#!/usr/bin/env -S deno --allow-net --allow-env // Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { parse } from "https://deno.land/std/flags/mod.ts"; function pathBase(p: string): string { const parts = p.split("/"); return parts[parts.length - 1]; } const token = Deno.env()["GIST_TOKEN"]; if (!token) { console.error("GIST_TOKEN environmental variable not set."); console.error("Get a token here: https://github.com/settings/tokens"); Deno.exit(1); } const parsedArgs = parse(Deno.args); if (parsedArgs._.length === 0) { console.error( "Usage: gist.ts --allow-env --allow-net [-t|--title Example] some_file " + "[next_file]" ); Deno.exit(1); } const files: Record<string, { content: string }> = {}; for (const filename of parsedArgs._) { const base = pathBase(filename); const content = await Deno.readFile(filename); const contentStr = new TextDecoder().decode(content); files[base] = { content: contentStr }; } const content = { description: parsedArgs.title || parsedArgs.t || "Example", public: false, files: files }; const body = JSON.stringify(content); const res = await fetch("https://api.github.com/gists", { method: "POST", headers: [ ["Content-Type", "application/json"], ["User-Agent", "Deno-Gist"], ["Authorization", `token ${token}`] ], body }); if (res.ok) { const resObj = await res.json(); console.log("Success"); console.log(resObj["html_url"]); } else { const err = await res.text(); console.error("Failure to POST", err); }