// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license.

/// This module is shared between build script and the binaries. Use it sparsely.
use deno_core::anyhow::bail;
use deno_core::error::AnyError;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub enum ReleaseChannel {
  /// Stable version, eg. 1.45.4, 2.0.0, 2.1.0

  /// Pointing to a git hash

  /// Long term support release

  /// Release candidate, eg. 1.46.0-rc.0, 2.0.0-rc.1

impl ReleaseChannel {
  pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
    match self {
      Self::Stable => "stable",
      Self::Canary => "canary",
      Self::Rc => "release candidate",
      Self::Lts => "long term support",

  // NOTE(bartlomieju): do not ever change these values, tools like `patchver`
  // rely on them.
  pub fn serialize(&self) -> String {
    match self {
      Self::Stable => "stable",
      Self::Canary => "canary",
      Self::Rc => "rc",
      Self::Lts => "lts",

  // NOTE(bartlomieju): do not ever change these values, tools like `patchver`
  // rely on them.
  pub fn deserialize(str_: &str) -> Result<Self, AnyError> {
    Ok(match str_ {
      "stable" => Self::Stable,
      "canary" => Self::Canary,
      "rc" => Self::Rc,
      "lts" => Self::Lts,
      unknown => bail!("Unrecognized release channel: {}", unknown),