// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use std::collections::HashMap; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::rc::Rc; use deno_ast::MediaType; use deno_core::anyhow::Context; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::futures; use deno_core::futures::future::LocalBoxFuture; use deno_runtime::deno_node::NodeResolver; use deno_semver::package::PackageNv; use deno_task_shell::ExecutableCommand; use deno_task_shell::ExecuteResult; use deno_task_shell::ShellCommand; use deno_task_shell::ShellCommandContext; use lazy_regex::Lazy; use regex::Regex; use tokio::task::LocalSet; use crate::npm::CliNpmResolver; use crate::npm::InnerCliNpmResolverRef; use crate::npm::ManagedCliNpmResolver; pub fn get_script_with_args(script: &str, argv: &[String]) -> String { let additional_args = argv .iter() // surround all the additional arguments in double quotes // and sanitize any command substitution .map(|a| format!("\"{}\"", a.replace('"', "\\\"").replace('$', "\\$"))) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .join(" "); let script = format!("{script} {additional_args}"); script.trim().to_owned() } pub struct RunTaskOptions<'a> { pub task_name: &'a str, pub script: &'a str, pub cwd: &'a Path, pub init_cwd: &'a Path, pub env_vars: HashMap<String, String>, pub argv: &'a [String], pub custom_commands: HashMap<String, Rc<dyn ShellCommand>>, pub root_node_modules_dir: Option<&'a Path>, } pub type TaskCustomCommands = HashMap<String, Rc<dyn ShellCommand>>; pub async fn run_task(opts: RunTaskOptions<'_>) -> Result<i32, AnyError> { let script = get_script_with_args(opts.script, opts.argv); let seq_list = deno_task_shell::parser::parse(&script) .with_context(|| format!("Error parsing script '{}'.", opts.task_name))?; let env_vars = prepare_env_vars(opts.env_vars, opts.init_cwd, opts.root_node_modules_dir); let local = LocalSet::new(); let future = deno_task_shell::execute( seq_list, env_vars, opts.cwd, opts.custom_commands, ); Ok(local.run_until(future).await) } fn prepare_env_vars( mut env_vars: HashMap<String, String>, initial_cwd: &Path, node_modules_dir: Option<&Path>, ) -> HashMap<String, String> { const INIT_CWD_NAME: &str = "INIT_CWD"; if !env_vars.contains_key(INIT_CWD_NAME) { // if not set, set an INIT_CWD env var that has the cwd env_vars.insert( INIT_CWD_NAME.to_string(), initial_cwd.to_string_lossy().to_string(), ); } if let Some(node_modules_dir) = node_modules_dir { prepend_to_path( &mut env_vars, node_modules_dir.join(".bin").to_string_lossy().to_string(), ); } env_vars } fn prepend_to_path(env_vars: &mut HashMap<String, String>, value: String) { match env_vars.get_mut("PATH") { Some(path) => { if path.is_empty() { *path = value; } else { *path = format!("{}{}{}", value, if cfg!(windows) { ";" } else { ":" }, path); } } None => { env_vars.insert("PATH".to_string(), value); } } } pub fn real_env_vars() -> HashMap<String, String> { std::env::vars() .map(|(k, v)| { if cfg!(windows) { (k.to_uppercase(), v) } else { (k, v) } }) .collect::<HashMap<String, String>>() } // WARNING: Do not depend on this env var in user code. It's not stable API. pub(crate) const USE_PKG_JSON_HIDDEN_ENV_VAR_NAME: &str = "DENO_INTERNAL_TASK_USE_PKG_JSON"; pub struct NpmCommand; impl ShellCommand for NpmCommand { fn execute( &self, mut context: ShellCommandContext, ) -> LocalBoxFuture<'static, ExecuteResult> { if context.args.first().map(|s| s.as_str()) == Some("run") && context.args.len() > 2 // for now, don't run any npm scripts that have a flag because // we don't handle stuff like `--workspaces` properly && !context.args.iter().any(|s| s.starts_with('-')) { // run with deno task instead let mut args = Vec::with_capacity(context.args.len()); args.push("task".to_string()); args.extend(context.args.iter().skip(1).cloned()); let mut state = context.state; state.apply_env_var(USE_PKG_JSON_HIDDEN_ENV_VAR_NAME, "1"); return ExecutableCommand::new( "deno".to_string(), std::env::current_exe().unwrap(), ) .execute(ShellCommandContext { args, state, ..context }); } // fallback to running the real npm command let npm_path = match context.state.resolve_command_path("npm") { Ok(path) => path, Err(err) => { let _ = context.stderr.write_line(&format!