.lstatSync(NODE_TARBALL_LOCAL_URL); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) { throw e; } await downloadFile(); } try { Deno.lstatSync(NODE_LOCAL_ROOT_URL); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) { throw e; } await decompressTests(); } await clearTests(); await copyTests(); await updateToDo();