// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Run with: deno run -A ./cli/bench/deno_common.js function benchSync(name, n, innerLoop) { const t1 = Date.now(); for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { innerLoop(i); } const t2 = Date.now(); console.log(benchStats(name, n, t1, t2)); } async function benchAsync(name, n, innerLoop) { const t1 = Date.now(); for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { await innerLoop(i); } const t2 = Date.now(); console.log(benchStats(name, n, t1, t2)); } // Parallel version benchAsync async function benchAsyncP(name, n, p, innerLoop) { const range = new Array(p).fill(null); const t1 = Date.now(); for (let i = 0; i < n / p; i++) { await Promise.all(range.map(() => innerLoop())); } const t2 = Date.now(); console.log(benchStats(name, n, t1, t2)); } function benchStats(name, n, t1, t2) { const dt = (t2 - t1) / 1e3; const r = n / dt; const ns = Math.floor(dt / n * 1e9); return `${name}:${" ".repeat(20 - name.length)}\t` + `n = ${n}, dt = ${dt.toFixed(3)}s, r = ${r.toFixed(0)}/s, t = ${ns}ns/op`; } function benchB64RtLong() { const input = "long-string".repeat(99999); benchSync("b64_rt_long", 1e2, () => { atob(btoa(input)); }); } function benchB64RtShort() { benchSync("b64_rt_short", 1e6, () => { atob(btoa("123")); }); } function benchUrlParse() { benchSync("url_parse", 5e4, (i) => { new URL(`http://www.google.com/${i}`); }); } function benchLargeBlobText() { const input = "long-string".repeat(999_999); benchSync("blob_text_large", 3, () => { new Blob([input]).text(); }); } function benchDateNow() { benchSync("date_now", 5e5, () => { Date.now(); }); } function benchPerfNow() { benchSync("perf_now", 5e5, () => { performance.now(); }); } function benchWriteNull() { // Not too large since we want to measure op-overhead not sys IO const dataChunk = new Uint8Array(100); const file = Deno.openSync("/dev/null", { write: true }); benchSync("write_null", 5e5, () => { Deno.writeSync(file.rid, dataChunk); }); Deno.close(file.rid); } function benchReadZero() { const buf = new Uint8Array(100); const file = Deno.openSync("/dev/zero"); benchSync("read_zero", 5e5, () => { Deno.readSync(file.rid, buf); }); Deno.close(file.rid); } function benchRead128k() { return benchAsync( "read_128k", 5e4, () => Deno.readFile("./cli/bench/testdata/128k.bin"), ); } function benchRequestNew() { return benchSync("request_new", 5e5, () => new Request("https://deno.land")); } function benchOpVoidSync() { return benchSync("op_void_sync", 1e7, () => Deno.core.opSync("op_void_sync")); } function benchOpVoidAsync() { return benchAsyncP( "op_void_async", 1e6, 1e3, () => Deno.core.opAsync("op_void_async"), ); } async function main() { // v8 builtin that's close to the upper bound non-NOPs benchDateNow(); // Void ops measure op-overhead benchOpVoidSync(); await benchOpVoidAsync(); // A very lightweight op, that should be highly optimizable benchPerfNow(); // A common "language feature", that should be fast // also a decent representation of a non-trivial JSON-op benchUrlParse(); benchLargeBlobText(); benchB64RtLong(); benchB64RtShort(); // IO ops benchReadZero(); benchWriteNull(); await benchRead128k(); benchRequestNew(); } await main();