("{}", err)); return Box::pin(futures::future::ready( ExecuteResult::from_exit_code(err.exit_code()), )); } }; ExecutableCommand::new("npm".to_string(), npm_path).execute(context) } } pub struct NodeCommand; impl ShellCommand for NodeCommand { fn execute( &self, context: ShellCommandContext, ) -> LocalBoxFuture<'static, ExecuteResult> { // run with deno if it's a simple invocation, fall back to node // if there are extra flags let mut args = Vec::with_capacity(context.args.len()); if context.args.len() > 1 && ( context.args[0].starts_with('-') // has a flag || !matches!( MediaType::from_str(&context.args[0]), MediaType::Cjs | MediaType::Mjs | MediaType::JavaScript ) // not a script file ) { return ExecutableCommand::new( "node".to_string(), "node".to_string().into(), ) .execute(context); } args.extend(["run", "-A"].into_iter().map(|s| s.to_string())); args.extend(context.args.iter().cloned()); let mut state = context.state; state.apply_env_var(USE_PKG_JSON_HIDDEN_ENV_VAR_NAME, "1"); ExecutableCommand::new("deno".to_string(), std::env::current_exe().unwrap()) .execute(ShellCommandContext { args, state, ..context }) } } pub struct NodeGypCommand; impl ShellCommand for NodeGypCommand { fn execute( &self, context: ShellCommandContext, ) -> LocalBoxFuture<'static, ExecuteResult> { // at the moment this shell command is just to give a warning if node-gyp is not found // in the future, we could try to run/install node-gyp for the user with deno if context.state.resolve_command_path("node-gyp").is_err() { log::warn!("{} node-gyp was used in a script, but was not listed as a dependency. Either add it as a dependency or install it globally (e.g. `npm install -g node-gyp`)", crate::colors::yellow("Warning")); } ExecutableCommand::new( "node-gyp".to_string(), "node-gyp".to_string().into(), ) .execute(context) } } pub struct NpxCommand; impl ShellCommand for NpxCommand { fn execute( &self, mut context: ShellCommandContext, ) -> LocalBoxFuture<'static, ExecuteResult> { if let Some(first_arg) = context.args.first().cloned() { if let Some(command) = context.state.resolve_custom_command(&first_arg) { let context = ShellCommandContext { args: context.args.iter().skip(1).cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), ..context }; command.execute(context) } else { // can't find the command, so fallback to running the real npx command let npx_path = match context.state.resolve_command_path("npx") { Ok(npx) => npx, Err(err) => { let _ = context.stderr.write_line(&format!("{}", err)); return Box::pin(futures::future::ready( ExecuteResult::from_exit_code(err.exit_code()), )); } }; ExecutableCommand::new("npx".to_string(), npx_path).execute(context) } } else { let _ = context.stderr.write_line("npx: missing command"); Box::pin(futures::future::ready(ExecuteResult::from_exit_code(1))) } } } #[derive(Clone)] struct NpmPackageBinCommand { name: String, npm_package: PackageNv, } impl ShellCommand for NpmPackageBinCommand { fn execute( &self, context: ShellCommandContext, ) -> LocalBoxFuture<'static, ExecuteResult> { let mut args = vec![ "run".to_string(), "-A".to_string(), if self.npm_package.name == self.name { format!("npm:{}", self.npm_package) } else { format!("npm:{}/{}", self.npm_package, self.name) }, ]; args.extend(context.args); let executable_command = deno_task_shell::ExecutableCommand::new( "deno".to_string(), std::env::current_exe().unwrap(), ); executable_command.execute(ShellCommandContext { args, ..context }) } } /// Runs a module in the node_modules folder. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct NodeModulesFileRunCommand { pub command_name: String, pub path: PathBuf, } impl ShellCommand for NodeModulesFileRunCommand { fn execute( &self, mut context: ShellCommandContext, ) -> LocalBoxFuture<'static, ExecuteResult> { let mut args = vec![ "run".to_string(), "--ext=js".to_string(), "-A".to_string(), self.path.to_string_lossy().to_string(), ]; args.extend(context.args); let executable_command = deno_task_shell::ExecutableCommand::new( "deno".to_string(), std::env::current_exe().unwrap(), ); // set this environment variable so that the launched process knows the npm command name context .state .apply_env_var("DENO_INTERNAL_NPM_CMD_NAME", &self.command_name); executable_command.execute(ShellCommandContext { args, ..context }) } } pub fn resolve_custom_commands( npm_resolver: &dyn CliNpmResolver, node_resolver: &NodeResolver, ) -> Result<HashMap<String, Rc<dyn ShellCommand>>, AnyError> { let mut commands = match npm_resolver.as_inner() { InnerCliNpmResolverRef::Byonm(npm_resolver) => { let node_modules_dir = npm_resolver.root_node_modules_path().unwrap(); resolve_npm_commands_from_bin_dir(node_modules_dir) } InnerCliNpmResolverRef::Managed(npm_resolver) => { resolve_managed_npm_commands(npm_resolver, node_resolver)? } }; commands.insert("npm".to_string(), Rc::new(NpmCommand)); Ok(commands) } pub fn resolve_npm_commands_from_bin_dir( node_modules_dir: &Path, ) -> HashMap<String, Rc<dyn ShellCommand>> { let mut result = HashMap::<String, Rc<dyn ShellCommand>>::new(); let bin_dir = node_modules_dir.join(".bin"); log::debug!