// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.

// TODO(petamoriken): enable prefer-primordials for node polyfills
// deno-lint-ignore-file prefer-primordials

// Mock trace for now
const trace = () => {};
import {
} from "ext:deno_node/internal/errors.ts";
import {
} from "ext:deno_node/internal/validators.mjs";
const previewEntries = (iter, isKeyValue) => {
  if (isKeyValue) {
    const arr = [...iter];
    if (Array.isArray(arr[0]) && arr[0].length === 2) {
      return [[].concat(...arr), true];
    return [arr, false];
  } else {
    return [...iter];
import { Buffer } from "node:buffer";
const { isBuffer } = Buffer;
import {
} from "ext:deno_node/internal/util/inspect.mjs";
import {
} from "ext:deno_node/internal/util/types.ts";
import {
  CHAR_LOWERCASE_B as kTraceBegin,
  CHAR_LOWERCASE_E as kTraceEnd,
  CHAR_LOWERCASE_N as kTraceInstant,
  CHAR_UPPERCASE_C as kTraceCount,
} from "ext:deno_node/internal/constants.ts";
import {
} from "ext:deno_node/internal/readline/callbacks.mjs";
import cliTable from "ext:deno_node/internal/cli_table.ts";
const kCounts = Symbol("counts");

const kTraceConsoleCategory = "node,node.console";

const kSecond = 1000;
const kMinute = 60 * kSecond;
const kHour = 60 * kMinute;
const kMaxGroupIndentation = 1000;

// Track amount of indentation required via `console.group()`.
const kGroupIndent = Symbol("kGroupIndent");
const kGroupIndentationWidth = Symbol("kGroupIndentWidth");
const kFormatForStderr = Symbol("kFormatForStderr");
const kFormatForStdout = Symbol("kFormatForStdout");
const kGetInspectOptions = Symbol("kGetInspectOptions");
const kColorMode = Symbol("kColorMode");
const kIsConsole = Symbol("kIsConsole");
const kWriteToConsole = Symbol("kWriteToConsole");
const kBindProperties = Symbol("kBindProperties");
const kBindStreamsEager = Symbol("kBindStreamsEager");
const kBindStreamsLazy = Symbol("kBindStreamsLazy");
const kUseStdout = Symbol("kUseStdout");
const kUseStderr = Symbol("kUseStderr");

const optionsMap = new WeakMap();

function Console(options /* or: stdout, stderr, ignoreErrors = true */) {
  // We have to test new.target here to see if this function is called
  // with new, because we need to define a custom instanceof to accommodate
  // the global console.
  if (!new.target) {
    return Reflect.construct(Console, arguments);

  if (!options || typeof options.write === "function") {
    options = {
      stdout: options,
      stderr: arguments[1],
      ignoreErrors: arguments[2],

  const {
    stderr = stdout,
    ignoreErrors = true,
    colorMode = "auto",
  } = options;

  if (!stdout || typeof stdout.write !== "function") {
    throw new ERR_CONSOLE_WRITABLE_STREAM("stdout");
  if (!stderr || typeof stderr.write !== "function") {
    throw new ERR_CONSOLE_WRITABLE_STREAM("stderr");

  if (typeof colorMode !== "boolean" && colorMode !== "auto") {
    throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE("colorMode", colorMode);

  if (groupIndentation !== undefined) {

  if (inspectOptions !== undefined) {
    validateObject(inspectOptions, "options.inspectOptions");

    if (
      inspectOptions.colors !== undefined &&
      options.colorMode !== undefined
    ) {
    optionsMap.set(this, inspectOptions);

  // Bind the prototype functions to this Console instance
  Object.keys(Console.prototype).forEach((key) => {
    // We have to bind the methods grabbed from the instance instead of from
    // the prototype so that users extending the Console can override them
    // from the prototype chain of the subclass.
    this[key] = this[key].bind(this);
    Object.defineProperty(this[key], "name", {
      value: key,

  this[kBindStreamsEager](stdout, stderr);
  this[kBindProperties](ignoreErrors, colorMode, groupIndentation);

const consolePropAttributes = {
  writable: true,
  enumerable: false,
  configurable: true,

// Fixup global.console instanceof global.console.Console
Object.defineProperty(Console, Symbol.hasInstance, {
  value(instance) {
    return instance === console || instance[kIsConsole];

const kColorInspectOptions = { colors: true };
const kNoColorInspectOptions = {};

