// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and Node.js contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } from "ext:deno_node/internal/errors.ts"; import { validateInt32, validateObject, } from "ext:deno_node/internal/validators.mjs"; import { Buffer } from "ext:deno_node/buffer.ts"; import { notImplemented } from "ext:deno_node/_utils.ts"; import type { TransformOptions } from "ext:deno_node/_stream.d.ts"; import { Transform } from "ext:deno_node/_stream.mjs"; import { KeyObject } from "./keys.ts"; import type { BufferEncoding } from "ext:deno_node/_global.d.ts"; import type { BinaryLike, Encoding, } from "ext:deno_node/internal/crypto/types.ts"; import { getDefaultEncoding } from "ext:deno_node/internal/crypto/util.ts"; const { ops } = globalThis.__bootstrap.core; export type CipherCCMTypes = | "aes-128-ccm" | "aes-192-ccm" | "aes-256-ccm" | "chacha20-poly1305"; export type CipherGCMTypes = "aes-128-gcm" | "aes-192-gcm" | "aes-256-gcm"; export type CipherOCBTypes = "aes-128-ocb" | "aes-192-ocb" | "aes-256-ocb"; export type CipherKey = BinaryLike | KeyObject; export interface CipherCCMOptions extends TransformOptions { authTagLength: number; } export interface CipherGCMOptions extends TransformOptions { authTagLength?: number | undefined; } export interface CipherOCBOptions extends TransformOptions { authTagLength: number; } export interface Cipher extends ReturnType { update( data: string, inputEncoding?: Encoding, outputEncoding?: Encoding, ): string; final(outputEncoding?: BufferEncoding): string; setAutoPadding(autoPadding?: boolean): this; } export type Decipher = Cipher; export interface CipherCCM extends Cipher { setAAD( buffer: ArrayBufferView, options: { plaintextLength: number; }, ): this; getAuthTag(): Buffer; } export interface CipherGCM extends Cipher { setAAD( buffer: ArrayBufferView, options?: { plaintextLength: number; }, ): this; getAuthTag(): Buffer; } export interface CipherOCB extends Cipher { setAAD( buffer: ArrayBufferView, options?: { plaintextLength: number; }, ): this; getAuthTag(): Buffer; } export interface DecipherCCM extends Decipher { setAuthTag(buffer: ArrayBufferView): this; setAAD( buffer: ArrayBufferView, options: { plaintextLength: number; }, ): this; } export interface DecipherGCM extends Decipher { setAuthTag(buffer: ArrayBufferView): this; setAAD( buffer: ArrayBufferView, options?: { plaintextLength: number; }, ): this; } export interface DecipherOCB extends Decipher { setAuthTag(buffer: ArrayBufferView): this; setAAD( buffer: ArrayBufferView, options?: { plaintextLength: number; }, ): this; } export class Cipheriv extends Transform implements Cipher { /** CipherContext resource id */ #context: number; /** plaintext data cache */ #cache: BlockModeCache; constructor( cipher: string, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike | null, options?: TransformOptions, ) { super(options); this.#cache = new BlockModeCache(); this.#context = ops.op_node_create_cipheriv(cipher, key, iv); } final(encoding: string = getDefaultEncoding()): Buffer | string { const buf = new Buffer(16); ops.op_node_cipheriv_final(this.#context, this.#cache.cache, buf); return encoding === "buffer" ? buf : buf.toString(encoding); } getAuthTag(): Buffer { notImplemented("crypto.Cipheriv.prototype.getAuthTag"); } setAAD( _buffer: ArrayBufferView, _options?: { plaintextLength: number; }, ): this { notImplemented("crypto.Cipheriv.prototype.setAAD"); return this; } setAutoPadding(_autoPadding?: boolean): this { notImplemented("crypto.Cipheriv.prototype.setAutoPadding"); return this; } update( data: string | Buffer | ArrayBufferView, // TODO(kt3k): Handle inputEncoding _inputEncoding?: Encoding, outputEncoding: Encoding = getDefaultEncoding(), ): Buffer | string { this.#cache.add(data); const input = this.#cache.get(); const output = new Buffer(input.length); ops.op_node_cipheriv_encrypt(this.#context, input, output); return outputEncoding === "buffer" ? output : output.toString(outputEncoding); } } /** Caches data and output the chunk of multiple of 16. * Used by CBC, ECB modes of block ciphers */ class BlockModeCache { constructor() { this.cache = new Uint8Array(0); } add(data: Uint8Array) { const cache = this.cache; this.cache = new Uint8Array(cache.length + data.length); this.cache.set(cache); this.cache.set(data, cache.length); } get(): Uint8Array { if (this.cache.length < 16) { return null; } const len = Math.floor(this.cache.length / 16) * 16; const out = this.cache.subarray(0, len); this.cache = this.cache.subarray(len); return out; } } export class Decipheriv extends Transform implements Cipher { constructor( _cipher: string, _key: CipherKey, _iv: BinaryLike | null, _options?: TransformOptions, ) { super(); notImplemented("crypto.Decipheriv"); } final(_outputEncoding?: string): Buffer | string { notImplemented("crypto.Decipheriv.prototype.final"); } setAAD( _buffer: ArrayBufferView, _options?: { plaintextLength: number; }, ): this { notImplemented("crypto.Decipheriv.prototype.setAAD"); } setAuthTag(_buffer: BinaryLike, _encoding?: string): this { notImplemented("crypto.Decipheriv.prototype.setAuthTag"); } setAutoPadding(_autoPadding?: boolean): this { notImplemented("crypto.Decipheriv.prototype.setAutoPadding"); } update( _data: string | BinaryLike | ArrayBufferView, _inputEncoding?: Encoding, _outputEncoding?: Encoding, ): Buffer | string { notImplemented("crypto.Decipheriv.prototype.update"); } } export function getCipherInfo( nameOrNid: string | number, options?: { keyLength?: number; ivLength?: number }, ) { if (typeof nameOrNid !== "string" && typeof nameOrNid !== "number") { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( "nameOrNid", ["string", "number"], nameOrNid, ); } if (typeof nameOrNid === "number") { validateInt32(nameOrNid, "nameOrNid"); } let keyLength, ivLength; if (options !== undefined) { validateObject(options, "options"); ({ keyLength, ivLength } = options); if (keyLength !== undefined) { validateInt32(keyLength, "options.keyLength"); } if (ivLength !== undefined) { validateInt32(ivLength, "options.ivLength"); } } notImplemented("crypto.getCipherInfo"); } export function privateEncrypt( privateKey: ArrayBufferView | string | KeyObject, buffer: ArrayBufferView | string | KeyObject, ): Buffer { const padding = privateKey.padding || 1; return ops.op_node_private_encrypt(privateKey, buffer, padding); } export function privateDecrypt( privateKey: ArrayBufferView | string | KeyObject, buffer: ArrayBufferView | string | KeyObject, ): Buffer { const padding = privateKey.padding || 1; return ops.op_node_private_decrypt(privateKey, buffer, padding); } export function publicEncrypt( publicKey: ArrayBufferView | string | KeyObject, buffer: ArrayBufferView | string | KeyObject, ): Buffer { const padding = publicKey.padding || 1; return ops.op_node_public_encrypt(publicKey, buffer, padding); } export function publicDecrypt() { notImplemented("crypto.publicDecrypt"); } export default { privateDecrypt, privateEncrypt, publicDecrypt, publicEncrypt, Cipheriv, Decipheriv, getCipherInfo, };