// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::diagnostics::Diagnostic; use crate::fmt_errors::JSError; use crate::import_map::ImportMapError; pub use crate::msg::ErrorKind; use deno::AnyError; use deno::ErrBox; use deno::ModuleResolutionError; use dlopen::Error as DlopenError; use http::uri; use hyper; use reqwest; use rustyline::error::ReadlineError; use std; use std::env::VarError; use std::error::Error; use std::fmt; use std::io; use url; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct DenoError { kind: ErrorKind, msg: String, } pub fn print_msg_and_exit(msg: &str) { eprintln!("{}", msg); std::process::exit(1); } pub fn print_err_and_exit(err: ErrBox) { eprintln!("{}", err.to_string()); std::process::exit(1); } pub fn js_check(r: Result<(), ErrBox>) { if let Err(err) = r { print_err_and_exit(err); } } impl DenoError { pub fn new(kind: ErrorKind, msg: String) -> Self { Self { kind, msg } } } impl Error for DenoError {} impl fmt::Display for DenoError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.pad(self.msg.as_str()) } } #[derive(Debug)] struct StaticError(ErrorKind, &'static str); impl Error for StaticError {} impl fmt::Display for StaticError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.pad(self.1) } } pub fn bad_resource() -> ErrBox { StaticError(ErrorKind::BadResource, "bad resource id").into() } pub fn permission_denied() -> ErrBox { StaticError(ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, "permission denied").into() } pub fn permission_denied_msg(msg: String) -> ErrBox { DenoError::new(ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, msg).into() } pub fn op_not_implemented() -> ErrBox { StaticError(ErrorKind::OpNotAvailable, "op not implemented").into() } pub fn no_buffer_specified() -> ErrBox { StaticError(ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "no buffer specified").into() } pub fn no_async_support() -> ErrBox { StaticError(ErrorKind::NoAsyncSupport, "op doesn't support async calls") .into() } pub fn no_sync_support() -> ErrBox { StaticError(ErrorKind::NoSyncSupport, "op doesn't support sync calls").into() } pub fn invalid_address_syntax() -> ErrBox { StaticError(ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "invalid address syntax").into() } pub fn too_many_redirects() -> ErrBox { StaticError(ErrorKind::TooManyRedirects, "too many redirects").into() } pub fn type_error(msg: String) -> ErrBox { DenoError::new(ErrorKind::TypeError, msg).into() } pub trait GetErrorKind { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind; } impl GetErrorKind for DenoError { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { self.kind } } impl GetErrorKind for StaticError { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { self.0 } } impl GetErrorKind for JSError { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { ErrorKind::JSError } } impl GetErrorKind for Diagnostic { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { ErrorKind::Diagnostic } } impl GetErrorKind for ImportMapError { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { ErrorKind::ImportMapError } } impl GetErrorKind for ModuleResolutionError { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { use ModuleResolutionError::*; match self { InvalidUrl(ref err) | InvalidBaseUrl(ref err) => err.kind(), InvalidPath(_) => ErrorKind::InvalidPath, ImportPrefixMissing(_, _) => ErrorKind::ImportPrefixMissing, } } } impl GetErrorKind for VarError { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { use VarError::*; match self { NotPresent => ErrorKind::NotFound, NotUnicode(..) => ErrorKind::InvalidData, } } } impl GetErrorKind for io::Error { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { use io::ErrorKind::*; match self.kind() { NotFound => ErrorKind::NotFound, PermissionDenied => ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, ConnectionRefused => ErrorKind::ConnectionRefused, ConnectionReset => ErrorKind::ConnectionReset, ConnectionAborted => ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted, NotConnected => ErrorKind::NotConnected, AddrInUse => ErrorKind::AddrInUse, AddrNotAvailable => ErrorKind::AddrNotAvailable, BrokenPipe => ErrorKind::BrokenPipe, AlreadyExists => ErrorKind::AlreadyExists, WouldBlock => ErrorKind::WouldBlock, InvalidInput => ErrorKind::InvalidInput, InvalidData => ErrorKind::InvalidData, TimedOut => ErrorKind::TimedOut, Interrupted => ErrorKind::Interrupted, WriteZero => ErrorKind::WriteZero, UnexpectedEof => ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, _ => ErrorKind::Other, } } } impl GetErrorKind for uri::InvalidUri { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { // The http::uri::ErrorKind exists and is similar to url::ParseError. // However it is also private, so we can't get any details out. ErrorKind::InvalidUri } } impl GetErrorKind