Object.defineProperties(Console.prototype, {
  [kBindStreamsEager]: {
    // Eager version for the Console constructor
    value: function (stdout, stderr) {
      Object.defineProperties(this, {
        "_stdout": { ...consolePropAttributes, value: stdout },
        "_stderr": { ...consolePropAttributes, value: stderr },
  [kBindStreamsLazy]: {
    // Lazily load the stdout and stderr from an object so we don't
    // create the stdio streams when they are not even accessed
    value: function (object) {
      let stdout;
      let stderr;
      Object.defineProperties(this, {
        "_stdout": {
          enumerable: false,
          configurable: true,
          get() {
            if (!stdout) stdout = object.stdout;
            return stdout;
          set(value) {
            stdout = value;
        "_stderr": {
          enumerable: false,
          configurable: true,
          get() {
            if (!stderr) stderr = object.stderr;
            return stderr;
          set(value) {
            stderr = value;
  [kBindProperties]: {
    value: function (ignoreErrors, colorMode, groupIndentation = 2) {
      Object.defineProperties(this, {
        "_stdoutErrorHandler": {
          value: createWriteErrorHandler(this, kUseStdout),
        "_stderrErrorHandler": {
          value: createWriteErrorHandler(this, kUseStderr),
        "_ignoreErrors": {
          value: Boolean(ignoreErrors),
        "_times": { ...consolePropAttributes, value: new Map() },
        // Corresponds to https://console.spec.whatwg.org/#count-map
        [kCounts]: { ...consolePropAttributes, value: new Map() },
        [kColorMode]: { ...consolePropAttributes, value: colorMode },
        [kIsConsole]: { ...consolePropAttributes, value: true },
        [kGroupIndent]: { ...consolePropAttributes, value: "" },
        [kGroupIndentationWidth]: {
          value: groupIndentation,
        [Symbol.toStringTag]: {
          writable: false,
          enumerable: false,
          configurable: true,
          value: "console",
  [kWriteToConsole]: {
    value: function (streamSymbol, string) {
      const ignoreErrors = this._ignoreErrors;
      const groupIndent = this[kGroupIndent];

      const useStdout = streamSymbol === kUseStdout;
      const stream = useStdout ? this._stdout : this._stderr;
      const errorHandler = useStdout
        ? this._stdoutErrorHandler
        : this._stderrErrorHandler;

      if (groupIndent.length !== 0) {
        if (string.includes("\n")) {
          string = string.replace(/\n/g, `\n${groupIndent}`);
        string = groupIndent + string;
      string += "\n";

      if (ignoreErrors === false) return stream.write(string);

      // There may be an error occurring synchronously (e.g. for files or TTYs
      // on POSIX systems) or asynchronously (e.g. pipes on POSIX systems), so
      // handle both situations.
      try {
        // Add and later remove a noop error handler to catch synchronous
        // errors.
        if (stream.listenerCount("error") === 0) {
          stream.once("error", noop);

        stream.write(string, errorHandler);
      } catch (e) {
        // Console is a debugging utility, so it swallowing errors is not
        // desirable even in edge cases such as low stack space.
        if (isStackOverflowError(e)) {
          throw e;
        // Sorry, there's no proper way to pass along the error here.
      } finally {
        stream.removeListener("error", noop);
  [kGetInspectOptions]: {
    value: function (stream) {
      let color = this[kColorMode];
      if (color === "auto") {
        color = stream.isTTY && (
          typeof stream.getColorDepth === "function"
            ? stream.getColorDepth() > 2
            : true

      const options = optionsMap.get(this);
      if (options) {
        if (options.colors === undefined) {
          options.colors = color;
        return options;

      return color ? kColorInspectOptions : kNoColorInspectOptions;
  [kFormatForStdout]: {
    value: function (args) {
      const opts = this[kGetInspectOptions](this._stdout);
      return Reflect.apply(formatWithOptions, null, args);
  [kFormatForStderr]: {
    value: function (args) {
      const opts = this[kGetInspectOptions](this._stderr);
      return Reflect.apply(formatWithOptions, null, args);