("Resolving commands in '{}'.", bin_dir.display()); match std::fs::read_dir(&bin_dir) { Ok(entries) => { for entry in entries { let Ok(entry) = entry else { continue; }; if let Some(command) = resolve_bin_dir_entry_command(entry) { result.insert(command.command_name.clone(), Rc::new(command)); } } } Err(err) => { log::debug!("Failed read_dir for '{}': {:#}", bin_dir.display(), err); } } result } fn resolve_bin_dir_entry_command( entry: std::fs::DirEntry, ) -> Option<NodeModulesFileRunCommand> { if entry.path().extension().is_some() { return None; // only look at files without extensions (even on Windows) } let file_type = entry.file_type().ok()?; let path = if file_type.is_file() { entry.path() } else if file_type.is_symlink() { entry.path().canonicalize().ok()? } else { return None; }; let text = std::fs::read_to_string(&path).ok()?; let command_name = entry.file_name().to_string_lossy().to_string(); if let Some(path) = resolve_execution_path_from_npx_shim(path, &text) { log::debug!( "Resolved npx command '{}' to '{}'.", command_name, path.display() ); Some(NodeModulesFileRunCommand { command_name, path }) } else { log::debug!("Failed resolving npx command '{}'.", command_name); None } } /// This is not ideal, but it works ok because it allows us to bypass /// the shebang and execute the script directly with Deno. fn resolve_execution_path_from_npx_shim( file_path: PathBuf, text: &str, ) -> Option<PathBuf> { static SCRIPT_PATH_RE: Lazy<Regex> = lazy_regex::lazy_regex!(r#""\$basedir\/([^"]+)" "\$@""#); if text.starts_with("#!/usr/bin/env node") { // launch this file itself because it's a JS file Some(file_path) } else { // Search for... // > "$basedir/../next/dist/bin/next" "$@" // ...which is what it will look like on Windows SCRIPT_PATH_RE .captures(text) .and_then(|c| c.get(1)) .map(|relative_path| { file_path.parent().unwrap().join(relative_path.as_str()) }) } } fn resolve_managed_npm_commands( npm_resolver: &ManagedCliNpmResolver, node_resolver: &NodeResolver, ) -> Result<HashMap<String, Rc<dyn ShellCommand>>, AnyError> { let mut result = HashMap::new(); let snapshot = npm_resolver.snapshot(); for id in snapshot.top_level_packages() { let package_folder = npm_resolver.resolve_pkg_folder_from_pkg_id(id)?; let bin_commands = node_resolver.resolve_binary_commands(&package_folder)?; for bin_command in bin_commands { result.insert( bin_command.to_string(), Rc::new(NpmPackageBinCommand { name: bin_command, npm_package: id.nv.clone(), }) as Rc<dyn ShellCommand>, ); } } if !result.contains_key("npx") { result.insert("npx".to_string(), Rc::new(NpxCommand)); } Ok(result) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; #[test] fn test_prepend_to_path() { let mut env_vars = HashMap::new(); prepend_to_path(&mut env_vars, "/example".to_string()); assert_eq!( env_vars, HashMap::from([("PATH".to_string(), "/example".to_string())]) ); prepend_to_path(&mut env_vars, "/example2".to_string()); let separator = if cfg!(windows) { ";" } else { ":" }; assert_eq!( env_vars, HashMap::from([( "PATH".to_string(), format!("/example2{}/example", separator) )]) ); env_vars.get_mut("PATH").unwrap().clear(); prepend_to_path(&mut env_vars, "/example".to_string()); assert_eq!( env_vars, HashMap::from([("PATH".to_string(), "/example".to_string())]) ); } #[test] fn test_resolve_execution_path_from_npx_shim() { // example shim on unix let unix_shim = r#"#!/usr/bin/env node "use strict"; console.log('Hi!'); "#; let path = PathBuf::from("/node_modules/.bin/example"); assert_eq!( resolve_execution_path_from_npx_shim(path.clone(), unix_shim).unwrap(), path ); // example shim on windows let windows_shim = r#"#!/bin/sh basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')") case `uname` in *CYGWIN*|*MINGW*|*MSYS*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;; esac if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then exec "$basedir/node" "$basedir/../example/bin/example" "$@" else exec node "$basedir/../example/bin/example" "$@" fi"#; assert_eq!( resolve_execution_path_from_npx_shim(path.clone(), windows_shim).unwrap(), path.parent().unwrap().join("../example/bin/example") ); } }