for url::ParseError { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { use url::ParseError::*; match self { EmptyHost => ErrorKind::EmptyHost, IdnaError => ErrorKind::IdnaError, InvalidDomainCharacter => ErrorKind::InvalidDomainCharacter, InvalidIpv4Address => ErrorKind::InvalidIpv4Address, InvalidIpv6Address => ErrorKind::InvalidIpv6Address, InvalidPort => ErrorKind::InvalidPort, Overflow => ErrorKind::Overflow, RelativeUrlWithCannotBeABaseBase => { ErrorKind::RelativeUrlWithCannotBeABaseBase } RelativeUrlWithoutBase => ErrorKind::RelativeUrlWithoutBase, SetHostOnCannotBeABaseUrl => ErrorKind::SetHostOnCannotBeABaseUrl, _ => ErrorKind::Other, } } } impl GetErrorKind for hyper::Error { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { match self { e if e.is_canceled() => ErrorKind::HttpCanceled, e if e.is_closed() => ErrorKind::HttpClosed, e if e.is_parse() => ErrorKind::HttpParse, e if e.is_user() => ErrorKind::HttpUser, _ => ErrorKind::HttpOther, } } } impl GetErrorKind for reqwest::Error { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { use self::GetErrorKind as Get; match self.source() { Some(err_ref) => None .or_else(|| err_ref.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| err_ref.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| err_ref.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| { err_ref .downcast_ref::() .map(Get::kind) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| ErrorKind::HttpOther), None => ErrorKind::HttpOther, } } } impl GetErrorKind for ReadlineError { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { use ReadlineError::*; match self { Io(err) => GetErrorKind::kind(err), Eof => ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, Interrupted => ErrorKind::Interrupted, #[cfg(unix)] Errno(err) => err.kind(), _ => unimplemented!(), } } } impl GetErrorKind for serde_json::error::Error { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { use serde_json::error::*; match self.classify() { Category::Io => ErrorKind::InvalidInput, Category::Syntax => ErrorKind::InvalidInput, Category::Data => ErrorKind::InvalidData, Category::Eof => ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, } } } #[cfg(unix)] mod unix { use super::{ErrorKind, GetErrorKind}; use nix::errno::Errno::*; pub use nix::Error; use nix::Error::Sys; impl GetErrorKind for Error { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { match self { Sys(EPERM) => ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, Sys(EINVAL) => ErrorKind::InvalidInput, Sys(ENOENT) => ErrorKind::NotFound, Sys(_) => ErrorKind::UnixError, _ => ErrorKind::Other, } } } } impl GetErrorKind for DlopenError { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { use dlopen::Error::*; match self { NullCharacter(_) => ErrorKind::Other, OpeningLibraryError(e) => GetErrorKind::kind(e), SymbolGettingError(e) => GetErrorKind::kind(e), NullSymbol => ErrorKind::Other, AddrNotMatchingDll(e) => GetErrorKind::kind(e), } } } impl GetErrorKind for dyn AnyError { fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind { use self::GetErrorKind as Get; #[cfg(unix)] fn unix_error_kind(err: &dyn AnyError) -> Option { err.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind) } #[cfg(not(unix))] fn unix_error_kind(_: &dyn AnyError) -> Option { None } None .or_else(|| self.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| self.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| self.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| self.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| self.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| self.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| self.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| self.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| self.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| self.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| self.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| self.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| self.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| { self .downcast_ref::() .map(Get::kind) }) .or_else(|| self.downcast_ref::().map(Get::kind)) .or_else(|| unix_error_kind(self)) .unwrap_or_else(|| { panic!("Can't get ErrorKind for {:?