// Make a function that can serve as the callback passed to `stream.write()`.
function createWriteErrorHandler(instance, streamSymbol) {
  return (err) => {
    // This conditional evaluates to true if and only if there was an error
    // that was not already emitted (which happens when the _write callback
    // is invoked asynchronously).
    const stream = streamSymbol === kUseStdout
      ? instance._stdout
      : instance._stderr;
    if (err !== null && !stream._writableState.errorEmitted) {
      // If there was an error, it will be emitted on `stream` as
      // an `error` event. Adding a `once` listener will keep that error
      // from becoming an uncaught exception, but since the handler is
      // removed after the event, non-console.* writes won't be affected.
      // we are only adding noop if there is no one else listening for 'error'
      if (stream.listenerCount("error") === 0) {
        stream.once("error", noop);

const consoleMethods = {
  log(...args) {
    this[kWriteToConsole](kUseStdout, this[kFormatForStdout](args));

  warn(...args) {
    this[kWriteToConsole](kUseStderr, this[kFormatForStderr](args));

  dir(object, options) {
      inspect(object, {
        customInspect: false,

  time(label = "default") {
    // Coerces everything other than Symbol to a string
    label = `${label}`;
    if (this._times.has(label)) {
      emitWarning(`Label '${label}' already exists for console.time()`);
    trace(kTraceBegin, kTraceConsoleCategory, `time::${label}`, 0);
    this._times.set(label, process.hrtime());

  timeEnd(label = "default") {
    // Coerces everything other than Symbol to a string
    label = `${label}`;
    const found = timeLogImpl(this, "timeEnd", label);
    trace(kTraceEnd, kTraceConsoleCategory, `time::${label}`, 0);
    if (found) {

  timeLog(label = "default", ...data) {
    // Coerces everything other than Symbol to a string
    label = `${label}`;
    timeLogImpl(this, "timeLog", label, data);
    trace(kTraceInstant, kTraceConsoleCategory, `time::${label}`, 0);

  trace: function trace(...args) {
    const err = {
      name: "Trace",
      message: this[kFormatForStderr](args),
    Error.captureStackTrace(err, trace);

  assert(expression, ...args) {
    if (!expression) {
      args[0] = `Assertion failed${args.length === 0 ? "" : `: ${args[0]}`}`;
      // The arguments will be formatted in warn() again
      Reflect.apply(this.warn, this, args);

  // Defined by: https://console.spec.whatwg.org/#clear
  clear() {
    // It only makes sense to clear if _stdout is a TTY.
    // Otherwise, do nothing.
    if (this._stdout.isTTY && process.env.TERM !== "dumb") {
      cursorTo(this._stdout, 0, 0);

  // Defined by: https://console.spec.whatwg.org/#count
  count(label = "default") {
    // Ensures that label is a string, and only things that can be
    // coerced to strings. e.g. Symbol is not allowed
    label = `${label}`;
    const counts = this[kCounts];
    let count = counts.get(label);
    if (count === undefined) {
      count = 1;
    } else {
    counts.set(label, count);
    trace(kTraceCount, kTraceConsoleCategory, `count::${label}`, 0, count);
    this.log(`${label}: ${count}`);

  // Defined by: https://console.spec.whatwg.org/#countreset
  countReset(label = "default") {
    const counts = this[kCounts];
    if (!counts.has(label)) {
      emitWarning(`Count for '${label}' does not exist`);
    trace(kTraceCount, kTraceConsoleCategory, `count::${label}`, 0, 0);

  group(...data) {
    if (data.length > 0) {
      Reflect.apply(this.log, this, data);
    this[kGroupIndent] += " ".repeat(this[kGroupIndentationWidth]);

  groupEnd() {
    this[kGroupIndent] = this[kGroupIndent].slice(
      this[kGroupIndent].length - this[kGroupIndentationWidth],

