// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use deno_core::anyhow::Context; use deno_core::error::generic_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::normalize_path; use deno_core::op2; use deno_core::url::Url; use deno_core::JsRuntimeInspector; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_core::OpState; use deno_fs::FileSystemRc; use deno_package_json::PackageJsonRc; use node_resolver::NodeModuleKind; use node_resolver::NodeResolutionMode; use node_resolver::REQUIRE_CONDITIONS; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::rc::Rc; use crate::NodePermissions; use crate::NodeRequireResolverRc; use crate::NodeResolverRc; use crate::NpmResolverRc; fn ensure_read_permission

( state: &mut OpState, file_path: &Path, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where P: NodePermissions + 'static, { let resolver = state.borrow::().clone(); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::

(); resolver.ensure_read_permission(permissions, file_path) } #[op2] #[serde] pub fn op_require_init_paths() -> Vec { // todo(dsherret): this code is node compat mode specific and // we probably don't want it for small mammal, so ignore it for now // let (home_dir, node_path) = if cfg!(windows) { // ( // std::env::var("USERPROFILE").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".into()), // std::env::var("NODE_PATH").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".into()), // ) // } else { // ( // std::env::var("HOME").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".into()), // std::env::var("NODE_PATH").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".into()), // ) // }; // let mut prefix_dir = std::env::current_exe().unwrap(); // if cfg!(windows) { // prefix_dir = prefix_dir.join("..").join("..") // } else { // prefix_dir = prefix_dir.join("..") // } // let mut paths = vec![prefix_dir.join("lib").join("node")]; // if !home_dir.is_empty() { // paths.insert(0, PathBuf::from(&home_dir).join(".node_libraries")); // paths.insert(0, PathBuf::from(&home_dir).join(".nod_modules")); // } // let mut paths = paths // .into_iter() // .map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().into_owned()) // .collect(); // if !node_path.is_empty() { // let delimiter = if cfg!(windows) { ";" } else { ":" }; // let mut node_paths: Vec = node_path // .split(delimiter) // .filter(|e| !e.is_empty()) // .map(|s| s.to_string()) // .collect(); // node_paths.append(&mut paths); // paths = node_paths; // } vec![] } #[op2] #[serde] pub fn op_require_node_module_paths

( state: &mut OpState, #[string] from: String, ) -> Result, AnyError> where P: NodePermissions + 'static, { let fs = state.borrow::(); // Guarantee that "from" is absolute. let from = if from.starts_with("file:///") { url_to_file_path(&Url::parse(&from)?)? } else { let current_dir = &(fs.cwd().map_err(AnyError::from)).context("Unable to get CWD")?; deno_core::normalize_path(current_dir.join(from)) }; ensure_read_permission::

(state, &from)?; if cfg!(windows) { // return root node_modules when path is 'D:\\'. let from_str = from.to_str().unwrap(); if from_str.len() >= 3 { let bytes = from_str.as_bytes(); if bytes[from_str.len() - 1] == b'\\' && bytes[from_str.len() - 2] == b':' { let p = format!("{}node_modules", from_str); return Ok(vec![p]); } } } else { // Return early not only to avoid unnecessary work, but to *avoid* returning // an array of two items for a root: [ '//node_modules', '/node_modules' ] if from.to_string_lossy() == "/" { return Ok(vec!["/node_modules".to_string()]); } } let mut paths = Vec::with_capacity(from.components().count()); let mut current_path = from.as_path(); let mut maybe_parent = Some(current_path); while let Some(parent) = maybe_parent { if !parent.ends_with("node_modules") { paths.push(parent.join("node_modules").to_string_lossy().into_owned()); } current_path = parent; maybe_parent = current_path.parent(); } Ok(paths) } #[op2] #[string] pub fn op_require_proxy_path(#[string] filename: String) -> String { // Allow a directory to be passed as the filename let trailing_slash = if cfg!(windows) { // Node also counts a trailing forward slash as a // directory for node on Windows, but not backslashes // on non-Windows platforms filename.ends_with('\\') || filename.ends_with('/') } else { filename.ends_with('/') }; if trailing_slash { let p = PathBuf::from(filename); p.join("noop.js").to_string_lossy().into_owned() } else { filename } } #[op2(fast)] pub fn op_require_is_request_relative(#[string] request: String) -> bool { if request.starts_with("./") || request.starts_with("../") || request == ".." { return true; } if cfg!(windows) { if request.starts_with(".\\") { return true; } if request.starts_with("..\\") { return true; } } false } #[op2] #[string] pub fn op_require_resolve_deno_dir( state: &mut OpState, #[string] request: String, #[string] parent_filename: String, ) -> Option { let resolver = state.borrow::(); resolver .resolve_package_folder_from_package( &request, &ModuleSpecifier::from_file_path(&parent_filename).unwrap_or_else(|_| { panic!("Url::from_file_path: [{:?}]", parent_filename) }), ) .ok() .map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().into_owned()) } #[op2(fast)] pub fn op_require_is_deno_dir_package( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: String, ) -> bool { let resolver = state.borrow::(); resolver.in_npm_package_at_file_path(&PathBuf::from(path)) } #[op2] #[serde] pub fn op_require_resolve_lookup_paths( #[string] request: String, #[serde] maybe_parent_paths: Option>, #[string] parent_filename: String, ) -> Option> { if !request.starts_with('.') || (request.len() > 1 && !request.starts_with("..") && !request.starts_with("./") && (!cfg!(windows) || !request.starts_with(".\\"))) { let module_paths = vec![]; let mut paths = module_paths; if let Some(mut parent_paths) = maybe_parent_paths { if !parent_paths.is_empty() { paths.append(&mut parent_paths); } } if !paths.is_empty() { return Some(paths); } else { return None; } } // In REPL, parent.filename is null. // if (!parent || !parent.id || !parent.filename) { // // Make require('./path/to/foo') work - normally the path is taken // // from realpath(__filename) but in REPL there is no filename // const mainPaths = ['.']; // debug('looking for %j in %j', request, mainPaths); // return mainPaths; // } let p = PathBuf::from(parent_filename); Some(vec![p.parent().unwrap().to_string_lossy().into_owned()]) } #[op2(fast)] pub fn op_require_path_is_absolute(#[string] p: String) -> bool { PathBuf::from(p).is_absolute() } #[op2(fast)] pub fn op_require_stat