}", self); }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::colors::strip_ansi_codes; use crate::diagnostics::Diagnostic; use crate::diagnostics::DiagnosticCategory; use crate::diagnostics::DiagnosticItem; use deno::ErrBox; use deno::StackFrame; use deno::V8Exception; fn js_error() -> JSError { JSError::new(V8Exception { message: "Error: foo bar".to_string(), source_line: None, script_resource_name: None, line_number: None, start_position: None, end_position: None, error_level: None, start_column: None, end_column: None, frames: vec![ StackFrame { line: 4, column: 16, script_name: "foo_bar.ts".to_string(), function_name: "foo".to_string(), is_eval: false, is_constructor: false, is_wasm: false, }, StackFrame { line: 5, column: 20, script_name: "bar_baz.ts".to_string(), function_name: "qat".to_string(), is_eval: false, is_constructor: false, is_wasm: false, }, StackFrame { line: 1, column: 1, script_name: "deno_main.js".to_string(), function_name: "".to_string(), is_eval: false, is_constructor: false, is_wasm: false, }, ], }) } fn diagnostic() -> Diagnostic { Diagnostic { items: vec![ DiagnosticItem { message: "Example 1".to_string(), message_chain: None, code: 2322, category: DiagnosticCategory::Error, start_position: Some(267), end_position: Some(273), source_line: Some(" values: o => [".to_string()), line_number: Some(18), script_resource_name: Some( "deno/tests/complex_diagnostics.ts".to_string(), ), start_column: Some(2), end_column: Some(8), related_information: None, }, DiagnosticItem { message: "Example 2".to_string(), message_chain: None, code: 2000, category: DiagnosticCategory::Error, start_position: Some(2), end_position: Some(2), source_line: Some(" values: undefined,".to_string()), line_number: Some(128), script_resource_name: Some("/foo/bar.ts".to_string()), start_column: Some(2), end_column: Some(8), related_information: None, }, ], } } fn io_error() -> io::Error { io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::NotFound) } fn url_error() -> url::ParseError { url::ParseError::EmptyHost } fn import_map_error() -> ImportMapError { ImportMapError { msg: "an import map error".to_string(), } } #[test] fn test_simple_error() { let err = ErrBox::from(DenoError::new(ErrorKind::NoError, "foo".to_string())); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::NoError); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "foo"); } #[test] fn test_io_error() { let err = ErrBox::from(io_error()); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::NotFound); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "entity not found"); } #[test] fn test_url_error() { let err = ErrBox::from(url_error()); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::EmptyHost); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "empty host"); } // TODO find a way to easily test tokio errors and unix errors #[test] fn test_diagnostic() { let err = ErrBox::from(diagnostic()); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::Diagnostic); assert_eq!(strip_ansi_codes(&err.to_string()), "error TS2322: Example 1\n\n► deno/tests/complex_diagnostics.ts:19:3\n\n19 values: o => [\n ~~~~~~\n\nerror TS2000: Example 2\n\n► /foo/bar.ts:129:3\n\n129 values: undefined,\n ~~~~~~\n\n\nFound 2 errors.\n"); } #[test] fn test_js_error() { let err = ErrBox::from(js_error()); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::JSError); assert_eq!(strip_ansi_codes(&err.to_string()), "error: Error: foo bar\n at foo (foo_bar.ts:5:17)\n at qat (bar_baz.ts:6:21)\n at deno_main.js:2:2"); } #[test] fn test_import_map_error() { let err = ErrBox::from(import_map_error()); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::ImportMapError); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "an import map error"); } #[test] fn test_bad_resource() { let err = bad_resource(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::BadResource); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "bad resource id"); } #[test] fn test_permission_denied() { let err = permission_denied(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::PermissionDenied); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "permission denied"); } #[test] fn test_permission_denied_msg() { let err = permission_denied_msg("run again with the --allow-net flag".to_string()); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::PermissionDenied); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "run again with the --allow-net flag"); } #[test] fn test_op_not_implemented() { let err = op_not_implemented(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::OpNotAvailable); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "op not implemented"); } #[test] fn test_no_buffer_specified() { let err = no_buffer_specified(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::InvalidInput); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "no buffer specified"); } #[test] fn test_no_async_support() { let err = no_async_support(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::NoAsyncSupport); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "op doesn't support async calls"); } #[test] fn test_no_sync_support() { let err = no_sync_support(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::NoSyncSupport); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "op doesn't support sync calls"); } }