// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. const { Buffer, copy, remove } = Deno; type Closer = Deno.Closer; type Reader = Deno.Reader; type ReadResult = Deno.ReadResult; type Writer = Deno.Writer; import { FormFile } from "../multipart/formfile.ts"; import { findIndex, findLastIndex, hasPrefix, equal } from "../bytes/bytes.ts"; import { copyN } from "../io/ioutil.ts"; import { MultiReader } from "../io/readers.ts"; import { tempFile } from "../io/util.ts"; import { BufReader, BufState, BufWriter } from "../io/bufio.ts"; import { TextProtoReader } from "../textproto/mod.ts"; import { encoder } from "../strings/strings.ts"; import * as path from "../fs/path.ts"; function randomBoundary(): string { let boundary = "--------------------------"; for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) { boundary += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10).toString(16); } return boundary; } export function matchAfterPrefix( a: Uint8Array, prefix: Uint8Array, bufState: BufState ): number { if (a.length === prefix.length) { if (bufState) { return 1; } return 0; } const c = a[prefix.length]; if ( c === " ".charCodeAt(0) || c === "\t".charCodeAt(0) || c === "\r".charCodeAt(0) || c === "\n".charCodeAt(0) || c === "-".charCodeAt(0) ) { return 1; } return -1; } export function scanUntilBoundary( buf: Uint8Array, dashBoundary: Uint8Array, newLineDashBoundary: Uint8Array, total: number, state: BufState ): [number, BufState] { if (total === 0) { if (hasPrefix(buf, dashBoundary)) { switch (matchAfterPrefix(buf, dashBoundary, state)) { case -1: return [dashBoundary.length, null]; case 0: return [0, null]; case 1: return [0, "EOF"]; } if (hasPrefix(dashBoundary, buf)) { return [0, state]; } } } const i = findIndex(buf, newLineDashBoundary); if (i >= 0) { switch (matchAfterPrefix(buf.slice(i), newLineDashBoundary, state)) { case -1: // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands return [i + newLineDashBoundary.length, null]; case 0: return [i, null]; case 1: return [i, "EOF"]; } } if (hasPrefix(newLineDashBoundary, buf)) { return [0, state]; } const j = findLastIndex(buf, newLineDashBoundary.slice(0, 1)); if (j >= 0 && hasPrefix(newLineDashBoundary, buf.slice(j))) { return [j, null]; } return [buf.length, state]; } let i = 0; class PartReader implements Reader, Closer { n: number = 0; total: number = 0; bufState: BufState = null; index = i++; constructor(private mr: MultipartReader, public readonly headers: Headers) {} async read(p: Uint8Array): Promise { const br = this.mr.bufReader; const returnResult = (nread: number, bufState: BufState): ReadResult => { if (bufState && bufState !== "EOF") { throw bufState; } return { nread, eof: bufState === "EOF" }; }; if (this.n === 0 && !this.bufState) { const [peek] = await br.peek(br.buffered()); const [n, state] = scanUntilBoundary( peek, this.mr.dashBoundary, this.mr.newLineDashBoundary, this.total, this.bufState ); this.n = n; this.bufState = state; if (this.n === 0 && !this.bufState) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands const [, state] = await br.peek(peek.length + 1); this.bufState = state; if (this.bufState === "EOF") { this.bufState = new RangeError("unexpected eof"); } } } if (this.n === 0) { return returnResult(0, this.bufState); } let n = 0; if (p.byteLength > this.n) { n = this.n; } const buf = p.slice(0, n); const [nread] = await this.mr.bufReader.readFull(buf); p.set(buf); this.total += nread; this.n -= nread; if (this.n === 0) { return returnResult(n, this.bufState); } return returnResult(n, null); } close(): void {} private contentDisposition: string; private contentDispositionParams: { [key: string]: string }; private getContentDispositionParams(): { [key: string]: string } { if (this.contentDispositionParams) return this.contentDispositionParams; const cd = this.headers.get("content-disposition"); const params = {}; const comps = cd.split(";"); this.contentDisposition = comps[0]; comps .slice(1) .map((v): string => v.trim()) .map( (kv): void => { const [k, v] = kv.split("="); if (v) { const s = v.charAt(0); const e = v.charAt(v.length - 1); if ((s === e && s === '"') || s === "'") { params[k] = v.substr(1, v.length - 2); } else { params[k] = v; } } } ); return (this.contentDispositionParams = params); } get fileName(): string { return this.getContentDispositionParams()["filename"]; } get formName(): string { const p = this.getContentDispositionParams(); if (this.contentDisposition === "form-data") { return p["name"]; } return ""; } } function skipLWSPChar(u: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { const ret = new Uint8Array(u.length); const sp = " ".charCodeAt(0); const ht = "\t".charCodeAt(0); let j = 0; for (let i = 0; i < u.length; i++) { if (u[i] === sp || u[i] === ht) continue; ret[j++] = u[i]; } return ret.slice(0, j); } /** Reader for parsing multipart/form-data */ export class MultipartReader { readonly newLine = encoder.encode("\r\n"); readonly newLineDashBoundary = encoder.encode(`\r\n--${this.boundary}`); readonly dashBoundaryDash = encoder.encode(`--${this.boundary}--`); readonly dashBoundary = encoder.encode(`--${this.boundary}`); readonly bufReader: BufReader; constructor(private reader: Reader, private boundary: string) { this.bufReader = new BufReader(reader); } /** Read all form data from stream. * If total size of stored data in memory exceed maxMemory, * overflowed file data will be written to temporal files. * String field values are never written to files */ async readForm( maxMemory: number ): Promise<{ [key: string]: string | FormFile }> { const result = Object.create(null); let maxValueBytes = maxMemory + (10 << 20); const buf = new Buffer(new Uint8Array(maxValueBytes)); for (;;) { const p = await this.nextPart(); if (!p) { break; } if (p.formName === "") { continue; } buf.reset(); if (!p.fileName) { // value const n = await copyN(buf, p, maxValueBytes); maxValueBytes -= n; if (maxValueBytes < 0) { throw new RangeError("message too large"); } const value = buf.toString(); result[p.formName] = value; continue; } // file let formFile: FormFile; const n = await copy(buf, p); if (n > maxMemory) { // too big, write to disk and flush buffer const ext = path.extname(p.fileName); const { file, filepath } = await tempFile(".", { prefix: "multipart-", postfix: ext }); try { const size = await copyN( file, new MultiReader(buf, p), maxValueBytes ); file.close(); formFile = { filename: p.fileName, type: p.headers.get("content-type"), tempfile: filepath, size }; } catch (e) { await remove(filepath); } } else { formFile = { filename: p.fileName, type: p.headers.get("content-type"), content: buf.bytes(), size: buf.bytes().byteLength }; maxMemory -= n; maxValueBytes -= n; } result[p.formName] = formFile; } return result; } private currentPart: PartReader; private partsRead: number; private async nextPart(): Promise { if (this.currentPart) { this.currentPart.close(); } if (equal(this.dashBoundary, encoder.encode("--"))) { throw new Error("boundary is empty"); } let expectNewPart = false; for (;;) { const [line, state] = await this.bufReader.readSlice("\n".charCodeAt(0)); if (state === "EOF" && this.isFinalBoundary(line)) { break; } if (state) { throw new Error(`aa${state.toString()}`); } if (this.isBoundaryDelimiterLine(line)) { this.partsRead++; const r = new TextProtoReader(this.bufReader); const [headers, state] = await r.readMIMEHeader(); if (state) { throw state; } const np = new PartReader(this, headers); this.currentPart = np; return np; } if (this.isFinalBoundary(line)) { break; } if (expectNewPart) { throw new Error(`expecting a new Part; got line ${line}`); } if (this.partsRead === 0) { continue; } if (equal(line, this.newLine)) { expectNewPart = true; continue; } throw new Error(`unexpected line in next(): ${line}`); } } private isFinalBoundary(line: Uint8Array): boolean { if (!hasPrefix(line, this.dashBoundaryDash)) { return false; } let rest = line.slice(this.dashBoundaryDash.length, line.length); return rest.length === 0 || equal(skipLWSPChar(rest), this.newLine); } private isBoundaryDelimiterLine(line: Uint8Array): boolean { if (!hasPrefix(line, this.dashBoundary)) { return false; } const rest = line.slice(this.dashBoundary.length); return equal(skipLWSPChar(rest), this.newLine); } } class PartWriter implements Writer { closed = false; private readonly partHeader: string; private headersWritten: boolean = false; constructor( private writer: Writer, readonly boundary: string, public headers: Headers, isFirstBoundary: boolean ) { let buf = ""; if (isFirstBoundary) { buf += `--${boundary}\r\n`; } else { buf += `\r\n--${boundary}\r\n`; } for (const [key, value] of headers.entries()) { buf += `${key}: ${value}\r\n`; } buf += `\r\n`; this.partHeader = buf; } close(): void { this.closed = true; } async write(p: Uint8Array): Promise { if (this.closed) { throw new Error("part is closed"); } if (!this.headersWritten) { await this.writer.write(encoder.encode(this.partHeader)); this.headersWritten = true; } return this.writer.write(p); } } function checkBoundary(b: string): string { if (b.length < 1 || b.length > 70) { throw new Error(`invalid boundary length: ${b.length}`); } const end = b.length - 1; for (let i = 0; i < end; i++) { const c = b.charAt(i); if (!c.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9'()+_,\-./:=?]/) || (c === " " && i !== end)) { throw new Error("invalid boundary character: " + c); } } return b; } /** Writer for creating multipart/form-data */ export class MultipartWriter { private readonly _boundary: string; get boundary(): string { return this._boundary; } private lastPart: PartWriter; private bufWriter: BufWriter; private isClosed: boolean = false; constructor(private readonly writer: Writer, boundary?: string) { if (boundary !== void 0) { this._boundary = checkBoundary(boundary); } else { this._boundary = randomBoundary(); } this.bufWriter = new BufWriter(writer); } formDataContentType(): string { return `multipart/form-data; boundary=${this.boundary}`; } private createPart(headers: Headers): Writer { if (this.isClosed) { throw new Error("multipart: writer is closed"); } if (this.lastPart) { this.lastPart.close(); } const part = new PartWriter( this.writer, this.boundary, headers, !this.lastPart ); this.lastPart = part; return part; } createFormFile(field: string, filename: string): Writer { const h = new Headers(); h.set( "Content-Disposition", `form-data; name="${field}"; filename="${filename}"` ); h.set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); return this.createPart(h); } createFormField(field: string): Writer { const h = new Headers(); h.set("Content-Disposition", `form-data; name="${field}"`); h.set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); return this.createPart(h); } async writeField(field: string, value: string): Promise { const f = await this.createFormField(field); await f.write(encoder.encode(value)); } async writeFile( field: string, filename: string, file: Reader ): Promise { const f = await this.createFormFile(field, filename); await copy(f, file); } private flush(): Promise { return this.bufWriter.flush(); } /** Close writer. No additional data can be writen to stream */ async close(): Promise { if (this.isClosed) { throw new Error("multipart: writer is closed"); } if (this.lastPart) { this.lastPart.close(); this.lastPart = void 0; } await this.writer.write(encoder.encode(`\r\n--${this.boundary}--\r\n`)); await this.flush(); this.isClosed = true; } }