  // https://console.spec.whatwg.org/#table
  table(tabularData, properties) {
    console.log("tabularData", tabularData);
    if (properties !== undefined) {
      validateArray(properties, "properties");

    if (tabularData === null || typeof tabularData !== "object") {
      return this.log(tabularData);

    const final = (k, v) => this.log(cliTable(k, v));

    const _inspect = (v) => {
      const depth = v !== null &&
          typeof v === "object" &&
          !isArray(v) &&
          Object.keys(v).length > 2
        ? -1
        : 0;
      const opt = {
        maxArrayLength: 3,
        breakLength: Infinity,
      return inspect(v, opt);
    const getIndexArray = (length) =>
        { length },
        (_, i) => _inspect(i),

    const mapIter = isMapIterator(tabularData);
    let isKeyValue = false;
    let i = 0;
    if (mapIter) {
      const res = previewEntries(tabularData, true);
      tabularData = res[0];
      isKeyValue = res[1];

    if (isKeyValue || isMap(tabularData)) {
      const keys = [];
      const values = [];
      let length = 0;
      if (mapIter) {
        for (; i < tabularData.length / 2; ++i) {
          keys.push(_inspect(tabularData[i * 2]));
          values.push(_inspect(tabularData[i * 2 + 1]));
      } else {
        for (const { 0: k, 1: v } of tabularData) {
      return final([
      ], [

    const setIter = isSetIterator(tabularData);
    if (setIter) {
      tabularData = previewEntries(tabularData);

    const setlike = setIter || mapIter || isSet(tabularData);
    if (setlike) {
      const values = [];
      let length = 0;
      console.log("tabularData", tabularData);
      for (const v of tabularData) {
      return final([iterKey, valuesKey], [getIndexArray(length), values]);

    const map = Object.create(null);
    let hasPrimitives = false;
    const valuesKeyArray = [];
    const indexKeyArray = Object.keys(tabularData);

    for (; i < indexKeyArray.length; i++) {
      const item = tabularData[indexKeyArray[i]];
      const primitive = item === null ||
        (typeof item !== "function" && typeof item !== "object");
      if (properties === undefined && primitive) {
        hasPrimitives = true;
        valuesKeyArray[i] = _inspect(item);
      } else {
        const keys = properties || Object.keys(item);
        for (const key of keys) {
          if (map[key] === undefined) {
            map[key] = [];
          if (
            (primitive && properties) ||
            !Object.hasOwn(item, key)
          ) {
            map[key][i] = "";
          } else {
            map[key][i] = _inspect(item[key]);

    const keys = Object.keys(map);
    const values = Object.values(map);
    if (hasPrimitives) {

    return final(keys, values);

// Returns true if label was found
function timeLogImpl(self, name, label, data) {
  const time = self._times.get(label);
  if (time === undefined) {
    emitWarning(`No such label '${label}' for console.${name}()`);
    return false;
  const duration = process.hrtime(time);
  const ms = duration[0] * 1000 + duration[1] / 1e6;

  const formatted = formatTime(ms);

  if (data === undefined) {
    self.log("%s: %s", label, formatted);
  } else {
    self.log("%s: %s", label, formatted, ...data);
  return true;

function pad(value) {
  return `${value}`.padStart(2, "0");

function formatTime(ms) {
  let hours = 0;
  let minutes = 0;
  let seconds = 0;

  if (ms >= kSecond) {
    if (ms >= kMinute) {
      if (ms >= kHour) {
        hours = Math.floor(ms / kHour);
        ms = ms % kHour;
      minutes = Math.floor(ms / kMinute);
      ms = ms % kMinute;
    seconds = ms / kSecond;

  if (hours !== 0 || minutes !== 0) {
    ({ 0: seconds, 1: ms } = seconds.toFixed(3).split("."));
    const res = hours !== 0 ? `${hours}:${pad(minutes)}` : minutes;
    return `${res}:${pad(seconds)}.${ms} (${hours !== 0 ? "h:m" : ""}m:ss.mmm)`;

  if (seconds !== 0) {
    return `${seconds.toFixed(3)}s`;

  return `${Number(ms.toFixed(3))}ms`;

const keyKey = "Key";
const valuesKey = "Values";
const indexKey = "(index)";
const iterKey = "(iteration index)";

const isArray = (v) => Array.isArray(v) || isTypedArray(v) || isBuffer(v);

function noop() {}

for (const method of Reflect.ownKeys(consoleMethods)) {
  Console.prototype[method] = consoleMethods[method];

Console.prototype.debug = Console.prototype.log;
Console.prototype.info = Console.prototype.log;
Console.prototype.dirxml = Console.prototype.log;
Console.prototype.error = Console.prototype.warn;
Console.prototype.groupCollapsed = Console.prototype.group;

export { Console, formatTime, kBindProperties, kBindStreamsLazy };
export default {