( state: &mut OpState, #[string] path: String, ) -> Result where P: NodePermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(path); ensure_read_permission::

(state, &path)?; let fs = state.borrow::(); if let Ok(metadata) = fs.stat_sync(&path) { if metadata.is_file { return Ok(0); } else { return Ok(1); } } Ok(-1) } #[op2] #[string] pub fn op_require_real_path

( state: &mut OpState, #[string] request: String, ) -> Result where P: NodePermissions + 'static, { let path = PathBuf::from(request); ensure_read_permission::

(state, &path)?; let fs = state.borrow::(); let canonicalized_path = deno_core::strip_unc_prefix(fs.realpath_sync(&path)?); Ok(canonicalized_path.to_string_lossy().into_owned()) } fn path_resolve<'a>(mut parts: impl Iterator) -> PathBuf { let mut p = PathBuf::from(parts.next().unwrap()); for part in parts { p = p.join(part); } normalize_path(p) } #[op2] #[string] pub fn op_require_path_resolve(#[serde] parts: Vec) -> String { path_resolve(parts.iter().map(|s| s.as_str())) .to_string_lossy() .into_owned() } #[op2] #[string] pub fn op_require_path_dirname( #[string] request: String, ) -> Result { let p = PathBuf::from(request); if let Some(parent) = p.parent() { Ok(parent.to_string_lossy().into_owned()) } else { Err(generic_error("Path doesn't have a parent")) } } #[op2] #[string] pub fn op_require_path_basename( #[string] request: String, ) -> Result { let p = PathBuf::from(request); if let Some(path) = p.file_name() { Ok(path.to_string_lossy().into_owned()) } else { Err(generic_error("Path doesn't have a file name")) } } #[op2] #[string] pub fn op_require_try_self_parent_path

( state: &mut OpState, has_parent: bool, #[string] maybe_parent_filename: Option, #[string] maybe_parent_id: Option, ) -> Result, AnyError> where P: NodePermissions + 'static, { if !has_parent { return Ok(None); } if let Some(parent_filename) = maybe_parent_filename { return Ok(Some(parent_filename)); } if let Some(parent_id) = maybe_parent_id { if parent_id == "" || parent_id == "internal/preload" { let fs = state.borrow::(); if let Ok(cwd) = fs.cwd() { ensure_read_permission::

(state, &cwd)?; return Ok(Some(cwd.to_string_lossy().into_owned())); } } } Ok(None) } #[op2] #[string] pub fn op_require_try_self

( state: &mut OpState, #[string] parent_path: Option, #[string] request: String, ) -> Result, AnyError> where P: NodePermissions + 'static, { if parent_path.is_none() { return Ok(None); } let node_resolver = state.borrow::(); let pkg = node_resolver .get_closest_package_json_from_path(&PathBuf::from(parent_path.unwrap())) .ok() .flatten(); if pkg.is_none() { return Ok(None); } let pkg = pkg.unwrap(); if pkg.exports.is_none() { return Ok(None); } if pkg.name.is_none() { return Ok(None); } let pkg_name = pkg.name.as_ref().unwrap().to_string(); let mut expansion = ".".to_string(); if request == pkg_name { // pass } else if request.starts_with(&format!("{pkg_name}/")) { expansion += &request[pkg_name.len()..]; } else { return Ok(None); } let referrer = deno_core::url::Url::from_file_path(&pkg.path).unwrap(); if let Some(exports) = &pkg.exports { let r = node_resolver.package_exports_resolve( &pkg.path, &expansion, exports, Some(&referrer), NodeModuleKind::Cjs, REQUIRE_CONDITIONS, NodeResolutionMode::Execution, )?; Ok(Some(if r.scheme() == "file" { url_to_file_path_string(&r)? } else { r.to_string() })) } else { Ok(None) } } #[op2] #[string] pub fn op_require_read_file

( state: &mut OpState, #[string] file_path: String, ) -> Result where P: NodePermissions + 'static, { let file_path = PathBuf::from(file_path); ensure_read_permission::

(state, &file_path)?; let fs = state.borrow::(); Ok(fs.read_text_file_lossy_sync(&file_path, None)?) } #[op2] #[string] pub fn op_require_as_file_path(#[string] file_or_url: String) -> String { if let Ok(url) = Url::parse(&file_or_url) { if let Ok(p) = url.to_file_path() { return p.to_string_lossy().into_owned(); } } file_or_url } #[op2] #[string] pub fn op_require_resolve_exports

( state: &mut OpState, uses_local_node_modules_dir: bool, #[string] modules_path_str: String, #[string] _request: String, #[string] name: String, #[string] expansion: String, #[string] parent_path: String, ) -> Result, AnyError> where P: NodePermissions + 'static, { let fs = state.borrow::(); let npm_resolver = state.borrow::(); let node_resolver = state.borrow::(); let modules_path = PathBuf::from(&modules_path_str); let pkg_path = if npm_resolver.in_npm_package_at_file_path(&modules_path) && !uses_local_node_modules_dir { modules_path } else { let mod_dir = path_resolve([modules_path_str.as_str(), name.as_str()].into_iter()); if fs.is_dir_sync(&mod_dir) { mod_dir } else { modules_path } }; let Some(pkg) = node_resolver.load_package_json(&pkg_path.join("package.json"))? else { return Ok(None); }; let Some(exports) = &pkg.exports else { return Ok(None); }; let referrer = Url::from_file_path(parent_path).unwrap(); let r = node_resolver.package_exports_resolve( &pkg.path, &format!(".{expansion}"), exports, Some(&referrer), NodeModuleKind::Cjs, REQUIRE_CONDITIONS, NodeResolutionMode::Execution, )?; Ok(Some(if r.scheme() == "file" { url_to_file_path_string(&r)? } else { r.to_string() })) } #[op2] #[serde] pub fn op_require_read_closest_package_json

( state: &mut OpState, #[string] filename: String, ) -> Result, AnyError> where P: NodePermissions + 'static, { let filename = PathBuf::from(filename); ensure_read_permission::

(state, filename.parent().unwrap())?; let node_resolver = state.borrow::().clone(); node_resolver .get_closest_package_json_from_path(&filename) .map_err(AnyError::from) } #[op2] #[serde] pub fn op_require_read_package_scope

( state: &mut OpState, #[string] package_json_path: String, ) -> Option where P: NodePermissions + 'static, { let node_resolver = state.borrow::().clone(); let package_json_path = PathBuf::from(package_json_path); if package_json_path.file_name() != Some("package.json".as_ref()) { // permissions: do not allow reading a non-package.json file return None; } node_resolver .load_package_json(&package_json_path) .ok() .flatten() } #[op2] #[string] pub fn op_require_package_imports_resolve

( state: &mut OpState, #[string] referrer_filename: String, #[string] request: String, ) -> Result, AnyError> where P: NodePermissions + 'static, { let referrer_path = PathBuf::from(&referrer_filename); ensure_read_permission::

(state, &referrer_path)?; let node_resolver = state.borrow::(); let Some(pkg) = node_resolver.get_closest_package_json_from_path(&referrer_path)? else { return Ok(None); }; if pkg.imports.is_some() { let referrer_url = deno_core::url::Url::from_file_path(&referrer_filename).unwrap(); let url = node_resolver.package_imports_resolve( &request, Some(&referrer_url), NodeModuleKind::Cjs, Some(&pkg), REQUIRE_CONDITIONS, NodeResolutionMode::Execution, )?; Ok(Some(url_to_file_path_string(&url)?)) } else { Ok(None) } } #[op2(fast, reentrant)] pub fn op_require_break_on_next_statement(state: Rc>) { let inspector_rc = { let state = state.borrow(); state.borrow::>>().clone() }; let mut inspector = inspector_rc.borrow_mut(); inspector.wait_for_session_and_break_on_next_statement() } fn url_to_file_path_string(url: &Url) -> Result { let file_path = url_to_file_path(url)?; Ok(file_path.to_string_lossy().into_owned()) } fn url_to_file_path(url: &Url) -> Result { match url.to_file_path() { Ok(file_path) => Ok(file_path), Err(()) => { deno_core::anyhow::bail!("failed to convert '{}' to file path", url) } } }